
3.4 KiB

title toc_max_heading_level
Built-in intents 2

import intents from '!!yaml-loader!../intents/intents.yaml';

The following intents are supported:

  • HassTurnOn, HassTurnOff, HassGetState, HassLightSet

The following intents are deprecated:

  • HassOpenCover, HassCloseCover, HassToggle, HassHumidifierSetpoint, HassHumidifierMode, HassShoppingListAddItem, HassShoppingListLastItems


For HassTurnOn and HassTurnOff, the slots are optional.

Possible slot combinations are:

| Slot combination        | Example                          |
| ----------------------- | ---------------------------------|
| name only               | table light                      |
| area only               | kitchen                          |
| area and name           | living room reading light        |
| area and domain         | kitchen lights                   |
| area and device class   | bathroom humidity                |
| device class and domain | carbon dioxide sensors           |

Supported intents

<> { Object.entries(intents) .filter(([intent, info]) => !intent.startsWith("HassClimate")) .map( ([intent, info]) => <>



Slots {info.slots && (
    {Object.entries(info.slots).map(([slot, slotInfo]) => (
  • {slot} - {slotInfo.description}
  • ))}

<a href={${info.domain}}>Provided by the {info.domain} integration.

</> ) } </>

Deprecated intents

These are old intents that are not supported by template matching sentences and are planned to be removed or replaced.


Deprecated; use HassTurnOn instead.

Open a cover.

Slot name Type Required Description
name string Yes Name of the cover entity to open.


Deprecated; use HassTurnOff instead.

Close a cover.

Slot name Type Required Description
name string Yes Name of the cover entity to close.


Toggle the state of an entity.

Slot name Type Required Description
name string Yes Name of the entity to toggle.


Set target humidity.

Slot name Type Required Description
name string Yes Name of the entity to control.
humidity integer, 0-100 Yes Target humidity to set.


Set humidifier mode if supported by the humidifier.

Slot name Type Required Description
name string Yes Name of the entity to control.
mode string Yes The mode to switch to.


Add an item to the shopping list.

Slot name Type Required Description
item string Yes Name of item to add to the list.


List the last 5 items on the shopping list.

This intent has no slots.

This page is automatically generated based on the Intents repository.