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Local add-on testing version-0.72-hassio_addon_testing hassio_addon_testing

The fastest way to develop add-ons is by adding them to your local add-on repository. To access your local add-on repository, install either the Samba add-on or SSH add-on.

Right now add-ons will work with images that are stored on Docker Hub (using image from add-on config). Without image inside local add-ons repository it to be built on the device.

Local build

You can build and try the addon on your developer machine also. Move all addon stuff into a temp folder. If you use FROM $BUILD_FROM you need set a base image with build args. Normally you can use follow base images:

  • armhf: homeassistant/armhf-base:latest
  • aarch64: homeassistant/aarch64-base:latest
  • amd64: homeassistant/amd64-base:latest
  • i386: homeassistant/i386-base:latest

Use docker to build the test addon: docker build --build-arg BUILD_FROM="homeassistant/amd64-base:latest" -t local/my-test-addon .

Local run

Create a new folder for data and add a test options.json file. After that you can run your add-on with: docker run --rm -v /tmp/my_test_data:/data -p PORT_STUFF_IF_NEEDED local/my-test-addon


All stdout and stderr are redirected to the Docker logs. The logs can be fetched from the add-on page inside the panel in Home Assistant.