
84 lines
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# Configuration file for rffmpeg
# Copy this sample to /etc/rffmpeg/rffmpeg.yml and replace the various attributes
# with the values for your environment. For more details please see the README.
# Any commented value represents the default. Uncomment and alter as required.
# Logging configuration
# Enable or disable file logging.
#log_to_file: true
# Log messages to this file.
# Ensure the user running rffmpeg can write to this directory.
#logfile: "/var/log/jellyfin/rffmpeg.log"
# Use a Jellyfin-logging compatible dated log format, e.g. "20221223_rffmpeg.log"
# Supersedes the "logfile" directive above
#datedlogfiles: false
# Use this base directory for Jellyfin-logging compatible dated log files if you enable "datedlogfiles"
# Set this to your Jellyfin logging directory if it differs from the default
#datedlogdir: "/var/log/jellyfin/"
# Show debugging messages
#debug: false
# Directory configuration
# Persistent directory to store state database.
#state: "/var/lib/rffmpeg"
# Temporary directory to store SSH persistence sockets.
#persist: "/run/shm"
# The user who should own the state directory and database.
# This should normally be the user who normally runs rffmpeg commands (i.e. the media
# server service user).
#owner: jellyfin
# The group who should own the state directory and database (an administrative group).
# Use this group to control who is able to run "rffmpeg" management commands; users in
# this group will have unlimited access to the tool to add/remove hosts, view status, etc.
#group: sudo
# Remote (SSH) configuration
# The remote SSH user to connect as.
#user: jellyfin
# How long to persist SSH sessions; 0 to disable SSH persistence.
#persist: 300
# A YAML list of additional SSH arguments (e.g. private keys).
# One entry line per space-separated argument element.
# - "-i"
# - "/var/lib/jellyfin/id_rsa"
# Remote command configuration
# The path (either full or in $PATH) to the default SSH binary.
#ssh: "/usr/bin/ssh"
# A YAML list of prefixes to the ffmpeg command (e.g. sudo, nice, etc.).
# One entry line per space-separated command element.
# - ""
# The (remote) ffmpeg and ffprobe command binary paths.
#ffmpeg: "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg"
#ffprobe: "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffprobe"
# Optional local fallback ffmpeg and ffprobe binary paths, if different from the above.
#fallback_ffmpeg: "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg"
#fallback_ffprobe: "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffprobe"
# Optional additions to special flags that output to stdout instead of stderr. This isn't an override.
# - "-muxers"
# - "-fp_format"