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Options Flow Handlers

Config Entry Options uses the Data Flow Entry framework to allow users to update a config entries options. Components that want to support config entry options will need to define a Options Flow Handler.

Options support

For a component to support options it needs to have an async_get_options_flow method in its config flow handler. Calling it will return an instance of the components options flow handler.

def async_get_options_flow(config, options):
    return OptionsFlowHandler(config, options)

Flow handler

The Flow handler works just like the config flow handler, except that the first step in the flow will always be async_step_init.

class OptionsFlowHandler(data_entry_flow.FlowHandler):
    def __init__(self, config, options):

Signal updates

If the component should act on updated options, you can register an update listener to the config entry that will be called when the entry is updated.


The Listener shall be an async function that takes the same input as async_setup_entry. Options can then be accessed from entry.options.

async def update_listener(hass, entry):