
540 lines
22 KiB

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef _COMMON_H
#define _COMMON_H
#include <libconfig.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "audio.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "definitions.h"
#include "mdns.h"
// struct sockaddr_in6 is bigger than struct sockaddr. derp
#ifdef AF_INET6
#define SOCKADDR struct sockaddr_storage
#define SAFAMILY ss_family
#define SOCKADDR struct sockaddr
#define SAFAMILY sa_family
typedef enum {
DBT_system = 0, // use the session bus
DBT_session, // use the system bus
} dbus_session_type;
typedef enum {
TOE_dbus // a request was made on a D-Bus interface (the native D-Bus or MPRIS interfaces)-- don't
// wait for the dbus thread to exit
} type_of_exit_type;
#define sps_extra_code_output_stalled 32768
#define sps_extra_code_output_state_cannot_make_ready 32769
// yeah/no/auto
typedef enum { YNA_AUTO = -1, YNA_NO = 0, YNA_YES = 1 } yna_type;
// yeah/no/dont-care
typedef enum { YNDK_DONT_KNOW = -1, YNDK_NO = 0, YNDK_YES = 1 } yndk_type;
typedef enum {
} endian_type;
typedef enum {
ST_basic = 0, // straight deletion or insertion of a frame in a 352-frame packet
ST_soxr, // use libsoxr to make a 352 frame packet one frame longer or shorter
ST_auto, // use soxr if compiled for it and if the soxr_index is low enough
} stuffing_type;
typedef enum {
ST_stereo = 0,
} playback_mode_type;
typedef enum {
VCP_standard = 0,
} volume_control_profile_type;
typedef enum {
decoder_hammerton = 0,
} decoders_supported_type;
typedef enum {
disable_standby_off = 0,
} disable_standby_mode_type;
// the following enum is for the formats recognised -- currently only S16LE is recognised for input,
// so these are output only for the present
typedef enum {
} sps_format_t;
const char *sps_format_description_string(sps_format_t format);
typedef struct {
double missing_port_dacp_scan_interval_seconds; // if no DACP port number can be found, check at
// these intervals
double resend_control_first_check_time; // wait this long before asking for a missing packet to be
// resent
double resend_control_check_interval_time; // wait this long between making requests
double resend_control_last_check_time; // if the packet is missing this close to the time of use,
// give up
pthread_mutex_t lock;
config_t *cfg;
int endianness;
double airplay_volume; // stored here for reloading when necessary
double default_airplay_volume;
double high_threshold_airplay_volume;
uint64_t last_access_to_volume_info_time;
int limit_to_high_volume_threshold_time_in_minutes; // revert to the high threshold volume level
// if the existing volume level exceeds this
// and hasn't been used for this amount of
// time (0 means never revert)
char *appName; // normally the app is called shairport-syn, but it may be symlinked
char *password;
char *service_name; // the name for the shairport service, e.g. "Shairport Sync Version %v running
// on host %h"
#ifdef CONFIG_PA
char *pa_server; // the pulseaudio server address that Shairport Sync will play on.
char *pa_application_name; // the name under which Shairport Sync shows up as an "Application" in
// the Sound Preferences in most desktop Linuxes.
// Defaults to "Shairport Sync".
char *pa_sink; // the name (or id) of the sink that Shairport Sync will play on.
#ifdef CONFIG_PW
char *pw_application_name; // the name under which Shairport Sync shows up as an "Application" in
// the Sound Preferences in most desktop Linuxes.
// Defaults to "Shairport Sync".
char *pw_node_name; // defaults to the application's name, usually "shairport-sync".
char *pw_sink_target; // leave this unset if you don't want to change the sink_target.
int metadata_enabled;
char *metadata_pipename;
char *metadata_sockaddr;
int metadata_sockport;
size_t metadata_sockmsglength;
int get_coverart;
double metadata_progress_interval; // 0 means no progress reports
int mqtt_enabled;
char *mqtt_hostname;
int mqtt_port;
char *mqtt_username;
char *mqtt_password;
char *mqtt_capath;
char *mqtt_cafile;
char *mqtt_certfile;
char *mqtt_keyfile;
char *mqtt_topic;
int mqtt_publish_raw;
int mqtt_publish_parsed;
int mqtt_publish_cover;
int mqtt_enable_remote;
char *mqtt_empty_payload_substitute;
uint8_t ap1_prefix[6];
uint8_t hw_addr[8]; // only needs 6 but 8 is handy when converting this to a number
int port;
int udp_port_base;
int udp_port_range;
int ignore_volume_control;
int volume_max_db_set; // set to 1 if a maximum volume db has been set
int volume_max_db;
int no_sync; // disable synchronisation, even if it's available
int no_mmap; // disable use of mmap-based output, even if it's available
double resync_threshold; // if it gets out of whack by more than this number of seconds, do a
// resync. if zero, never do a resync.
double resync_recovery_time; // if sync is late, drop the delay but also drop the following frames
// up to the resync_recovery_time
int allow_session_interruption;
int timeout; // while in play mode, exit if no packets of audio come in for more than this number
// of seconds . Zero means never exit.
int dont_check_timeout; // this is used to maintain backward compatibility with the old -t option
// behaviour; only set by -t 0, cleared by everything else
char *output_name;
audio_output *output;
char *mdns_name;
mdns_backend *mdns;
int buffer_start_fill;
uint32_t userSuppliedLatency; // overrides all other latencies -- use with caution
uint32_t fixedLatencyOffset; // add this to all automatic latencies supplied to get the actual
// total latency
// the total latency will be limited to the min and max-latency values, if supplied
int daemonise;
int daemonise_store_pid; // don't try to save a PID file
char *piddir;
char *computed_piddir; // the actual pid directory to create, if any
char *pidfile;
int log_fd; // file descriptor of the file or pipe to log stuff to.
char *log_file_path; // path to file or pipe to log to, if any
int logOutputLevel; // log output level
int debugger_show_elapsed_time; // in the debug message, display the time since startup
int debugger_show_relative_time; // in the debug message, display the time since the last one
int debugger_show_file_and_line; // in the debug message, display the filename and line number
int statistics_requested, use_negotiated_latencies;
playback_mode_type playback_mode;
char *cmd_start, *cmd_stop, *cmd_set_volume, *cmd_unfixable;
char *cmd_active_start, *cmd_active_stop;
int cmd_blocking, cmd_start_returns_output;
double tolerance; // allow this much drift before attempting to correct it
stuffing_type packet_stuffing;
int soxr_delay_index;
int soxr_delay_threshold; // the soxr delay must be less or equal to this for soxr interpolation
// to be enabled under the auto setting
int decoders_supported;
int use_apple_decoder; // set to 1 if you want to use the apple decoder instead of the original by
// David Hammerton
// char *logfile;
// char *errfile;
char *configfile;
char *regtype; // The regtype is the service type followed by the protocol, separated by a dot, by
// default “_raop._tcp.” for AirPlay 1.
char *regtype2; // The regtype is the service type followed by the protocol, separated by a dot,
// by default “_raop._tcp.” for AirPlay 2.
char *interface; // a string containg the interface name, or NULL if nothing specified
int interface_index; // only valid if the interface string is non-NULL
double audio_backend_buffer_desired_length; // this will be the length in seconds of the
// audio backend buffer -- the DAC buffer for ALSA
double audio_backend_buffer_interpolation_threshold_in_seconds; // below this, soxr interpolation
// will not occur -- it'll be
// basic interpolation instead.
double disable_standby_mode_silence_threshold; // below this, silence will be added to the output
// buffer
double disable_standby_mode_silence_scan_interval; // check the threshold this often
double audio_backend_latency_offset; // this will be the offset in seconds to compensate for any
// fixed latency there might be in the audio path
int audio_backend_silent_lead_in_time_auto; // true if the lead-in time should be from as soon as
// packets are received
double audio_backend_silent_lead_in_time; // the length of the silence that should precede a play.
uint32_t minimum_free_buffer_headroom; // when effective latency is calculated, ensure this number
// of buffers are unallocated
double active_state_timeout; // the amount of time from when play ends to when the system leaves
// into the "active" mode.
uint32_t volume_range_db; // the range, in dB, from max dB to min dB. Zero means use the mixer's
// native range.
int volume_range_hw_priority; // when extending the volume range by combining sw and hw
// attenuators, lowering the volume, use all the hw attenuation
// before using
// sw attenuation
volume_control_profile_type volume_control_profile;
int output_format_auto_requested; // true if the configuration requests auto configuration
sps_format_t output_format;
int output_rate_auto_requested; // true if the configuration requests auto configuration
unsigned int output_rate;
int convolution;
int convolver_valid;
char *convolution_ir_file;
float convolution_gain;
int convolution_max_length;
int loudness;
float loudness_reference_volume_db;
int alsa_use_hardware_mute;
double alsa_maximum_stall_time;
disable_standby_mode_type disable_standby_mode;
volatile int keep_dac_busy;
yna_type use_precision_timing; // defaults to no
dbus_session_type dbus_service_bus_type;
dbus_session_type mpris_service_bus_type;
char *cover_art_cache_dir;
int retain_coverart;
int scan_interval_when_active; // number of seconds between DACP server scans when playing
// something (1)
int scan_interval_when_inactive; // number of seconds between DACP server scans playing nothing
// (3)
int scan_max_bad_response_count; // number of successive bad results to ignore before giving up
// (10)
int scan_max_inactive_count; // number of scans to do before stopping if not made active again
// (about 15 minutes worth)
int disable_resend_requests; // set this to stop resend request being made for missing packets
double diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction; // pseudo randomly drop this fraction of packets, for
// debugging. Currently audio packets only...
char *jack_client_name;
char *jack_autoconnect_pattern;
int jack_soxr_resample_quality;
void *gradients; // a linked list of the clock gradients discovered for all DACP IDs
// can't use IP numbers as they might be given to different devices
// can't get hold of MAC addresses.
// can't define the nvll linked list struct here
uint64_t airplay_features;
uint32_t airplay_statusflags;
char *airplay_device_id; // for the Bonjour advertisement and the GETINFO PList
char *airplay_pin; // non-NULL, 4 char PIN, if required for pairing
char *airplay_pi; // UUID in the Bonjour advertisement and the GETINFO Plist
char *nqptp_shared_memory_interface_name; // client name for nqptp service
int unfixable_error_reported; // only report once.
} shairport_cfg;
uint32_t nctohl(const uint8_t *p); // read 4 characters from *p and do ntohl on them
uint16_t nctohs(const uint8_t *p); // read 2 characters from *p and do ntohs on them
uint64_t nctoh64(const uint8_t *p); // read 8 characters from *p to a uint64_t
void memory_barrier();
void log_to_stderr(); // call this to direct logging to stderr;
void log_to_stdout(); // call this to direct logging to stdout;
void log_to_syslog(); // call this to direct logging to the system log;
void log_to_file(); // call this to direct logging to a file or (pre-existing) pipe;
// true if Shairport Sync is supposed to be sending output to the output device, false otherwise
int get_requested_connection_state_to_output();
void set_requested_connection_state_to_output(int v);
int try_to_open_pipe_for_writing(
const char *pathname); // open it without blocking if it's not hooked up
/* from
char *str_replace(const char *string, const char *substr, const char *replacement);
// based on
void r64init(uint64_t seed);
uint64_t r64u();
int64_t r64i();
// if you are breaking in to a session, you need to avoid the ports of the current session
// if you are law-abiding, then you can reuse the ports.
// so, you can reset the free UDP ports minder when you're legit, and leave it otherwise
// the downside of using different ports each time is that it might make the firewall
// rules a bit more complex, as they need to allow more than the minimum three ports.
// a range of 10 is suggested anyway
void resetFreeUDPPort();
uint16_t nextFreeUDPPort();
extern volatile int debuglev;
void _die(const char *filename, const int linenumber, const char *format, ...);
void _warn(const char *filename, const int linenumber, const char *format, ...);
void _inform(const char *filename, const int linenumber, const char *format, ...);
void _debug(const char *filename, const int linenumber, int level, const char *format, ...);
#define die(...) _die(__FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
#define debug(...) _debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
#define warn(...) _warn(__FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
#define inform(...) _inform(__FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
uint8_t *base64_dec(char *input, int *outlen);
char *base64_enc(uint8_t *input, int length);
#define RSA_MODE_AUTH (0)
#define RSA_MODE_KEY (1)
uint8_t *rsa_apply(uint8_t *input, int inlen, int *outlen, int mode);
// given a volume (0 to -30) and high and low attenuations in dB*100 (e.g. 0 to -6000 for 0 to -60
// dB), return an attenuation depending on a linear interpolation along the range
double flat_vol2attn(double vol, long max_db, long min_db);
// The intention behind dasl_tapered is that a given percentage change in volume should result in
// the same percentage change in perceived loudness. For instance, doubling the volume level should
// result in doubling the perceived loudness. With the range of AirPlay volume being from -30 to 0,
// doubling the volume from -22.5 to -15 results in an increase of 10 dB. Similarly, doubling the
// volume from -15 to 0 results in an increase of 10 dB. For compatibility with mixers having a
// restricted attenuation range (e.g. 30 dB), "dasl_tapered" will switch to a flat profile at low
// AirPlay volumes.
double dasl_tapered_vol2attn(double vol, long max_db, long min_db);
// given a volume (0 to -30) and high and low attenuations in dB*100 (e.g. 0 to -6000 for 0 to -60
// dB), return an attenuation depending on the transfer function
double vol2attn(double vol, long max_db, long min_db);
// return a time in nanoseconds
// Not defined for macOS
uint64_t get_realtime_in_ns(void);
uint64_t get_absolute_time_in_ns(void); // monotonic_raw or monotonic
uint64_t get_monotonic_time_in_ns(void); // NTP-disciplined
// time at startup for debugging timing
extern uint64_t ns_time_at_startup, ns_time_at_last_debug_message;
// this is for reading an unsigned 32 bit number, such as an RTP timestamp
uint32_t uatoi(const char *nptr);
extern shairport_cfg config;
extern config_t config_file_stuff;
extern int type_of_exit_cleanup; // normal, emergency, dbus requested...
int config_set_lookup_bool(config_t *cfg, char *where, int *dst);
void command_start(void);
void command_stop(void);
void command_execute(const char *command, const char *extra_argument, const int block);
void command_set_volume(double volume);
int mkpath(const char *path, mode_t mode);
void shairport_shutdown();
extern sigset_t pselect_sigset;
extern pthread_mutex_t the_conn_lock;
#define conn_lock(arg) \
pthread_mutex_lock(&the_conn_lock); \
arg; \
// wait for the specified time in microseconds -- it checks every 20 milliseconds
// int sps_pthread_mutex_timedlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex, useconds_t dally_time,
// const char *debugmessage, int debuglevel);
// wait for the specified time, checking every 20 milliseconds, and block if it can't acquire the
// lock
int _debug_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex, useconds_t dally_time, const char *mutexName,
const char *filename, const int line, int debuglevel);
#define debug_mutex_lock(mu, t, d) _debug_mutex_lock(mu, t, #mu, __FILE__, __LINE__, d)
int _debug_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex, const char *mutexName, const char *filename,
const int line, int debuglevel);
#define debug_mutex_unlock(mu, d) _debug_mutex_unlock(mu, #mu, __FILE__, __LINE__, d)
void pthread_cleanup_debug_mutex_unlock(void *arg);
#define pthread_cleanup_debug_mutex_lock(mu, t, d) \
if (_debug_mutex_lock(mu, t, #mu, __FILE__, __LINE__, d) == 0) \
pthread_cleanup_push(pthread_cleanup_debug_mutex_unlock, (void *)mu)
#define config_lock \
if (pthread_mutex_trylock(&config.lock) != 0) { \
debug(1, "config_lock: cannot acquire config.lock"); \
#define config_unlock pthread_mutex_unlock(&config.lock)
extern pthread_mutex_t r64_mutex;
#define r64_lock pthread_mutex_lock(&r64_mutex)
#define r64_unlock pthread_mutex_unlock(&r64_mutex)
char *get_version_string(); // mallocs a string space -- remember to free it afterwards
int64_t generate_zero_frames(char *outp, size_t number_of_frames, sps_format_t format,
int with_dither, int64_t random_number_in);
void malloc_cleanup(void *arg);
int string_update_with_size(char **str, int *flag, char *s, size_t len);
// from, with thanks
void *memdup(const void *mem, size_t size);
int bind_socket_and_port(int type, int ip_family, const char *self_ip_address, uint32_t scope_id,
uint16_t *port, int *sock);
uint16_t bind_UDP_port(int ip_family, const char *self_ip_address, uint32_t scope_id, int *sock);
void socket_cleanup(void *arg);
void mutex_unlock(void *arg);
void rwlock_unlock(void *arg);
void mutex_cleanup(void *arg);
void cv_cleanup(void *arg);
void thread_cleanup(void *arg);
void plist_cleanup(void *arg);
char *debug_malloc_hex_cstring(void *packet, size_t nread);
// from, with thanks
// allocates memory and copies the content to it
// analogous to strndup;
void *memdup(const void *mem, size_t size);
// the difference between two unsigned 32-bit modulo values as a signed 32-bit result
// now, if the two numbers are constrained to be within 2^(n-1)-1 of one another,
// we can use their as a signed 2^n bit number which will be positive
// if the first number is the same or "after" the second, and
// negative otherwise
int32_t mod32Difference(uint32_t a, uint32_t b);
int get_device_id(uint8_t *id, int int_length);
extern char git_version_string[];
#endif // _COMMON_H
#ifdef __cplusplus