mirror of https://github.com/pypa/hatch.git
267 lines
7.9 KiB
267 lines
7.9 KiB
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from functools import lru_cache
from io import BytesIO
from typing import Generator
import pytest
from click.testing import CliRunner as __CliRunner
from platformdirs import user_cache_dir, user_data_dir
from hatch.config.constants import AppEnvVars, ConfigEnvVars, PublishEnvVars
from hatch.config.user import ConfigFile
from hatch.utils.ci import running_in_ci
from hatch.utils.fs import Path, temp_directory
from hatch.utils.platform import Platform
from hatch.utils.structures import EnvVars
from hatch.venv.core import TempVirtualEnv
from hatchling.cli import hatchling
from .helpers.templates.licenses import MIT, Apache_2_0
PLATFORM = Platform()
class CliRunner(__CliRunner):
def __init__(self, command):
self._command = command
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Exceptions should always be handled
kwargs.setdefault('catch_exceptions', False)
return self.invoke(self._command, args, **kwargs)
def hatch():
from hatch import cli
return CliRunner(cli.hatch)
def helpers():
# https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/writing_plugins.html#assertion-rewriting
from .helpers import helpers
return helpers
@pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True)
def isolation() -> Generator[Path, None, None]:
with temp_directory() as d:
data_dir = d / 'data'
cache_dir = d / 'cache'
licenses_dir = cache_dir / 'licenses'
default_env_vars = {
AppEnvVars.NO_COLOR: '1',
ConfigEnvVars.DATA: str(data_dir),
ConfigEnvVars.CACHE: str(cache_dir),
PublishEnvVars.REPO: 'test',
'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL': 'foo@bar.baz',
'COLUMNS': '80',
'LINES': '24',
with d.as_cwd(default_env_vars):
os.environ.pop(AppEnvVars.ENV_ACTIVE, None)
yield d
def data_dir() -> Generator[Path, None, None]:
yield Path(os.environ[ConfigEnvVars.DATA])
def cache_dir() -> Generator[Path, None, None]:
yield Path(os.environ[ConfigEnvVars.CACHE])
def default_data_dir() -> Generator[Path, None, None]:
yield Path(user_data_dir('hatch', appauthor=False))
def default_cache_dir() -> Generator[Path, None, None]:
yield Path(user_cache_dir('hatch', appauthor=False))
def platform():
def current_platform():
return PLATFORM.name
def uri_slash_prefix():
return '//' if os.sep == '/' else '///'
def temp_dir() -> Generator[Path, None, None]:
with temp_directory() as d:
yield d
def temp_dir_data(temp_dir) -> Generator[Path, None, None]:
data_path = temp_dir / 'data'
with EnvVars({ConfigEnvVars.DATA: str(data_path)}):
yield temp_dir
def temp_dir_cache(temp_dir) -> Generator[Path, None, None]:
cache_path = temp_dir / 'cache'
with EnvVars({ConfigEnvVars.CACHE: str(cache_path)}):
yield temp_dir
def config_file(tmp_path) -> ConfigFile:
path = Path(tmp_path, 'config.toml')
os.environ[ConfigEnvVars.CONFIG] = str(path)
config = ConfigFile(path)
return config
def default_virtualenv_installed_requirements(helpers):
# PyPy installs extra packages by default
with TempVirtualEnv(sys.executable, PLATFORM):
output = PLATFORM.run_command(['pip', 'freeze'], check=True, capture_output=True).stdout.decode('utf-8')
requirements = helpers.extract_requirements(output.splitlines())
yield frozenset(requirements)
def extract_installed_requirements(helpers, default_virtualenv_installed_requirements):
yield lambda lines: [
for requirement in helpers.extract_requirements(lines)
if requirement not in default_virtualenv_installed_requirements
def python_on_path():
return sys.executable.split(os.sep)[-1]
def mock_backend_process(request, mocker):
if 'allow_backend_process' in request.keywords:
yield False
line_queue = []
def mock_process_api(api):
def mock_process(command, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(command, list) or command[1:4] != ['-u', '-m', 'hatchling']: # no cov
return api(command, **kwargs)
original_args = sys.argv
sys.argv = command[3:]
mock = mocker.MagicMock()
# The builder sets process-wide environment variables
with EnvVars():
except SystemExit as e:
mock.returncode = e.code
mock.returncode = 0
mock.stdout = BytesIO(''.join(line_queue).encode('utf-8'))
return mock
sys.argv = original_args
return mock_process
mocker.patch('subprocess.Popen', side_effect=mock_process_api(subprocess.Popen))
mocker.patch('subprocess.run', side_effect=mock_process_api(subprocess.run))
mocker.patch('hatchling.bridge.app._send_app_command', side_effect=lambda cmd: line_queue.append(f'{cmd}\n'))
yield True
def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
for marker in item.iter_markers():
if marker.name == 'requires_internet' and not network_connectivity(): # no cov
pytest.skip('No network connectivity')
if marker.name == 'requires_ci' and not running_in_ci(): # no cov
pytest.skip('Not running in CI')
if marker.name == 'requires_windows' and not PLATFORM.windows:
pytest.skip('Not running on Windows')
if marker.name == 'requires_macos' and not PLATFORM.macos:
pytest.skip('Not running on macOS')
if marker.name == 'requires_linux' and not PLATFORM.linux:
pytest.skip('Not running on Linux')
if marker.name == 'requires_unix' and PLATFORM.windows:
pytest.skip('Not running on a Linux-based platform')
def pytest_configure(config):
config.addinivalue_line('markers', 'requires_windows: Tests intended for Windows operating systems')
config.addinivalue_line('markers', 'requires_macos: Tests intended for macOS operating systems')
config.addinivalue_line('markers', 'requires_linux: Tests intended for Linux operating systems')
config.addinivalue_line('markers', 'requires_unix: Tests intended for Linux-based operating systems')
config.addinivalue_line('markers', 'requires_internet: Tests that require access to the internet')
config.addinivalue_line('markers', 'allow_backend_process: Force the use of backend communication')
config.getini('norecursedirs').remove('build') # /tests/cli/build
config.getini('norecursedirs').remove('venv') # /tests/venv
def network_connectivity(): # no cov
if running_in_ci():
return True
import socket
# Test availability of DNS first
host = socket.gethostbyname('www.google.com')
# Test connection
socket.create_connection((host, 80), 2)
return True
except Exception:
return False