
119 lines
3.2 KiB

NOSE := nosetests --failed --verbose --no-byte-compile --logging-level=DEBUG --detailed-errors --stop
COVERAGE := $(NOSE) --with-coverage --cover-package=terrascript --cover-erase --cover-branches --cover-html
FLAKE8 := python3 -m flake8
TESTS_BASIC := $(wildcard tests/test_basic_*.py)
TESTS_ISSUES := $(wildcard tests/test_issue*.py)
TESTS_EXAMPLES := $(wildcard tests/test_example_*.py)
TESTS_MAKECODE := $(wildcard tests/test_makecode_*.py)
TESTS_PROVIDERS := $(wildcard tests/test_provider_*.py)
black \
clean \
code \
coverage \
debug_basic \
debug_issues \
docs \
flake8 \
help \
install \
package \
providers \
test \
test_basic \
test_black \
test_docs \
test_examples \
black: clean ## Format Python code with Black to keep style consistent
black -t py36 .
clean: ## Cleanup temporary / cached files
rm -f tests/*.pyc
rm -f terrascript/*.pyc
rm -f terrascript/*/*.pyc
rm -f .coverage
rm -f .noseid*
rm -rf build/*
#code: clean ## Generate providers shim classes / code
# ( cd tools && ./ 2>&1 | tee makecode.out )
# # Workarounds
# cp -vf terrascript/provider/ terrascript/provider/
# cp -vf terrascript/resource/ terrascript/resource/
# cp -vf terrascript/data/ terrascript/data/
coverage: clean ## Generate code test coverage
debug_basic: clean ## Run basic tests in debug mode
$(NOSE) --pdb $(TESTS_BASIC)
debug_issues: clean ## Run tests in debug mode for previous issues
debug_providers: clean ## Run tests for providers in debug mode
docs: clean ## Build documentation files
make -C docs html
flake8: clean ## Validate code against PEP8
$(FLAKE8) \
terrascript/ # tests/
help: ## Print this help and exit
@echo "Available build targets:"
@grep -e "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*: *.*## *" $(MAKEFILE_LIST) \
| awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[32m%-25s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
install: clean ## Install as python package from sources
python3 install
package: clean ## Build python package from sources
python3 clean
python3 sdist
providers: ## Build bindings for providers
$(MAKE) black
# Workarounds
# cp -vf terrascript/provider/ terrascript/provider/
# cp -vf terrascript/resource/ terrascript/resource/
# cp -vf terrascript/data/ terrascript/data/
test: clean test_makecode test_basic test_issues test_docs test_providers ## Run all tests
test_basic: clean ## Run basic tests
test_black: clean ## Verify that all Python code are formatted correctly
black \
--check \
--diff \
--target-version py36 \
test_docs: ## Run tests for documentation
(cd docs && make test)
test_examples: clean ## Run tests for examples
test_issues: clean ## Run tests for previous issues
test_makecode: clean ## Run tests for makecode
test_providers: clean ## Run tests for providers