mirror of https://github.com/pypa/hatch.git
482 lines
20 KiB
482 lines
20 KiB
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import product
from os import environ
from .env import apply_overrides
class ProjectConfig:
def __init__(self, root, config, plugin_manager=None):
self.root = root
self.config = config
self.plugin_manager = plugin_manager
self._matrices = None
self._env = None
self._env_collectors = None
self._envs = None
self._publish = None
self._scripts = None
self._version = None
self._cached_env_overrides = {}
def env(self):
if self._env is None:
config = self.config.get('env', {})
if not isinstance(config, dict):
raise TypeError('Field `tool.hatch.env` must be a table')
self._env = config
return self._env
def env_collectors(self):
if self._env_collectors is None:
collectors = self.env.get('collectors', {})
if not isinstance(collectors, dict):
raise TypeError('Field `tool.hatch.env.collectors` must be a table')
final_config = {'default': {}}
for collector, config in collectors.items():
if not isinstance(config, dict):
raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.env.collectors.{collector}` must be a table')
final_config[collector] = config
self._env_collectors = final_config
return self._env_collectors
def matrices(self):
if self._matrices is None:
_ = self.envs
return self._matrices
def envs(self):
from platform import system as get_platform_name
from ..utils.platform import normalize_platform_name
if self._envs is None:
env_config = self.config.get('envs', {})
if not isinstance(env_config, dict):
raise TypeError('Field `tool.hatch.envs` must be a table')
config = {}
for collector, collector_config in self.env_collectors.items():
collector_class = self.plugin_manager.environment_collector.get(collector)
if collector_class is None:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown environment collector: {collector}')
environment_collector = collector_class(self.root, collector_config)
for env_name, data in environment_collector.get_environment_config().items():
config.setdefault(env_name, data)
for env_name, data in env_config.items():
if not isinstance(data, dict):
raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}` must be a table')
config.setdefault(env_name, {}).update(data)
seen = set()
active = []
for env_name, data in config.items():
_populate_default_env_values(env_name, data, config, seen, active)
current_platform = normalize_platform_name(get_platform_name())
all_matrices = {}
final_config = {}
cached_overrides = {}
for env_name, initial_config in config.items():
current_cached_overrides = cached_overrides[env_name] = {'platform': [], 'env': [], 'matrix': []}
# Only shallow copying is necessary since we just want to modify keys
initial_config = initial_config.copy()
matrix_name_format = initial_config.pop('matrix-name-format', '{value}')
if not isinstance(matrix_name_format, str):
raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.matrix-name-format` must be a string')
elif '{value}' not in matrix_name_format:
raise ValueError(
f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.matrix-name-format` must '
f'contain at least the `{{value}}` placeholder'
overrides = initial_config.pop('overrides', {})
if not isinstance(overrides, dict):
raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.overrides` must be a table')
# Apply any configuration based on the current platform
platform_overrides = overrides.get('platform', {})
if not isinstance(platform_overrides, dict):
raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.overrides.platform` must be a table')
for platform, options in platform_overrides.items():
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError(
f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.overrides.platform.{platform}` must be a table'
elif platform != current_platform:
apply_overrides(env_name, 'platform', platform, current_platform, options, initial_config)
current_cached_overrides['platform'].append((platform, current_platform, options))
# Apply any configuration based on environment variables
env_var_overrides = overrides.get('env', {})
if not isinstance(env_var_overrides, dict):
raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.overrides.env` must be a table')
for env_var, options in env_var_overrides.items():
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.overrides.env.{env_var}` must be a table')
elif env_var not in environ:
apply_overrides(env_name, 'env', env_var, environ[env_var], options, initial_config)
current_cached_overrides['env'].append((env_var, environ[env_var], options))
if 'matrix' not in initial_config:
final_config[env_name] = initial_config
matrices = initial_config.pop('matrix')
if not isinstance(matrices, list):
raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.matrix` must be an array')
matrix_overrides = overrides.get('matrix', {})
if not isinstance(matrix_overrides, dict):
raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.overrides.matrix` must be a table')
env_names = all_matrices[env_name] = []
for i, matrix in enumerate(matrices, 1):
if not isinstance(matrix, dict):
raise TypeError(f'Entry #{i} in field `tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.matrix` must be a table')
elif not matrix:
raise ValueError(f'Matrix #{i} in field `tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.matrix` cannot be empty')
for j, (variable, values) in enumerate(matrix.items(), 1):
if not variable:
raise ValueError(
f'Variable #{j} in matrix #{i} in field `tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.matrix` '
f'cannot be an empty string'
elif not isinstance(values, list):
raise TypeError(
f'Variable `{variable}` in matrix #{i} in field `tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.matrix` '
f'must be an array'
elif not values:
raise ValueError(
f'Variable `{variable}` in matrix #{i} in field `tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.matrix` '
f'cannot be empty'
existing_values = set()
for k, value in enumerate(values, 1):
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise TypeError(
f'Value #{k} of variable `{variable}` in matrix #{i} in field '
f'`tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.matrix` must be a string'
elif not value:
raise ValueError(
f'Value #{k} of variable `{variable}` in matrix #{i} in field '
f'`tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.matrix` cannot be an empty string'
elif value in existing_values:
raise ValueError(
f'Value #{k} of variable `{variable}` in matrix #{i} in field '
f'`tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.matrix` is a duplicate'
variables = {}
# Ensure that any Python variable comes first
python_selected = False
for variable in ('py', 'python'):
if variable in matrix:
if python_selected:
raise ValueError(
f'Matrix #{i} in field `tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.matrix` '
f'cannot contain both `py` and `python` variables'
python_selected = True
# Only shallow copying is necessary since we just want to remove a key
matrix = matrix.copy()
variables[variable] = matrix.pop(variable)
for result in product(*variables.values()):
# Make a value mapping for easy referencing
variable_values = dict(zip(variables, result))
# Create the environment's initial configuration
new_config = deepcopy(initial_config)
cached_matrix_overrides = []
# Apply any configuration based on matrix variables
for variable, options in matrix_overrides.items():
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError(
f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.overrides.matrix.{variable}` must be a table'
elif variable not in variables:
env_name, 'matrix', variable, variable_values[variable], options, new_config
cached_matrix_overrides.append((variable, variable_values[variable], options))
# Construct the environment name
final_matrix_name_format = new_config.pop('matrix-name-format', matrix_name_format)
env_name_parts = []
for j, (variable, value) in enumerate(variable_values.items()):
if j == 0 and python_selected:
new_config['python'] = value
env_name_parts.append(value if value.startswith('py') else f'py{value}')
env_name_parts.append(final_matrix_name_format.format(variable=variable, value=value))
new_env_name = '-'.join(env_name_parts)
if env_name != 'default':
new_env_name = f'{env_name}.{new_env_name}'
# Save the generated environment
final_config[new_env_name] = new_config
cached_overrides[new_env_name] = {
'platform': current_cached_overrides['platform'],
'env': current_cached_overrides['env'],
'matrix': cached_matrix_overrides,
# Remove the root matrix generator
del cached_overrides[env_name]
self._matrices = all_matrices
self._envs = final_config
return self._envs
def publish(self):
if self._publish is None:
config = self.config.get('publish', {})
if not isinstance(config, dict):
raise TypeError('Field `tool.hatch.publish` must be a table')
for publisher, data in config.items():
if not isinstance(data, dict):
raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.publish.{publisher}` must be a table')
self._publish = config
return self._publish
def scripts(self):
if self._scripts is None:
script_config = self.config.get('scripts', {})
if not isinstance(script_config, dict):
raise TypeError('Field `tool.hatch.scripts` must be a table')
config = {}
for name, data in script_config.items():
if ' ' in name:
raise ValueError(f'Script name `{name}` in field `tool.hatch.scripts` must not contain spaces')
commands = []
if isinstance(data, str):
elif isinstance(data, list):
for i, command in enumerate(data, 1):
if not isinstance(command, str):
raise TypeError(f'Command #{i} in field `tool.hatch.scripts.{name}` must be a string')
raise TypeError(f'Field `tool.hatch.scripts.{name}` must be a string or an array of strings')
config[name] = commands
seen = {}
active = []
for script_name, commands in config.items():
commands[:] = expand_script_commands(script_name, commands, config, seen, active)
self._scripts = config
return self._scripts
def version(self):
if self._version is None:
if 'version' not in self.config:
raise ValueError('Missing `tool.hatch.version` configuration')
config = self.config['version']
if not isinstance(config, dict):
raise TypeError('Field `tool.hatch.version` must be a table')
self._version = VersionConfig(self.root, config, self.plugin_manager)
return self._version
def finalize_env_overrides(self, option_types):
if not self._cached_env_overrides:
for env_name, config in self.envs.items():
for override_name, data in self._cached_env_overrides[env_name].items():
for condition, condition_value, options in data:
apply_overrides(env_name, override_name, condition, condition_value, options, config, option_types)
class VersionConfig:
def __init__(self, root, config, plugin_manager):
self.root = root
self.config = config
self.plugin_manager = plugin_manager
self._source_name = None
self._scheme_name = None
self._source = None
self._scheme = None
def source_name(self):
if self._source_name is None:
source = self.config.get('source', 'regex')
if not source:
raise ValueError(
'The `source` option under the `tool.hatch.version` table must not be empty if defined'
elif not isinstance(source, str):
raise TypeError('Field `tool.hatch.version.source` must be a string')
self._source_name = source
return self._source_name
def scheme_name(self):
if self._scheme_name is None:
scheme = self.config.get('scheme', 'standard')
if not scheme:
raise ValueError(
'The `scheme` option under the `tool.hatch.version` table must not be empty if defined'
elif not isinstance(scheme, str):
raise TypeError('Field `tool.hatch.version.scheme` must be a string')
self._scheme_name = scheme
return self._scheme_name
def source(self):
if self._source is None:
from copy import deepcopy
version_source = self.plugin_manager.version_source.get(self.source_name)
if version_source is None:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown version source: {self.source_name}')
self._source = version_source(str(self.root), deepcopy(self.config))
return self._source
def scheme(self):
if self._scheme is None:
from copy import deepcopy
version_scheme = self.plugin_manager.version_scheme.get(self.scheme_name)
if version_scheme is None:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown version scheme: {self.scheme_name}')
self._scheme = version_scheme(self.root, deepcopy(self.config))
return self._scheme
def expand_script_commands(script_name, commands, config, seen, active):
if script_name in seen:
return seen[script_name]
elif script_name in active:
raise ValueError(f'Circular expansion detected for field `tool.hatch.scripts`: {" -> ".join(active)}')
expanded_commands = []
for command in commands:
possible_script, _, remaining = command.partition(' ')
if possible_script in config:
cmds = expand_script_commands(possible_script, config[possible_script], config, seen, active)
if remaining:
expanded_commands.extend(f'{cmd} {remaining}' for cmd in cmds)
seen[script_name] = expanded_commands
return expanded_commands
def _populate_default_env_values(env_name, data, config, seen, active):
if env_name in seen:
template_name = data.pop('template', 'default')
if template_name not in config:
raise ValueError(
f'Field `tool.hatch.envs.{env_name}.template` refers to an unknown environment `{template_name}`'
elif env_name in active:
raise ValueError(f'Circular inheritance detected for field `tool.hatch.envs.*.template`: {" -> ".join(active)}')
elif template_name == env_name:
template_config = config[template_name]
_populate_default_env_values(template_name, template_config, config, seen, active)
for key, value in template_config.items():
if key == 'matrix':
elif key == 'scripts':
scripts = data['scripts'] if 'scripts' in data else data.setdefault('scripts', {})
for script, commands in value.items():
scripts.setdefault(script, commands)
data.setdefault(key, value)