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Intent Matching Test Syntax Test Syntax

To ensure that the template sentences work as expected, we have an extensive test suite. This test suite is based on YAML files that contain a list of input sentences and the expected matched intent and slots.

The tests are stored on GitHub and are organized by having for each language a directory of files tests/<language>/:

  • _fixtures.yaml - Fake entities and areas that can be referenced during testing
  • <domain>_<intent>.yaml - Sentences for a single intent and domain. These files should only test sentences that are defined in the match sentences file with the same name.
# Example homeassistant_HassTurnOn.yaml
language: "en"
  # You can have multiple blocks of tests, each with different expected match data
  - sentences:
      # Multiple sentences can be tested at once
      - "turn on the ceiling fan"
      - "turn the ceiling fan on"
    # Expected match data
      name: "HassTurnOn"
        name: "fan.ceiling"


When Home Assistant is matching sentences, it will provide a list of areas and entities that can be referenced in the sentence. For tests we define these in _fixtures.yaml.

# Example _fixtures.yaml for English
language: "en"
  - name: "Kitchen"
    id: "kitchen"
  - name: "Living Room"
    id: "living_room"
  - name: "Kitchen Switch"
    id: ""
    area: "kitchen"
  - name: "Curtain Left"
    id: "cover.curtain_left"
    area: "living_room"

Make sure that fixtures do not have generic names like "garage door" or "curtains". Instead, use a unique name like "garage door left" or "curtains left". This is necessary to allow defining matching sentences based on the generic names, like "open the garage door".