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Paulus Schoutsen /img/profile/paulus.jpg balloob Adopting Black

Today we have officially adopted the Python code formatting tool Black. All code has been formatted with Black and all future contributions will be checked to make sure that they have been formatted using Black.

As part of adopting Black, all style checks in flake8 and pylint have been disabled.

To make sure that all files are Black when you commit your changes, we are using pre-commit. The hook is automatically installed for new dev environments (as part of script/setup).

If you have an existing developer installation, please run inside your virtual environment:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

pre-commit does not change your files, but merely confirms that the changed files are formatted by Black. We suggest that you set up your editor to automatically format files with Black when you hit save. Instructions for various editors can be found here.