ben 27c044794e
ben/infra/pipeline/head This commit looks good Details
#20 configured logging for unbound and added a filebeat config for it, set edns buffer size to the same for piholes dnsmasq as unbound expextes (seems to have fixed the dns lookup issues diescribed in #20), added a wrapper scripts to unbound set the uid it runs at properly, and fixed up ansible in the role
2022-06-21 15:47:12 +02:00
main.yml #20 configured logging for unbound and added a filebeat config for it, set edns buffer size to the same for piholes dnsmasq as unbound expextes (seems to have fixed the dns lookup issues diescribed in #20), added a wrapper scripts to unbound set the uid it runs at properly, and fixed up ansible in the role 2022-06-21 15:47:12 +02:00