
415 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2024 Joshua Rich <>
// This software is released under the MIT License.
//go:generate moq -out client_mocks_test.go . PostRequest Registry
package hass
import (
const (
DefaultTimeout = 30 * time.Second
var tracker = sensor.NewTracker()
var (
ErrGetConfigFailed = errors.New("could not fetch Home Assistant config")
ErrGenRequestFailed = errors.New("unable to generate request for sensor")
ErrSendRequestFailed = errors.New("could not send sensor request to Home Assistant")
ErrStateUpdateUnknown = errors.New("unknown sensor update response")
ErrStateUpdateFailed = errors.New("state update failed")
ErrRegDisableFailed = errors.New("failed to disable sensor in registry")
ErrRegAddFailed = errors.New("failed to set registered status for sensor in registry")
ErrTrkUpdateFailed = errors.New("failed to update sensor state in tracker")
ErrRegistrationFailed = errors.New("sensor registration failed")
ErrInvalidURL = errors.New("invalid URL")
ErrInvalidClient = errors.New("invalid client")
ErrResponseMalformed = errors.New("malformed response")
ErrUnknown = errors.New("unknown error occurred")
defaultRetry = func(r *resty.Response, _ error) bool {
return r.StatusCode() == http.StatusTooManyRequests
// Validate is a request that supports validation of its values.
type Validate interface {
Validate() error
// GetRequest is a HTTP GET request.
type GetRequest any
// PostRequest is a HTTP POST request with the request body provided by Body().
type PostRequest interface {
RequestBody() json.RawMessage
// Authenticated represents a request that requires passing an authentication
// header with the value returned by Auth().
type Authenticated interface {
Auth() string
// Encrypted represents a request that should be encrypted with the secret
// provided by Secret().
type Encrypted interface {
Secret() string
type Registry interface {
SetDisabled(id string, state bool) error
SetRegistered(id string, state bool) error
IsDisabled(id string) bool
IsRegistered(id string) bool
type Client struct {
endpoint *resty.Client
registry Registry
func NewClient(ctx context.Context) (*Client, error) {
var err error
reg, err := registry.Load(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not start registry: %w", err)
client := &Client{
registry: reg,
return client, nil
func (c *Client) Endpoint(url string, timeout time.Duration) {
if timeout == 0 {
timeout = DefaultTimeout
c.endpoint = resty.New().
func (c *Client) HassVersion(ctx context.Context) string {
config, err := send[Config](ctx, c, &configRequest{})
if err != nil {
Debug("Could not fetch Home Assistant config.",
slog.Any("error", err))
return "Unknown"
return config.Version
func (c *Client) ProcessSensor(ctx context.Context, details sensor.Details) error {
if c.isDisabled(ctx, details) {
Debug("Not sending request for disabled sensor.",
return nil
if _, ok := details.State().(*sensor.LocationRequest); ok {
// LocationRequest:
return c.handleLocationUpdate(ctx, details)
if c.registry.IsRegistered(details.ID()) {
// Sensor Update (existing sensor).
return c.handleSensorUpdate(ctx, details)
// Sensor Registration (new sensor).
return c.handleRegistration(ctx, details)
func (c *Client) handleLocationUpdate(ctx context.Context, details sensor.Details) error {
// req, err := sensor.NewLocationUpdateRequest(details)
req, err := sensor.NewRequest(sensor.RequestTypeLocation, details)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to handle location update: %w", err)
resp, err := send[sensor.LocationResponse](ctx, c, req)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to send location update request: %w", err)
if err := resp.Updated(); err != nil { //nolint:staticcheck
return fmt.Errorf("location update failed: %w", err)
return nil
func (c *Client) handleSensorUpdate(ctx context.Context, details sensor.Details) error {
// req, err := sensor.NewUpdateRequest(details)
req, err := sensor.NewRequest(sensor.RequestTypeUpdate, details)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to handle sensor update: %w", err)
response, err := send[sensor.StateUpdateResponse](ctx, c, req)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to send sensor update request for %s: %w", details.ID(), err)
if response == nil {
return ErrStateUpdateUnknown
// At this point, the sensor update was successful. Any errors are really
// warnings and non-critical.
var warnings error
for id, update := range response {
success, err := update.Success()
if !success {
// The update failed.
warnings = errors.Join(warnings, err)
// If HA reports the sensor as disabled, update the registry.
if c.registry.IsDisabled(id) != update.Disabled() {
Info("Sensor is disabled in Home Assistant. Setting disabled in local registry.",
if err := c.registry.SetDisabled(id, update.Disabled()); err != nil {
warnings = errors.Join(warnings, fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrRegDisableFailed, err))
// Add the sensor update to the tracker.
if err := tracker.Add(details); err != nil {
warnings = errors.Join(warnings, fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrTrkUpdateFailed, err))
if warnings != nil {
Debug("Sensor updated with warnings.",
slog.Any("warnings", warnings))
} else {
Debug("Sensor updated.",
// Return success status and any warnings.
return warnings
func (c *Client) handleRegistration(ctx context.Context, details sensor.Details) error {
req, err := sensor.NewRequest(sensor.RequestTypeRegister, details)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to handle sensor update: %w", err)
response, err := send[sensor.RegistrationResponse](ctx, c, req)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to send sensor registration request for %s: %w", details.ID(), err)
// If the registration failed, log a warning.
success, err := response.Registered()
if !success {
return errors.Join(ErrRegistrationFailed, err)
// At this point, the sensor registration was successful. Any errors are really
// warnings and non-critical.
var warnings error
// Set the sensor as registered in the registry.
err = c.registry.SetRegistered(details.ID(), true)
if err != nil {
warnings = errors.Join(warnings, fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrRegAddFailed, err))
// Update the sensor state in the tracker.
if err := tracker.Add(details); err != nil {
warnings = errors.Join(warnings, fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrTrkUpdateFailed, err))
// Return success status and any warnings.
return warnings
// isDisabled handles processing a sensor that is disabled. For a sensor that is
// disabled, we need to make an additional check against Home Assistant to see
// if the sensor has been re-enabled, and update our local registry before
// continuing.
func (c *Client) isDisabled(ctx context.Context, details sensor.Details) bool {
// Get disabled state from local registry.
disabledInReg := c.isDisabledInReg(details)
// If it is not disabled in the local registry, immediately return false.
if !disabledInReg {
return false
// Else, get the disabled state from Home Assistant
disabledInHA := c.isDisabledInHA(ctx, details)
// If sensor is no longer disabled in Home Assistant, update the local
// registry and return false.
if !disabledInHA {
slog.Info("Sensor re-enabled in Home Assistant, Re-enabling in local registry and sending updates.", sensorLogAttrs(details))
if err := c.registry.SetDisabled(details.ID(), false); err != nil {
slog.Error("Could not re-enable sensor.",
slog.Any("error", err))
return true
return false
// Sensor is disabled in both the local registry and Home Assistant.
// Return true.
return true
// isDisabledInReg returns the disabled state of the sensor from the local
// registry.
func (c *Client) isDisabledInReg(details sensor.Details) bool {
return c.registry.IsDisabled(details.ID())
// isDisabledInHA returns the disabled state of the sensor from Home Assistant.
func (c *Client) isDisabledInHA(ctx context.Context, details sensor.Details) bool {
config, err := send[Config](ctx, c, &configRequest{})
if err != nil {
Debug("Could not fetch Home Assistant config. Assuming sensor is still disabled.",
slog.Any("error", err))
return true
status, err := config.IsEntityDisabled(details.ID())
if err != nil {
Debug("Could not determine sensor disabled status in Home Assistant config. Assuming sensor is still disabled.",
slog.Any("error", err))
return true
return status
func send[T any](ctx context.Context, client *Client, requestDetails any) (T, error) {
var (
response T
responseErr sensor.APIError
responseObj *resty.Response
if client.endpoint == nil {
return response, ErrInvalidClient
// If the request supports validation, make sure it is valid.
if a, ok := requestDetails.(Validate); ok {
if err := a.Validate(); err != nil {
return response, fmt.Errorf("validation failed: %w", err)
requestObj := client.endpoint.R().SetContext(ctx)
requestObj = requestObj.SetError(&responseErr)
requestObj = requestObj.SetResult(&response)
// If the request is authenticated, set the auth header with the token.
if a, ok := requestDetails.(Authenticated); ok {
requestObj = requestObj.SetAuthToken(a.Auth())
switch req := requestDetails.(type) {
case PostRequest:
LogAttrs(ctx, logging.LevelTrace,
"Sending request.",
slog.String("method", "POST"),
slog.String("body", string(req.RequestBody())),
slog.Time("sent_at", time.Now()))
responseObj, _ = requestObj.SetBody(req.RequestBody()).Post("") //nolint:errcheck // error is checked with responseObj.IsError()
case GetRequest:
LogAttrs(ctx, logging.LevelTrace,
"Sending request.",
slog.String("method", "GET"),
slog.Time("sent_at", time.Now()))
responseObj, _ = requestObj.Get("") //nolint:errcheck // error is checked with responseObj.IsError()
LogAttrs(ctx, logging.LevelTrace,
"Received response.",
slog.Int("statuscode", responseObj.StatusCode()),
slog.String("status", responseObj.Status()),
slog.String("protocol", responseObj.Proto()),
slog.Duration("time", responseObj.Time()),
slog.String("body", string(responseObj.Body())))
if responseObj.IsError() {
return response, &sensor.APIError{Code: responseObj.StatusCode(), Message: responseObj.Status()}
return response, nil
func GetSensor(id string) (sensor.Details, error) {
details, err := tracker.Get(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get sensor details: %w", err)
return details, nil
func SensorList() []string {
return tracker.SensorList()
// sensorLogAttrs is a convienience function that returns some slog attributes
// for priting sensor details in the log.
func sensorLogAttrs(details sensor.Details) slog.Attr {
return slog.Group("sensor",
slog.String("name", details.Name()),
slog.String("id", details.ID()),
slog.Any("state", details.State()),
slog.String("units", details.Units()))