
132 lines
3.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
OutPin = 7
Config = { # This configuration is for my C350
'off': ('once', 0xe13e13ec),
'on': ('once', 0xe13ea45b),
'mute': ('once', 0xe13e29d6),
# Volume
'-': ('hold', 0xe13e31ce),
'down': ('hold', 0xe13e31ce),
'+': ('hold', 0xe13e11ee),
'up': ('hold', 0xe13e11ee),
'monitor': ('once', 0xe13eb14e),
'tape': ('once', 0xe13e8976),
'tuner': ('once', 0xe13ebb44),
'aux': ('once', 0xe13ed926),
'video': ('once', 0xe13e43bc),
'cd': ('once', 0xe13ea15e),
'phono': ('once', 0xe13e916e),
'src-': ('once', 0xe13eb847),
'src+': ('once', 0xe13e58a7),
# Personal source aliases :D
'radio': ('once', 0xe13ebb44),
'sofa': ('once', 0xe13ed926),
'pi': ('once', 0xe13e43bc),
'mac': ('once', 0xe13ea15e)
# Catch ^C (SIGINT) and handle politely
carryOn = True # yayyy global
import signal
def sigint_handler(signal, frame):
global carryOn
carryOn = False
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler)
import RPi.GPIO as g
import time
import sys
import os
import atexit
from monotonic import monotonic
def cleanup():
g.setup(OutPin, g.OUT, initial=True)
mode, cmd = Config[sys.argv[1]]
hold = mode.lower() == 'hold'
# The magic durations between output state flips that represent a single remote-control signal bit in NAD-land
def oneBitDelays(bit):
yield 560
yield (1690 if bit else 560)
# The magic durations between output state flips for an entire command.
def commandDelays(cmd):
if not carryOn:
exit(0) # let us quit before we even begin!
# Send preamble
yield 9000
yield 4500
# Send the remote code one bit at a time
for c in "{0:b}".format(cmd):
for d in oneBitDelays(c=='1'):
yield d
# Terminate the command
yield 560
yield 42020
# Send repeats until ^C in case of hold commands.
# I love that Python generators are properly lazy and therefore this disgusting use of shared 'carryOn' state actually works.
if hold:
while carryOn:
yield 9000
yield 2250
yield 560
yield 98190
# Transformation of the 'between flip durations' iterator into an iterator over actual absolute moments in time.
# This an attempt to improve timing precision by stopping delay errors accumulating, calculating all delays relative to the start of the event.
# As I don't have an oscilloscope or anything like that, I cannot really tell whether it works.
# Subjectively, this script seems to successfully trigger the amp more often than the last version...
def flippingInstants(cmd, firstInstant):
last = 0
for d in commandDelays(cmd):
if last > 0:
yield firstInstant + (last * 0.000001)
last += d
currentState = True
now = monotonic()
currentState = not currentState
g.output(OutPin, currentState)
for i in flippingInstants(cmd, now):
while monotonic() < i:
currentState = not currentState
g.output(OutPin, currentState)
assert(currentState == True) # We had an even number of output flips and ended up where we started (I didn't forget a yield. (Perhaps I forgot two though.))