
3067 lines
130 KiB

* Apple RTP protocol handler. This file is part of Shairport.
* Copyright (c) James Laird 2013
* Copyright (c) Mike Brady 2014 -- 2019
* All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
* files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
* restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
* copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
* sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "rtp.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "rtsp.h"
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "ptp-utilities.h"
#include <libavcodec/avcodec.h>
#include <libavformat/avformat.h>
#include <libavutil/opt.h>
#include <libswresample/swresample.h>
#include <sodium.h>
struct Nvll {
char *name;
double value;
struct Nvll *next;
typedef struct Nvll nvll;
uint64_t local_to_remote_time_jitter;
uint64_t local_to_remote_time_jitter_count;
typedef struct {
int closed;
int error_code;
int sock_fd;
char *buffer;
char *toq;
char *eoq;
size_t buffer_max_size;
size_t buffer_occupancy;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_cond_t not_empty_cv;
pthread_cond_t not_full_cv;
} buffered_tcp_desc;
void check64conversion(const char *prompt, const uint8_t *source, uint64_t value) {
char converted_value[128];
sprintf(converted_value, "%" PRIx64 "", value);
char obf[32];
char *obfp = obf;
int obfc;
int suppress_zeroes = 1;
for (obfc = 0; obfc < 8; obfc++) {
if ((suppress_zeroes == 0) || (source[obfc] != 0)) {
if (suppress_zeroes != 0) {
if (source[obfc] < 0x10) {
snprintf(obfp, 3, "%1x", source[obfc]);
obfp += 1;
} else {
snprintf(obfp, 3, "%02x", source[obfc]);
obfp += 2;
} else {
snprintf(obfp, 3, "%02x", source[obfc]);
obfp += 2;
suppress_zeroes = 0;
*obfp = 0;
if (strcmp(converted_value, obf) != 0) {
debug(1, "%s check64conversion error converting \"%s\" to %" PRIx64 ".", prompt, obf, value);
void check32conversion(const char *prompt, const uint8_t *source, uint32_t value) {
char converted_value[128];
sprintf(converted_value, "%" PRIx32 "", value);
char obf[32];
char *obfp = obf;
int obfc;
int suppress_zeroes = 1;
for (obfc = 0; obfc < 4; obfc++) {
if ((suppress_zeroes == 0) || (source[obfc] != 0)) {
if (suppress_zeroes != 0) {
if (source[obfc] < 0x10) {
snprintf(obfp, 3, "%1x", source[obfc]);
obfp += 1;
} else {
snprintf(obfp, 3, "%02x", source[obfc]);
obfp += 2;
} else {
snprintf(obfp, 3, "%02x", source[obfc]);
obfp += 2;
suppress_zeroes = 0;
*obfp = 0;
if (strcmp(converted_value, obf) != 0) {
debug(1, "%s check32conversion error converting \"%s\" to %" PRIx32 ".", prompt, obf, value);
void rtp_initialise(rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
conn->rtp_time_of_last_resend_request_error_ns = 0;
conn->rtp_running = 0;
// initialise the timer mutex
int rc = pthread_mutex_init(&conn->reference_time_mutex, NULL);
if (rc)
debug(1, "Error initialising reference_time_mutex.");
void rtp_terminate(rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
conn->anchor_rtptime = 0;
// destroy the timer mutex
int rc = pthread_mutex_destroy(&conn->reference_time_mutex);
if (rc)
debug(1, "Error destroying reference_time_mutex variable.");
uint64_t local_to_remote_time_difference_now(rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
// this is an attempt to compensate for clock drift since the last time ping that was used
// so, if we have a non-zero clock drift, we will calculate the drift there would
// be from the time of the last time ping
uint64_t time_since_last_local_to_remote_time_difference_measurement =
get_absolute_time_in_ns() - conn->local_to_remote_time_difference_measurement_time;
uint64_t result = conn->local_to_remote_time_difference;
if (conn->local_to_remote_time_gradient >= 1.0) {
result = conn->local_to_remote_time_difference +
(uint64_t)((conn->local_to_remote_time_gradient - 1.0) *
} else {
result = conn->local_to_remote_time_difference -
(uint64_t)((1.0 - conn->local_to_remote_time_gradient) *
return result;
void rtp_audio_receiver_cleanup_handler(__attribute__((unused)) void *arg) {
debug(3, "Audio Receiver Cleanup Done.");
void *rtp_audio_receiver(void *arg) {
debug(3, "rtp_audio_receiver start");
pthread_cleanup_push(rtp_audio_receiver_cleanup_handler, arg);
rtsp_conn_info *conn = (rtsp_conn_info *)arg;
int32_t last_seqno = -1;
uint8_t packet[2048], *pktp;
uint64_t time_of_previous_packet_ns = 0;
float longest_packet_time_interval_us = 0.0;
// mean and variance calculations from "online_variance" algorithm at
int32_t stat_n = 0;
float stat_mean = 0.0;
float stat_M2 = 0.0;
ssize_t nread;
while (1) {
nread = recv(conn->audio_socket, packet, sizeof(packet), 0);
uint64_t local_time_now_ns = get_absolute_time_in_ns();
if (time_of_previous_packet_ns) {
float time_interval_us = (local_time_now_ns - time_of_previous_packet_ns) * 0.001;
time_of_previous_packet_ns = local_time_now_ns;
if (time_interval_us > longest_packet_time_interval_us)
longest_packet_time_interval_us = time_interval_us;
stat_n += 1;
float stat_delta = time_interval_us - stat_mean;
stat_mean += stat_delta / stat_n;
stat_M2 += stat_delta * (time_interval_us - stat_mean);
if ((stat_n != 1) && (stat_n % 2500 == 0)) {
"Packet reception interval stats: mean, standard deviation and max for the last "
"2,500 packets in microseconds: %10.1f, %10.1f, %10.1f.",
stat_mean, sqrtf(stat_M2 / (stat_n - 1)), longest_packet_time_interval_us);
stat_n = 0;
stat_mean = 0.0;
stat_M2 = 0.0;
time_of_previous_packet_ns = 0;
longest_packet_time_interval_us = 0.0;
} else {
time_of_previous_packet_ns = local_time_now_ns;
if (nread >= 0) {
ssize_t plen = nread;
uint8_t type = packet[1] & ~0x80;
if (type == 0x60 || type == 0x56) { // audio data / resend
pktp = packet;
if (type == 0x56) {
pktp += 4;
plen -= 4;
seq_t seqno = ntohs(*(uint16_t *)(pktp + 2));
// increment last_seqno and see if it's the same as the incoming seqno
if (type == 0x60) { // regular audio data
char obf[4096];
char *obfp = obf;
int obfc;
for (obfc=0;obfc<plen;obfc++) {
snprintf(obfp, 3, "%02X", pktp[obfc]);
debug(1,"Audio Packet Received: \"%s\"",obf);
if (last_seqno == -1)
last_seqno = seqno;
else {
last_seqno = (last_seqno + 1) & 0xffff;
// if (seqno != last_seqno)
// debug(3, "RTP: Packets out of sequence: expected: %d, got %d.", last_seqno, seqno);
last_seqno = seqno; // reset warning...
} else {
debug(3, "Audio Receiver -- Retransmitted Audio Data Packet %u received.", seqno);
uint32_t actual_timestamp = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)(pktp + 4));
// uint32_t ssid = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)(pktp + 8));
// debug(1, "Audio packet SSID: %08X,%u", ssid,ssid);
// if (packet[1]&0x10)
// debug(1,"Audio packet Extension bit set.");
pktp += 12;
plen -= 12;
// check if packet contains enough content to be reasonable
if (plen >= 16) {
if ((config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction == 0.0) ||
(drand48() > config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction))
player_put_packet(1, seqno, actual_timestamp, pktp, plen,
conn); // the '1' means is original format
debug(3, "Dropping audio packet %u to simulate a bad connection.", seqno);
if (type == 0x56 && seqno == 0) {
debug(2, "resend-related request packet received, ignoring.");
debug(1, "Audio receiver -- Unknown RTP packet of type 0x%02X length %d seqno %d", type,
nread, seqno);
warn("Audio receiver -- Unknown RTP packet of type 0x%02X length %d.", type, nread);
} else {
char em[1024];
strerror_r(errno, em, sizeof(em));
debug(1, "Error %d receiving an audio packet: \"%s\".", errno, em);
debug(3, "Audio receiver -- Server RTP thread interrupted. terminating.");
debug(1, "Audio receiver thread \"normal\" exit -- this can't happen. Hah!");
pthread_cleanup_pop(0); // don't execute anything here.
debug(2, "Audio receiver thread exit.");
void rtp_control_handler_cleanup_handler(__attribute__((unused)) void *arg) {
debug(2, "Control Receiver Cleanup Done.");
void *rtp_control_receiver(void *arg) {
debug(2, "rtp_control_receiver start");
pthread_cleanup_push(rtp_control_handler_cleanup_handler, arg);
rtsp_conn_info *conn = (rtsp_conn_info *)arg;
conn->anchor_rtptime = 0; // nothing valid received yet
uint8_t packet[2048], *pktp;
// struct timespec tn;
uint64_t remote_time_of_sync;
uint32_t sync_rtp_timestamp;
ssize_t nread;
while (1) {
nread = recv(conn->control_socket, packet, sizeof(packet), 0);
if (conn->rtsp_link_is_idle == 0) {
if (nread >= 0) {
if ((config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction == 0.0) ||
(drand48() > config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction)) {
ssize_t plen = nread;
if (packet[1] == 0xd4) { // sync data
// clang-format off
// the following stanza is for debugging only -- normally commented out.
char obf[4096];
char *obfp = obf;
int obfc;
for (obfc = 0; obfc < plen; obfc++) {
snprintf(obfp, 3, "%02X", packet[obfc]);
obfp += 2;
*obfp = 0;
// get raw timestamp information
// I think that a good way to understand these timestamps is that
// (1) the rtlt below is the timestamp of the frame that should be playing at the
// client-time specified in the packet if there was no delay
// and (2) that the rt below is the timestamp of the frame that should be playing
// at the client-time specified in the packet on this device taking account of
// the delay
// Thus, (3) the latency can be calculated by subtracting the second from the
// first.
// There must be more to it -- there something missing.
// In addition, it seems that if the value of the short represented by the second
// pair of bytes in the packet is 7
// then an extra time lag is expected to be added, presumably by
// the AirPort Express.
// Best guess is that this delay is 11,025 frames.
uint32_t rtlt = nctohl(&packet[4]); // raw timestamp less latency
uint32_t rt = nctohl(&packet[16]); // raw timestamp
uint32_t fl = nctohs(&packet[2]); //
debug(1,"Sync Packet of %d bytes received: \"%s\", flags: %d, timestamps %u and %u,
giving a latency of %d frames.",plen,obf,fl,rt,rtlt,rt-rtlt);
//debug(1,"Monotonic timestamps are: %" PRId64 " and %" PRId64 "
respectively.",monotonic_timestamp(rt, conn),monotonic_timestamp(rtlt, conn));
// clang-format off
if (conn->local_to_remote_time_difference) { // need a time packet to be interchanged
// first...
uint64_t ps, pn;
ps = nctohl(&packet[8]);
ps = ps * 1000000000; // this many nanoseconds from the whole seconds
pn = nctohl(&packet[12]);
pn = pn * 1000000000;
pn = pn >> 32; // this many nanoseconds from the fractional part
remote_time_of_sync = ps + pn;
// debug(1,"Remote Sync Time: " PRIu64 "",remote_time_of_sync);
sync_rtp_timestamp = nctohl(&packet[16]);
uint32_t rtp_timestamp_less_latency = nctohl(&packet[4]);
// debug(1,"Sync timestamp is %u.",ntohl(*((uint32_t *)&packet[16])));
if (config.userSuppliedLatency) {
if (config.userSuppliedLatency != conn->latency) {
debug(1, "Using the user-supplied latency: %" PRIu32 ".",
conn->latency = config.userSuppliedLatency;
} else {
// It seems that the second pair of bytes in the packet indicate whether a fixed
// delay of 11,025 frames should be added -- iTunes set this field to 7 and
// AirPlay sets it to 4.
// However, on older versions of AirPlay, the 11,025 frames seem to be necessary too
// The value of 11,025 (0.25 seconds) is a guess based on the "Audio-Latency"
// parameter
// returned by an AE.
// Sigh, it would be nice to have a published protocol...
uint16_t flags = nctohs(&packet[2]);
uint32_t la = sync_rtp_timestamp - rtp_timestamp_less_latency; // note, this might
// loop around in
// modulo. Not sure if
// you'll get an error!
// debug(1, "Latency from the sync packet is %" PRIu32 " frames.", la);
if ((flags == 7) || ((conn->AirPlayVersion > 0) && (conn->AirPlayVersion <= 353)) ||
((conn->AirPlayVersion > 0) && (conn->AirPlayVersion >= 371))) {
la += config.fixedLatencyOffset;
// debug(1, "Latency offset by %" PRIu32" frames due to the source flags and version
// giving a latency of %" PRIu32 " frames.", config.fixedLatencyOffset, la);
if ((conn->maximum_latency) && (conn->maximum_latency < la))
la = conn->maximum_latency;
if ((conn->minimum_latency) && (conn->minimum_latency > la))
la = conn->minimum_latency;
const uint32_t max_frames = ((3 * BUFFER_FRAMES * 352) / 4) - 11025;
if (la > max_frames) {
warn("An out-of-range latency request of %" PRIu32
" frames was ignored. Must be %" PRIu32
" frames or less (44,100 frames per second). "
"Latency remains at %" PRIu32 " frames.",
la, max_frames, conn->latency);
} else {
// here we have the latency but it does not yet account for the
// audio_backend_latency_offset
int32_t latency_offset =
(int32_t)(config.audio_backend_latency_offset * conn->input_rate);
// debug(1,"latency offset is %" PRId32 ", input rate is %u", latency_offset,
// conn->input_rate);
int32_t adjusted_latency = latency_offset + (int32_t)la;
if ((adjusted_latency < 0) ||
(adjusted_latency >
(int32_t)(conn->max_frames_per_packet *
(BUFFER_FRAMES - config.minimum_free_buffer_headroom))))
warn("audio_backend_latency_offset out of range -- ignored.");
la = adjusted_latency;
if (la != conn->latency) {
conn->latency = la;
"New latency: %" PRIu32 ", sync latency: %" PRIu32
", minimum latency: %" PRIu32 ", maximum "
"latency: %" PRIu32 ", fixed offset: %" PRIu32
", audio_backend_latency_offset: %f.",
conn->latency, sync_rtp_timestamp - rtp_timestamp_less_latency,
conn->minimum_latency, conn->maximum_latency, config.fixedLatencyOffset,
// here, we apply the latency to the sync_rtp_timestamp
sync_rtp_timestamp = sync_rtp_timestamp - conn->latency;
debug_mutex_lock(&conn->reference_time_mutex, 1000, 0);
if (conn->initial_reference_time == 0) {
if (conn->packet_count_since_flush > 0) {
conn->initial_reference_time = remote_time_of_sync;
conn->initial_reference_timestamp = sync_rtp_timestamp;
} else {
uint64_t remote_frame_time_interval =
conn->anchor_time -
conn->initial_reference_time; // here, this should never be zero
if (remote_frame_time_interval) {
conn->remote_frame_rate =
(1.0E9 * (conn->anchor_rtptime - conn->initial_reference_timestamp)) /
} else {
conn->remote_frame_rate = 0.0; // use as a flag.
// this is for debugging
uint64_t old_remote_reference_time = conn->anchor_time;
uint32_t old_reference_timestamp = conn->anchor_rtptime;
// int64_t old_latency_delayed_timestamp = conn->latency_delayed_timestamp;
if (conn->anchor_remote_info_is_valid != 0) {
int64_t time_difference = remote_time_of_sync - conn->anchor_time;
int32_t frame_difference = sync_rtp_timestamp - conn->anchor_rtptime;
double time_difference_in_frames = (1.0 * time_difference * conn->input_rate) / 1000000000;
double frame_change = frame_difference - time_difference_in_frames;
debug(2,"AP1 control thread: set_ntp_anchor_info: rtptime: %" PRIu32 ", networktime: %" PRIx64 ", frame adjustment: %7.3f.", sync_rtp_timestamp, remote_time_of_sync, frame_change);
} else {
debug(2,"AP1 control thread: set_ntp_anchor_info: rtptime: %" PRIu32 ", networktime: %" PRIx64 ".", sync_rtp_timestamp, remote_time_of_sync);
conn->anchor_time = remote_time_of_sync;
// conn->reference_timestamp_time =
// remote_time_of_sync - local_to_remote_time_difference_now(conn);
conn->anchor_rtptime = sync_rtp_timestamp;
conn->anchor_remote_info_is_valid = 1;
conn->latency_delayed_timestamp = rtp_timestamp_less_latency;
debug_mutex_unlock(&conn->reference_time_mutex, 0);
conn->reference_to_previous_time_difference =
remote_time_of_sync - old_remote_reference_time;
if (old_reference_timestamp == 0)
conn->reference_to_previous_frame_difference = 0;
conn->reference_to_previous_frame_difference =
sync_rtp_timestamp - old_reference_timestamp;
} else {
debug(2, "Sync packet received before we got a timing packet back.");
} else if (packet[1] == 0xd6) { // resent audio data in the control path -- whaale only?
pktp = packet + 4;
plen -= 4;
seq_t seqno = ntohs(*(uint16_t *)(pktp + 2));
debug(3, "Control Receiver -- Retransmitted Audio Data Packet %u received.", seqno);
uint32_t actual_timestamp = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)(pktp + 4));
pktp += 12;
plen -= 12;
// check if packet contains enough content to be reasonable
if (plen >= 16) {
player_put_packet(1, seqno, actual_timestamp, pktp, plen,
conn); // the '1' means is original format
} else {
debug(3, "Too-short retransmitted audio packet received in control port, ignored.");
} else
debug(1, "Control Receiver -- Unknown RTP packet of type 0x%02X length %d, ignored.",
packet[1], nread);
} else {
debug(3, "Control Receiver -- dropping a packet to simulate a bad network.");
} else {
char em[1024];
strerror_r(errno, em, sizeof(em));
debug(1, "Control Receiver -- error %d receiving a packet: \"%s\".", errno, em);
debug(1, "Control RTP thread \"normal\" exit -- this can't happen. Hah!");
pthread_cleanup_pop(0); // don't execute anything here.
debug(2, "Control RTP thread exit.");
void rtp_timing_sender_cleanup_handler(void *arg) {
rtsp_conn_info *conn = (rtsp_conn_info *)arg;
debug(3, "Connection %d: Timing Sender Cleanup.", conn->connection_number);
void *rtp_timing_sender(void *arg) {
debug(2, "rtp_timing_sender start");
pthread_cleanup_push(rtp_timing_sender_cleanup_handler, arg);
rtsp_conn_info *conn = (rtsp_conn_info *)arg;
struct timing_request {
char leader;
char type;
uint16_t seqno;
uint32_t filler;
uint64_t origin, receive, transmit;
uint64_t request_number = 0;
struct timing_request req; // *not* a standard RTCP NACK
req.leader = 0x80;
req.type = 0xd2; // Timing request
req.filler = 0;
req.seqno = htons(7);
conn->time_ping_count = 0;
while (1) {
if (conn->rtsp_link_is_idle == 0) {
if (conn->udp_clock_sender_is_initialised == 0) {
request_number = 0;
conn->udp_clock_sender_is_initialised = 1;
debug(2,"AP1 clock sender thread: initialised.");
// debug(1,"Send a timing request");
if (!conn->rtp_running)
debug(1, "rtp_timing_sender called without active stream in RTSP conversation thread %d!",
// debug(1, "Requesting ntp timestamp exchange.");
req.filler = 0;
req.origin = req.receive = req.transmit = 0;
conn->departure_time = get_absolute_time_in_ns();
socklen_t msgsize = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
#ifdef AF_INET6
if (conn->rtp_client_timing_socket.SAFAMILY == AF_INET6) {
msgsize = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
if ((config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction == 0.0) ||
(drand48() > config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction)) {
if (sendto(conn->timing_socket, &req, sizeof(req), 0,
(struct sockaddr *)&conn->rtp_client_timing_socket, msgsize) == -1) {
char em[1024];
strerror_r(errno, em, sizeof(em));
debug(1, "Error %d using send-to to the timing socket: \"%s\".", errno, em);
} else {
debug(3, "Timing Sender Thread -- dropping outgoing packet to simulate bad network.");
if (request_number <= 3)
usleep(300000); // these are thread cancellation points
} else {
usleep(100000); // wait until sleep is over
debug(3, "rtp_timing_sender thread interrupted. This should never happen.");
pthread_cleanup_pop(0); // don't execute anything here.
void rtp_timing_receiver_cleanup_handler(void *arg) {
rtsp_conn_info *conn = (rtsp_conn_info *)arg;
debug(3, "Timing Receiver Cleanup.");
// walk down the list of DACP / gradient pairs, if any
nvll *gradients = config.gradients;
if (conn->dacp_id)
while ((gradients) && (strcasecmp((const char *)&conn->client_ip_string, gradients->name) != 0))
gradients = gradients->next;
// if gradients comes out of this non-null, it is pointing to the DACP and it's last-known
// gradient
if (gradients) {
gradients->value = conn->local_to_remote_time_gradient;
// debug(1,"Updating a drift of %.2f ppm for \"%s\".", (conn->local_to_remote_time_gradient
// - 1.0)*1000000, gradients->name);
} else {
nvll *new_entry = (nvll *)malloc(sizeof(nvll));
if (new_entry) {
new_entry->name = strdup((const char *)&conn->client_ip_string);
new_entry->value = conn->local_to_remote_time_gradient;
new_entry->next = config.gradients;
config.gradients = new_entry;
// debug(1,"Setting a new drift of %.2f ppm for \"%s\".", (conn->local_to_remote_time_gradient
// - 1.0)*1000000, new_entry->name);
debug(3, "Cancel Timing Requester.");
int oldState;
pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, &oldState);
debug(3, "Join Timing Requester.");
pthread_join(conn->timer_requester, NULL);
debug(3, "Timing Receiver Cleanup Successful.");
pthread_setcancelstate(oldState, NULL);
void *rtp_timing_receiver(void *arg) {
debug(3, "rtp_timing_receiver start");
pthread_cleanup_push(rtp_timing_receiver_cleanup_handler, arg);
rtsp_conn_info *conn = (rtsp_conn_info *)arg;
uint8_t packet[2048];
ssize_t nread;
pthread_create(&conn->timer_requester, NULL, &rtp_timing_sender, arg);
// struct timespec att;
uint64_t distant_receive_time, distant_transmit_time, arrival_time, return_time;
local_to_remote_time_jitter = 0;
local_to_remote_time_jitter_count = 0;
uint64_t first_local_to_remote_time_difference = 0;
conn->local_to_remote_time_gradient = 1.0; // initial value.
// walk down the list of DACP / gradient pairs, if any
nvll *gradients = config.gradients;
while ((gradients) && (strcasecmp((const char *)&conn->client_ip_string, gradients->name) != 0))
gradients = gradients->next;
// if gradients comes out of this non-null, it is pointing to the IP and it's last-known gradient
if (gradients) {
conn->local_to_remote_time_gradient = gradients->value;
// debug(1,"Using a stored drift of %.2f ppm for \"%s\".", (conn->local_to_remote_time_gradient
// - 1.0)*1000000, gradients->name);
// calculate diffusion factor
// at the end of the array of time pings, the diffusion factor
// must be diffusion_expansion_factor
// this, at each step, the diffusion multiplication constant must
// be the nth root of diffusion_expansion_factor
// where n is the number of elements in the array
const double diffusion_expansion_factor = 10;
double log_of_multiplier = log10(diffusion_expansion_factor) / time_ping_history;
double multiplier = pow(10, log_of_multiplier);
uint64_t dispersion_factor = (uint64_t)(multiplier * 100);
if (dispersion_factor == 0)
die("dispersion factor is zero!");
// debug(1,"dispersion factor is %" PRIu64 ".", dispersion_factor);
// uint64_t first_local_to_remote_time_difference_time;
// uint64_t l2rtd = 0;
int sequence_number = 0;
// for getting mean and sd of return times
int32_t stat_n = 0;
double stat_mean = 0.0;
// double stat_M2 = 0.0;
while (1) {
nread = recv(conn->timing_socket, packet, sizeof(packet), 0);
if (conn->rtsp_link_is_idle == 0) {
if (conn->udp_clock_is_initialised == 0) {
debug(2,"AP1 clock receiver thread: initialised.");
local_to_remote_time_jitter = 0;
local_to_remote_time_jitter_count = 0;
first_local_to_remote_time_difference = 0;
sequence_number = 0;
stat_n = 0;
stat_mean = 0.0;
conn->udp_clock_is_initialised = 1;
if (nread >= 0) {
if ((config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction == 0.0) ||
(drand48() > config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction)) {
arrival_time = get_absolute_time_in_ns();
// ssize_t plen = nread;
// debug(1,"Packet Received on Timing Port.");
if (packet[1] == 0xd3) { // timing reply
return_time = arrival_time - conn->departure_time;
debug(2, "clock synchronisation request: return time is %8.3f milliseconds.",
0.000001 * return_time);
if (return_time < 200000000) { // must be less than 0.2 seconds
// distant_receive_time =
// ((uint64_t)ntohl(*((uint32_t*)&packet[16])))<<32+ntohl(*((uint32_t*)&packet[20]));
uint64_t ps, pn;
ps = nctohl(&packet[16]);
ps = ps * 1000000000; // this many nanoseconds from the whole seconds
pn = nctohl(&packet[20]);
pn = pn * 1000000000;
pn = pn >> 32; // this many nanoseconds from the fractional part
distant_receive_time = ps + pn;
// distant_transmit_time =
// ((uint64_t)ntohl(*((uint32_t*)&packet[24])))<<32+ntohl(*((uint32_t*)&packet[28]));
ps = nctohl(&packet[24]);
ps = ps * 1000000000; // this many nanoseconds from the whole seconds
pn = nctohl(&packet[28]);
pn = pn * 1000000000;
pn = pn >> 32; // this many nanoseconds from the fractional part
distant_transmit_time = ps + pn;
uint64_t remote_processing_time = 0;
if (distant_transmit_time >= distant_receive_time)
remote_processing_time = distant_transmit_time - distant_receive_time;
else {
debug(1, "Yikes: distant_transmit_time is before distant_receive_time; remote "
"processing time set to zero.");
// debug(1,"Return trip time: %" PRIu64 " nS, remote processing time: %" PRIu64 "
// nS.",return_time, remote_processing_time);
if (remote_processing_time < return_time)
return_time -= remote_processing_time;
debug(1, "Remote processing time greater than return time -- ignored.");
int cc;
// debug(1, "time ping history is %d entries.", time_ping_history);
for (cc = time_ping_history - 1; cc > 0; cc--) {
conn->time_pings[cc] = conn->time_pings[cc - 1];
// if ((conn->time_ping_count) && (conn->time_ping_count < 10))
// conn->time_pings[cc].dispersion =
// conn->time_pings[cc].dispersion * pow(2.14,
// 1.0/conn->time_ping_count);
if (conn->time_pings[cc].dispersion > UINT64_MAX / dispersion_factor)
debug(1, "dispersion factor is too large at %" PRIu64 ".");
conn->time_pings[cc].dispersion =
(conn->time_pings[cc].dispersion * dispersion_factor) /
100; // make the dispersions 'age' by this rational factor
// these are used for doing a least squares calculation to get the drift
conn->time_pings[0].local_time = arrival_time;
conn->time_pings[0].remote_time = distant_transmit_time + return_time / 2;
conn->time_pings[0].sequence_number = sequence_number++;
conn->time_pings[0].chosen = 0;
conn->time_pings[0].dispersion = return_time;
if (conn->time_ping_count < time_ping_history)
// here, calculate the mean and standard deviation of the return times
// mean and variance calculations from "online_variance" algorithm at
stat_n += 1;
double stat_delta = return_time - stat_mean;
stat_mean += stat_delta / stat_n;
// stat_M2 += stat_delta * (return_time - stat_mean);
// debug(1, "Timing packet return time stats: current, mean and standard deviation over
// %d packets: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f (nanoseconds).",
// stat_n,return_time,stat_mean, sqrtf(stat_M2 / (stat_n - 1)));
// here, pick the record with the least dispersion, and record that it's been chosen
// uint64_t local_time_chosen = arrival_time;
// uint64_t remote_time_chosen = distant_transmit_time;
// now pick the timestamp with the lowest dispersion
uint64_t rt = conn->time_pings[0].remote_time;
uint64_t lt = conn->time_pings[0].local_time;
uint64_t tld = conn->time_pings[0].dispersion;
int chosen = 0;
for (cc = 1; cc < conn->time_ping_count; cc++)
if (conn->time_pings[cc].dispersion < tld) {
chosen = cc;
rt = conn->time_pings[cc].remote_time;
lt = conn->time_pings[cc].local_time;
tld = conn->time_pings[cc].dispersion;
// local_time_chosen = conn->time_pings[cc].local_time;
// remote_time_chosen = conn->time_pings[cc].remote_time;
// debug(1,"Record %d has the lowest dispersion with %0.2f us
// dispersion.",chosen,1.0*((tld * 1000000) >> 32));
conn->time_pings[chosen].chosen = 1; // record the fact that it has been used for timing
conn->local_to_remote_time_difference =
rt - lt; // make this the new local-to-remote-time-difference
conn->local_to_remote_time_difference_measurement_time = lt; // done at this time.
if (first_local_to_remote_time_difference == 0) {
first_local_to_remote_time_difference = conn->local_to_remote_time_difference;
// first_local_to_remote_time_difference_time = get_absolute_time_in_fp();
// here, let's try to use the timing pings that were selected because of their short
// return times to
// estimate a figure for drift between the local clock (x) and the remote clock (y)
// if we plug in a local interval, we will get back what that is in remote time
// calculate the line of best fit for relating the local time and the remote time
// we will calculate the slope, which is the drift
// see
uint64_t y_bar = 0; // remote timestamp average
uint64_t x_bar = 0; // local timestamp average
int sample_count = 0;
// approximate time in seconds to let the system settle down
const int settling_time = 60;
// number of points to have for calculating a valid drift
const int sample_point_minimum = 8;
for (cc = 0; cc < conn->time_ping_count; cc++)
if ((conn->time_pings[cc].chosen) &&
(conn->time_pings[cc].sequence_number >
(settling_time / 3))) { // wait for a approximate settling time
// have to scale them down so that the sum, possibly over
// every term in the array, doesn't overflow
y_bar += (conn->time_pings[cc].remote_time >> time_ping_history_power_of_two);
x_bar += (conn->time_pings[cc].local_time >> time_ping_history_power_of_two);
conn->local_to_remote_time_gradient_sample_count = sample_count;
if (sample_count > sample_point_minimum) {
y_bar = y_bar / sample_count;
x_bar = x_bar / sample_count;
int64_t xid, yid;
double mtl, mbl;
mtl = 0;
mbl = 0;
for (cc = 0; cc < conn->time_ping_count; cc++)
if ((conn->time_pings[cc].chosen) &&
(conn->time_pings[cc].sequence_number > (settling_time / 3))) {
uint64_t slt = conn->time_pings[cc].local_time >> time_ping_history_power_of_two;
if (slt > x_bar)
xid = slt - x_bar;
xid = -(x_bar - slt);
uint64_t srt = conn->time_pings[cc].remote_time >> time_ping_history_power_of_two;
if (srt > y_bar)
yid = srt - y_bar;
yid = -(y_bar - srt);
mtl = mtl + (1.0 * xid) * yid;
mbl = mbl + (1.0 * xid) * xid;
if (mbl)
conn->local_to_remote_time_gradient = mtl / mbl;
else {
// conn->local_to_remote_time_gradient = 1.0;
debug(1, "mbl is zero. Drift remains at %.2f ppm.",
(conn->local_to_remote_time_gradient - 1.0) * 1000000);
// scale the numbers back up
uint64_t ybf = y_bar << time_ping_history_power_of_two;
uint64_t xbf = x_bar << time_ping_history_power_of_two;
conn->local_to_remote_time_difference =
ybf - xbf; // make this the new local-to-remote-time-difference
conn->local_to_remote_time_difference_measurement_time = xbf;
} else {
debug(3, "not enough samples to estimate drift -- remaining at %.2f ppm.",
(conn->local_to_remote_time_gradient - 1.0) * 1000000);
// conn->local_to_remote_time_gradient = 1.0;
// debug(1,"local to remote time gradient is %12.2f ppm, based on %d
// samples.",conn->local_to_remote_time_gradient*1000000,sample_count);
// debug(1,"ntp set offset and measurement time"); // iin PTP terms, this is the local-to-network offset and the local measurement time
} else {
"Time ping turnaround time: %" PRIu64
" ns -- it looks like a timing ping was lost.",
} else {
debug(1, "Timing port -- Unknown RTP packet of type 0x%02X length %d.", packet[1], nread);
} else {
debug(3, "Timing Receiver Thread -- dropping incoming packet to simulate a bad network.");
} else {
debug(1, "Timing receiver -- error receiving a packet.");
debug(1, "Timing Receiver RTP thread \"normal\" exit -- this can't happen. Hah!");
pthread_cleanup_pop(0); // don't execute anything here.
debug(2, "Timing Receiver RTP thread exit.");
void rtp_setup(SOCKADDR *local, SOCKADDR *remote, uint16_t cport, uint16_t tport,
rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
// this gets the local and remote ip numbers (and ports used for the TCD stuff)
// we use the local stuff to specify the address we are coming from and
// we use the remote stuff to specify where we're goint to
if (conn->rtp_running)
warn("rtp_setup has been called with al already-active stream -- ignored. Possible duplicate "
"SETUP call?");
else {
debug(3, "rtp_setup: cport=%d tport=%d.", cport, tport);
// print out what we know about the client
void *client_addr = NULL, *self_addr = NULL;
// int client_port, self_port;
// char client_port_str[64];
// char self_addr_str[64];
conn->connection_ip_family =
remote->SAFAMILY; // keep information about the kind of ip of the client
#ifdef AF_INET6
if (conn->connection_ip_family == AF_INET6) {
struct sockaddr_in6 *sa6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)remote;
client_addr = &(sa6->sin6_addr);
// client_port = ntohs(sa6->sin6_port);
sa6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)local;
self_addr = &(sa6->sin6_addr);
// self_port = ntohs(sa6->sin6_port);
conn->self_scope_id = sa6->sin6_scope_id;
if (conn->connection_ip_family == AF_INET) {
struct sockaddr_in *sa4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)remote;
client_addr = &(sa4->sin_addr);
// client_port = ntohs(sa4->sin_port);
sa4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)local;
self_addr = &(sa4->sin_addr);
// self_port = ntohs(sa4->sin_port);
inet_ntop(conn->connection_ip_family, client_addr, conn->client_ip_string,
inet_ntop(conn->connection_ip_family, self_addr, conn->self_ip_string,
debug(2, "Connection %d: SETUP -- Connection from %s to self at %s.", conn->connection_number,
conn->client_ip_string, conn->self_ip_string);
// set up a the record of the remote's control socket
struct addrinfo hints;
struct addrinfo *servinfo;
memset(&conn->rtp_client_control_socket, 0, sizeof(conn->rtp_client_control_socket));
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
hints.ai_family = conn->connection_ip_family;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
char portstr[20];
snprintf(portstr, 20, "%d", cport);
if (getaddrinfo(conn->client_ip_string, portstr, &hints, &servinfo) != 0)
die("Can't get address of client's control port");
#ifdef AF_INET6
if (servinfo->ai_family == AF_INET6) {
memcpy(&conn->rtp_client_control_socket, servinfo->ai_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6));
// ensure the scope id matches that of remote. this is needed for link-local addresses.
struct sockaddr_in6 *sa6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&conn->rtp_client_control_socket;
sa6->sin6_scope_id = conn->self_scope_id;
} else
memcpy(&conn->rtp_client_control_socket, servinfo->ai_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
// set up a the record of the remote's timing socket
memset(&conn->rtp_client_timing_socket, 0, sizeof(conn->rtp_client_timing_socket));
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
hints.ai_family = conn->connection_ip_family;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
snprintf(portstr, 20, "%d", tport);
if (getaddrinfo(conn->client_ip_string, portstr, &hints, &servinfo) != 0)
die("Can't get address of client's timing port");
#ifdef AF_INET6
if (servinfo->ai_family == AF_INET6) {
memcpy(&conn->rtp_client_timing_socket, servinfo->ai_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6));
// ensure the scope id matches that of remote. this is needed for link-local addresses.
struct sockaddr_in6 *sa6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&conn->rtp_client_timing_socket;
sa6->sin6_scope_id = conn->self_scope_id;
} else
memcpy(&conn->rtp_client_timing_socket, servinfo->ai_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
// now, we open three sockets -- one for the audio stream, one for the timing and one for the
// control
conn->remote_control_port = cport;
conn->remote_timing_port = tport;
conn->local_control_port = bind_UDP_port(conn->connection_ip_family, conn->self_ip_string,
conn->self_scope_id, &conn->control_socket);
conn->local_timing_port = bind_UDP_port(conn->connection_ip_family, conn->self_ip_string,
conn->self_scope_id, &conn->timing_socket);
conn->local_audio_port = bind_UDP_port(conn->connection_ip_family, conn->self_ip_string,
conn->self_scope_id, &conn->audio_socket);
debug(3, "listening for audio, control and timing on ports %d, %d, %d.", conn->local_audio_port,
conn->local_control_port, conn->local_timing_port);
conn->anchor_rtptime = 0;
conn->request_sent = 0;
conn->rtp_running = 1;
void reset_ntp_anchor_info(rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
debug_mutex_lock(&conn->reference_time_mutex, 1000, 1);
conn->anchor_remote_info_is_valid = 0;
conn->anchor_rtptime = 0;
conn->anchor_time = 0;
debug_mutex_unlock(&conn->reference_time_mutex, 3);
int have_ntp_timing_information(rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
if (conn->anchor_remote_info_is_valid != 0)
return 1;
return 0;
// the timestamp is a timestamp calculated at the input rate
// the reference timestamps are denominated in terms of the input rate
int frame_to_ntp_local_time(uint32_t timestamp, uint64_t *time, rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
// a zero result is good
if (conn->anchor_remote_info_is_valid == 0)
debug(1,"no anchor information");
debug_mutex_lock(&conn->reference_time_mutex, 1000, 0);
int result = -1;
if (conn->anchor_remote_info_is_valid != 0) {
uint64_t remote_time_of_timestamp;
int32_t timestamp_interval = timestamp - conn->anchor_rtptime;
int64_t timestamp_interval_time = timestamp_interval;
timestamp_interval_time = timestamp_interval_time * 1000000000;
timestamp_interval_time =
timestamp_interval_time / 44100; // this is the nominal time, based on the
// fps specified between current and
// previous sync frame.
remote_time_of_timestamp =
conn->anchor_time + timestamp_interval_time; // based on the reference timestamp time
// plus the time interval calculated based
// on the specified fps.
if (time != NULL)
*time = remote_time_of_timestamp - local_to_remote_time_difference_now(conn);
result = 0;
debug_mutex_unlock(&conn->reference_time_mutex, 0);
return result;
int local_ntp_time_to_frame(uint64_t time, uint32_t *frame, rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
// a zero result is good
debug_mutex_lock(&conn->reference_time_mutex, 1000, 0);
int result = -1;
if (conn->anchor_remote_info_is_valid != 0) {
// first, get from [local] time to remote time.
uint64_t remote_time = time + local_to_remote_time_difference_now(conn);
// next, get the remote time interval from the remote_time to the reference time
// here, we calculate the time interval, in terms of remote time
int64_t offset = remote_time - conn->anchor_time;
// now, convert the remote time interval into frames using the frame rate we have observed or
// which has been nominated
int64_t frame_interval = 0;
frame_interval = (offset * 44100) / 1000000000;
int32_t frame_interval_32 = frame_interval;
uint32_t new_frame = conn->anchor_rtptime + frame_interval_32;
// debug(1,"frame is %u.", new_frame);
if (frame != NULL)
*frame = new_frame;
result = 0;
debug_mutex_unlock(&conn->reference_time_mutex, 0);
return result;
void rtp_request_resend(seq_t first, uint32_t count, rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
// debug(1, "rtp_request_resend of %u packets from sequence number %u.", count, first);
if (conn->rtp_running) {
// if (!request_sent) {
// debug(2, "requesting resend of %d packets starting at %u.", count, first);
// request_sent = 1;
char req[8]; // *not* a standard RTCP NACK
req[0] = 0x80;
if (conn->airplay_type == ap_2) {
if (conn->ap2_remote_control_socket_addr_length == 0) {
debug(2, "No remote socket -- skipping the resend");
return; // hack
req[1] = 0xD5; // Airplay 2 'resend'
} else {
req[1] = (char)0x55 | (char)0x80; // Apple 'resend'
*(unsigned short *)(req + 2) = htons(1); // our sequence number
*(unsigned short *)(req + 4) = htons(first); // missed seqnum
*(unsigned short *)(req + 6) = htons(count); // count
uint64_t time_of_sending_ns = get_absolute_time_in_ns();
uint64_t resend_error_backoff_time = 300000000; // 0.3 seconds
if ((conn->rtp_time_of_last_resend_request_error_ns == 0) ||
((time_of_sending_ns - conn->rtp_time_of_last_resend_request_error_ns) >
resend_error_backoff_time)) {
if ((config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction == 0.0) ||
(drand48() > config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction)) {
// put a time limit on the sendto
struct timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = 100000;
int response;
if (conn->airplay_type == ap_2) {
if (setsockopt(conn->ap2_control_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (char *)&timeout,
sizeof(timeout)) < 0)
debug(1, "Can't set timeout on resend request socket.");
response = sendto(conn->ap2_control_socket, req, sizeof(req), 0,
(struct sockaddr *)&conn->ap2_remote_control_socket_addr,
} else {
if (setsockopt(conn->control_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (char *)&timeout,
sizeof(timeout)) < 0)
debug(1, "Can't set timeout on resend request socket.");
socklen_t msgsize = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
#ifdef AF_INET6
if (conn->rtp_client_control_socket.SAFAMILY == AF_INET6) {
msgsize = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
response = sendto(conn->control_socket, req, sizeof(req), 0,
(struct sockaddr *)&conn->rtp_client_control_socket, msgsize);
if (response == -1) {
char em[1024];
strerror_r(errno, em, sizeof(em));
debug(2, "Error %d using sendto to request a resend: \"%s\".", errno, em);
conn->rtp_time_of_last_resend_request_error_ns = time_of_sending_ns;
} else {
conn->rtp_time_of_last_resend_request_error_ns = 0;
} else {
debug(3, "Dropping resend request packet to simulate a bad network. Backing off for 0.3 "
conn->rtp_time_of_last_resend_request_error_ns = time_of_sending_ns;
} else {
"Suppressing a resend request due to a resend sendto error in the last 0.3 seconds.");
} else {
// if (!request_sent) {
debug(2, "rtp_request_resend called without active stream!");
// request_sent = 1;
void set_ptp_anchor_info(rtsp_conn_info *conn, uint64_t clock_id, uint32_t rtptime,
uint64_t networktime) {
if ((conn->anchor_clock != 0) && (conn->anchor_clock == clock_id) && (conn->anchor_remote_info_is_valid != 0)) {
// check change in timing
int64_t time_difference = networktime - conn->anchor_time;
int32_t frame_difference = rtptime - conn->anchor_rtptime;
double time_difference_in_frames = (1.0 * time_difference * conn->input_rate) / 1000000000;
double frame_change = frame_difference - time_difference_in_frames;
debug(2,"set_ptp_anchor_info: clock: %" PRIx64 ", rtptime: %" PRIu32 ", networktime: %" PRIx64 ", frame adjustment: %7.3f.", clock_id, rtptime, networktime, frame_change);
} else {
debug(2,"set_ptp_anchor_info: clock: %" PRIx64 ", rtptime: %" PRIu32 ", networktime: %" PRIx64 ".", clock_id, rtptime, networktime);
if (conn->anchor_clock != clock_id) {
debug(2, "Connection %d: Set Anchor Clock: %" PRIx64 ".", conn->connection_number, clock_id);
// debug(1,"set anchor info clock: %" PRIx64", rtptime: %u, networktime: %" PRIx64 ".", clock_id,
// rtptime, networktime);
// if the clock is the same but any details change, and if the last_anchor_info has not been
// valid for some minimum time (and thus may not be reliable), we need to invalidate
// last_anchor_info
if ((conn->airplay_stream_type == buffered_stream) && (conn->ap2_play_enabled != 0) &&
((clock_id != conn->anchor_clock) || (conn->anchor_rtptime != rtptime) ||
(conn->anchor_time != networktime))) {
uint64_t master_clock_id = 0;
ptp_get_clock_info(&master_clock_id, NULL, NULL, NULL);
"Connection %d: Note: anchor parameters have changed. Old clock: %" PRIx64
", rtptime: %u, networktime: %" PRIu64 ". New clock: %" PRIx64
", rtptime: %u, networktime: %" PRIu64 ". Current master clock: %" PRIx64 ".",
conn->connection_number, conn->anchor_clock, conn->anchor_rtptime, conn->anchor_time,
clock_id, rtptime, networktime, master_clock_id);
if ((clock_id == conn->anchor_clock) &&
((conn->anchor_rtptime != rtptime) || (conn->anchor_time != networktime))) {
uint64_t time_now = get_absolute_time_in_ns();
int64_t last_anchor_validity_duration = time_now - conn->last_anchor_validity_start_time;
if (last_anchor_validity_duration < 5000000000) {
if (conn->airplay_stream_type == buffered_stream)
"Connection %d: Note: anchor parameters have changed before clock %" PRIx64
" has stabilised.",
conn->connection_number, clock_id);
conn->last_anchor_info_is_valid = 0;
conn->anchor_remote_info_is_valid = 1;
// these can be modified if the master clock changes over time
conn->anchor_rtptime = rtptime;
conn->anchor_time = networktime;
conn->anchor_clock = clock_id;
void reset_ptp_anchor_info(rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
debug(2, "Connection %d: Clear anchor information.", conn->connection_number);
conn->last_anchor_info_is_valid = 0;
conn->anchor_remote_info_is_valid = 0;
int long_time_notifcation_done = 0;
int get_ptp_anchor_local_time_info(rtsp_conn_info *conn, uint32_t *anchorRTP,
uint64_t *anchorLocalTime) {
int response = clock_not_valid;
uint64_t actual_clock_id;
if (conn->rtsp_link_is_idle == 0) {
uint64_t actual_time_of_sample, actual_offset, start_of_mastership;
response = ptp_get_clock_info(&actual_clock_id, &actual_time_of_sample, &actual_offset,
if (response == clock_ok) {
uint64_t time_now = get_absolute_time_in_ns();
int64_t time_since_sample = time_now - actual_time_of_sample;
if (time_since_sample > 300000000000) {
if (long_time_notifcation_done == 0) {
debug(1, "The last PTP timing sample is pretty old: %f seconds.",
0.000000001 * time_since_sample);
long_time_notifcation_done = 1;
} else if ((time_since_sample < 2000000000) && (long_time_notifcation_done != 0)) {
debug(1, "The last PTP timing sample is no longer too old: %f seconds.",
0.000000001 * time_since_sample);
long_time_notifcation_done = 0;
if (conn->anchor_remote_info_is_valid !=
0) { // i.e. if we have anchor clock ID and anchor time / rtptime
if (actual_clock_id == conn->anchor_clock) {
conn->last_anchor_rtptime = conn->anchor_rtptime;
conn->last_anchor_local_time = conn->anchor_time - actual_offset;
conn->last_anchor_time_of_update = time_now;
if (conn->last_anchor_info_is_valid == 0)
conn->last_anchor_validity_start_time = start_of_mastership;
conn->last_anchor_info_is_valid = 1;
} else {
debug(3, "Current master clock %" PRIx64 " and anchor_clock %" PRIx64 " are different",
actual_clock_id, conn->anchor_clock);
// the anchor clock and the actual clock are different
if (conn->last_anchor_info_is_valid != 0) {
int64_t time_since_last_update =
get_absolute_time_in_ns() - conn->last_anchor_time_of_update;
if (time_since_last_update > 5000000000) {
int64_t duration_of_mastership = time_now - start_of_mastership;
"Connection %d: Master clock has changed to %" PRIx64
". History: %.3f milliseconds.",
conn->connection_number, actual_clock_id, 0.000001 * duration_of_mastership);
// Now, the thing is that while the anchor clock and master clock for a
// buffered session start off the same,
// the master clock can change without the anchor clock changing.
// SPS gives the new master clock time to settle down and then
// calculates the appropriate offset to it by
// calculating back from the local anchor information and the new clock's
// advertised offset.
conn->anchor_time = conn->last_anchor_local_time + actual_offset;
conn->anchor_clock = actual_clock_id;
} else {
response = clock_not_valid; // no current clock information and no previous clock info
} else {
// debug(1, "anchor_remote_info_is_valid not valid");
response = clock_no_anchor_info; // no anchor information
// here, check and update the clock status
if ((clock_status_t)response != conn->clock_status) {
switch (response) {
case clock_ok:
debug(2, "Connection %d: NQPTP master clock %" PRIx64 ".", conn->connection_number,
case clock_not_ready:
debug(2, "Connection %d: NQPTP master clock %" PRIx64 " is available but not ready.",
conn->connection_number, actual_clock_id);
case clock_service_unavailable:
debug(1, "Connection %d: NQPTP clock is not available.", conn->connection_number);
warn("Can't access the NQPTP clock. Is NQPTP running?");
case clock_access_error:
debug(2, "Connection %d: Error accessing the NQPTP clock interface.",
case clock_data_unavailable:
debug(1, "Connection %d: Can not access NQPTP clock information.", conn->connection_number);
case clock_no_master:
debug(2, "Connection %d: No NQPTP master clock.", conn->connection_number);
case clock_no_anchor_info:
debug(2, "Connection %d: Awaiting clock anchor information.", conn->connection_number);
case clock_version_mismatch:
debug(2, "Connection %d: NQPTP clock interface mismatch.", conn->connection_number);
warn("This version of Shairport Sync is not compatible with the installed version of NQPTP. "
"Please update.");
case clock_not_synchronised:
debug(1, "Connection %d: NQPTP clock is not synchronised.", conn->connection_number);
case clock_not_valid:
debug(2, "Connection %d: NQPTP clock information is not valid.", conn->connection_number);
debug(1, "Connection %d: NQPTP clock reports an unrecognised status: %u.",
conn->connection_number, response);
conn->clock_status = response;
if (conn->last_anchor_info_is_valid != 0) {
if (anchorRTP != NULL)
*anchorRTP = conn->last_anchor_rtptime;
if (anchorLocalTime != NULL)
*anchorLocalTime = conn->last_anchor_local_time;
return response;
int have_ptp_timing_information(rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
if (get_ptp_anchor_local_time_info(conn, NULL, NULL) == clock_ok)
return 1;
return 0;
int frame_to_ptp_local_time(uint32_t timestamp, uint64_t *time, rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
int result = -1;
uint32_t anchor_rtptime = 0;
uint64_t anchor_local_time = 0;
if (get_ptp_anchor_local_time_info(conn, &anchor_rtptime, &anchor_local_time) == clock_ok) {
int32_t frame_difference = timestamp - anchor_rtptime;
int64_t time_difference = frame_difference;
time_difference = time_difference * 1000000000;
if (conn->input_rate == 0)
die("conn->input_rate is zero!");
time_difference = time_difference / conn->input_rate;
uint64_t ltime = anchor_local_time + time_difference;
*time = ltime;
result = 0;
} else {
debug(3, "frame_to_ptp_local_time can't get anchor local time information");
return result;
int local_ptp_time_to_frame(uint64_t time, uint32_t *frame, rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
int result = -1;
uint32_t anchor_rtptime = 0;
uint64_t anchor_local_time = 0;
if (get_ptp_anchor_local_time_info(conn, &anchor_rtptime, &anchor_local_time) == clock_ok) {
int64_t time_difference = time - anchor_local_time;
int64_t frame_difference = time_difference;
frame_difference = frame_difference * conn->input_rate; // but this is by 10^9
frame_difference = frame_difference / 1000000000;
int32_t fd32 = frame_difference;
uint32_t lframe = anchor_rtptime + fd32;
*frame = lframe;
result = 0;
} else {
debug(3, "local_ptp_time_to_frame can't get anchor local time information");
return result;
void rtp_data_receiver_cleanup_handler(void *arg) {
rtsp_conn_info *conn = (rtsp_conn_info *)arg;
debug(2, "Connection %d: AP2 Data Receiver Cleanup.", conn->connection_number);
void *rtp_data_receiver(void *arg) {
rtsp_conn_info *conn = (rtsp_conn_info *)arg;
if (conn->airplay_stream_category == remote_control_stream)
debug(1, "Connection %d (RC): AP2 Data Receiver started", conn->connection_number);
debug(1, "Connection %d: AP2 Data Receiver started", conn->connection_number);
pthread_cleanup_push(rtp_data_receiver_cleanup_handler, arg);
listen(conn->data_socket, 5);
uint8_t packet[4096];
ssize_t nread;
SOCKADDR remote_addr;
memset(&remote_addr, 0, sizeof(remote_addr));
socklen_t addr_size = sizeof(remote_addr);
int fd = accept(conn->data_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&remote_addr, &addr_size);
"Connection %d: rtp_data_receiver accepted a connection on socket %d and moved to a new "
"socket %d.",
conn->connection_number, conn->data_socket, fd);
intptr_t pfd = fd;
pthread_cleanup_push(socket_cleanup, (void *)pfd);
int finished = 0;
do {
nread = recv(fd, packet, sizeof(packet), 0);
if (nread < 0) {
char errorstring[1024];
strerror_r(errno, (char *)errorstring, sizeof(errorstring));
debug(1, "Connection %d: error in ap2 rtp_data_receiver %d: \"%s\". Could not recv a packet.",
conn->connection_number, errno, errorstring);
// if ((config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction == 0.0) ||
// (drand48() > config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction)) {
} else if (nread > 0) {
// ssize_t plen = nread;
debug(1, "Connection %d: Packet Received on Data Port.", conn->connection_number);
// } else {
// debug(3, "Event Receiver Thread -- dropping incoming packet to simulate a bad network.");
// }
} else {
finished = 1;
} while (finished == 0);
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // close the socket
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // do the cleanup
debug(2, "Connection %d: AP2 Data Receiver RTP thread \"normal\" exit.", conn->connection_number);
void rtp_event_receiver_cleanup_handler(void *arg) {
rtsp_conn_info *conn = (rtsp_conn_info *)arg;
debug(2, "Connection %d: AP2 Event Receiver Cleanup.", conn->connection_number);
void *rtp_event_receiver(void *arg) {
rtsp_conn_info *conn = (rtsp_conn_info *)arg;
if (conn->airplay_stream_category == remote_control_stream)
debug(2, "Connection %d (RC): AP2 Event Receiver started", conn->connection_number);
debug(2, "Connection %d: AP2 Event Receiver started", conn->connection_number);
pthread_cleanup_push(rtp_event_receiver_cleanup_handler, arg);
// listen(conn->event_socket, 5); // this is now done in the handle_setup_2 code
uint8_t packet[4096];
ssize_t nread;
SOCKADDR remote_addr;
memset(&remote_addr, 0, sizeof(remote_addr));
socklen_t addr_size = sizeof(remote_addr);
int fd = accept(conn->event_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&remote_addr, &addr_size);
"Connection %d: rtp_event_receiver accepted a connection on socket %d and moved to a new "
"socket %d.",
conn->connection_number, conn->event_socket, fd);
intptr_t pfd = fd;
pthread_cleanup_push(socket_cleanup, (void *)pfd);
int finished = 0;
do {
nread = recv(fd, packet, sizeof(packet), 0);
if (nread < 0) {
char errorstring[1024];
strerror_r(errno, (char *)errorstring, sizeof(errorstring));
"Connection %d: error in ap2 rtp_event_receiver %d: \"%s\". Could not recv a packet.",
conn->connection_number, errno, errorstring);
// if ((config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction == 0.0) ||
// (drand48() > config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction)) {
} else if (nread > 0) {
// ssize_t plen = nread;
debug(1, "Connection %d: Packet Received on Event Port.", conn->connection_number);
if (packet[1] == 0xD7) {
"Connection %d: AP2 Event Receiver -- Time Announce RTP packet of type 0x%02X length "
"%d received.",
conn->connection_number, packet[1], nread);
} else {
"Connection %d: AP2 Event Receiver -- Unknown RTP packet of type 0x%02X length %d "
conn->connection_number, packet[1], nread);
// } else {
// debug(3, "Event Receiver Thread -- dropping incoming packet to simulate a bad network.");
// }
} else {
finished = 1;
} while (finished == 0);
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // close the socket
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // do the cleanup
debug(2, "Connection %d: AP2 Event Receiver RTP thread \"normal\" exit.",
void rtp_ap2_control_handler_cleanup_handler(void *arg) {
rtsp_conn_info *conn = (rtsp_conn_info *)arg;
debug(2, "Connection %d: AP2 Control Receiver Cleanup.", conn->connection_number);
debug(2, "Connection %d: UDP control port %u closed.", conn->connection_number,
conn->ap2_control_socket = 0;
conn->ap2_remote_control_socket_addr_length =
0; // indicates to the control receiver thread that the socket address need to be
// recreated (needed for resend requests in the realtime mode)
int32_t decipher_player_put_packet(uint8_t *ciphered_audio_alt, ssize_t nread,
rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
// this deciphers the packet -- it doesn't decode it from ALAC
uint16_t sequence_number = 0;
// if the packet is too small, don't go ahead.
// it must contain an uint16_t sequence number and eight bytes of AAD followed by the
// ciphertext and then followed by an eight-byte nonce. Thus it must be greater than 18
if (nread > 18) {
memcpy(&sequence_number, ciphered_audio_alt, sizeof(uint16_t));
sequence_number = ntohs(sequence_number);
uint32_t timestamp;
memcpy(&timestamp, ciphered_audio_alt + sizeof(uint16_t), sizeof(uint32_t));
timestamp = ntohl(timestamp);
uint32_t ssrc;
memcpy(&ssrc, packet+8, sizeof(uint32_t));
ssrc = ntohl(ssrc);
// debug(1, "Realtime Audio Receiver Packet received. Version: %u, Padding: %u, Extension:
// %u, Csrc Count: %u, Marker: %u, Payload Type: %u, Sequence Number: %u, Timestamp: %u,
// SSRC: %u.", version, padding, extension, csrc_count, marker, payload_type,
// sequence_number, timestamp, ssrc);
if (conn->session_key != NULL) {
unsigned char nonce[12];
memset(nonce, 0, sizeof(nonce));
memcpy(nonce + 4, ciphered_audio_alt + nread - 8,
8); // front-pad the 8-byte nonce received to get the 12-byte nonce expected
// Note: the eight-byte nonce must be front-padded out to 12 bytes.
unsigned char m[4096];
unsigned long long new_payload_length = 0;
int response = crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt(
m, // m
&new_payload_length, // mlen_p
NULL, // nsec,
ciphered_audio_alt +
10, // the ciphertext starts 10 bytes in and is followed by the MAC tag,
nread - (8 + 10), // clen -- the last 8 bytes are the nonce
ciphered_audio_alt + 2, // authenticated additional data
8, // authenticated additional data length
conn->session_key); // *k
if (response != 0) {
debug(1, "Error decrypting an audio packet.");
// now pass it in to the regular processing chain
unsigned long long max_int = INT_MAX; // put in the right format
if (new_payload_length > max_int)
debug(1, "Madly long payload length!");
int plen = new_payload_length; //
// debug(1," Write packet to buffer %d, timestamp %u.", sequence_number, timestamp);
player_put_packet(1, sequence_number, timestamp, m, plen,
conn); // the '1' means is original format
} else {
debug(2, "No session key, so the audio packet can not be deciphered -- skipped.");
return sequence_number;
} else {
debug(1, "packet was too small -- ignored");
return -1;
void *rtp_ap2_control_receiver(void *arg) {
pthread_cleanup_push(rtp_ap2_control_handler_cleanup_handler, arg);
rtsp_conn_info *conn = (rtsp_conn_info *)arg;
uint8_t packet[4096];
ssize_t nread;
int keep_going = 1;
uint64_t start_time = get_absolute_time_in_ns();
uint64_t packet_number = 0;
while (keep_going) {
SOCKADDR from_sock_addr;
socklen_t from_sock_addr_length = sizeof(SOCKADDR);
memset(&from_sock_addr, 0, sizeof(SOCKADDR));
nread = recvfrom(conn->ap2_control_socket, packet, sizeof(packet), 0,
(struct sockaddr *)&from_sock_addr, &from_sock_addr_length);
uint64_t time_now = get_absolute_time_in_ns();
int64_t time_since_start = time_now - start_time;
if (conn->rtsp_link_is_idle == 0) {
if (conn->udp_clock_is_initialised == 0) {
packet_number = 0;
conn->udp_clock_is_initialised = 1;
debug(1,"AP2 Realtime Clock receiver initialised.");
// debug(1,"Connection %d: AP2 Control Packet received.", conn->connection_number);
if (nread >= 28) { // must have at least 28 bytes for the timing information
if ((time_since_start < 2000000) && ((packet[0] & 0x10) == 0)) {
"Dropping what looks like a (non-sentinel) packet left over from a previous session "
"at %f ms.",
0.000001 * time_since_start);
} else {
// debug(1,"AP2 Packet %" PRIu64 ".", packet_number);
if (packet_number == 1) {
if ((packet[0] & 0x10) != 0) {
debug(2, "First packet is a sentinel packet.");
} else {
debug(2, "First packet is a not a sentinel packet!");
// debug(1,"rtp_ap2_control_receiver coded: %u, %u", packet[0], packet[1]);
// you might want to set this higher to specify how many initial timings to ignore
if (packet_number >= 1) {
if ((config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction == 0.0) ||
(drand48() > config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction)) {
// store the from_sock_addr if we haven't already done so
// v remember to zero this when you're finished!
if (conn->ap2_remote_control_socket_addr_length == 0) {
memcpy(&conn->ap2_remote_control_socket_addr, &from_sock_addr, from_sock_addr_length);
conn->ap2_remote_control_socket_addr_length = from_sock_addr_length;
switch (packet[1]) {
case 215: // code 215, effectively an anchoring announcement
// struct timespec tnr;
// clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tnr);
// uint64_t local_realtime_now = timespec_to_ns(&tnr);
char obf[4096];
char *obfp = obf;
int obfc;
for (obfc=0;obfc<nread;obfc++) {
snprintf(obfp, 3, "%02X", packet[obfc]);
debug(1,"AP2 Timing Control Received: \"%s\"",obf);
uint64_t remote_packet_time_ns = nctoh64(packet + 8);
check64conversion("remote_packet_time_ns", packet + 8, remote_packet_time_ns);
uint64_t clock_id = nctoh64(packet + 20);
check64conversion("clock_id", packet + 20, clock_id);
// debug(1, "we have clock_id: %" PRIx64 ".", clock_id);
// debug(1,"remote_packet_time_ns: %" PRIx64 ", local_realtime_now_ns: %" PRIx64 ".",
// remote_packet_time_ns, local_realtime_now);
uint32_t frame_1 =
nctohl(packet + 4); // this seems to be the frame with latency of 77165 included
check32conversion("frame_1", packet + 4, frame_1);
uint32_t frame_2 = nctohl(packet + 16); // this seems to be the frame the time refers to
check32conversion("frame_2", packet + 16, frame_2);
// this just updates the anchor information contained in the packet
// the frame and its remote time
// add in the audio_backend_latency_offset;
int32_t notified_latency = frame_2 - frame_1;
if (notified_latency != 77175)
debug(1, "Notified latency is %d frames.", notified_latency);
int32_t added_latency =
(int32_t)(config.audio_backend_latency_offset * conn->input_rate);
// the actual latency is the notified latency plus the fixed latency + the added latency
int32_t net_latency =
notified_latency + 11035 +
added_latency; // this is the latency between incoming frames and the DAC
net_latency = net_latency -
(int32_t)(config.audio_backend_buffer_desired_length * conn->input_rate);
// debug(1, "Net latency is %d frames.", net_latency);
if (net_latency <= 0) {
if (conn->latency_warning_issued == 0) {
warn("The stream latency (%f seconds) it too short to accommodate an offset of %f "
"seconds and a backend buffer of %f seconds.",
((notified_latency + 11035) * 1.0) / conn->input_rate,
warn("(FYI the stream latency needed would be %f seconds.)",
config.audio_backend_buffer_desired_length -
conn->latency_warning_issued = 1;
conn->latency = notified_latency + 11035;
} else {
conn->latency = notified_latency + 11035 + added_latency;
set_ptp_anchor_info(conn, clock_id, frame_1 - 11035 - added_latency,
if (conn->anchor_clock != clock_id) {
debug(2, "Connection %d: Change Anchor Clock: %" PRIx64 ".", conn->connection_number,
} break;
case 0xd6:
// six bytes in is the sequence number at the start of the encrypted audio packet
// returns the sequence number but we're not really interested
decipher_player_put_packet(packet + 6, nread - 6, conn);
default: {
char *packet_in_hex_cstring =
debug_malloc_hex_cstring(packet, nread); // remember to free this afterwards
"AP2 Control Receiver Packet of first byte 0x%02X, type 0x%02X length %d received: "
packet[0], packet[1], nread, packet_in_hex_cstring);
} break;
} else {
debug(1, "AP2 Control Receiver -- dropping a packet.");
} else {
if (nread == -1) {
if ((errno == EAGAIN) || (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)) {
if (conn->airplay_stream_type == realtime_stream) {
debug(1, "Connection %d: no control packets for the last 7 seconds -- resetting anchor info", conn->connection_number);
packet_number = 0; // start over in allowing the packet to set anchor information
} else {
debug(2, "Connection %d: AP2 Control Receiver -- error %d receiving a packet.", conn->connection_number, errno);
} else {
debug(2, "Connection %d: AP2 Control Receiver -- malformed packet, %d bytes long.", conn->connection_number, nread);
debug(1, "AP2 Control RTP thread \"normal\" exit -- this can't happen. Hah!");
debug(1, "AP2 Control RTP thread exit.");
void rtp_realtime_audio_cleanup_handler(__attribute__((unused)) void *arg) {
debug(2, "Realtime Audio Receiver Cleanup Start.");
rtsp_conn_info *conn = (rtsp_conn_info *)arg;
debug(2, "Connection %d: closing realtime audio port %u", conn->local_realtime_audio_port);
conn->realtime_audio_socket = 0;
debug(2, "Realtime Audio Receiver Cleanup Done.");
void *rtp_realtime_audio_receiver(void *arg) {
pthread_cleanup_push(rtp_realtime_audio_cleanup_handler, arg);
rtsp_conn_info *conn = (rtsp_conn_info *)arg;
uint8_t packet[4096];
int32_t last_seqno = -1;
ssize_t nread;
while (1) {
nread = recv(conn->realtime_audio_socket, packet, sizeof(packet), 0);
if (nread > 36) { // 36 is the 12-byte header and and 24-byte footer
if ((config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction == 0.0) ||
(drand48() > config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction)) {
char *packet_in_hex_cstring =
debug_malloc_hex_cstring(packet, nread); // remember to free this afterwards
debug(1, "Audio Receiver Packet of type 0x%02X length %d received: \"%s\".",
packet[1], nread, packet_in_hex_cstring);
// debug(1, "Realtime Audio Receiver Packet of type 0x%02X length %d received.", packet[1],
// now get hold of its various bits and pieces
uint8_t version = (packet[0] & 0b11000000) >> 6;
uint8_t padding = (packet[0] & 0b00100000) >> 5;
uint8_t extension = (packet[0] & 0b00010000) >> 4;
uint8_t csrc_count = packet[0] & 0b00001111;
uint8_t marker = (packet[1] & 0b1000000) >> 7;
uint8_t payload_type = packet[1] & 0b01111111;
// if (have_ptp_timing_information(conn)) {
if (1) {
int32_t seqno = decipher_player_put_packet(packet + 2, nread - 2, conn);
if (seqno >= 0) {
if (last_seqno == -1) {
last_seqno = seqno;
} else {
last_seqno = (last_seqno + 1) & 0xffff;
// if (seqno != last_seqno)
// debug(3, "RTP: Packets out of sequence: expected: %d, got %d.", last_seqno, seqno);
last_seqno = seqno; // reset warning...
} else {
debug(1, "Realtime Audio Receiver -- bad packet dropped.");
} else {
debug(3, "Realtime Audio Receiver -- dropping a packet.");
} else {
debug(1, "Realtime Audio Receiver -- error receiving a packet.");
pthread_cleanup_pop(0); // don't execute anything here.
ssize_t buffered_read(buffered_tcp_desc *descriptor, void *buf, size_t count,
size_t *bytes_remaining) {
ssize_t response = -1;
if (pthread_mutex_lock(&descriptor->mutex) != 0)
debug(1, "problem with mutex");
pthread_cleanup_push(mutex_unlock, (void *)&descriptor->mutex);
if (descriptor->closed == 0) {
if ((descriptor->buffer_occupancy == 0) && (descriptor->error_code == 0)) {
if (count == 2)
debug(2, "buffered_read: waiting for %u bytes (okay at start of a track).", count);
debug(2, "buffered_read: waiting for %u bytes.", count);
while ((descriptor->buffer_occupancy == 0) && (descriptor->error_code == 0)) {
if (pthread_cond_wait(&descriptor->not_empty_cv, &descriptor->mutex))
debug(1, "Error waiting for buffered read");
if (descriptor->buffer_occupancy != 0) {
ssize_t bytes_to_move = count;
if (descriptor->buffer_occupancy < count) {
bytes_to_move = descriptor->buffer_occupancy;
ssize_t top_gap = descriptor->buffer + descriptor->buffer_max_size - descriptor->toq;
if (top_gap < bytes_to_move)
bytes_to_move = top_gap;
memcpy(buf, descriptor->toq, bytes_to_move);
descriptor->toq += bytes_to_move;
if (descriptor->toq == descriptor->buffer + descriptor->buffer_max_size)
descriptor->toq = descriptor->buffer;
descriptor->buffer_occupancy -= bytes_to_move;
if (bytes_remaining != NULL)
*bytes_remaining = descriptor->buffer_occupancy;
response = bytes_to_move;
if (pthread_cond_signal(&descriptor->not_full_cv))
debug(1, "Error signalling");
} else if (descriptor->error_code) {
errno = descriptor->error_code;
response = -1;
} else if (descriptor->closed != 0) {
response = 0;
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // release the mutex
return response;
void buffered_tcp_reader_cleanup_handler(__attribute__((unused)) void *arg) {
debug(2, "Buffered TCP Reader Thread Exit via Cleanup.");
void *buffered_tcp_reader(void *arg) {
pthread_cleanup_push(buffered_tcp_reader_cleanup_handler, NULL);
buffered_tcp_desc *descriptor = (buffered_tcp_desc *)arg;
// listen(descriptor->sock_fd, 5); // this is done in the handle_setup_2 code to ensure it's open
// when the client hears about it...
ssize_t nread;
SOCKADDR remote_addr;
memset(&remote_addr, 0, sizeof(remote_addr));
socklen_t addr_size = sizeof(remote_addr);
int finished = 0;
int fd = accept(descriptor->sock_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&remote_addr, &addr_size);
intptr_t pfd = fd;
pthread_cleanup_push(socket_cleanup, (void *)pfd);
do {
if (pthread_mutex_lock(&descriptor->mutex) != 0)
debug(1, "problem with mutex");
pthread_cleanup_push(mutex_unlock, (void *)&descriptor->mutex);
while ((descriptor->buffer_occupancy == descriptor->buffer_max_size) ||
(descriptor->error_code != 0) || (descriptor->closed != 0)) {
if (pthread_cond_wait(&descriptor->not_full_cv, &descriptor->mutex))
debug(1, "Error waiting for buffered read");
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // release the mutex
// now we know it is not full, so go ahead and try to read some more into it
// wrap
if ((size_t)(descriptor->eoq - descriptor->buffer) == descriptor->buffer_max_size)
descriptor->eoq = descriptor->buffer;
// figure out how much to ask for
size_t bytes_to_request = STANDARD_PACKET_SIZE;
size_t free_space = descriptor->buffer_max_size - descriptor->buffer_occupancy;
if (bytes_to_request > free_space)
bytes_to_request = free_space; // don't ask for more than will fit
size_t gap_to_end_of_buffer =
descriptor->buffer + descriptor->buffer_max_size - descriptor->eoq;
if (gap_to_end_of_buffer < bytes_to_request)
bytes_to_request =
gap_to_end_of_buffer; // only ask for what will fill to the top of the buffer
// do the read
// debug(1, "Request buffered read of up to %d bytes.", bytes_to_request);
nread = recv(fd, descriptor->eoq, bytes_to_request, 0);
// debug(1, "Received %d bytes for a buffer size of %d bytes.",nread, descriptor->buffer_occupancy + nread);
if (pthread_mutex_lock(&descriptor->mutex) != 0)
debug(1, "problem with not empty mutex");
pthread_cleanup_push(mutex_unlock, (void *)&descriptor->mutex);
if (nread < 0) {
char errorstring[1024];
strerror_r(errno, (char *)errorstring, sizeof(errorstring));
debug(1, "error in buffered_tcp_reader %d: \"%s\". Could not recv a packet.", errno,
descriptor->error_code = errno;
} else if (nread == 0) {
descriptor->closed = 1;
} else if (nread > 0) {
descriptor->eoq += nread;
descriptor->buffer_occupancy += nread;
} else {
debug(1, "buffered audio port closed!");
// signal if we got data or an error or the file closed
if (pthread_cond_signal(&descriptor->not_empty_cv))
debug(1, "Error signalling");
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // release the mutex
} while (finished == 0);
debug(1, "Buffered TCP Reader Thread Exit \"Normal\" Exit Begin.");
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // close the socket
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // cleanup
debug(1, "Buffered TCP Reader Thread Exit \"Normal\" Exit -- Shouldn't happen!.");
void avcodec_alloc_context3_cleanup_handler(void *arg) {
debug(3, "avcodec_alloc_context3_cleanup_handler");
AVCodecContext *codec_context = arg;
void avcodec_open2_cleanup_handler(void *arg) {
debug(3, "avcodec_open2_cleanup_handler");
AVCodecContext *codec_context = arg;
void av_parser_init_cleanup_handler(void *arg) {
debug(3, "av_parser_init_cleanup_handler");
AVCodecParserContext *codec_parser_context = arg;
void swr_alloc_cleanup_handler(void *arg) {
debug(3, "swr_alloc_cleanup_handler");
SwrContext **swr = arg;
void av_packet_alloc_cleanup_handler(void *arg) {
debug(3, "av_packet_alloc_cleanup_handler");
AVPacket **pkt = arg;
// this will read a block of the size specified to the buffer
// and will return either with the block or on error
ssize_t lread_sized_block(buffered_tcp_desc *descriptor, void *buf, size_t count,
size_t *bytes_remaining) {
ssize_t response, nread;
size_t inbuf = 0; // bytes already in the buffer
int keep_trying = 1;
do {
nread = buffered_read(descriptor, buf + inbuf, count - inbuf, bytes_remaining);
if (nread == 0) {
// a blocking read that returns zero means eof -- implies connection closed
debug(3, "read_sized_block connection closed.");
keep_trying = 0;
} else if (nread < 0) {
if (errno == EAGAIN) {
debug(1, "read_sized_block getting Error 11 -- EAGAIN from a blocking read!");
if ((errno != ECONNRESET) && (errno != EAGAIN) && (errno != EINTR)) {
char errorstring[1024];
strerror_r(errno, (char *)errorstring, sizeof(errorstring));
debug(1, "read_sized_block read error %d: \"%s\".", errno, (char *)errorstring);
keep_trying = 0;
} else {
inbuf += (size_t)nread;
} while ((keep_trying != 0) && (inbuf < count));
if (nread <= 0)
response = nread;
response = inbuf;
return response;
// From
// with thanks!
* Add ADTS header at the beginning of each and every AAC packet.
* This is needed as MediaCodec encoder generates a packet of raw
* AAC data.
* Note the packetLen must count in the ADTS header itself.
void addADTStoPacket(uint8_t *packet, int packetLen) {
int profile = 2; // AAC LC
// 39=MediaCodecInfo.CodecProfileLevel.AACObjectELD;
int freqIdx = 4; // 44.1KHz
int chanCfg = 2; // CPE
// fill in ADTS data
packet[0] = 0xFF;
packet[1] = 0xF9;
packet[2] = ((profile - 1) << 6) + (freqIdx << 2) + (chanCfg >> 2);
packet[3] = ((chanCfg & 3) << 6) + (packetLen >> 11);
packet[4] = (packetLen & 0x7FF) >> 3;
packet[5] = ((packetLen & 7) << 5) + 0x1F;
packet[6] = 0xFC;
void rtp_buffered_audio_cleanup_handler(__attribute__((unused)) void *arg) {
debug(2, "Buffered Audio Receiver Cleanup Start.");
rtsp_conn_info *conn = (rtsp_conn_info *)arg;
debug(2, "Connection %d: TCP Buffered Audio port closed: %u.", conn->connection_number,
conn->buffered_audio_socket = 0;
debug(2, "Buffered Audio Receiver Cleanup Done.");
// not used right now, but potentially useful for understanding flush requests
void display_flush_requests(int activeOnly, uint32_t currentSeq, uint32_t currentTS,
rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
if (conn->flush_requests == NULL) {
if (activeOnly == 0)
debug(1, "No flush requests.");
} else {
flush_request_t *t = conn->flush_requests;
do {
if (t->flushNow) {
debug(1, "immediate flush to untilSeq: %u, untilTS: %u.", t->flushUntilSeq,
} else {
if (activeOnly == 0)
debug(1, "fromSeq: %u, fromTS: %u, to untilSeq: %u, untilTS: %u.", t->flushFromSeq,
t->flushFromTS, t->flushUntilSeq, t->flushUntilTS);
else if ((activeOnly == 1) &&
(currentSeq >=
(t->flushFromSeq -
1))) // the -1 is because you might have to trim the end of the previous block
"fromSeq: %u, fromTS: %u, to untilSeq: %u, untilTS: %u, with currentSeq: %u, "
"currentTS: %u.",
t->flushFromSeq, t->flushFromTS, t->flushUntilSeq, t->flushUntilTS, currentSeq,
t = t->next;
} while (t != NULL);
void *rtp_buffered_audio_processor(void *arg) {
rtsp_conn_info *conn = (rtsp_conn_info *)arg;
pthread_cleanup_push(rtp_buffered_audio_cleanup_handler, arg);
pthread_t *buffered_reader_thread = malloc(sizeof(pthread_t));
if (buffered_reader_thread == NULL)
debug(1, "cannot allocate a buffered_reader_thread!");
memset(buffered_reader_thread, 0, sizeof(pthread_t));
pthread_cleanup_push(malloc_cleanup, buffered_reader_thread);
buffered_tcp_desc *buffered_audio = malloc(sizeof(buffered_tcp_desc));
if (buffered_audio == NULL)
debug(1, "cannot allocate a buffered_tcp_desc!");
// initialise the descriptor
memset(buffered_audio, 0, sizeof(buffered_tcp_desc));
pthread_cleanup_push(malloc_cleanup, buffered_audio);
if (pthread_mutex_init(&buffered_audio->mutex, NULL))
debug(1, "Connection %d: error %d initialising buffered_audio mutex.", conn->connection_number,
pthread_cleanup_push(mutex_cleanup, &buffered_audio->mutex);
if (pthread_cond_init(&buffered_audio->not_empty_cv, NULL))
die("Connection %d: error %d initialising not_empty cv.", conn->connection_number, errno);
pthread_cleanup_push(cv_cleanup, &buffered_audio->not_empty_cv);
if (pthread_cond_init(&buffered_audio->not_full_cv, NULL))
die("Connection %d: error %d initialising not_full cv.", conn->connection_number, errno);
pthread_cleanup_push(cv_cleanup, &buffered_audio->not_full_cv);
// initialise the buffer data structure
buffered_audio->buffer_max_size = conn->ap2_audio_buffer_size;
buffered_audio->buffer = malloc(conn->ap2_audio_buffer_size);
if (buffered_audio->buffer == NULL)
debug(1, "cannot allocate an audio buffer of %u bytes!", buffered_audio->buffer_max_size);
pthread_cleanup_push(malloc_cleanup, buffered_audio->buffer);
// pthread_mutex_lock(&conn->buffered_audio_mutex);
buffered_audio->toq = buffered_audio->buffer;
buffered_audio->eoq = buffered_audio->buffer;
buffered_audio->sock_fd = conn->buffered_audio_socket;
pthread_create(buffered_reader_thread, NULL, &buffered_tcp_reader, buffered_audio);
pthread_cleanup_push(thread_cleanup, buffered_reader_thread);
// ideas and some code from
// with thanks
const AVCodec *codec = avcodec_find_decoder(AV_CODEC_ID_AAC);
if (codec == NULL) {
debug(1, "Can't find an AAC decoder!");
AVCodecContext *codec_context = avcodec_alloc_context3(codec);
if (codec_context == NULL) {
debug(1, "Could not allocate audio codec context!");
// push a deallocator -- av_free(codec_context)
pthread_cleanup_push(avcodec_alloc_context3_cleanup_handler, codec_context);
if (avcodec_open2(codec_context, codec, NULL) < 0) {
debug(1, "Could not open a codec into the audio codec context");
// push a closer -- avcodec_close(codec_context);
pthread_cleanup_push(avcodec_open2_cleanup_handler, codec_context);
AVCodecParserContext *codec_parser_context = av_parser_init(codec->id);
if (codec_parser_context == NULL) {
debug(1, "Can't initialise a parser context!");
// push a closer -- av_parser_close(codec_parser_context);
pthread_cleanup_push(av_parser_init_cleanup_handler, codec_parser_context);
AVPacket *pkt = av_packet_alloc();
if (pkt == NULL) {
debug(1, "Can't allocate an AV packet");
// push a deallocator -- av_packet_free(pkt);
pthread_cleanup_push(av_packet_alloc_cleanup_handler, &pkt);
AVFrame *decoded_frame = NULL;
int dst_linesize;
int dst_bufsize;
// Prepare software resampler to convert floating point (?)
SwrContext *swr = swr_alloc();
if (swr == NULL) {
debug(1, "can not allocate a swr context");
// push a deallocator -- av_packet_free(pkt);
pthread_cleanup_push(swr_alloc_cleanup_handler, &swr);
av_opt_set_int(swr, "in_channel_layout", AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO, 0);
av_opt_set_int(swr, "out_channel_layout", AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO, 0);
av_opt_set_int(swr, "in_sample_rate", conn->input_rate, 0);
av_opt_set_int(swr, "out_sample_rate", conn->input_rate,
0); // must match or the timing will be wrong`
av_opt_set_sample_fmt(swr, "in_sample_fmt", AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP, 0);
enum AVSampleFormat av_format;
switch (config.output_format) {
case SPS_FORMAT_S32:
case SPS_FORMAT_S24:
case SPS_FORMAT_S24_3LE:
case SPS_FORMAT_S24_3BE:
av_format = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32;
conn->input_bytes_per_frame = 8; // the output from the decoder will be input to the player
conn->input_bit_depth = 32;
debug(2, "32-bit output format chosen");
case SPS_FORMAT_S16:
av_format = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16;
conn->input_bytes_per_frame = 4;
conn->input_bit_depth = 16;
av_format = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8;
conn->input_bytes_per_frame = 2;
conn->input_bit_depth = 8;
debug(1, "Unsupported DAC output format %u. AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16 decoding chosen. Good luck!",
av_format = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16;
conn->input_bytes_per_frame = 4; // the output from the decoder will be input to the player
conn->input_bit_depth = 16;
av_opt_set_sample_fmt(swr, "out_sample_fmt", av_format, 0);
uint8_t packet[16 * 1024];
unsigned char m[16 * 1024]; // leave the first 7 bytes blank to make room for the ADTS
uint8_t *pcm_audio = NULL; // the S16 output
unsigned char *data_to_process;
ssize_t data_remaining;
uint32_t seq_no = 0; // audio packet number. Initialised to avoid a "possibly uninitialised" warning.
uint32_t previous_seq_no = 0;
int new_buffer_needed = 0;
ssize_t nread;
int finished = 0;
int pcm_buffer_size = (1024 + 352) * conn->input_bytes_per_frame;
uint8_t pcm_buffer[pcm_buffer_size];
int pcm_buffer_occupancy = 0;
int pcm_buffer_read_point = 0; // offset to where the next buffer should come from
uint32_t pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime = 0;
uint32_t pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime_offset = 0; // hack
uint32_t expected_pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime = 0;
uint64_t blocks_read = 0;
uint64_t blocks_read_in_sequence = 0; // since the start of this sequence -- reset by start or flush
int flush_requested = 0;
uint32_t expected_timestamp = 0;
int expected_timesamp_is_reasonable = 0;
uint32_t timestamp = 0; // initialised to avoid a "possibly uninitialised" warning.
int packets_played_in_this_sequence = 0;
int play_enabled = 0;
uint32_t flush_from_timestamp = 0; // initialised to avoid a "possibly uninitialised" warning.
double requested_lead_time = 0.0; // normal lead time minimum -- maybe it should be about 0.1
// wait until our timing information is valid
// debug(1,"rtp_buffered_audio_processor ready.");
while (have_ptp_timing_information(conn) == 0)
reset_buffer(conn); // in case there is any garbage in the player
// int not_first_time_out = 0;
// quick check of parameters
if (conn->input_bytes_per_frame == 0)
die("conn->input_bytes_per_frame is zero!");
do {
int flush_is_delayed = 0;
int flush_newly_requested = 0;
int flush_newly_complete = 0;
int play_newly_stopped = 0;
// are we in in flush mode, or just about to leave it?
debug_mutex_lock(&conn->flush_mutex, 25000, 1); // 25 ms is a long time to wait!
uint32_t flushUntilSeq = conn->ap2_flush_until_sequence_number;
uint32_t flushUntilTS = conn->ap2_flush_until_rtp_timestamp;
int flush_request_active = 0;
if (conn->ap2_flush_requested) {
if (conn->ap2_flush_from_valid == 0) { // i.e. a flush from right now
flush_request_active = 1;
flush_is_delayed = 0;
} else {
flush_is_delayed = 1;
flush_from_timestamp = conn->ap2_flush_from_rtp_timestamp;
int32_t blocks_to_start_of_flush = conn->ap2_flush_from_sequence_number - seq_no;
if (blocks_to_start_of_flush <= 0) {
flush_request_active = 1;
// if we are in flush mode
if (flush_request_active) {
if (flush_requested == 0) {
// here, a flush has been newly requested
debug(2, "Flush requested.");
if (conn->ap2_flush_from_valid) {
debug(2, " fromTS: %u", conn->ap2_flush_from_rtp_timestamp);
debug(2, " fromSeq: %u", conn->ap2_flush_from_sequence_number);
debug(2, "--");
debug(2, " untilTS: %u", conn->ap2_flush_until_rtp_timestamp);
debug(2, " untilSeq: %u", conn->ap2_flush_until_sequence_number);
debug(2, "--");
debug(2, " currentTS_Start: %u", pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime);
uint32_t fib = (pcm_buffer_occupancy - pcm_buffer_read_point) / 4;
debug(2, " framesInBuffer: %u", fib);
uint32_t endTS = fib + pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime;
debug(2, " currentTS_End: %u", endTS); // a frame occupies 4 bytes
debug(2, " currentSeq: %u", seq_no);
flush_newly_requested = 1;
// blocks_read to ensure seq_no is valid
if ((blocks_read != 0) && (seq_no >= flushUntilSeq)) {
// we have reached or overshot the flushUntilSeq block
if (flushUntilSeq != seq_no)
"flush request ended with flushUntilSeq %u overshot at %u, flushUntilTS: %u, "
"incoming timestamp: %u.",
flushUntilSeq, seq_no, flushUntilTS, timestamp);
"flush request ended with seqNo = flushUntilSeq at %u, flushUntilTS: %u, incoming timestamp: %u",
flushUntilSeq, flushUntilTS, timestamp);
conn->ap2_flush_requested = 0;
flush_request_active = 0;
flush_newly_requested = 0;
// flush_requested = conn->ap2_flush_requested;
if ((play_enabled) && (conn->ap2_play_enabled == 0)) {
play_newly_stopped = 1;
debug(2,"Play stopped.");
pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime_offset = 0;
blocks_read_in_sequence = 0; // This may be set to 1 by a flush, so don't zero it during start.
packets_played_in_this_sequence = 0;
pcm_buffer_occupancy = 0;
pcm_buffer_read_point = 0;
if ((play_enabled == 0) && (conn->ap2_play_enabled != 0)) {
// play newly started
debug(2,"Play started.");
if ((flush_requested) && (flush_request_active == 0)) {
if (play_enabled)
debug(1,"Flush completed while play_enabled is true.");
flush_newly_complete = 1;
blocks_read_in_sequence = 1; // the last block always (?) becomes the first block after the flush
flush_requested = flush_request_active;
play_enabled = conn->ap2_play_enabled;
debug_mutex_unlock(&conn->flush_mutex, 3);
// do this outside the flush mutex
if (flush_newly_complete) {
debug(2, "Flush Complete.");
if (play_newly_stopped != 0)
reset_buffer(conn); // stop play ASAP
if (flush_newly_requested) {
if (flush_is_delayed == 0) {
debug(2, "Immediate Buffered Audio Flush Started.");
// player_full_flush(conn);
packets_played_in_this_sequence = 0;
pcm_buffer_occupancy = 0;
pcm_buffer_read_point = 0;
} else {
debug(2, "Delayed Buffered Audio Flush Started.");
packets_played_in_this_sequence = 0;
pcm_buffer_occupancy = 0;
pcm_buffer_read_point = 0;
pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime_offset = 0;
// now, if a flush is not requested, we can do the normal stuff
if (flush_requested == 0) {
// is there space in the player thread's buffer system?
unsigned int player_buffer_size, player_buffer_occupancy;
get_audio_buffer_size_and_occupancy(&player_buffer_size, &player_buffer_occupancy, conn);
// debug(1,"player buffer size and occupancy: %u and %u", player_buffer_size,
// player_buffer_occupancy);
if (player_buffer_occupancy > ((requested_lead_time + 0.4) * conn->input_rate /
352)) { // must be greater than the lead time.
// if there is enough stuff in the player's buffer, sleep for a while and try again
debug(3, "sleep while full");
usleep(20000); // wait for a while
} else {
if ((pcm_buffer_occupancy - pcm_buffer_read_point) >= (352 * conn->input_bytes_per_frame)) {
new_buffer_needed = 0;
// send a frame to the player if allowed
// it it's way too late, it probably means that a new anchor time is needed
uint32_t at_rtp = conn->reference_timestamp;
at_rtp =
at_rtp - (44100 * 10); // allow it to start a few seconds late, but not
madly late int rtp_diff = pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime - at_rtp;
if ((play_enabled) && (have_ptp_timing_information(conn) != 0)) {
uint64_t buffer_should_be_time;
if (frame_to_local_time(pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime, &buffer_should_be_time, conn) ==
0) {
int64_t lead_time = buffer_should_be_time - get_absolute_time_in_ns();
// it seems that some garbage blocks can be left after the flush, so
// only accept them if they have sensible lead times
if ((lead_time < (int64_t)30000000000L) && (lead_time >= 0)) {
// if it's the very first block (thus no priming needed)
//if ((blocks_read == 1) || (blocks_read_in_sequence > 3)) {
if ((lead_time >= (int64_t)(requested_lead_time * 1000000000L)) ||
(packets_played_in_this_sequence != 0)) {
if (packets_played_in_this_sequence == 0)
"Connection %d: buffered audio starting frame: %u, lead time: %f "
conn->connection_number, pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime,
0.000000001 * lead_time);
// else {
// if (expected_rtptime != pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime)
// debug(1,"actual rtptime is %u, expected rtptime is %u.",
// pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime, expected_rtptime);
// expected_rtptime = pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime + 352;
// this is a diagnostic for introducing a timing error that will force the
// processing chain to resync
// clang-format off
if ((not_first_time_out == 0) && (blocks_read >= 20)) {
int timing_error = 150;
debug(1, "Connection %d: Introduce a timing error of %d milliseconds.",
conn->connection_number, timing_error);
if (timing_error >= 0)
pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime += (conn->input_rate * timing_error) / 1000;
pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime -= (conn->input_rate * (-timing_error)) / 1000;
not_first_time_out = 1;
// clang-format on
// debug(1,"block timestamp: %u, packet timestamp: %u.", timestamp,
// pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime);
int32_t timestamp_difference =
pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime - expected_pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime;
if (packets_played_in_this_sequence != 0) {
if (timestamp_difference != 0)
"Unexpected time difference between packets -- actual: %u, expected: %u, "
"difference: %d. Packets played: %d. Blocks played since flush: %d. ",
pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime, expected_pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime,
timestamp_difference, packets_played_in_this_sequence,
// Very specific code to get around an apparent bug in AirPlay 2 from iOS 16 /
// Ventura 13.0 It seems that the timestamp goes backwards by 2112 frames not
// later than the 65th packet of 352 frames (64 * 352 = 22528 frames which is
// exactly 22 blocks) So, if that happens, we'll add 2112 to the timstamp passed
// to the player
if ((timestamp_difference == -2112) && (packets_played_in_this_sequence <= 64)) {
"iOS 16.0 discontinuity detected with %d packets played in this "
"sequence. Nothing done.",
// pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime_offset = 2112; // this pretends the timestamps
// after the discontinuity are 2112 frames later, but this just delays
// everything by 2112 frames, pushing stuff out of sync, and i think you can
// hear it.
// if it's not the very first block of AAC, but is from the first few blocks of a
// new AAC sequence, it will contain noisy transients, so replace it with silence.
if ((blocks_read_in_sequence <= 2) && (blocks_read_in_sequence != blocks_read)) {
// debug(1,"Muting packet %u from block %u to avoid AAC transients because it's
// not from a true starting block. Blocks_read is %" PRIu64 ".
// blocks_read_in_sequence is %" PRIu64 ".", pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime,
// timestamp, blocks_read, blocks_read_in_sequence);
conn->previous_random_number = generate_zero_frames(
(char *)(pcm_buffer + pcm_buffer_read_point), 352, config.output_format,
conn->enable_dither, conn->previous_random_number);
0, 0, pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime + pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime_offset,
pcm_buffer + pcm_buffer_read_point, 352, conn);
expected_pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime = pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime + 352;
// }
} else {
"Dropping packet %u from block %u with out-of-range lead_time: %.3f seconds.",
pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime, seq_no, 0.000000001 * lead_time);
expected_pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime = pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime + 352;
pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime += 352;
pcm_buffer_read_point += 352 * conn->input_bytes_per_frame;
} else {
debug(1, "frame to local time error");
} else {
debug(3, "sleep until demand");
usleep(20000); // wait before asking if play is enabled again
} else {
// debug(1,"new buffer needed for buffer starting at %u because pcm_buffer_read_point
// (frames) is %u and pcm_buffer_occupancy (frames) is %u.",
// pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime, pcm_buffer_read_point/conn->input_bytes_per_frame,
// pcm_buffer_occupancy/conn->input_bytes_per_frame);
new_buffer_needed = 1;
if (pcm_buffer_read_point != 0) {
// debug(1,"pcm_buffer_read_point (frames): %u, pcm_buffer_occupancy (frames): %u",
// pcm_buffer_read_point/conn->input_bytes_per_frame,
// pcm_buffer_occupancy/conn->input_bytes_per_frame); // if there is anything to move
// down
// to the front of the buffer, do it now;
if ((pcm_buffer_occupancy - pcm_buffer_read_point) > 0) {
// move the remaining frames down to the start of the buffer
// debug(1,"move the remaining frames down to the start of the pcm_buffer");
memcpy(pcm_buffer, pcm_buffer + pcm_buffer_read_point,
pcm_buffer_occupancy - pcm_buffer_read_point);
pcm_buffer_occupancy = pcm_buffer_occupancy - pcm_buffer_read_point;
} else {
// debug(1,"nothing to move to the front of the buffer");
pcm_buffer_occupancy = 0;
pcm_buffer_read_point = 0;
if ((flush_requested) || (new_buffer_needed)) {
// debug(1,"pcm_buffer_read_point (frames): %u, pcm_buffer_occupancy (frames): %u",
// pcm_buffer_read_point/conn->input_bytes_per_frame,
// pcm_buffer_occupancy/conn->input_bytes_per_frame); ok, so here we know we need material
// from the sender do we will get in a packet of audio
uint16_t data_len;
// here we read from the buffer that our thread has been reading
size_t bytes_remaining_in_buffer;
nread = lread_sized_block(buffered_audio, &data_len, sizeof(data_len),
if ((conn->ap2_audio_buffer_minimum_size < 0) ||
(bytes_remaining_in_buffer < (size_t)conn->ap2_audio_buffer_minimum_size))
conn->ap2_audio_buffer_minimum_size = bytes_remaining_in_buffer;
if (nread < 0) {
char errorstring[1024];
strerror_r(errno, (char *)errorstring, sizeof(errorstring));
debug(1, "error in rtp_buffered_audio_processor %d: \"%s\". Could not recv a data_len .",
errno, errorstring);
// if ((config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction == 0.0) ||
// (drand48() > config.diagnostic_drop_packet_fraction)) {
data_len = ntohs(data_len);
// debug(1,"buffered audio packet of size %u detected.", data_len - 2);
nread = lread_sized_block(buffered_audio, packet, data_len - 2, &bytes_remaining_in_buffer);
if ((conn->ap2_audio_buffer_minimum_size < 0) ||
(bytes_remaining_in_buffer < (size_t)conn->ap2_audio_buffer_minimum_size))
conn->ap2_audio_buffer_minimum_size = bytes_remaining_in_buffer;
// debug(1, "buffered audio packet of size %u received.", nread);
if (nread < 0) {
char errorstring[1024];
strerror_r(errno, (char *)errorstring, sizeof(errorstring));
debug(1, "error in rtp_buffered_audio_processor %d: \"%s\". Could not recv a data packet.",
errno, errorstring);
} else if (nread > 0) {
blocks_read++; // note, this doesn't mean they are valid audio blocks
// debug(1, "Realtime Audio Receiver Packet of length %d received.", nread);
// now get hold of its various bits and pieces
uint8_t version = (packet[0] & 0b11000000) >> 6;
uint8_t padding = (packet[0] & 0b00100000) >> 5;
uint8_t extension = (packet[0] & 0b00010000) >> 4;
uint8_t csrc_count = packet[0] & 0b00001111;
previous_seq_no = seq_no;
seq_no = packet[1] * (1 << 16) + packet[2] * (1 << 8) + packet[3];
if (previous_seq_no != seq_no) {
debug(2, "block sequence number changed from expected %u to actual %u.", previous_seq_no,
timestamp = nctohl(&packet[4]);
// debug(1,"New block timestamp: %u.", timestamp);
int32_t timestamp_difference = timestamp - expected_timestamp;
if ((timestamp_difference != 0) && (expected_timesamp_is_reasonable != 0))
"Block with unexpected timestamp. Expected: %u, got: %u, difference: %d, "
"blocks_read_in_sequence: %" PRIu64 ".",
expected_timestamp, timestamp, timestamp_difference, blocks_read_in_sequence);
expected_timestamp = timestamp;
expected_timesamp_is_reasonable = 0; // must be validated each time by decoding the frame
// debug(1, "immediately: block %u, rtptime %u", seq_no, timestamp);
// uint32_t ssrc = nctohl(&packet[8]);
// uint8_t marker = 0;
// uint8_t payload_type = 0;
// previous_seq_no = seq_no;
// at this point, we can check if we can to flush this packet -- we won't have
// to decipher it first
// debug(1,"seq_no %u, timestamp %u", seq_no, timestamp);
uint64_t local_should_be_time = 0;
int have_time_information = frame_to_local_time(timestamp, &local_should_be_time, conn);
int64_t local_lead_time = 0;
int64_t requested_lead_time_ns = (int64_t)(requested_lead_time * 1000000000);
// requested_lead_time_ns = (int64_t)(-300000000);
// debug(1,"requested_lead_time_ns is actually %f milliseconds.", requested_lead_time_ns *
// 1E-6);
int outdated = 0;
int too_soon_after_connection = 0;
if (have_time_information == 0) {
int64_t play_time_since_connection = local_should_be_time - conn->connection_start_time;
int64_t time_since_connection = get_absolute_time_in_ns() - conn->connection_start_time;
too_soon_after_connection =
((play_time_since_connection < 2000000000) && (time_since_connection < 2000000000));
if (too_soon_after_connection)
"time_since_connection is %f milliseconds. play_time_since_connection is %f "
"milliseconds. lead_time is %f milliseconds. too_soon_after_connection is %d.",
time_since_connection * 1E-6, play_time_since_connection * 1E-6,
(play_time_since_connection - time_since_connection) * 1E-6,
local_lead_time = local_should_be_time - get_absolute_time_in_ns();
// debug(1,"local_lead_time is actually %f milliseconds.", local_lead_time * 1E-6);
outdated = (local_lead_time < requested_lead_time_ns);
// if (outdated != 0)
// debug(1,"Frame is outdated %d if lead_time %" PRId64 " is less than requested lead time
// %" PRId64 " ns.", outdated, local_lead_time, requested_lead_time_ns);
} else {
debug(3, "Timing information not valid");
if ((flush_requested) && (seq_no >= flushUntilSeq)) {
if ((have_time_information == 0) && (play_enabled)) {
// play enabled will be off when this is a full flush and the anchor information is not
// valid
"flush completed to seq: %u, flushUntilTS; %u with rtptime: %u, lead time: "
"0x%" PRIx64 " nanoseconds, i.e. %f sec.",
seq_no, flushUntilTS, timestamp, local_lead_time, local_lead_time * 0.000000001);
} else {
debug(2, "flush completed to seq: %u with rtptime: %u.", seq_no, timestamp);
// if we are here because of a flush request, it must be the case that
// flushing the pcm buffer wasn't enough, as the request would have been turned off by now
// so we better indicate that the pcm buffer is empty and its contents invalid
// also, if the incoming frame is outdated, set pcm_buffer_occupancy to 0;
if ((flush_requested) || (outdated) || (too_soon_after_connection)) {
pcm_buffer_occupancy = 0;
// decode the block and add it to or put it in the pcm buffer
if (pcm_buffer_occupancy == 0) {
// they should match and the read point should be zero
// if ((blocks_read != 0) && (pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime != timestamp)) {
// debug(2, "set pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime from %u to %u.",
// pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime, timestamp);
pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime = timestamp;
pcm_buffer_read_point = 0;
if ((((flush_requested != 0) && (seq_no == flushUntilSeq)) ||
((flush_requested == 0) && (new_buffer_needed))) &&
(too_soon_after_connection == 0)) {
unsigned long long new_payload_length = 0;
int response = -1; // guess that there is a problem
if (conn->session_key != NULL) {
unsigned char nonce[12];
memset(nonce, 0, sizeof(nonce));
memcpy(nonce + 4, packet + nread - 8,
8); // front-pad the 8-byte nonce received to get the 12-byte nonce expected
// Note: the eight-byte nonce must be front-padded out to 12 bytes.
response = crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt(
m + 7, // m
&new_payload_length, // mlen_p
NULL, // nsec,
packet + 12, // the ciphertext starts 12 bytes in and is followed by the MAC tag,
nread - (8 + 12), // clen -- the last 8 bytes are the nonce
packet + 4, // authenticated additional data
8, // authenticated additional data length
conn->session_key); // *k
if (response != 0)
debug(1, "Error decrypting audio packet %u -- packet length %d.", seq_no, nread);
} else {
debug(2, "No session key, so the audio packet can not be deciphered -- skipped.");
if (response == 0) {
// now pass it in to the regular processing chain
unsigned long long max_int = INT_MAX; // put in the right format
if (new_payload_length > max_int)
debug(1, "Madly long payload length!");
int payload_length = new_payload_length; // change from long long to int
int aac_packet_length = payload_length + 7;
// now, fill in the 7-byte ADTS information, which seems to be needed by the decoder
// we made room for it in the front of the buffer
addADTStoPacket(m, aac_packet_length);
// now we are ready to send this to the decoder
data_to_process = m;
data_remaining = aac_packet_length;
int ret = 0;
// there can be more than one av packet (? terminology) in a block
int frame_within_block = 0;
while (data_remaining > 0) {
if (decoded_frame == NULL) {
decoded_frame = av_frame_alloc();
if (decoded_frame == NULL)
debug(1, "could not allocate av_frame");
} else {
ret = av_parser_parse2(codec_parser_context, codec_context, &pkt->data, &pkt->size,
data_to_process, data_remaining, AV_NOPTS_VALUE,
if (ret < 0) {
debug(1, "error while parsing deciphered audio packet.");
} else {
data_to_process += ret;
data_remaining -= ret;
// debug(1, "frame found");
// now pass each packet to be decoded
if (pkt->size) {
// if (0) {
if (pkt->size <= 7) { // no idea about this...
debug(2, "malformed AAC packet skipped.");
} else {
ret = avcodec_send_packet(codec_context, pkt);
if (ret < 0) {
"error sending frame %d of size %d to decoder, blocks_read: %u, "
"blocks_read_in_sequence: %u.",
frame_within_block, pkt->size, blocks_read, blocks_read_in_sequence);
} else {
while (ret >= 0) {
ret = avcodec_receive_frame(codec_context, decoded_frame);
if (ret == AVERROR(EAGAIN) || ret == AVERROR_EOF)
else if (ret < 0) {
debug(1, "error %d during decoding", ret);
} else {
av_samples_alloc(&pcm_audio, &dst_linesize,
decoded_frame->nb_samples, av_format, 1);
av_samples_alloc(&pcm_audio, &dst_linesize, codec_context->channels,
decoded_frame->nb_samples, av_format, 1);
// remember to free pcm_audio
ret = swr_convert(swr, &pcm_audio, decoded_frame->nb_samples,
(const uint8_t **)decoded_frame->extended_data,
dst_bufsize = av_samples_get_buffer_size(
&dst_linesize, codec_context->ch_layout.nb_channels, ret, av_format,
dst_bufsize = av_samples_get_buffer_size(
&dst_linesize, codec_context->channels, ret, av_format, 1);
// debug(1,"generated %d bytes of PCM", dst_bufsize);
// copy the PCM audio into the PCM buffer.
// make sure it's big enough first
// also, check it if needs to be truncated but to an impending delayed
// flush_is_delayed
if (flush_is_delayed) {
// see if the flush_from_timestamp is in the buffer
int32_t samples_remaining =
(flush_from_timestamp - pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime);
if ((samples_remaining > 0) &&
((samples_remaining * conn->input_bytes_per_frame) <
dst_bufsize)) {
"samples remaining before flush: %d, number of samples %d. "
"flushFromTS: %u, pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime: %u.",
samples_remaining, dst_bufsize / conn->input_bytes_per_frame,
flush_from_timestamp, pcm_buffer_read_point_rtptime);
dst_bufsize = samples_remaining * conn->input_bytes_per_frame;
if ((pcm_buffer_size - pcm_buffer_occupancy) < dst_bufsize) {
"pcm_buffer_read_point (frames): %u, pcm_buffer_occupancy "
"(frames): %u",
pcm_buffer_read_point / conn->input_bytes_per_frame,
pcm_buffer_occupancy / conn->input_bytes_per_frame);
pcm_buffer_size = dst_bufsize + pcm_buffer_occupancy;
debug(1, "fatal error! pcm buffer too small at %d bytes.",
} else {
memcpy(pcm_buffer + pcm_buffer_occupancy, pcm_audio, dst_bufsize);
expected_timestamp += (dst_bufsize / conn->input_bytes_per_frame);
expected_timesamp_is_reasonable = 1;
pcm_buffer_occupancy += dst_bufsize;
// debug(1,"frames added: pcm_buffer_read_point (frames): %u,
// pcm_buffer_occupancy (frames): %u",
// pcm_buffer_read_point/conn->input_bytes_per_frame,
// pcm_buffer_occupancy/conn->input_bytes_per_frame);
// debug(1,"decoded %d samples", decoded_frame->nb_samples);
// memcpy(sampleBuffer,outputBuffer16,dst_bufsize);
if (decoded_frame == NULL)
debug(1, "decoded_frame is NULL");
if (decoded_frame != NULL)
// revert the state of cancellability
} else {
debug(3, "Dropping block %u with timestamp %u.", seq_no, timestamp);
} else {
// nread is 0 -- the port has been closed
debug(2, "buffered audio port closed!");
finished = 1;
} while (finished == 0);
debug(2, "Buffered Audio Receiver RTP thread \"normal\" exit.");
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // deallocate the swr
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // deallocate the av_packet
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // av_parser_init_cleanup_handler
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // avcodec_open2_cleanup_handler
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // avcodec_alloc_context3_cleanup_handler
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // thread creation
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // buffer malloc
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // not_full_cv
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // not_empty_cv
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // mutex
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // descriptor malloc
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // pthread_t malloc
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); // do the cleanup.
int frame_to_local_time(uint32_t timestamp, uint64_t *time, rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
if (conn->timing_type == ts_ptp)
return frame_to_ptp_local_time(timestamp, time, conn);
return frame_to_ntp_local_time(timestamp, time, conn);
int local_time_to_frame(uint64_t time, uint32_t *frame, rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
if (conn->timing_type == ts_ptp)
return local_ptp_time_to_frame(time, frame, conn);
return local_ntp_time_to_frame(time, frame, conn);
void reset_anchor_info(rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
if (conn->timing_type == ts_ptp)
int have_timestamp_timing_information(rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
if (conn->timing_type == ts_ptp)
return have_ptp_timing_information(conn);
return have_ntp_timing_information(conn);
int frame_to_local_time(uint32_t timestamp, uint64_t *time, rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
return frame_to_ntp_local_time(timestamp, time, conn);
int local_time_to_frame(uint64_t time, uint32_t *frame, rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
return local_ntp_time_to_frame(time, frame, conn);
void reset_anchor_info(rtsp_conn_info *conn) { reset_ntp_anchor_info(conn); }
int have_timestamp_timing_information(rtsp_conn_info *conn) {
return have_ntp_timing_information(conn);