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Notification Commands notification-commands

The Companion apps offer a lot of different notification options. In place of posting an actual notification on the device you can instead send a command as the message to trigger certain actions on your phone. Read below to find out what commands are supported on each platform.


Command Description
request_location_update Request a location update from the device, see below for implications about this command.
clear_badge Silently removes the badge from the App icon without displaying a notification.
clear_notification Removes a notification, more details.
update_complications Updates the complications on a paired Apple Watch. More details.
update_widgets* Updates 'Gauge' and 'Details' widgets introduced on App v2024.7 (iOS will decide if the update is allowed or not, so don't worry if it doesn't work all the time).

* On iOS, manual widget reloads are limited to around 40-70 per 24 hour, depending on how often you look at the widget. This will not always reset at exactly midnight.


Command Description
clear_notification* Removes a notification from the status bar, more details.
command_activity Launch an activity with a specified URI to any app, more details and use cases below.
command_app_lock Change the companion app lock settings, more details and use cases below.
command_auto_screen_brightness Control if automatic screen brightness is enabled.
command_bluetooth Turn bluetooth on or off.
command_ble_transmitter Turn BLE beacon transmitter on or off.
command_beacon_monitor Turn Beacon Monitoring on or off.
command_broadcast_intent Send a broadcast intent to another app, see below for how it works and whats required.
command_dnd Control Do Not Disturb mode on the device, see below for how it works and whats required.
command_flashlight Turn the flashlight LED on or off.
command_high_accuracy_mode Control the high accuracy mode of the background location sensor, see below for how it works and whats required.
command_launch_app Launch an application, see below for how it works and whats required.
command_media Control media playing on the device, see below for how it works and whats required.
command_ringer_mode Control the ringer mode on the device, see below for how it works and whats required.
command_screen_brightness_level Control the screen brightness level on the device.
command_screen_off_timeout Control the screen off timeout on the device.
command_screen_on Turn on the device screen.
command_stop_tts* Stops Text To Speech if it's currently in use.
command_persistent_connection Toggle persistent connection mode, see below for the available modes.
command_update_sensors Updates all enabled sensors, if the state changed since the last update.
command_volume_level Control the volume for all available audio streams, see below for how it works and whats required.
command_webview Open the app to the homepage or any dashboard or view, see below for how.
remove_channel* Remove a notification channel from the device settings, more details.
request_location_update Request a location update from the device, see below for implications about this command.

* These commands will always work, even when other commands are disabled.



On Android you can send message: command_activity to launch any activity. This command requires a specific permission that the app is unable to prompt or auto-accept. Instead by sending the command for the first time the app will launch an activity allowing the user to enable Home Assistant access to the device's Display over other apps Policy. This is required in order for the app to gain control of this setting.

The intent_action parameter will need to be set to the Intent Action string, or the notification will post as normal. If the activity requires a URI then you will need set that as the intent_uri, otherwise the notification will post as normal. intent_package_name can be set to the package of where the activity is to be launched, otherwise Android will make a best effort to pick a default. If the package cannot be found then the notification will post as normal. You must know the intending URI (if required), action and package to start the activity. Typically this will be a documented feature if supported by the app.

Extras are also supported under the intent_extras parameter. As there can be any number of extras added to the intent we will need to split each extra by a comma ,. Then each extra name and value needs to be separated by a colon :. Please refer to the example in Broadcast Intent to see the proper format.

intent_type can also be set to the MIME type if you need to set it. You will need to know the MIME type string if the activity requires it.

Some applications also require the class or component to be provided. For these applications you will need to provide the package as the intent_package_name and the full and complete class name under the intent_class_name parameter. You will need to know what class name to provide as each application is different.

The below example follows Google's documentation to show you how this feature works by launching Google Maps Navigation.


  - alias: Navigate
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_activity"
            intent_package_name: ""
            intent_action: "android.intent.action.VIEW"
            intent_uri: "google.navigation:q=arbys"

To continue with the above example you can also launch search results with the following:

  - alias: Search google maps
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_activity"
            intent_package_name: ""
            intent_action: "android.intent.action.VIEW"
            intent_uri: "geo:0,0?q=1600+Amphitheatre+Parkway%2C+CA"

In order to use the Intent Action android.intent.action.CALL you will also need to grant the app Phone permissions. If not granted the app will direct you to the app info screen to grant the permissions along with a toast message letting you know the missing permissions.

App lock


To take control of an Android companion app's security Users can alter the app lock settings using message: command_app_lock. All settings related to the app lock can be configured in a single command. The following settings are accessible through the notify command:

Parameter Type Description
app_lock_enabled boolean Whether the biometric / screen lock will be enabled
app_lock_timeout integer Session timeout in seconds
home_bypass_enabled boolean Whether the lock is bypassed when connected to home WiFi


  - alias: Reset App lock to defaults
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_app_lock"
            app_lock_enabled: true
            app_lock_timeout: 60
            home_bypass_enabled: false

Auto Screen Brightness


You can control if automatic brightness is enabled or not on the device by using message: command_auto_screen_brightness with the command being either turn_off or turn_on. If command is blank, not set or not one of the above expected values then the notification will post as normal.


  - alias: Turn off automatic screen brightness
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_auto_screen_brightness"
            command: "turn_off"

BLE Beacon Transmitter


Users can turn the iBeacon transmitter on or off using message: command_ble_transmitter with the command being either turn_off or turn_on. If command is blank, not set or not one of the above expected values then the notification will post as normal.


  - alias: Turn off BLE transmitter
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_ble_transmitter"
            command: "turn_off"

You can also adjust the advertise mode and transmit power of the BLE Transmitter. To adjust the Advertise mode you will need to set command to ble_set_advertise_mode and then set the ble_advertise parameter to either ble_advertise_low_latency, ble_advertise_balanced or ble_advertise_low_power

  - alias: Change Advertise Mode BLE transmitter
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_ble_transmitter"
            command: "ble_set_advertise_mode"
            ble_advertise: "ble_advertise_balanced"

To adjust Transmit Power you will need to set command to ble_set_transmit_power and then set the ble_transmit parameter to either ble_transmit_high, ble_transmit_medium, ble_transmit_low or ble_transmit_ultra_low

  - alias: Change Transmit Power BLE transmitter
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_ble_transmitter"
            command: "ble_set_transmit_power"
            ble_transmit: "ble_transmit_high"

Users can also change the reporting UUID, Major and Minor parameters by using the following commands and their respective parameters. You can send any type of string value for the UUID, Major and Minor attributes. If any data is missing the notification will post as normal on the device.

Command Parameter
ble_set_uuid ble_uuid
ble_set_major ble_major
ble_set_minor ble_minor

Example to change the UUID for the transmitter:

  - alias: Change BLE transmitter UUID
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_ble_transmitter"
            command: "ble_set_uuid"
            ble_uuid: "b4306bba-0e3a-44df-9518-dc74284e8214"

Users can also change the measured power at 1 meter to help improve detection for their devices. This number must be a negative number. The default value -59 will be set in some cases like junk characters, if data is missing or the number is positive the notification will post as normal on the device.

  - alias: Change BLE transmitter measured power
      - service: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: command_ble_transmitter
            command: ble_set_measured_power
            ble_measured_power: "-75"

Beacon Monitor


You can turn the Beacon Monitor on or off using message: command_beacon_monitor with the command being either turn_off or turn_on. If command is blank, not set or not one of the above expected values then the notification will post as normal.


  - alias: Turn Beacon Monitor off
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_beacon_monitor"
            command: "turn_off"


Android  Android 12 or older

Users can turn Bluetooth on or off using message: command_bluetooth with the command being either turn_off or turn_on. If command is blank, not set or not one of the above expected values then the notification will post as normal.


  - alias: Command bluetooth
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_bluetooth"
            command: "turn_off"

Broadcast Intent


Using notification commands you are now able to send a broadcast intent to another app in order to control that app based on the intent. Not all apps support intents and if they do they may document it for users to control. You must set message: command_broadcast_intent and the intent_action must contain the intent action while intent_package_name must contain the package the intent is for. The package name and action are provided by the app you wish to send the intent to.

Some applications also require the class or component to be provided. For these applications you will need to provide the package as the intent_package_name and the full and complete class name under the intent_class_name parameter. You will need to know what class name to provide as each application is different.

If an invalid format is sent you may either see a notification or a toast message.


  - alias: Send broadcast intent
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_broadcast_intent"
            intent_package_name: "package-name"
            intent_action: "action"

An example of an application that accepts broadcast intents is Sleep as Android. To start a sleep tracking event the format would be as follows:

  - alias: Send broadcast intent to start sleep tracking
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_broadcast_intent"
            intent_package_name: "com.urbandroid.sleep"
            intent_action: "com.urbandroid.sleep.alarmclock.START_SLEEP_TRACK"

Extras are also supported under the intent_extras parameter. As there can be any number of extras added to the intent we will need to split each extra by a comma ,. Then each extra name and value needs to be separated by a colon :. The below example shows you how to turn on an alarm labeled work in the Sleep as Android application. In this example there are 2 extras being added to the intent.

  - alias: Send broadcast intent with extras
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_broadcast_intent"
            intent_package_name: "com.urbandroid.sleep"
            intent_extras: "alarm_label:work,alarm_enabled:false"
            intent_action: "com.urbandroid.sleep.alarmclock.ALARM_STATE_CHANGE"

If you do not specify a specific type, the type is guessed based on your input. Numbers will be converted to Integers, true or false will be converted to Boolean values. Otherwise the intent extra will be set as String.

It is not unlikely that the data you are trying to send contains special characters or characters that are used as delimiters when parsing the intent_extra parameter (,, : or ;). In this case, it is recommended that you specify the data type as String.urlencoded by appending it after another colon : at the end. For example, to send a JSON formatted extra to Gadgetbridge, you could use the following:

  - alias: Send broadcast intent with JSON-formatted extra
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_broadcast_intent"
            intent_package_name: "nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge"
            intent_extras: "EXTRA_CONFIG_JSON:%7B%22push%22%3A%7B%22set%22%3A%7B%22widgetCustom0._.config.upper_text%22%3A%22Hi%22%7D%7D%7D:String.urlencoded"
            intent_action: "nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.Q_PUSH_CONFIG"

Strings can be urlencoded in templates by applying the filter urlencode. For example the template {{ ",:;" | urlencode }} results in %2C%3A%3B.

If you are trying to send data as an Array or ArrayList, the individual values are separated by a semicolon ;. The type of the Array, such as float[], must be specified when sending values in this way. For example you can send multiple sensor values as movement data to Sleep as Android using the Wearable integration API:

  - alias: Send broadcast intent to Sleep as Android with movement data in float array
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_broadcast_intent"
            intent_package_name: "com.urbandroid.sleep"
            intent_extras: "MAX_RAW_DATA:0.2;0.2;0.4;0.3;5.4;6.8;1.2:float[]"
            intent_action: ""

In addition to the types above, you can add other specific types to your intent extra. Your values will then be converted according to the type you specified. Make sure the type conversion is possible/meaningful.

Currently supported types are:

Type Example
Integer EXTRA:101:int
Integer Array EXTRA:101;102;103:int[]
ArrayList<Integer> EXTRA:1;2;3:ArrayList<Integer>
Double EXTRA:10.1:double
Double Array EXTRA:10.1;10.2;10.3:double[]
Float EXTRA:10.1:float
Float Array EXTRA:10.1;10.2;10.3:float[]
Long EXTRA:101:long
Long Array EXTRA:101;102;103:long[]
Short EXTRA:1:short
Short Array EXTRA:1;2;3:short[]
Byte EXTRA:127:byte
Byte Array EXTRA:127;64:byte[]
Boolean EXTRA:true:boolean
Boolean Array EXTRA:true;true;false:boolean[]
Char EXTRA:a:char
Char Array EXTRA:a;b;c:char[]
String EXTRA:abc:String
String (urlencoded) EXTRA:%2C%3A%3B:String.urlencoded or EXTRA:%2C%3A%3B:urlencoded
String Array EXTRA:a;b;c:String[]
String Array (urlencoded) EXTRA:colon%3A;semicolon%3B;comma%2C:String[].urlencoded
ArrayList<String> EXTRA:a;b;c:ArrayList<String>
ArrayList<String> (urlencoded) EXTRA:colon%3A;semicolon%3B;comma%2C:ArrayList<String>.urlencoded

Do Not Disturb

Android  Android 6+ only

On Android you can send message: command_dnd that you can use to control the state of Do Not Disturb on the device. This command requires a specific permission that the app is unable to prompt or auto-accept. Instead by sending the command for the first time the app will launch an activity allowing the user to enable Home Assistant access to the device's Notification Policy. This is required in order for the app to gain control of this setting.

In addition to sending the message you must also provide the state of Do Not Disturb that you wish to set as the command, see the table below for what is accepted. If the command does not match one of the listed commands then the notification will post as normal and the command will not process. This command is only available for users on Android 6+, users on lower versions will see the notification just like any other.

command Description
alarms_only Alarms only interruption filter - all notifications except those in the alarm category are suppressed. Some audio streams are muted.
off Normal interruption filter - no notifications are suppressed.
priority_only Priority interruption filter - all notifications are suppressed except those that match the priority criteria. Some audio streams are muted.
total_silence No interruptions filter - all notifications are suppressed and all audio streams (except those used for phone calls) and vibrations are muted.
Anything else The notification will post as a normal notification and the command will not process.

  - alias: Command do not disturb
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_dnd"
            command: "priority_only"


Android  Android 6+ only

This command allows you to toggle the flashlight on or off directly from a notification, enabling control of the device's flashlight without opening the app. To use it, send message: command_flashlight with the command parameter set to either turn_on or turn_off to control the flashlight state.

This command is only available for users on Android 6+, users on lower versions will see the notification just like any other.


  - alias: Turn on flashlight
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_flashlight"
            command: "turn_on"

High accuracy mode


Users can turn the high accuracy mode of the background location sensor on or off using message: command_high_accuracy_mode with the command being either turn_off, turn_on, force_off or force_on. If command is blank, not set or not one of the above expected values then the notification will post as normal. The difference between turn and force is only relevant if you have zone and/or bluetooth constraints set in the high accuracy mode settings. In this case force_on will make high accuracy mode active until either force_off is sent, or the constraints go from active to inactive. Similarly, force_off will turn off high accuracy mode until either force_on is sent, or the constraints go from inactive to active.


  - alias: Turn off high accuracy mode
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_high_accuracy_mode"
            command: "turn_off"

You can also adjust the update interval of high accuracy mode by following the example below. You must send a valid value that cannot be less than 5. Anything else will result in the notification posting to the device. After performing this command high accuracy mode will restart which can take a few seconds to complete.

  - alias: Set high accuracy update interval
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_high_accuracy_mode"
            high_accuracy_update_interval: 60
            command: "high_accuracy_set_update_interval"

Launch App


If you would like to simply just launch an application you can use message: command_launch_app to launch any application installed on your device. You must send the package name you wish to open using the package_name parameter, if not set then you will see the notification post as normal. If the application is not installed on the device then the user will be directed to the Google Play Store to install the application. This command requires the Draw Over Other Apps permission, the first time you send this command you will be directed to granting this special permission to the Home Assistant application.

  - alias: Launch app
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_launch_app"
            package_name: ""



Users are able to control any active media session on their devices. You must set message: command_media and the media_command must be one from the list below. The media_package_name must be set to the package name you wish to control. The notification will post as normal if one of the required fields is left blank, has incorrect data or a media session is not active.

List of accepted media_command media commands:

  • fast_forward
  • next
  • pause
  • play
  • play_pause
  • previous
  • rewind
  • stop


  - alias: Pause spotify
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_media"
            media_command: "pause"
            media_package_name: ""

Request Location Updates

Android iOS :::caution Do not rely on this functionality due to the time limitations mentioned below. :::

You can force a device to attempt to report its location by sending a special notification. The notification is not visible to the device owner and only works when the app is running or in the background.

iOS On success the sensor.last_update_trigger will change to "Push Notification".

  - alias: Request location update
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "request_location_update"

Assuming the device receives the notification, it will attempt to get a location update within 5 seconds and report it to Home Assistant. This is a little bit hit or miss since Apple imposes a maximum time allowed for the app to work with the notification and location updates sometimes take longer than usual due to factors such as waiting for GPS acquisition.

:::danger While it is possible to create an automation in Home Assistant to call this action regularly to update sensors, this is not recommended as doing this too frequently may have a negative impact on your device's battery life and health. :::

Ringer Mode


On Android you can control the device's ringer mode by sending message: command_ringer_mode with an appropriate command as outlined in the table below. Certain devices will need to grant a special permission that will appear upon the first command received if the permission was not already granted. This is the same permission as Do Not Disturb up above. If the device has Do Not Disturb enabled then setting to normal or vibrate will turn it off. If the device does not have Do Not Disturb enabled then silent will turn it on.

command Description
normal Set the device to normal ringer mode, will turn off Do Not Disturb if enabled and supported.
silent Set the device to silent ringer mode, will turn on Do Not Disturb if disabled and supported.
vibrate Set the device to vibrate ringer mode, will turn off Do Not Disturb if enabled and supported.
Anything else The notification will post as a normal notification and the command will not process.

  - alias: Command ringer mode
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_ringer_mode"
            command: "vibrate"

Screen Brightness Level


You can control the screen brightness level on the device by sending message: command_screen_brightness_level with command being the level of brightness the screen should be. Valid values are between 0 and 255. If you do not send a number or send a blank value then the notificaton will post as normal. If you send a value below 0 or above 255 then the app will default to 0 or 255 respectively.

  - alias: Set screen brightness level
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_screen_brightness_level"
            command: 50

Screen Off Timeout


You can control the screen off timeout on the device by sending message: command_screen_off_timeout with command being the timeout value in milliseconds. If you do not send a number or send a blank value then the notificaton will post as normal. The values will respect the minimum and maximum defined by the android system, for example on a Pixel device anything below 10000 will be treated as a 10 second timeout.

  - alias: Set screen off timeout
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_screen_off_timeout"
            command: 10000

Screen On


On Android you can turn on the screen using a notification by simply sending message: command_screen_on. This will not remove or disable any lock screens you have setup on the device. The reason behind this is the risk associated with the app being unable to set the device policy back (app crash) or if the device requires the policy to be setup again after being removed. All of which is out of the app's control. You may want to adjust the screen timeout setting on your device to control when the screen will turn back off.

Also you can optionally add command: keep_screen_on to enable Keep screen On feature in the Companion App section within Configuration. The screen will remain on only if the webview activity is currently active, otherwise it will turn back off. Notification with command having another value will reset this setting to default Disabled state.

  - alias: Screen on
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_screen_on"
            command: "keep_screen_on"

Stop TTS


If you wish to stop the device from completing its Text to Speech notification you can stop it by sending the command message: command_stop_tts.

  - alias: Stop TTS
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_stop_tts"



On Android you can toggle the persistent connection mode using a notification by sending message: command_persistent_connection and passing data -> persistent: (always, home_wifi, screen_on, never)

  - alias: Turn on persistent connection
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_persistent_connection"
            persistent: always

Update Sensors


The app will check all enabled sensors for an update and if the state has changed since the last update it will send over the update. Check sensor documentation for more details on sensors.

  - alias: Update sensors
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_update_sensors"

Volume Level


On Android you can control the device's volume level by sending message: command_volume_level with an appropriate command that must be a number. If command is larger than the maximum level then the maximum level will be used or if command is less than 0 then we will default to 0, anything else will result in the notification posting to the device. media_stream is also required as outlined in the table below. Certain devices will need to grant a special permission that will appear upon the first command received if the permission was not already granted. This is the same permission as Do Not Disturb up above. Changing the volume level will have a direct impact on Do Not Disturb and Ringer Modes, behavior will vary from device to device.

media_stream Description
alarm_stream Set the volume level for the alarm stream.
call_stream Set the volume level for the voice call stream.
dtmf_stream Set the volume level for DTMF tones.
music_stream Set the volume level for the music stream.
notification_stream Set the volume level for the notification stream.
ring_stream Set the volume level for the ring stream.
system_stream Set the volume level for the system stream.
Anything else The notification will post as a normal notification and the command will not process.

  - alias: Command volume level
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_volume_level"
            media_stream: "music_stream"
            command: 20



If you want to just open the Companion app to any page or even the homepage you will want to send message: command_webview. If you wish to navigate to a specific view or dashboard you will want to use command to specify the path (example: /lovelace/settings). You can also open the More Info panel for any entity by using the following format for command: entityId:sun.sun just replace sun.sun with the entity you wish to open. If command is not provided the user will be directed to the homepage. The first time you send this command you will be taken to a permission screen to grant the app access to display over other apps policy. This permission is necessary for the feature to work in the background and we cannot prompt the user to grant it.


  - alias: Open android webview
      - action: notify.mobile_app_<your_device_id_here>
          message: "command_webview"
            command: "/lovelace/settings"