
483 lines
16 KiB

import os
import secrets
import tarfile
import time
import zipfile
from collections import defaultdict
import httpx
import pytest
from hatch.config.constants import PublishEnvVars
from import running_in_ci
pytestmark = [
pytest.mark.skipif(not PUBLISHER_TOKEN, reason='Publishing tests are only executed within CI environments'),
def keyring_store(mocker):
mock_store = defaultdict(dict)
mocker.patch('keyring.get_password', side_effect=lambda system, user: mock_store[system].get(user))
'keyring.set_password', side_effect=lambda system, user, auth: mock_store[system].__setitem__(user, auth)
yield mock_store
def published_project_name():
return f'c4880cdbe05de9a28415fbad{secrets.choice(range(100))}'
def wait_for_artifacts(project_name, *artifacts):
index_url = f'{project_name}/'
artifact_names = [ for artifact in artifacts]
for _ in range(120):
response = httpx.get(index_url)
except Exception: # no cov
for artifact_name in artifact_names:
if artifact_name not in response.text:
else: # no cov
raise Exception(f'Could not find artifacts at {index_url}: {", ".join(artifact_names)}')
def remove_metadata_field(field: str, metadata_file_contents: str):
lines = metadata_file_contents.splitlines(True)
field_marker = f'{field}: '
indices_to_remove = []
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if line.lower().startswith(field_marker):
for i, index in enumerate(indices_to_remove):
del lines[index - i]
return ''.join(lines)
def timestamp_to_version(timestamp):
major, minor = str(timestamp).split('.')
if minor.startswith('0'):
normalized_minor = str(int(minor))
padding = '.'.join('0' for _ in range(len(minor) - len(normalized_minor)))
return f'{major}.{padding}.{normalized_minor}'
return f'{major}.{minor}'
def test_timestamp_to_version():
assert timestamp_to_version(123.4) == '123.4'
assert timestamp_to_version(123.04) == '123.0.4'
assert timestamp_to_version(123.004) == ''
def test_explicit_options(hatch, temp_dir):
project_name = 'My App'
with temp_dir.as_cwd():
result = hatch('new', project_name)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
path = temp_dir / 'my-app'
with path.as_cwd():
result = hatch('publish', '-o', 'foo=bar')
assert result.exit_code == 1, result.output
assert result.output == (
'Use the standard CLI flags rather than passing explicit options when using the `pypi` plugin\n'
def test_unknown_publisher(hatch, temp_dir):
project_name = 'My App'
with temp_dir.as_cwd():
result = hatch('new', project_name)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
path = temp_dir / 'my-app'
with path.as_cwd():
result = hatch('publish', '-p', 'foo')
assert result.exit_code == 1, result.output
assert result.output == 'Unknown publisher: foo\n'
def test_missing_user(hatch, temp_dir):
project_name = 'My App'
with temp_dir.as_cwd():
result = hatch('new', project_name)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
path = temp_dir / 'my-app'
with path.as_cwd():
result = hatch('publish', '-n')
assert result.exit_code == 1, result.output
assert result.output == 'Missing required option: user\n'
def test_missing_auth(hatch, temp_dir):
project_name = 'My App'
with temp_dir.as_cwd():
result = hatch('new', project_name)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
path = temp_dir / 'my-app'
with path.as_cwd():
result = hatch('publish', '-n', '--user', 'foo')
assert result.exit_code == 1, result.output
assert result.output == 'Missing required option: auth\n'
def test_flags(hatch, temp_dir_cache, helpers, published_project_name):
with temp_dir_cache.as_cwd():
result = hatch('new', published_project_name)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
path = temp_dir_cache / published_project_name
with path.as_cwd():
current_version = timestamp_to_version(helpers.get_current_timestamp())
result = hatch('version', current_version)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
result = hatch('build')
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
build_directory = path / 'dist'
artifacts = list(build_directory.iterdir())
result = hatch(
'publish', '--user', '__token__', '--auth', PUBLISHER_TOKEN, '--repo', ''
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
assert result.output == helpers.dedent(
{artifacts[0].relative_to(path)} ... success
{artifacts[1].relative_to(path)} ... success
def test_plugin_config(hatch, temp_dir_cache, helpers, published_project_name, config_file):
config_file.model.publish['pypi']['user'] = '__token__'
config_file.model.publish['pypi']['auth'] = PUBLISHER_TOKEN
config_file.model.publish['pypi']['repo'] = 'test'
with temp_dir_cache.as_cwd():
result = hatch('new', published_project_name)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
path = temp_dir_cache / published_project_name
with path.as_cwd():
del os.environ[PublishEnvVars.REPO]
current_version = timestamp_to_version(helpers.get_current_timestamp())
result = hatch('version', current_version)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
result = hatch('build')
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
build_directory = path / 'dist'
artifacts = list(build_directory.iterdir())
result = hatch('publish')
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
assert result.output == helpers.dedent(
{artifacts[0].relative_to(path)} ... success
{artifacts[1].relative_to(path)} ... success
def test_prompt(hatch, temp_dir_cache, helpers, published_project_name):
with temp_dir_cache.as_cwd():
result = hatch('new', published_project_name)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
path = temp_dir_cache / published_project_name
with path.as_cwd():
current_version = timestamp_to_version(helpers.get_current_timestamp())
result = hatch('version', current_version)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
result = hatch('build')
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
build_directory = path / 'dist'
artifacts = list(build_directory.iterdir())
result = hatch('publish', input='__token__\nfoo')
assert result.exit_code == 1, result.output
assert '403' in result.output
assert 'Invalid or non-existent authentication information' in result.output
# Ensure nothing is saved for errors
with path.as_cwd():
result = hatch('publish', '-n')
assert result.exit_code == 1, result.output
assert result.output == 'Missing required option: user\n'
# Trigger save
with path.as_cwd():
result = hatch('publish', str(artifacts[0]), input=f'__token__\n{PUBLISHER_TOKEN}')
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
assert result.output == helpers.dedent(
Enter your username: __token__
Enter your credentials:{' '}
{artifacts[0].relative_to(path)} ... success
# Use saved results
with path.as_cwd():
result = hatch('publish', str(artifacts[1]))
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
assert result.output == helpers.dedent(
{artifacts[1].relative_to(path)} ... success
def test_external_artifact_path(hatch, temp_dir_cache, helpers, published_project_name):
with temp_dir_cache.as_cwd():
result = hatch('new', published_project_name)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
path = temp_dir_cache / published_project_name
external_build_directory = temp_dir_cache / 'dist'
with path.as_cwd():
current_version = timestamp_to_version(helpers.get_current_timestamp())
result = hatch('version', current_version)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
result = hatch('build', '-t', 'sdist', str(external_build_directory))
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
external_artifacts = list(external_build_directory.iterdir())
result = hatch('build', '-t', 'wheel')
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
internal_build_directory = path / 'dist'
internal_artifacts = list(internal_build_directory.iterdir())
result = hatch(
'publish', '--user', '__token__', '--auth', PUBLISHER_TOKEN, 'dist', str(external_build_directory)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
assert result.output == helpers.dedent(
{internal_artifacts[0].relative_to(path)} ... success
{external_artifacts[0]} ... success
def test_already_exists(hatch, temp_dir_cache, helpers, published_project_name):
with temp_dir_cache.as_cwd():
result = hatch('new', published_project_name)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
path = temp_dir_cache / published_project_name
with path.as_cwd():
current_version = timestamp_to_version(helpers.get_current_timestamp())
result = hatch('version', current_version)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
result = hatch('build')
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
build_directory = path / 'dist'
artifacts = list(build_directory.iterdir())
result = hatch('publish', '--user', '__token__', '--auth', PUBLISHER_TOKEN)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
assert result.output == helpers.dedent(
{artifacts[0].relative_to(path)} ... success
{artifacts[1].relative_to(path)} ... success
for _ in range(30 if running_in_ci() else 5):
wait_for_artifacts(published_project_name, *artifacts)
with path.as_cwd():
result = hatch('publish', '--user', '__token__', '--auth', PUBLISHER_TOKEN)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
assert result.output == helpers.dedent(
{artifacts[0].relative_to(path)} ... already exists
{artifacts[1].relative_to(path)} ... already exists
def test_no_artifacts(hatch, temp_dir_cache, helpers, published_project_name):
with temp_dir_cache.as_cwd():
result = hatch('new', published_project_name)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
path = temp_dir_cache / published_project_name
with path.as_cwd():
directory = path / 'dir2'
(directory / 'test.txt').touch()
result = hatch('publish', 'dir1', 'dir2', '--user', '__token__', '--auth', 'foo')
assert result.exit_code == 1, result.output
assert result.output == helpers.dedent(
No artifacts found
class TestWheel:
@pytest.mark.parametrize('field', ['name', 'version'])
def test_missing_required_metadata_field(self, hatch, temp_dir_cache, helpers, published_project_name, field):
with temp_dir_cache.as_cwd():
result = hatch('new', published_project_name)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
path = temp_dir_cache / published_project_name
with path.as_cwd():
current_version = timestamp_to_version(helpers.get_current_timestamp())
result = hatch('version', current_version)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
result = hatch('build', '-t', 'wheel')
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
build_directory = path / 'dist'
artifacts = list(build_directory.iterdir())
artifact_path = str(artifacts[0])
metadata_file_path = f'{published_project_name}-{current_version}.dist-info/METADATA'
with zipfile.ZipFile(artifact_path, 'r') as zip_archive:
with, 'r') as metadata_file:
metadata_file_contents ='utf-8')
with zipfile.ZipFile(artifact_path, 'w') as zip_archive:
with, 'w') as metadata_file:
metadata_file.write(remove_metadata_field(field, metadata_file_contents).encode('utf-8'))
with path.as_cwd():
result = hatch('publish', '--user', '__token__', '--auth', 'foo')
assert result.exit_code == 1, result.output
assert result.output == helpers.dedent(
Missing required field `{field}` in artifact: {artifact_path}
class TestSourceDistribution:
@pytest.mark.parametrize('field', ['name', 'version'])
def test_missing_required_metadata_field(self, hatch, temp_dir_cache, helpers, published_project_name, field):
with temp_dir_cache.as_cwd():
result = hatch('new', published_project_name)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
path = temp_dir_cache / published_project_name
with path.as_cwd():
current_version = timestamp_to_version(helpers.get_current_timestamp())
result = hatch('version', current_version)
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
result = hatch('build', '-t', 'sdist')
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output
build_directory = path / 'dist'
artifacts = list(build_directory.iterdir())
artifact_path = str(artifacts[0])
extraction_directory = path / 'extraction'
with, 'r:gz') as tar_archive:
metadata_file_path = extraction_directory / f'{published_project_name}-{current_version}' / 'PKG-INFO'
metadata_file_path.write_text(remove_metadata_field(field, metadata_file_path.read_text()))
with, 'w:gz') as tar_archive:
with path.as_cwd():
result = hatch('publish', '--user', '__token__', '--auth', 'foo')
assert result.exit_code == 1, result.output
assert result.output == helpers.dedent(
Missing required field `{field}` in artifact: {artifact_path}