
975 B


This is a set of scripts I used to manage to my torrent client. It will

  • --walk: Walk your dump directory for new files. If it detects episodes, these will be moved to the collection, sorted by show name and season.
  • --remove-torrents: Removes finished torrents from transmission (those that have reached their seed limits). Will only delete local data for episodes.

The scripts are geared towards Transmission (and has a simple client for the Transmission RPC protocol). But file moving feature is client-agnostic and operates on files. The scripts use guessit to parse filenames, but only supports episodes as-it.

I use flexget to download .torrent files, which transmission then picks up.



*/30 * * * * /usr/bin/python /path/to/ --walk --remove-torrents > /dev/null


Torrents have other purposes than illegal piracy.