
86 lines
2.8 KiB

#include <pthread.h>
#include <sndfile.h>
#include "convolver.h"
#include "FFTConvolver.h"
#include "Utilities.h"
extern "C" void _warn(const char *filename, const int linenumber, const char *format, ...);
extern "C" void _debug(const char *filename, const int linenumber, int level, const char *format, ...);
#define warn(...) _warn(__FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
#define debug(...) _debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
fftconvolver::FFTConvolver convolver_l;
fftconvolver::FFTConvolver convolver_r;
// always lock use this when accessing the playing conn value
pthread_mutex_t convolver_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
int convolver_init(const char* filename, int max_length) {
int success = 0;
SF_INFO info;
if (filename) {
SNDFILE* file = sf_open(filename, SFM_READ, &info);
if (file) {
if (info.samplerate == 44100) {
if ((info.channels == 1) || (info.channels == 2)) {
const size_t size = info.frames > max_length ? max_length : info.frames;
float buffer[size*info.channels];
size_t l = sf_readf_float(file, buffer, size);
if (l != 0) {
convolver_l.reset(); // it is possible that init could be called more than once
convolver_r.reset(); // so it could be necessary to remove all previous settings
if (info.channels == 1) {
convolver_l.init(352, buffer, size);
convolver_r.init(352, buffer, size);
} else {
// deinterleave
float buffer_l[size];
float buffer_r[size];
unsigned int i;
for (i=0; i<size; ++i)
buffer_l[i] = buffer[2*i+0];
buffer_r[i] = buffer[2*i+1];
convolver_l.init(352, buffer_l, size);
convolver_r.init(352, buffer_r, size);
success = 1;
debug(1, "IR initialized from \"%s\" with %d channels and %d samples", filename, info.channels, size);
} else {
warn("Impulse file \"%s\" contains %d channels. Only 1 or 2 is supported.", filename, info.channels);
} else {
warn("Impulse file \"%s\" sample rate is %d Hz. Only 44100 Hz is supported", filename, info.samplerate);
return success;
void convolver_process_l(float* data, int length) {
convolver_l.process(data, data, length);
void convolver_process_r(float* data, int length) {
convolver_r.process(data, data, length);