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<li class=md-nav__item> <a href=#mode class=md-nav__link> Mode </a> <nav class=md-nav aria-label=Mode> <ul class=md-nav__list> <li class=md-nav__item> <a href=#local class=md-nav__link> Local </a> </li> <li class=md-nav__item> <a href=#project class=md-nav__link> Project </a> </li> <li class=md-nav__item> <a href=#aware class=md-nav__link> Aware </a> </li> </ul> </nav> </li> <li class=md-nav__item> <a href=#shell class=md-nav__link> Shell </a> <nav class=md-nav aria-label=Shell> <ul class=md-nav__list> <li class=md-nav__item> <a href=#supported class=md-nav__link> Supported </a> </li> <li class=md-nav__item> <a href=#default class=md-nav__link> Default </a> </li> </ul> </nav> </li> <li class=md-nav__item> <a href=#directories class=md-nav__link> Directories </a> <nav class=md-nav aria-label=Directories> <ul class=md-nav__list> <li class=md-nav__item> <a href=#data class=md-nav__link> Data </a> </li> <li class=md-nav__item> <a href=#cache class=md-nav__link> Cache </a> </li> <li class=md-nav__item> <a href=#environments class=md-nav__link> Environments </a> </li> <li class=md-nav__item> <a href=#python-installations class=md-nav__link> Python installations </a> </li> </ul> </nav> </li> <li class=md-nav__item> <a href=#terminal class=md-nav__link> Terminal </a> <nav class=md-nav aria-label=Terminal> <ul class=md-nav__list> <li class=md-nav__item> <a href=#output-levels class=md-nav__link> Output levels </a> </li> <li class=md-nav__item> <a href=#spinner class=md-nav__link> Spinner </a> </li> </ul> </nav> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </div> <div class=md-content data-md-component=content> <article class="md-content__inner md-typeset"> <h1 id=hatch-configuration>Hatch configuration<a class=headerlink href=#hatch-configuration title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h1> <hr> <p>Configuration for Hatch itself is stored in a <code>config.toml</code> file located by default in one of the following platform-specific directories.</p> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Platform</th> <th>Path</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>macOS</td> <td><code>~/Library/Preferences/hatch</code></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Windows</td> <td><code>%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\hatch</code></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Unix</td> <td><code>$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/hatch</code> (the <a href=>XDG_CONFIG_HOME</a> environment variable default is <code>~/.config</code>)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>You can select a custom path to the file using the <code>--config</code> <a href=../../cli/reference/#hatch>root option</a> or by setting the <code>HATCH_CONFIG</code> environment variable.</p> <p>The file can be managed by the <a href=../../cli/reference/#hatch-config><code>config</code></a> command group.</p> <h2 id=mode>Mode<a class=headerlink href=#mode title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2> <p>The <code>mode</code> key controls how Hatch selects the project to work on.</p> <h3 id=local>Local<a class=headerlink href=#local title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3> <div class="tabbed-set tabbed-alternate" data-tabs=1:1><input checked=checked id=__tabbed_1_1 name=__tabbed_1 type=radio><div class=tabbed-labels><label for=__tabbed_1_1><span class=twemoji><svg xmlns= viewbox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-rule=evenodd d="M4 1.75C4 .784 4.784 0 5.75 0h5.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v8.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 14.25 15h-9a.75.75 0 0 1 0-1.5h9a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 10 4.25V1.5H5.75a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v2.5a.75.75 0 0 1-1.5 0v-2.5zm7.5-.188V4.25c0 . 0 0 0-.011-.013l-2.914-2.914a.272.272 0 0 0-.013-.011zM5.72 6.72a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l1.47 1.47-1.47 1.47a.75.75 0 1 0 1.06 1.06l2-2a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.06l-2-2a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06 0zM3.28 7.78a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06-1.06l-2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 1.06-1.06L1.81 9.25l1.47-1.47z"/></svg></span> config.toml</label></div> <div class=tabbed-content> <div class=tabbed-block> <div class=highlight><pre><span></span><code><span class=n>mode</span><span class=w> </span><span class=o>=</span><span class=w> </span><span class=s>&quot;local&quot;</span><span class=w></span>
</code></pre></div> </div> </div> </div> <p>By default, Hatch will look for a <code>pyproject.toml</code> or <code></code> file in the current working directory and any parent directories. The directory storing the first found file will be considered the project root.</p> <h3 id=project>Project<a class=headerlink href=#project title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3> <div class="tabbed-set tabbed-alternate" data-tabs=2:1><input checked=checked id=__tabbed_2_1 name=__tabbed_2 type=radio><div class=tabbed-labels><label for=__tabbed_2_1><span class=twemoji><svg xmlns= viewbox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-rule=evenodd d="M4 1.75C4 .784 4.784 0 5.75 0h5.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v8.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 14.25 15h-9a.75.75 0 0 1 0-1.5h9a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 10 4.25V1.5H5.75a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v2.5a.75.75 0 0 1-1.5 0v-2.5zm7.5-.188V4.25c0 . 0 0 0-.011-.013l-2.914-2.914a.272.272 0 0 0-.013-.011zM5.72 6.72a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l1.47 1.47-1.47 1.47a.75.75 0 1 0 1.06 1.06l2-2a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.06l-2-2a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06 0zM3.28 7.78a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06-1.06l-2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 1.06-1.06L1.81 9.25l1.47-1.47z"/></svg></span> config.toml</label></div> <div class=tabbed-content> <div class=tabbed-block> <div class=highlight><pre><span></span><code><span class=n>mode</span><span class=w> </span><span class=o>=</span><span class=w> </span><span class=s>&quot;project&quot;</span><span class=w></span>
<span class=n>project</span><span class=w> </span><span class=o>=</span><span class=w> </span><span class=s>&quot;proj1&quot;</span><span class=w></span>
<span class=k>[projects]</span><span class=w></span>
<span class=n>proj1</span><span class=w> </span><span class=o>=</span><span class=w> </span><span class=s>&quot;/path/to/project1&quot;</span><span class=w></span>
<span class=n>proj2</span><span class=w> </span><span class=o>=</span><span class=w> </span><span class=p>{</span><span class=s>&quot;location&quot;</span><span class=p>:</span><span class=w> </span><span class=s>&quot;/path/to/project2&quot;</span><span class=p>}</span><span class=w></span>
<span class=k>[dirs]</span><span class=w></span>
<span class=n>project</span><span class=w> </span><span class=o>=</span><span class=w> </span><span class=p>[</span><span class=s>&quot;/path/to/monorepo1&quot;</span><span class=p>,</span><span class=w> </span><span class=s>&quot;/path/to/monorepo2&quot;</span><span class=p>]</span><span class=w></span>
</code></pre></div> </div> </div> </div> <p>In this mode, Hatch will only work on the selected <code>project</code>. The project is located using multiple heuristics:</p> <ol> <li>If the project is defined in the <code>projects</code> table then it must be a string, or an inline table with a <code>location</code> key, that is the full path to the project.</li> <li>If the project matches a subdirectory in any of the directories listed in <code>dirs.project</code>, then that will be used as the project root.</li> </ol> <p>An error will occur if the project cannot be found.</p> <p>You can use the <a href=../../cli/reference/#hatch-config-set><code>config set</code></a> command to change the project you are working on:</p> <div class=highlight><pre><span></span><code><span class=gp>$ </span>hatch config <span class=nb>set</span> project proj2
<span class=go>New setting:</span>
<span class=go>project = &quot;proj2&quot;</span>
</code></pre></div> <h3 id=aware>Aware<a class=headerlink href=#aware title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3> <div class="tabbed-set tabbed-alternate" data-tabs=3:1><input checked=checked id=__tabbed_3_1 name=__tabbed_3 type=radio><div class=tabbed-labels><label for=__tabbed_3_1><span class=twemoji><svg xmlns= viewbox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-rule=evenodd d="M4 1.75C4 .784 4.784 0 5.75 0h5.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v8.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 14.25 15h-9a.75.75 0 0 1 0-1.5h9a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 10 4.25V1.5H5.75a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v2.5a.75.75 0 0 1-1.5 0v-2.5zm7.5-.188V4.25c0 . 0 0 0-.011-.013l-2.914-2.914a.272.272 0 0 0-.013-.011zM5.72 6.72a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l1.47 1.47-1.47 1.47a.75.75 0 1 0 1.06 1.06l2-2a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.06l-2-2a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06 0zM3.28 7.78a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06-1.06l-2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 1.06-1.06L1.81 9.25l1.47-1.47z"/></svg></span> config.toml</label></div> <div class=tabbed-content> <div class=tabbed-block> <div class=highlight><pre><span></span><code><span class=n>mode</span><span class=w> </span><span class=o>=</span><span class=w> </span><span class=s>&quot;aware&quot;</span><span class=w></span>
</code></pre></div> </div> </div> </div> <p>This is essentially the <code>local</code> mode with a fallback to the <code>project</code> mode.</p> <h2 id=shell>Shell<a class=headerlink href=#shell title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2> <p>You can control the shell used to <a href=../../environment/#entering-environments>enter environments</a> with the <code>shell</code> key.</p> <p>If defined as a string, it must be the name of one of the <a href=#supported>supported shells</a> and be available along your <code>PATH</code>.</p> <div class="tabbed-set tabbed-alternate" data-tabs=4:1><input checked=checked id=__tabbed_4_1 name=__tabbed_4 type=radio><div class=tabbed-labels><label for=__tabbed_4_1><span class=twemoji><svg xmlns= viewbox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-rule=evenodd d="M4 1.75C4 .784 4.784 0 5.75 0h5.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v8.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 14.25 15h-9a.75.75 0 0 1 0-1.5h9a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 10 4.25V1.5H5.75a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v2.5a.75.75 0 0 1-1.5 0v-2.5zm7.5-.188V4.25c0 . 0 0 0-.011-.013l-2.914-2.914a.272.272 0 0 0-.013-.011zM5.72 6.72a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l1.47 1.47-1.47 1.47a.75.75 0 1 0 1.06 1.06l2-2a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.06l-2-2a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06 0zM3.28 7.78a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06-1.06l-2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 1.06-1.06L1.81 9.25l1.47-1.47z"/></svg></span> config.toml</label></div> <div class=tabbed-content> <div class=tabbed-block> <div class=highlight><pre><span></span><code><span class=n>shell</span><span class=w> </span><span class=o>=</span><span class=w> </span><span class=s>&quot;fish&quot;</span><span class=w></span>
</code></pre></div> </div> </div> </div> <p>If the executable name of your shell differs from the supported name, you can define the <code>shell</code> as a table with <code>name</code> and <code>path</code> keys.</p> <div class="tabbed-set tabbed-alternate" data-tabs=5:1><input checked=checked id=__tabbed_5_1 name=__tabbed_5 type=radio><div class=tabbed-labels><label for=__tabbed_5_1><span class=twemoji><svg xmlns= viewbox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-rule=evenodd d="M4 1.75C4 .784 4.784 0 5.75 0h5.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v8.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 14.25 15h-9a.75.75 0 0 1 0-1.5h9a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 10 4.25V1.5H5.75a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v2.5a.75.75 0 0 1-1.5 0v-2.5zm7.5-.188V4.25c0 . 0 0 0-.011-.013l-2.914-2.914a.272.272 0 0 0-.013-.011zM5.72 6.72a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l1.47 1.47-1.47 1.47a.75.75 0 1 0 1.06 1.06l2-2a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.06l-2-2a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06 0zM3.28 7.78a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06-1.06l-2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 1.06-1.06L1.81 9.25l1.47-1.47z"/></svg></span> config.toml</label></div> <div class=tabbed-content> <div class=tabbed-block> <div class=highlight><pre><span></span><code><span class=k>[shell]</span><span class=w></span>
<span class=n>name</span><span class=w> </span><span class=o>=</span><span class=w> </span><span class=s>&quot;powershell&quot;</span><span class=w></span>
<span class=n>path</span><span class=w> </span><span class=o>=</span><span class=w> </span><span class=s>&quot;pwsh&quot;</span><span class=w></span>
</code></pre></div> </div> </div> </div> <h3 id=supported>Supported<a class=headerlink href=#supported title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Shell</th> <th>Name</th> <th>macOS</th> <th>Windows</th> <th>Unix</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><a href= >Bash</a></td> <td><code>bash</code></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> <td></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=>Command Prompt</a></td> <td><code>cmd</code></td> <td></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=>C shell</a></td> <td><code>csh</code></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> <td></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=>fish</a></td> <td><code>fish</code></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> <td></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=>Nushell</a></td> <td><code>nu</code></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=>PowerShell</a></td> <td><code>powershell</code></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=>tcsh</a></td> <td><code>tcsh</code></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> <td></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=>xonsh</a></td> <td><code>xonsh</code></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=>Z shell</a></td> <td><code>zsh</code></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> <td></td> <td><img alt= class=twemoji src= title=:white_check_mark:></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h3 id=default>Default<a class=headerlink href=#default title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3> <p>On Windows systems Hatch will use the <code>SHELL</code> environment variable, if present, followed by the <code>COMSPEC</code> environment variable, defaulting to <code>cmd</code>. On all other platforms only the <code>SHELL</code> environment variable will be used, defaulting to <code>bash</code>.</p> <h2 id=directories>Directories<a class=headerlink href=#directories title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2> <h3 id=data>Data<a class=headerlink href=#data title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3> <div class="tabbed-set tabbed-alternate" data-tabs=6:1><input checked=checked id=__tabbed_6_1 name=__tabbed_6 type=radio><div class=tabbed-labels><label for=__tabbed_6_1><span class=twemoji><svg xmlns= viewbox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-rule=evenodd d="M4 1.75C4 .784 4.784 0 5.75 0h5.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v8.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 14.25 15h-9a.75.75 0 0 1 0-1.5h9a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 10 4.25V1.5H5.75a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v2.5a.75.75 0 0 1-1.5 0v-2.5zm7.5-.188V4.25c0 . 0 0 0-.011-.013l-2.914-2.914a.272.272 0 0 0-.013-.011zM5.72 6.72a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l1.47 1.47-1.47 1.47a.75.75 0 1 0 1.06 1.06l2-2a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.06l-2-2a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06 0zM3.28 7.78a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06-1.06l-2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 1.06-1.06L1.81 9.25l1.47-1.47z"/></svg></span> config.toml</label></div> <div class=tabbed-content> <div class=tabbed-block> <div class=highlight><pre><span></span><code><span class=k>[dirs]</span><span class=w></span>
<span class=n>data</span><span class=w> </span><span class=o>=</span><span class=w> </span><span class=s>&quot;...&quot;</span><span class=w></span>
</code></pre></div> </div> </div> </div> <p>This is the directory that is used to persist data. By default it is set to one of the following platform-specific directories.</p> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Platform</th> <th>Path</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>macOS</td> <td><code>~/Library/Application Support/hatch</code></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Windows</td> <td><code>%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\hatch</code></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Unix</td> <td><code>$XDG_DATA_HOME/hatch</code> (the <a href=>XDG_DATA_HOME</a> environment variable default is <code>~/.local/share</code>)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>You can select a custom path to the directory using the <code>--data-dir</code> <a href=../../cli/reference/#hatch>root option</a> or by setting the <code>HATCH_DATA_DIR</code> environment variable.</p> <h3 id=cache>Cache<a class=headerlink href=#cache title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3> <div class="tabbed-set tabbed-alternate" data-tabs=7:1><input checked=checked id=__tabbed_7_1 name=__tabbed_7 type=radio><div class=tabbed-labels><label for=__tabbed_7_1><span class=twemoji><svg xmlns= viewbox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-rule=evenodd d="M4 1.75C4 .784 4.784 0 5.75 0h5.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v8.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 14.25 15h-9a.75.75 0 0 1 0-1.5h9a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 10 4.25V1.5H5.75a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v2.5a.75.75 0 0 1-1.5 0v-2.5zm7.5-.188V4.25c0 . 0 0 0-.011-.013l-2.914-2.914a.272.272 0 0 0-.013-.011zM5.72 6.72a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l1.47 1.47-1.47 1.47a.75.75 0 1 0 1.06 1.06l2-2a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.06l-2-2a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06 0zM3.28 7.78a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06-1.06l-2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 1.06-1.06L1.81 9.25l1.47-1.47z"/></svg></span> config.toml</label></div> <div class=tabbed-content> <div class=tabbed-block> <div class=highlight><pre><span></span><code><span class=k>[dirs]</span><span class=w></span>
<span class=n>cache</span><span class=w> </span><span class=o>=</span><span class=w> </span><span class=s>&quot;...&quot;</span><span class=w></span>
</code></pre></div> </div> </div> </div> <p>This is the directory that is used to cache data. By default it is set to one of the following platform-specific directories.</p> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Platform</th> <th>Path</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>macOS</td> <td><code>~/Library/Caches/hatch</code></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Windows</td> <td><code>%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\hatch\Cache</code></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Unix</td> <td><code>$XDG_CACHE_HOME/hatch</code> (the <a href=>XDG_CACHE_HOME</a> environment variable default is <code>~/.cache</code>)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>You can select a custom path to the directory using the <code>--cache-dir</code> <a href=../../cli/reference/#hatch>root option</a> or by setting the <code>HATCH_CACHE_DIR</code> environment variable.</p> <h3 id=environments>Environments<a class=headerlink href=#environments title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3> <div class="tabbed-set tabbed-alternate" data-tabs=8:1><input checked=checked id=__tabbed_8_1 name=__tabbed_8 type=radio><div class=tabbed-labels><label for=__tabbed_8_1><span class=twemoji><svg xmlns= viewbox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-rule=evenodd d="M4 1.75C4 .784 4.784 0 5.75 0h5.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v8.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 14.25 15h-9a.75.75 0 0 1 0-1.5h9a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 10 4.25V1.5H5.75a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v2.5a.75.75 0 0 1-1.5 0v-2.5zm7.5-.188V4.25c0 . 0 0 0-.011-.013l-2.914-2.914a.272.272 0 0 0-.013-.011zM5.72 6.72a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l1.47 1.47-1.47 1.47a.75.75 0 1 0 1.06 1.06l2-2a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.06l-2-2a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06 0zM3.28 7.78a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06-1.06l-2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 1.06-1.06L1.81 9.25l1.47-1.47z"/></svg></span> config.toml</label></div> <div class=tabbed-content> <div class=tabbed-block> <div class=highlight><pre><span></span><code><span class=k>[dirs.env]</span><span class=w></span>
<span class=err>&lt;</span><span class=n>ENV_TYPE</span><span class=err>&gt;</span><span class=w> </span><span class=o>=</span><span class=w> </span><span class=s>&quot;...&quot;</span><span class=w></span>
</code></pre></div> </div> </div> </div> <p>This determines where to store environments, with every key being the <a href=../environment/#type>type of environment</a> and the value being the desired storage location.</p> <p>For example, if you wanted to store <a href=../../plugins/environment/#virtual>virtual environments</a> in a <code>.virtualenvs</code> directory within your home directory, you could specify the following:</p> <div class="tabbed-set tabbed-alternate" data-tabs=9:1><input checked=checked id=__tabbed_9_1 name=__tabbed_9 type=radio><div class=tabbed-labels><label for=__tabbed_9_1><span class=twemoji><svg xmlns= viewbox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-rule=evenodd d="M4 1.75C4 .784 4.784 0 5.75 0h5.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v8.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 14.25 15h-9a.75.75 0 0 1 0-1.5h9a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 10 4.25V1.5H5.75a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v2.5a.75.75 0 0 1-1.5 0v-2.5zm7.5-.188V4.25c0 . 0 0 0-.011-.013l-2.914-2.914a.272.272 0 0 0-.013-.011zM5.72 6.72a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l1.47 1.47-1.47 1.47a.75.75 0 1 0 1.06 1.06l2-2a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.06l-2-2a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06 0zM3.28 7.78a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06-1.06l-2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 1.06-1.06L1.81 9.25l1.47-1.47z"/></svg></span> config.toml</label></div> <div class=tabbed-content> <div class=tabbed-block> <div class=highlight><pre><span></span><code><span class=k>[dirs.env]</span><span class=w></span>
<span class=n>virtual</span><span class=w> </span><span class=o>=</span><span class=w> </span><span class=s>&quot;~/.virtualenvs&quot;</span><span class=w></span>
</code></pre></div> </div> </div> </div> <p>Any environment variables are also expanded. If the path is not absolute, then it will be relative to the project root.</p> <p>Any type of environment that is not explicitly defined will default to <code>&lt;DATA_DIR&gt;/env/&lt;ENV_TYPE&gt;</code>.</p> <h3 id=python-installations>Python installations<a class=headerlink href=#python-installations title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3> <div class="tabbed-set tabbed-alternate" data-tabs=10:1><input checked=checked id=__tabbed_10_1 name=__tabbed_10 type=radio><div class=tabbed-labels><label for=__tabbed_10_1><span class=twemoji><svg xmlns= viewbox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-rule=evenodd d="M4 1.75C4 .784 4.784 0 5.75 0h5.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v8.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 14.25 15h-9a.75.75 0 0 1 0-1.5h9a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 10 4.25V1.5H5.75a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v2.5a.75.75 0 0 1-1.5 0v-2.5zm7.5-.188V4.25c0 . 0 0 0-.011-.013l-2.914-2.914a.272.272 0 0 0-.013-.011zM5.72 6.72a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l1.47 1.47-1.47 1.47a.75.75 0 1 0 1.06 1.06l2-2a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.06l-2-2a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06 0zM3.28 7.78a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06-1.06l-2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 1.06-1.06L1.81 9.25l1.47-1.47z"/></svg></span> config.toml</label></div> <div class=tabbed-content> <div class=tabbed-block> <div class=highlight><pre><span></span><code><span class=k>[dirs]</span><span class=w></span>
<span class=n>python</span><span class=w> </span><span class=o>=</span><span class=w> </span><span class=s>&quot;...&quot;</span><span class=w></span>
</code></pre></div> </div> </div> </div> <p>This determines where to install specific versions of Python, with the full path being <code>&lt;VALUE&gt;/pythons</code>.</p> <p>The following values have special meanings.</p> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Value</th> <th>Path</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><code>isolated</code> (default)</td> <td><code>&lt;DATA_DIR&gt;/pythons</code></td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>shared</code></td> <td><code>~/.pythons</code></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h2 id=terminal>Terminal<a class=headerlink href=#terminal title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2> <p>You can configure how all output is displayed using the <code>terminal.styles</code> table. These settings are also applied to all plugins.</p> <div class="tabbed-set tabbed-alternate" data-tabs=11:1><input checked=checked id=__tabbed_11_1 name=__tabbed_11 type=radio><div class=tabbed-labels><label for=__tabbed_11_1><span class=twemoji><svg xmlns= viewbox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-rule=evenodd d="M4 1.75C4 .784 4.784 0 5.75 0h5.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v8.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 14.25 15h-9a.75.75 0 0 1 0-1.5h9a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 10 4.25V1.5H5.75a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v2.5a.75.75 0 0 1-1.5 0v-2.5zm7.5-.188V4.25c0 . 0 0 0-.011-.013l-2.914-2.914a.272.272 0 0 0-.013-.011zM5.72 6.72a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l1.47 1.47-1.47 1.47a.75.75 0 1 0 1.06 1.06l2-2a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.06l-2-2a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06 0zM3.28 7.78a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06-1.06l-2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 1.06-1.06L1.81 9.25l1.47-1.47z"/></svg></span> config.toml</label></div> <div class=tabbed-content> <div class=tabbed-block> <div class=highlight><pre><span></span><code><span class=k>[terminal.styles]</span><span class=w></span>
<span class=n>error</span><span class=w> </span><span class=o>=</span><span class=w> </span><span class=s>&quot;...&quot;</span><span class=w></span>
<span class=p>...</span><span class=w></span>
</code></pre></div> </div> </div> </div> <p>Cross-platform terminal capabilities are provided by <a href=>Rich</a>.</p> <h3 id=output-levels>Output levels<a class=headerlink href=#output-levels title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3> <p>The levels of output are as follows. Note that the <a href=../../cli/about/ >verbosity</a> indicates the minimum level at which the output is displayed.</p> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Level</th> <th>Default</th> <th align=right>Verbosity</th> <th>Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><code>debug</code></td> <td><code>bold</code></td> <td align=right>1 - 3</td> <td>Messages that are not useful for most user experiences</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>error</code></td> <td><code>bold red</code></td> <td align=right>-2</td> <td>Messages indicating some unrecoverable error</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>info</code></td> <td><code>bold</code></td> <td align=right>0</td> <td>Messages conveying basic information</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>success</code></td> <td><code>bold cyan</code></td> <td align=right>0</td> <td>Messages indicating some positive outcome</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>waiting</code></td> <td><code>bold magenta</code></td> <td align=right>0</td> <td>Messages shown before potentially time consuming operations</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>warning</code></td> <td><code>bold yellow</code></td> <td align=right>-1</td> <td>Messages conveying important information</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>See the <a href=>documentation</a> and <a href=>color reference</a> for guidance on valid values.</p> <h3 id=spinner>Spinner<a class=headerlink href=#spinner title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h3> <p>You can select the <a href=>sequence</a> used for waiting animations with the <code>spinner</code> option.</p> <div class="tabbed-set tabbed-alternate" data-tabs=12:1><input checked=checked id=__tabbed_12_1 name=__tabbed_12 type=radio><div class=tabbed-labels><label for=__tabbed_12_1><span class=twemoji><svg xmlns= viewbox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-rule=evenodd d="M4 1.75C4 .784 4.784 0 5.75 0h5.586c.464 0 .909.184 1.237.513l2.914 2.914c.329.328.513.773.513 1.237v8.586A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 14.25 15h-9a.75.75 0 0 1 0-1.5h9a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25V6h-2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 10 4.25V1.5H5.75a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v2.5a.75.75 0 0 1-1.5 0v-2.5zm7.5-.188V4.25c0 . 0 0 0-.011-.013l-2.914-2.914a.272.272 0 0 0-.013-.011zM5.72 6.72a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l1.47 1.47-1.47 1.47a.75.75 0 1 0 1.06 1.06l2-2a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.06l-2-2a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06 0zM3.28 7.78a.75.75 0 0 0-1.06-1.06l-2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.06l2 2a.75.75 0 0 0 1.06-1.06L1.81 9.25l1.47-1.47z"/></svg></span> config.toml</label></div> <div class=tabbed-content> <div class=tabbed-block> <div class=highlight><pre><span></span><code><span class=k>[terminal.styles]</span><span class=w></span>
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