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Handling intents version-0.72-intent_handling intent_handling

Any component can register to handle intents. This allows a single component to handle intents fired from multiple voice assistants.

A component has to register an intent handler for each type that it wants to handle. Intent handlers have to extend homeassistant.helpers.intent.IntentHandler

import asyncio
from homeassistant.helpers import intent

DATA_KEY = 'example_key'

def async_setup(hass, config):[DATA_KEY] = 0
    intent.async_register(hass, CountInvocationIntent())

class CountInvocationIntent(intent.IntentHandler):
    """Handle CountInvocationIntent intents."""

    # Type of intent to handle
    intent_type = 'CountInvocationIntent'

    # Optional. A validation schema for slots
    # slot_schema = {
    #     'item': cv.string
    # }

    def async_handle(self, intent_obj):
        """Handle the intent."""[DATA_KEY] += 1

        response = intent_obj.create_response()
            "This intent has been invoked {} times".format(
        return response