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Config Entries Introduction

Config Entries are configuration data that are persistently stored by Home Assistant. A config entry is created by a user via the UI. The UI flow is powered by a config flow handler as defined by the component. Config entries can also have an extra options flow handler, also defined by the component.


State Description
not loaded The config entry has not been loaded. This is the initial state when a config entry is created or when Home Assistant is restarted.
loaded The config entry has been loaded.
setup error An error occurred when trying to set up the config entry.
setup retry A dependency of the config entry was not ready yet. Home Assistant will automatically retry loading this config entry in the future. Time between attempts will automatically increase.
migration error The config entry had to be migrated to a newer version, but the migration failed.
failed unload The config entry was attempted to be unloaded, but this was either not supported or it raised an exception.
not loaded loaded setup error setup retry migration error failed unload

Setting up an entry

During startup, Home Assistant first calls the normal component setup, and then call the method async_setup_entry(hass, entry) for each entry. If a new Config Entry is created at runtime, Home Assistant will also call async_setup_entry(hass, entry) (example).

For platforms

If a component includes platforms, it will need to forward the Config Entry to the platform. This can be done by calling the forward function on the config entry manager (example):

# Use `hass.async_add_job` to avoid a circular dependency between the platform and the component
hass.async_add_job(hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup(config_entry, 'light'))

For a platform to support config entries, it will need to add a setup entry method (example):

async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_devices):

Unloading entries

Components can optionally support unloading a config entry. When unloading an entry, the component needs to clean up all entities, unsubscribe any event listener and close all connections. To implement this, add async_unload_entry(hass, entry) to your component (example).

For each platform that you forwarded the config entry to, you will need to forward the unloading too.

await self.hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_unload(self.config_entry, 'light')

If you need to clean up resources used by an entity in a platform, have the entity implement the async_will_remove_from_hass method.

Removal of entries

If a component needs to clean up code when an entry is removed, it can define a removal method:

async def async_remove_entry(hass, entry) -> None:
    """Handle removal of an entry."""