
501 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2024 Joshua Rich <>
// This software is released under the MIT License.
package commands
import (
mqtthass ""
mqttapi ""
const (
stateValueTemplate = "{{ value_json.value }}"
switchOnState = "ON"
switchOffState = "OFF"
var (
ErrNoCommands = errors.New("no commands")
ErrNoState = errors.New("no state passed to control")
ErrCmdFailed = errors.New("could not execute command for control")
ErrParseCmd = errors.New("could not parse command-line")
ErrUnknownSwitchState = errors.New("could not determine state of switch")
ErrUnknownNumberState = errors.New("could not determine state of number")
// Command represents a Command to run by a button or switch.
type Command struct {
// Name is display name for the command.
Name string `toml:"name"`
// Exec is the actual binary or script to run.
Exec string `toml:"exec"`
// Icon is a material design icon representing the command.
Icon string `toml:"icon,omitempty"`
// Display represents how the entity will be shown in Home Assistant. It is
// only relevant for certain types, such as numbers and is ignored if
// unused.
Display string `toml:"display,omitempty"`
// NumberType is the type of number for number controls. It should be either
// 'int' or 'float'.
NumberType string `toml:"type,omitempty"`
// Min is the minimum value of the control. It is only
// relevant for certain types, such as numbers and is ignored if unused.
Min any `toml:"min,omitempty"`
// Max is the maximum value of the control. It is only relevant for certain
// types, such as numbers and is ignored if unused.
Max any `toml:"max,omitempty"`
// Step is the amount to change the value. It is only relevant for certain
// types, such as numbers and is ignored if unused.
Step any `toml:"step,omitempty"`
// CommandList is a CommandList of all the buttons/commands parsed from the config file.
type CommandList struct {
Buttons []Command `toml:"button,omitempty"`
Switches []Command `toml:"switch,omitempty"`
Numbers []Command `toml:"number,omitempty"`
// Controller represents an object with one or more buttons and switches
// definitions, which can be passed to Home Assistant to add appropriate
// entities to control the buttons/switches over MQTT.
type Controller struct {
logger *slog.Logger
device *mqtthass.Device
buttons []*mqtthass.ButtonEntity
switches []*mqtthass.SwitchEntity
intNumbers []*mqtthass.NumberEntity[int]
floatNumbers []*mqtthass.NumberEntity[float64]
// entity is a convienience interface to avoid duplicating a lot of loops when
// configuring the controller.
type entity interface {
MarshalSubscription() (*mqttapi.Subscription, error)
MarshalConfig() (*mqttapi.Msg, error)
// Subscriptions are the MQTT subscriptions for buttons and switches, providing
// the appropriate callback mechanism to execute the associated commands.
func (d *Controller) Subscriptions() []*mqttapi.Subscription {
total := len(d.buttons) + len(d.switches) + len(d.intNumbers) + len(d.floatNumbers)
subs := make([]*mqttapi.Subscription, 0, total)
// Create subscriptions for buttons.
for _, but := range d.buttons {
subs = append(subs, d.generateSubscriptions(but))
// Create subscriptions for switches.
for _, sw := range d.switches {
subs = append(subs, d.generateSubscriptions(sw))
// Create subscriptions for int numbers.
for _, inum := range d.intNumbers {
subs = append(subs, d.generateSubscriptions(inum))
// Create subscriptions for float numbers.
for _, fnum := range d.floatNumbers {
subs = append(subs, d.generateSubscriptions(fnum))
return subs
func (d *Controller) generateSubscriptions(e entity) *mqttapi.Subscription {
sub, err := e.MarshalSubscription()
if err != nil {
d.logger.Warn("Could not create entity subscription.", slog.Any("error", err))
return nil
return sub
// Configs are the MQTT configurations required by Home Assistant to set up
// entities for the buttons/switches.
func (d *Controller) Configs() []*mqttapi.Msg {
total := len(d.buttons) + len(d.switches) + len(d.intNumbers) + len(d.floatNumbers)
cfgs := make([]*mqttapi.Msg, 0, total)
// Create button configs.
for _, but := range d.buttons {
cfgs = append(cfgs, d.generateConfigs(but))
// Create switch configs.
for _, sw := range d.switches {
cfgs = append(cfgs, d.generateConfigs(sw))
// Create int number configs.
for _, inum := range d.intNumbers {
cfgs = append(cfgs, d.generateConfigs(inum))
// Create float number configs.
for _, fnum := range d.floatNumbers {
cfgs = append(cfgs, d.generateConfigs(fnum))
return cfgs
func (d *Controller) generateConfigs(e entity) *mqttapi.Msg {
msg, err := e.MarshalConfig()
if err != nil {
d.logger.Warn("Could not create entity config.", slog.Any("error", err))
return nil
return msg
// Msgs are additional MQTT messages to be published based on any event logic
// managed by the controller. This is unused.
func (d *Controller) Msgs() chan *mqttapi.Msg {
return nil
// NewCommandsController is used by the agent to initialize the commands
// controller, which holds the MQTT configuration for the commands defined by
// the user.
func NewCommandsController(ctx context.Context, commandsFile string, device *mqtthass.Device) (*Controller, error) {
if _, err := os.Stat(commandsFile); errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return nil, ErrNoCommands
data, err := os.ReadFile(commandsFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not read commands file: %w", err)
cmds := &CommandList{}
if err := toml.Unmarshal(data, &cmds); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse commands file: %w", err)
controller := &Controller{
logger: logging.FromContext(ctx).WithGroup("custom_commands"),
device: device,
return controller, nil
// generateButtons will create MQTT entities for buttons defined by the
// controller.
func (d *Controller) generateButtons(buttonCmds []Command) {
var id, icon, name string
entities := make([]*mqtthass.ButtonEntity, 0, len(buttonCmds))
for _, cmd := range buttonCmds {
callback := func(_ *paho.Publish) {
err := cmdWithoutState(cmd.Exec)
if err != nil {
d.logger.Warn("Button press failed.",
slog.String("button", cmd.Name),
slog.Any("error", err))
name = cmd.Name
id = strcase.ToSnake(d.device.Name + "_" + cmd.Name)
if cmd.Icon != "" {
icon = cmd.Icon
} else {
icon = "mdi:button-pointer"
entities = append(entities,
mqtthass.NewEntity(preferences.AppName, name, id).
d.buttons = entities
// generateSwitches will create MQTT entities for buttons defined by the
// controller.
func (d *Controller) generateSwitches(switchCmds []Command) {
var id, icon, name string
entities := make([]*mqtthass.SwitchEntity, 0, len(switchCmds))
for _, cmd := range switchCmds {
cmdCallBack := func(p *paho.Publish) {
state := string(p.Payload)
err := cmdWithState(cmd.Exec, state)
if err != nil {
d.logger.Warn("Switch toggle failed.",
slog.String("switch", cmd.Name),
slog.Any("error", err))
stateCallBack := func(_ ...any) (json.RawMessage, error) {
return switchState(cmd.Exec)
name = cmd.Name
id = strcase.ToSnake(d.device.Name + "_" + cmd.Name)
if cmd.Icon != "" {
icon = cmd.Icon
} else {
icon = "mdi:toggle-switch"
entities = append(entities,
mqtthass.NewEntity(preferences.AppName, name, id).
d.switches = entities
// generateNumbers will create MQTT entities for numbers (both ints and floats) defined by the
// controller.
func (d *Controller) generateNumbers(numberCommands []Command) {
var (
id, icon, name string
ints []*mqtthass.NumberEntity[int]
floats []*mqtthass.NumberEntity[float64]
for _, cmd := range numberCommands {
cmdCallBack := func(p *paho.Publish) {
state := string(p.Payload)
err := cmdWithState(cmd.Exec, state)
if err != nil {
d.logger.Warn("Set number failed.",
slog.String("number", cmd.Name),
slog.Any("error", err))
stateCallBack := func(_ ...any) (json.RawMessage, error) {
return numberState(cmd.Exec)
name = cmd.Name
id = strcase.ToSnake(d.device.Name + "_" + cmd.Name)
if cmd.Icon != "" {
// Set the icon to the user-specified icon
icon = cmd.Icon
} else {
// Choose an appropriate icon based on the display value.
switch cmd.Display {
case "box":
icon = "mdi:counter"
case "slider":
icon = "mdi:tune"
icon = "mdi:knob"
// Set the display type based on any configuration specified. Else,
// default to "auto".
displayType := mqtthass.NumberAuto
switch cmd.Display {
case "box":
displayType = mqtthass.NumberBox
case "slider":
displayType = mqtthass.NumberSlider
// Add an entity based on the number type.
valueType := cmd.NumberType
switch valueType {
case "float":
min := convValue[float64](cmd.Min) //nolint:predeclared
max := convValue[float64](cmd.Max) //nolint:predeclared
if max == 0 {
max = 100
step := convValue[float64](cmd.Step)
if step == 0 {
step = 1
floats = append(floats,
mqtthass.NewEntity(preferences.AppName, name, id).
step, min, max, displayType))
min := convValue[int](cmd.Min) //nolint:predeclared
max := convValue[int](cmd.Max) //nolint:predeclared
if max == 0 {
max = 100
step := convValue[int](cmd.Step)
if step == 0 {
step = 1
ints = append(ints,
mqtthass.NewEntity(preferences.AppName, name, id).
step, min, max, displayType))
d.floatNumbers = floats
d.intNumbers = ints
// cmdWithoutState runs the executable associated with a control with no state
// passed to the command. This is used for controls which do not have a state,
// like buttons.
func cmdWithoutState(command string) error {
cmdElems := strings.Split(command, " ")
if len(cmdElems) == 0 {
return ErrParseCmd
_, err := exec.Command(cmdElems[0], cmdElems[1:]...).Output()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrCmdFailed, err)
return nil
// cmdWithState runs the executable associated with a control, passing a state
// value. This is used by controls with a controllable state in Home Assistant.
func cmdWithState(command, state string) error {
if state == "" {
return ErrNoState
cmdElems := strings.Split(command, " ")
cmdElems = append(cmdElems, state)
_, err := exec.Command(cmdElems[0], cmdElems[1:]...).Output()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrCmdFailed, err)
return nil
// switchState will execute the command associated with the switch control,
// which should output the current state of the switch.
func switchState(command string) (json.RawMessage, error) {
cmdElems := strings.Split(command, " ")
if len(cmdElems) == 0 {
return nil, ErrUnknownSwitchState
output, err := exec.Command(cmdElems[0], cmdElems[1:]...).Output()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could get switch state: %w", err)
switch {
case bytes.Contains(output, []byte(switchOnState)):
return json.RawMessage(switchOnState), nil
case bytes.Contains(output, []byte(switchOffState)):
return json.RawMessage(switchOffState), nil
return nil, ErrUnknownSwitchState
func numberState(command string) (json.RawMessage, error) {
cmdElems := strings.Split(command, " ")
if len(cmdElems) == 0 {
return nil, ErrUnknownNumberState
output, err := exec.Command(cmdElems[0], cmdElems[1:]...).Output()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrUnknownNumberState, err)
number := string(bytes.TrimSpace(output))
_, err1 := strconv.ParseInt(number, 10, 64)
_, err2 := strconv.ParseFloat(number, 64)
if err1 != nil && err2 != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrUnknownNumberState, errors.Join(err1, err2))
return json.RawMessage(`{ "value": ` + number + ` }`), nil
// convValue provides a generic way to either convert to an int/float or just
// return the default value of that type.
func convValue[T constraints.Float | constraints.Integer](orig any) T {
value, ok := orig.(T)
if !ok {
return T(0)
return value