
222 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2024 Joshua Rich <>
// This software is released under the MIT License.
package media
import (
mqtthass ""
mqttapi ""
const (
startIcon = "mdi:play"
stopIcon = "mdi:stop"
statusIcon = "mdi:webcam"
startedState = "Recording"
stoppedState = "Not Recording"
// Some defaults for the device file, formats and image size.
var (
defaultDevice = "/dev/video0"
preferredFmts = []v4l2.FourCCType{v4l2.PixelFmtMPEG, v4l2.PixelFmtMJPEG, v4l2.PixelFmtJPEG, v4l2.PixelFmtYUYV}
defaultHeight uint32 = 640
defaultWidth uint32 = 480
// CameraEntities represents all of the entities that make up a camera. This
// includes the entity for showing images, as well as button entities for
// start/stop commands and a sensor entity showing the recording status.
type CameraEntities struct {
Images *mqtthass.ImageEntity
StartButton *mqtthass.ButtonEntity
StopButton *mqtthass.ButtonEntity
Status *mqtthass.SensorEntity
// cameraControl is an internal struct that contains the data used to control
// the camera and populate the entities.
type cameraControl struct {
device *device.Device
cancelFunc context.CancelFunc
logger *slog.Logger
state string
fps time.Duration
// NewCameraControl is called by the OS controller to provide the entities for a camera.
func NewCameraControl(ctx context.Context, msgCh chan *mqttapi.Msg, mqttDevice *mqtthass.Device) *CameraEntities {
camera := newCamera(ctx)
entities := &CameraEntities{}
entities.Images = mqtthass.AsImage(mqtthass.NewEntity(preferences.AppName, "Webcam", mqttDevice.Name+"_camera").
WithDefaultOriginInfo(), mqtthass.ModeImage)
entities.StartButton = mqtthass.AsButton(mqtthass.NewEntity(preferences.AppName, "Start Webcam", mqttDevice.Name+"_start_camera").
WithCommandCallback(func(_ *paho.Publish) {
err := camera.openCamera(defaultDevice)
if err != nil {
camera.logger.Error("Could not open camera device.", slog.Any("error", err))
camCtx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(ctx)
camera.cancelFunc = cancelFunc
camera.state = startedState
camera.logger.Debug("Start recording webcam.")
go camera.publishImages(camCtx, entities.Images.GetImageTopic(), msgCh)
msgCh <- mqttapi.NewMsg(entities.Status.StateTopic, []byte(camera.state))
entities.StopButton = mqtthass.AsButton(mqtthass.NewEntity(preferences.AppName, "Stop Webcam", mqttDevice.Name+"_stop_camera").
WithCommandCallback(func(_ *paho.Publish) {
camera.state = stoppedState
if camera.cancelFunc != nil {
camera.logger.Debug("Stop recording webcam.")
if err := camera.closeCamera(); err != nil {
camera.logger.Error("Close camera failed.", slog.Any("error", err))
msgCh <- mqttapi.NewMsg(entities.Status.StateTopic, []byte(camera.state))
entities.Status = mqtthass.AsSensor(mqtthass.NewEntity(preferences.AppName, "Webcam Status", mqttDevice.Name+"_camera_status").
WithValueTemplate("{{ value }}").
WithStateCallback(func(_ ...any) (json.RawMessage, error) {
return json.RawMessage(camera.state), nil
go func() {
msgCh <- mqttapi.NewMsg(entities.Status.StateTopic, []byte(camera.state))
return entities
func newCamera(ctx context.Context) *cameraControl {
return &cameraControl{
logger: logging.FromContext(ctx).With(slog.String("controller", "camera")),
state: stoppedState,
// openCamera opens the camera device and ensures that it has a preferred image
// format, framerate and dimensions.
func (c *cameraControl) openCamera(cameraDevice string) error {
camDev, err := device.Open(cameraDevice)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not open camera %s: %w", cameraDevice, err)
fps, err := camDev.GetFrameRate()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not determine camera frame rate: %w", err)
fmtDescs, err := camDev.GetFormatDescriptions()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not determine camera formats: %w", err)
var fmtDesc *v4l2.FormatDescription
for _, preferredFmt := range preferredFmts {
fmtDesc = getFormats(fmtDescs, preferredFmt)
if fmtDesc != nil {
if fmtDesc == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("camera does not support any preferred formats: %w", err)
if err = camDev.SetPixFormat(v4l2.PixFormat{
Width: defaultWidth,
Height: defaultHeight,
PixelFormat: fmtDesc.PixelFormat,
Field: v4l2.FieldNone,
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not configure camera: %w", err)
pixFmt, err := camDev.GetPixFormat()
if err == nil {
c.logger.Debug("Camera configured.",
slog.Any("format", pixFmt),
slog.Any("fps", fps))
c.device = camDev
c.fps = time.Second / time.Duration(fps)
return nil
// publishImages loops over the received frames from the camera and wraps them
// as a MQTT message to be sent back on the bus.
func (c *cameraControl) publishImages(ctx context.Context, topic string, msgCh chan *mqttapi.Msg) {
if err := c.device.Start(ctx); err != nil {
c.logger.Error("Could not start recording", slog.Any("error", err))
for frame := range c.device.GetOutput() {
c.logger.Log(ctx, mqttapi.LevelTrace, "Sending frame.")
msgCh <- mqttapi.NewMsg(topic, frame)
// closeCamera wraps the v4l2 camera close method.
func (c *cameraControl) closeCamera() error {
if err := c.device.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not close camera device: %w", err)
return nil
// getFormats finds an appropriate image format to use for the camera.
func getFormats(fmts []v4l2.FormatDescription, pixEncoding v4l2.FourCCType) *v4l2.FormatDescription {
for _, desc := range fmts {
if desc.PixelFormat == pixEncoding {
return &desc
return nil