
861 lines
31 KiB

import os
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from io import open
import pathspec
from ...utils.fs import locate_file
from ..constants import DEFAULT_BUILD_DIRECTORY, BuildEnvVars
class IncludedFile(object):
__slots__ = ('path', 'relative_path', 'distribution_path')
def __init__(self, path, relative_path, distribution_path):
self.path = path
self.relative_path = relative_path
self.distribution_path = distribution_path
class BuilderInterface(object):
Example usage:
=== ":octicons-file-code-16:"
from import BuilderInterface
class SpecialBuilder(BuilderInterface):
PLUGIN_NAME = 'special'
=== ":octicons-file-code-16:"
from hatchling.plugin import hookimpl
from .plugin import SpecialBuilder
def hatch_register_builder():
return SpecialBuilder
"""The name used for selection."""
def __init__(self, root, plugin_manager=None, config=None, metadata=None, app=None):
self.__root = root
self.__plugin_manager = plugin_manager
self.__config = config
self.__metadata = metadata
self.__app = app
self.__project_config = None
self.__hatch_config = None
self.__build_config = None
self.__build_targets = None
self.__target_config = None
self.__hook_config = None
self.__packages = None
self.__versions = None
self.__dependencies = None
# Possible pathspec.PathSpec
self.__include_spec = None
self.__exclude_spec = None
self.__artifact_spec = None
self.build_artifact_spec = None
# These are used to create the pathspecs and will never be `None` after the first match attempt
self.__include_patterns = None
self.__exclude_patterns = None
self.__artifact_patterns = None
# Common options
self.__directory = None
self.__ignore_vcs = None
self.__reproducible = None
self.__dev_mode_dirs = None
# Metadata
self.__project_id = None
def build(self, directory=None, versions=None, clean=None, hooks_only=None, no_hooks=None, clean_only=False):
if directory is None:
if BuildEnvVars.LOCATION in os.environ:
directory = self._normalize_build_directory(os.environ[BuildEnvVars.LOCATION])
directory =
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
version_api = self.get_version_api()
if not versions:
versions = self.versions
unknown_versions = set(versions) - set(version_api)
if unknown_versions:
raise ValueError(
'Unknown versions for target `{}`: {}'.format(
self.PLUGIN_NAME, ', '.join(map(str, sorted(unknown_versions)))
if hooks_only is None:
hooks_only = _env_var_enabled(BuildEnvVars.HOOKS_ONLY)
if no_hooks is None:
no_hooks = _env_var_enabled(BuildEnvVars.NO_HOOKS)
if no_hooks:
configured_build_hooks = OrderedDict()
configured_build_hooks = self.get_build_hooks(directory)
build_hooks = list(configured_build_hooks.values())
if clean_only:
clean = True
elif clean is None:
clean = _env_var_enabled(BuildEnvVars.CLEAN)
if clean:
if not hooks_only:
self.clean(directory, versions)
if not no_hooks:
for build_hook in build_hooks:
if clean_only:
for version in versions:'Building `{}` version `{}`'.format(self.PLUGIN_NAME, version))
build_data = self.get_default_build_data()
# Make sure reserved fields are set
build_data.setdefault('artifacts', [])
# Pass all the configured build hooks for future unforeseen scenarios needing ultimate control
build_data['configured_build_hooks'] = configured_build_hooks
# Execute all `initialize` build hooks
for build_hook in build_hooks:
build_hook.initialize(version, build_data)
if hooks_only:'Only ran build hooks for `{}` version `{}`'.format(self.PLUGIN_NAME, version))
# Build the artifact
with self.configure_with_build_data(build_data):
artifact = version_api[version](directory, **build_data)
# Execute all `finalize` build hooks
for build_hook in build_hooks:
build_hook.finalize(version, build_data, artifact)
yield artifact
def recurse_project_files(self):
Returns a consistently generated series of file objects for every file that should be distributed. Each file
object has three `str` attributes:
- `path` - the absolute path
- `relative_path` - the path relative to the project root
- `distribution_path` - the path to be distributed as
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.root):
relative_path = os.path.relpath(root, self.root)
# First iteration
if relative_path == '.':
relative_path = ''
dirs[:] = sorted(
for d in dirs
if not (
# The trailing slash is necessary so e.g. `bar/` matches `foo/bar`
or self.path_is_excluded('{}/'.format(os.path.join(relative_path, d)))
if self.ignore_files(files):
for f in sorted(files):
relative_file_path = os.path.join(relative_path, f)
if self.include_path(relative_file_path):
yield IncludedFile(
os.path.join(root, f), relative_file_path, self.get_distribution_path(relative_file_path)
def include_path(self, relative_path):
return (
or self.path_is_artifact(relative_path)
or (self.path_is_included(relative_path) and not self.path_is_excluded(relative_path))
def path_is_included(self, relative_path):
if self.include_spec is None:
return True
return self.include_spec.match_file(relative_path)
def path_is_excluded(self, relative_path):
if self.exclude_spec is None:
return False
return self.exclude_spec.match_file(relative_path)
def path_is_artifact(self, relative_path):
if self.artifact_spec is None:
return False
return self.artifact_spec.match_file(relative_path)
def path_is_build_artifact(self, relative_path):
if self.build_artifact_spec is None:
return False
return self.build_artifact_spec.match_file(relative_path)
def include_spec(self):
if self.__include_patterns is None:
if 'include' in self.target_config:
include_config = self.target_config
include_location = '{}.include'.format(self.PLUGIN_NAME)
include_config = self.build_config
include_location = ''
all_include_patterns = []
include_patterns = include_config.get('include', self.default_include_patterns())
if isinstance(include_patterns, str):
for include_pattern in include_patterns.split(','):
if include_pattern:
elif isinstance(include_patterns, list):
for i, include_pattern in enumerate(include_patterns, 1):
if not isinstance(include_pattern, str):
raise TypeError('Pattern #{} in field `{}` must be a string'.format(i, include_location))
if include_pattern:
raise TypeError(
'Field `{}` must be a comma-separated string or an array of strings'.format(include_location)
for relative_path, _ in self.packages:
# Matching only at the root requires a forward slash, back slashes do not work. As such,
# normalize to forward slashes for consistency.
all_include_patterns.append('/{}'.format(relative_path.replace(os.path.sep, '/')))
if all_include_patterns:
self.__include_spec = pathspec.PathSpec.from_lines(
pathspec.patterns.GitWildMatchPattern, all_include_patterns
self.__include_patterns = all_include_patterns
return self.__include_spec
def exclude_spec(self):
if self.__exclude_patterns is None:
if 'exclude' in self.target_config:
exclude_config = self.target_config
exclude_location = '{}.exclude'.format(self.PLUGIN_NAME)
exclude_config = self.build_config
exclude_location = ''
all_exclude_patterns = self.default_global_exclude_patterns()
exclude_patterns = exclude_config.get('exclude', self.default_exclude_patterns())
if isinstance(exclude_patterns, str):
for exclude_pattern in exclude_patterns.split(','):
if exclude_pattern:
elif isinstance(exclude_patterns, list):
for i, exclude_pattern in enumerate(exclude_patterns, 1):
if not isinstance(exclude_pattern, str):
raise TypeError('Pattern #{} in field `{}` must be a string'.format(i, exclude_location))
if exclude_pattern:
raise TypeError(
'Field `{}` must be a comma-separated string or an array of strings'.format(exclude_location)
if not self.ignore_vcs:
if all_exclude_patterns:
self.__exclude_spec = pathspec.PathSpec.from_lines(
pathspec.patterns.GitWildMatchPattern, all_exclude_patterns
self.__exclude_patterns = all_exclude_patterns
return self.__exclude_spec
def artifact_spec(self):
if self.__artifact_patterns is None:
if 'artifacts' in self.target_config:
artifact_config = self.target_config
artifact_location = '{}.artifacts'.format(self.PLUGIN_NAME)
artifact_config = self.build_config
artifact_location = ''
all_artifact_patterns = []
artifact_patterns = artifact_config.get('artifacts', [])
if isinstance(artifact_patterns, str):
for artifact_pattern in artifact_patterns.split(','):
if artifact_pattern:
elif isinstance(artifact_patterns, list):
for i, artifact_pattern in enumerate(artifact_patterns, 1):
if not isinstance(artifact_pattern, str):
raise TypeError('Pattern #{} in field `{}` must be a string'.format(i, artifact_location))
if artifact_pattern:
raise TypeError(
'Field `{}` must be a comma-separated string or an array of strings'.format(artifact_location)
if all_artifact_patterns:
self.__artifact_spec = pathspec.PathSpec.from_lines(
pathspec.patterns.GitWildMatchPattern, all_artifact_patterns
self.__artifact_patterns = all_artifact_patterns
return self.__artifact_spec
def root(self):
The root of the project tree.
return self.__root
def plugin_manager(self):
if self.__plugin_manager is None:
from ...plugin.manager import PluginManager
self.__plugin_manager = PluginManager()
return self.__plugin_manager
def metadata(self):
if self.__metadata is None:
from ...metadata.core import ProjectMetadata
self.__metadata = ProjectMetadata(self.root, self.plugin_manager, self.__config)
return self.__metadata
def app(self):
An instance of [Application](
if self.__app is None:
from import Application
self.__app = Application().get_safe_application()
return self.__app
def config(self):
if self.__config is None:
self.__config = self.metadata.config
return self.__config
def project_config(self):
if self.__project_config is None:
self.__project_config = self.metadata.core.config
return self.__project_config
def hatch_config(self):
if self.__hatch_config is None:
self.__hatch_config = self.metadata.hatch.config
return self.__hatch_config
def build_config(self):
=== ":octicons-file-code-16: pyproject.toml"
=== ":octicons-file-code-16: hatch.toml"
if self.__build_config is None:
self.__build_config = self.metadata.hatch.build_config
return self.__build_config
def target_config(self):
=== ":octicons-file-code-16: pyproject.toml"
=== ":octicons-file-code-16: hatch.toml"
if self.__target_config is None:
target_config = self.metadata.hatch.build_targets.get(self.PLUGIN_NAME, {})
if not isinstance(target_config, dict):
raise TypeError('Field `{}` must be a table'.format(self.PLUGIN_NAME))
self.__target_config = target_config
return self.__target_config
def hook_config(self):
if self.__hook_config is None:
hook_config = OrderedDict()
target_hook_config = self.target_config.get('hooks', {})
if not isinstance(target_hook_config, dict):
raise TypeError('Field `{}.hooks` must be a table'.format(self.PLUGIN_NAME))
for hook_name, config in target_hook_config.items():
if not isinstance(config, dict):
raise TypeError(
'Field `{}.hooks.{}` must be a table'.format(
self.PLUGIN_NAME, hook_name
hook_config[hook_name] = config
global_hook_config = self.build_config.get('hooks', {})
if not isinstance(global_hook_config, dict):
raise TypeError('Field `` must be a table')
for hook_name, config in global_hook_config.items():
if not isinstance(config, dict):
raise TypeError('Field `{}` must be a table'.format(hook_name))
hook_config.setdefault(hook_name, config)
self.__hook_config = hook_config
return self.__hook_config
def directory(self):
if self.__directory is None:
if 'directory' in self.target_config:
directory = self.target_config['directory']
if not isinstance(directory, str):
raise TypeError(
'Field `{}.directory` must be a string'.format(self.PLUGIN_NAME)
directory = self.build_config.get('directory', DEFAULT_BUILD_DIRECTORY)
if not isinstance(directory, str):
raise TypeError('Field `` must be a string')
self.__directory = self._normalize_build_directory(directory)
return self.__directory
def ignore_vcs(self):
if self.__ignore_vcs is None:
if 'ignore-vcs' in self.target_config:
ignore_vcs = self.target_config['ignore-vcs']
if not isinstance(ignore_vcs, bool):
raise TypeError(
'Field `{}.ignore-vcs` must be a boolean'.format(self.PLUGIN_NAME)
ignore_vcs = self.build_config.get('ignore-vcs', False)
if not isinstance(ignore_vcs, bool):
raise TypeError('Field `` must be a boolean')
self.__ignore_vcs = ignore_vcs
return self.__ignore_vcs
def reproducible(self):
Whether or not the target should be built in a reproducible manner, defaulting to true.
if self.__reproducible is None:
if 'reproducible' in self.target_config:
reproducible = self.target_config['reproducible']
if not isinstance(reproducible, bool):
raise TypeError(
'Field `{}.reproducible` must be a boolean'.format(self.PLUGIN_NAME)
reproducible = self.build_config.get('reproducible', True)
if not isinstance(reproducible, bool):
raise TypeError('Field `` must be a boolean')
self.__reproducible = reproducible
return self.__reproducible
def dev_mode_dirs(self):
Directories which must be added to Python's search path in [dev mode](../config/
if self.__dev_mode_dirs is None:
if 'dev-mode-dirs' in self.target_config:
dev_mode_dirs_config = self.target_config
dev_mode_dirs_location = '{}.dev-mode-dirs'.format(self.PLUGIN_NAME)
dev_mode_dirs_config = self.build_config
dev_mode_dirs_location = ''
all_dev_mode_dirs = []
dev_mode_dirs = dev_mode_dirs_config.get('dev-mode-dirs', [])
if isinstance(dev_mode_dirs, str):
for dev_mode_dir in dev_mode_dirs.split(','):
if dev_mode_dir:
elif isinstance(dev_mode_dirs, list):
for i, dev_mode_dir in enumerate(dev_mode_dirs, 1):
if not isinstance(dev_mode_dir, str):
raise TypeError(
'Directory #{} in field `{}` must be a string'.format(i, dev_mode_dirs_location)
if dev_mode_dir:
raise TypeError(
'Field `{}` must be a comma-separated string or an array of strings'.format(dev_mode_dirs_location)
self.__dev_mode_dirs = all_dev_mode_dirs
return self.__dev_mode_dirs
def packages(self):
if self.__packages is None:
if 'packages' in self.target_config:
package_config = self.target_config
package_location = '{}.packages'.format(self.PLUGIN_NAME)
package_config = self.build_config
package_location = ''
all_packages = set()
packages = package_config.get('packages', [])
if isinstance(packages, str):
for package in packages.split(','):
if package:
elif isinstance(packages, list):
for i, package in enumerate(packages, 1):
if not isinstance(package, str):
raise TypeError('Package #{} in field `{}` must be a string'.format(i, package_location))
if package:
raise TypeError(
'Field `{}` must be a comma-separated string or an array of strings'.format(package_location)
unique_packages = {}
package_data = []
for relative_path in sorted(all_packages):
source, package = os.path.split(relative_path)
if package in unique_packages:
raise ValueError(
'Package `{}` of field `{}` is already defined by path `{}`'.format(
package, package_location, unique_packages[package]
unique_packages[package] = relative_path
if source:
package_data.append((relative_path + os.path.sep, lambda path: path[len(source) + 1 :]))
package_data.append((relative_path + os.path.sep, lambda path: path))
self.__packages = package_data
return self.__packages
def versions(self):
if self.__versions is None:
# Used as an ordered set
all_versions = OrderedDict()
versions = self.target_config.get('versions', [])
if isinstance(versions, str):
for version in versions.split(','):
if version:
all_versions[version] = None
elif isinstance(versions, list):
for i, version in enumerate(versions, 1):
if not isinstance(version, str):
raise TypeError(
'Version #{} in field `{}.versions` must be a string'.format(
if version:
all_versions[version] = None
raise TypeError(
'Field `{}.versions` must be a comma-separated '
'string or an array of strings'.format(self.PLUGIN_NAME)
if not all_versions:
default_versions = self.get_default_versions()
for version in default_versions:
all_versions[version] = None
unknown_versions = set(all_versions) - set(self.get_version_api())
if unknown_versions:
raise ValueError(
'Unknown versions in field `{}.versions`: {}'.format(
self.PLUGIN_NAME, ', '.join(map(str, sorted(unknown_versions)))
self.__versions = list(all_versions)
return self.__versions
def dependencies(self):
if self.__dependencies is None:
# Used as an ordered set
dependencies = OrderedDict()
target_dependencies = self.target_config.get('dependencies', [])
if not isinstance(target_dependencies, list):
raise TypeError(
'Field `{}.dependencies` must be an array'.format(self.PLUGIN_NAME)
for i, dependency in enumerate(target_dependencies, 1):
if not isinstance(dependency, str):
raise TypeError(
'Dependency #{} of field `{}.dependencies` must be a string'.format(
dependencies[dependency] = None
global_dependencies = self.build_config.get('dependencies', [])
if not isinstance(global_dependencies, list):
raise TypeError('Field `` must be an array')
for i, dependency in enumerate(global_dependencies, 1):
if not isinstance(dependency, str):
raise TypeError(
'Dependency #{} of field `` must be a string'.format(i)
dependencies[dependency] = None
for hook_name, config in self.hook_config.items():
hook_dependencies = config.get('dependencies', [])
if not isinstance(hook_dependencies, list):
raise TypeError('Option `dependencies` of build hook `{}` must be an array'.format(hook_name))
for i, dependency in enumerate(hook_dependencies, 1):
if not isinstance(dependency, str):
raise TypeError(
'Dependency #{} of option `dependencies` of build hook `{}` must be a string'.format(
i, hook_name
dependencies[dependency] = None
self.__dependencies = list(dependencies)
return self.__dependencies
def project_id(self):
if self.__project_id is None:
self.__project_id = '{}-{}'.format(
return self.__project_id
def get_build_hooks(self, directory):
hook_config = self.hook_config
configured_build_hooks = OrderedDict()
for hook_name, config in hook_config.items():
build_hook = self.plugin_manager.build_hook.get(hook_name)
if build_hook is None:
raise ValueError('Unknown build hook: {}'.format(hook_name))
configured_build_hooks[hook_name] = build_hook(self.root, config, directory, self.PLUGIN_NAME,
return configured_build_hooks
def get_distribution_path(self, relative_path):
# src/foo/ -> foo/
for package_relative_path, formatter in self.packages:
if relative_path.startswith(package_relative_path):
return formatter(relative_path)
return relative_path
def load_vcs_ignore_patterns(self):
default_exclusion_file = locate_file(self.root, '.gitignore')
if default_exclusion_file is None:
return []
with open(default_exclusion_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
return f.readlines()
def default_include_patterns(self):
return []
def default_exclude_patterns(self):
return []
def default_global_exclude_patterns(self):
return ['.git']
def ignore_directory(self, directory):
# A hack used by WheelBuilder to ignore any test directories when no inclusion patterns are provided.
return False
def ignore_files(self, files):
# A hack used by WheelBuilder to ignore any non-package directory when no inclusion patterns are provided.
return False
def get_version_api(self):
:material-align-horizontal-left: **REQUIRED** :material-align-horizontal-right:
A mapping of `str` versions to a callable that is used for building.
Each callable must have the following signature:
def ...(build_dir: str, build_data: dict) -> str:
The return value must be the absolute path to the built artifact.
raise NotImplementedError
def get_default_versions(self):
A list of versions to build when users do not specify any, defaulting to all versions.
return list(self.get_version_api())
def get_default_build_data(self):
A mapping that can be modified by [build hooks]( to influence the behavior of builds.
return {}
def clean(self, directory, versions):
Called before builds if the `-c`/`--clean` flag was passed to the
[`build`](../cli/ command.
def configure_with_build_data(self, build_data):
# Include anything the hooks indicate
build_artifacts = build_data['artifacts']
if build_artifacts:
self.build_artifact_spec = pathspec.PathSpec.from_lines(
pathspec.patterns.GitWildMatchPattern, build_artifacts
self.build_artifact_spec = None
def _normalize_build_directory(self, build_directory):
if not os.path.isabs(build_directory):
build_directory = os.path.join(self.root, build_directory)
return os.path.normpath(build_directory)
def normalize_file_name_component(file_name):
return re.sub(r'[^\w\d.]+', '_', file_name, re.UNICODE)
def _env_var_enabled(env_var, default=False):
if env_var in os.environ:
return os.environ[env_var] in ('1', 'true')
return default