
209 lines
5.3 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2024 Joshua Rich <>
// This software is released under the MIT License.
package cpu
import (
const (
usageUpdateInterval = 10 * time.Second
usageUpdateJitter = 500 * time.Millisecond
usageWorkerID = "cpu_usage_sensors"
totalCPUString = "cpu"
var ErrParseCPUUsage = errors.New("could not parse CPU usage")
var times = [...]string{"user_time", "nice_time", "system_time", "idle_time", "iowait_time", "irq_time", "softirq_time", "steal_time", "guest_time", "guest_nice_time"}
type cpuUsageSensor struct {
cpuID string
usageAttributes map[string]any
func (s *cpuUsageSensor) generateValues(clktck int64, details []string) {
var totalTime float64
// Don't calculate values if the length of the details array doesn't match
// what we expect.
if len(details) != len(times) {
attrs := make(map[string]any, len(times))
for idx, name := range times {
value, err := strconv.ParseFloat(details[idx], 64)
if err != nil {
cpuTime := value / float64(clktck)
attrs[name] = cpuTime
totalTime += cpuTime
attrs["total_time"] = totalTime
s.usageAttributes = attrs
//nolint:forcetypeassert,mnd // we already parsed the value as a float
s.Value = attrs["user_time"].(float64) / totalTime * 100
func (s *cpuUsageSensor) Name() string {
switch {
case s.cpuID == totalCPUString:
return "Total CPU Usage"
return "Core " + strings.TrimPrefix(s.cpuID, "cpu") + " CPU Usage"
func (s *cpuUsageSensor) ID() string {
switch {
case s.cpuID == totalCPUString:
return "total_cpu_usage"
return "core_" + strings.TrimPrefix(s.cpuID, "cpu") + "_cpu_usage"
func (s *cpuUsageSensor) Attributes() map[string]any {
return s.usageAttributes
type usageWorker struct {
boottime time.Time
path string
clktck int64
func (w *usageWorker) UpdateDelta(_ time.Duration) {}
func (w *usageWorker) Sensors(_ context.Context) ([]sensor.Details, error) {
return w.getStats()
func NewUsageWorker(ctx context.Context) (*linux.PollingSensorWorker, error) {
worker := linux.NewPollingWorker(usageWorkerID, usageUpdateInterval, usageUpdateJitter)
clktck, found := linux.CtxGetClkTck(ctx)
if !found {
return worker, fmt.Errorf("%w: no clktck value", linux.ErrInvalidCtx)
boottime, found := linux.CtxGetBoottime(ctx)
if !found {
return worker, fmt.Errorf("%w: no boottime value", linux.ErrInvalidCtx)
worker.PollingType = &usageWorker{
path: filepath.Join(linux.ProcFSRoot, "stat"),
boottime: boottime,
clktck: clktck,
return worker, nil
func (w *usageWorker) newUsageSensor(details []string, diagnostic bool) *cpuUsageSensor {
usageSensor := &cpuUsageSensor{
cpuID: details[0],
Sensor: linux.Sensor{
IconString: "mdi:chip",
UnitsString: "%",
DataSource: linux.DataSrcProcfs,
StateClassValue: types.StateClassMeasurement,
IsDiagnostic: diagnostic,
usageSensor.generateValues(w.clktck, details[1:])
return usageSensor
func (w *usageWorker) newCountSensor(name, icon, valueStr string) *linux.Sensor {
valueInt, _ := strconv.Atoi(valueStr) //nolint:errcheck // if we can't parse it, value will be 0.
return &linux.Sensor{
DisplayName: name,
UniqueID: strcase.ToSnake(name),
Value: valueInt,
IconString: icon,
DataSource: linux.DataSrcProcfs,
StateClassValue: types.StateClassTotalIncreasing,
IsDiagnostic: true,
LastReset: w.boottime.Format(time.RFC3339),
func (w *usageWorker) getStats() ([]sensor.Details, error) {
var sensors []sensor.Details
statsFH, err := os.Open(w.path)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("fetch cpu usage: %w", err)
defer statsFH.Close()
statsFile := bufio.NewScanner(statsFH)
for statsFile.Scan() {
// Set up word scanner for line.
line := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(statsFile.Bytes()))
// Split line by words
var cols []string
for line.Scan() {
cols = append(cols, line.Text())
if len(cols) == 0 {
return sensors, ErrParseCPUUsage
// Create a sensor depending on the line.
switch {
case cols[0] == totalCPUString:
sensors = append(sensors, w.newUsageSensor(cols, false))
case strings.Contains(cols[0], "cpu"):
sensors = append(sensors, w.newUsageSensor(cols, true))
sensors = append(sensors, newCPUFreqSensor(cols[0]))
case cols[0] == "ctxt":
sensors = append(sensors, w.newCountSensor("Total CPU Context Switches", "mdi:counter", cols[1]))
case cols[0] == "processes":
sensors = append(sensors, w.newCountSensor("Total Processes Created", "mdi:application-cog", cols[1]))
case cols[0] == "procs_running":
sensors = append(sensors, w.newCountSensor("Processes Running", "mdi:application-cog", cols[1]))
case cols[0] == "procs_blocked":
sensors = append(sensors, w.newCountSensor("Processes Blocked", "mdi:application-cog", cols[1]))
return sensors, nil