
221 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2024 Joshua Rich <>
// This software is released under the MIT License.
//go:generate stringer -type=memStatID -output memStats_generated.go -linecomment
package mem
import (
// All of the possible memory statistics. We map these to an iota which makes it
// easier to refer to them elsewhere in code. The iota is also used to generate
// a name for the statistic, for the associated sensor name.
const (
memTotal memStatID = iota // Memory Total
memFree // Memory Free
memAvailable // Memory Available
memBuffered // Memory Buffered
memCached // Memory Cached
swapCached // Swap Cached
memActive // Memory Active
memInactive // Memory Inactive
memAnonActive // Anonymous Memory Active
memAnonInactive // Anonymous Memory Inactive
memFileActive // File Active Memory
memFileInactive // File Inactive Memory
memUnevictable // Unevictable Memory
memLocked // Locked Memory
swapTotal // Swap Total
swapFree // Swap Free
zswapTotal // Zswap Total
zswapUsed // Zswapped Used
memDirty // Dirty Memory
memWriteback // Writeback Memory
memAnonPages // Anonymous Page Tables Memory
memMapped // mmap Memory
memShmem // shmem Memory
memKReclaimable // Kernel Memory Reclaimable
memSlab // Kernel Slab Memory
memSReclaimable // Kernel Slab Memory Reclaimable
memSUnreclaim // Kernel Slab Memory Unreclaimable
memKernelStack // Kernel Stack Memory
memPageTables // Page Tables Memory
memSecPageTables // Secure Page Tables Memory
memNFSUnstable // NFS Pages Memory
memBounce // Block Device Bounce Buffer Memory
memWritebackTmp // FUSE Temporary Writeback Buffer Memory
memCommitLimit // Commit Limit Total
memCommittedAS // Commit Limit Allocated
vmallocTotal // Vmalloc Total Memory
vmallocUsed // Vmalloc Used Memory
vmallocChunk // Vmalloc Largest Unused Chunk
memPercpu // Percpu Memory
memCorrupted // Memory Corrupted
memAnonHugePages // Anonymouse Huge Pages Memory
memShmemHugePages // shmem Huge Pages Memory
memShmemPmdMapped // shmem User Space Huge Pages Memory
memFileHugePages // File Huge Pages Memory
memFilePmdMapped // File User Space Huge Pages Memory
memCmaTotal // Contiguous Memory Allocator Pages Total
memCmaFree // Contiguous Memory Allocator Pages Free
memUnaccepted // Unaccepted Memory
memHugePagesTotal // Huge Pages Total
memHugePagesFree // Huge Pages Free
memHugePagesRsvd // Huge Pages Reserved
memHugePagesSurp // Huge Pages Surplus
memHugepagesize // Huge Page Size
memHugetlb // Huge Page TLB
memDirectMap4k // Kernel 4kB Pages
memDirectMap2M // Kernel 2MB Pages
memDirectMap1G // Kernel 1GB Pages
type memStatID int
// statNames maps the names/id in the statistics file to our internal memStatID.
var statNames = map[string]memStatID{
"MemTotal": memTotal,
"MemFree": memFree,
"MemAvailable": memAvailable,
"Buffers": memBuffered,
"Cached": memCached,
"SwapCached": swapCached,
"Active": memActive,
"Inactive": memInactive,
"Active(anon)": memAnonActive,
"Inactive(anon)": memAnonInactive,
"Active(file)": memFileActive,
"Inactive(file)": memFileInactive,
"Unevictable": memUnevictable,
"Mlocked": memLocked,
"SwapTotal": swapTotal,
"SwapFree": swapFree,
"Zswap": zswapTotal,
"Zswapped": zswapUsed,
"Dirty": memDirty,
"Writeback": memWriteback,
"AnonPages": memAnonPages,
"Mapped": memMapped,
"Shmem": memShmem,
"KReclaimable": memKReclaimable,
"Slab": memSlab,
"SReclaimable": memSReclaimable,
"SUnreclaim": memSUnreclaim,
"KernelStack": memKernelStack,
"PageTables": memPageTables,
"SecPageTables": memSecPageTables,
"NFS_Unstable": memNFSUnstable,
"Bounce": memBounce,
"WritebackTmp": memWritebackTmp,
"CommitLimit": memCommitLimit,
"Committed_AS": memCommittedAS,
"VmallocTotal": vmallocTotal,
"VmallocUsed": vmallocUsed,
"VmallocChunk": vmallocChunk,
"Percpu": memPercpu,
"HardwareCorrupted": memCorrupted,
"AnonHugePages": memAnonHugePages,
"ShmemHugePages": memShmemHugePages,
"ShmemPmdMapped": memShmemPmdMapped,
"FileHugePages": memFileHugePages,
"FilePmdMapped": memFilePmdMapped,
"CmaTotal": memCmaTotal,
"CmaFree": memCmaFree,
"Unaccepted": memUnaccepted,
"HugePages_Total": memHugePagesTotal,
"HugePages_Free": memHugePagesFree,
"HugePages_Rsvd": memHugePagesRsvd,
"HugePages_Surp": memHugePagesSurp,
"Hugepagesize": memHugepagesize,
"Hugetlb": memHugetlb,
"DirectMap4k": memDirectMap4k,
"DirectMap2M": memDirectMap2M,
"DirectMap1G": memDirectMap4k,
var memStatFile = filepath.Join(linux.ProcFSRoot, "meminfo")
// memStat holds the value and any units for a memory statistic.
type memStat struct {
units string
value uint64
// memoryStats is a map of all the memory statistics available on this device.
type memoryStats map[memStatID]*memStat
func (m memoryStats) get(id memStatID) (uint64, string) {
if stat, ok := m[id]; ok {
return stat.value, stat.units
return 0, ""
// getMemStats will create a memoryStats map for this device.
func getMemStats() (memoryStats, error) {
statsFH, err := os.Open(memStatFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getMemStats: %w", err)
defer statsFH.Close()
stats := make(memoryStats)
statsFile := bufio.NewScanner(statsFH)
for statsFile.Scan() {
var (
name string
id memStatID
ok bool
value uint64
err error
// Set up word scanner for line.
line := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(statsFile.Bytes()))
// Scan the first field as the stat name.
name = strings.Trim(line.Text(), ":")
if id, ok = statNames[name]; !ok {
slog.Debug("Unknown memory stat. Ignoring.", slog.String("name", name))
// Scan the next field as the stat value.
value, err = strconv.ParseUint(line.Text(), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
slog.Debug("Could not parse memory stat value.", slog.Any("error", err))
// If there is a third field, it will be the stat units.
// if line.Scan() {
// units = line.Text()
// }
stats[id] = &memStat{
value: value * 1000, //nolint:mnd // scale to bytes for backwards compatibility
units: memoryUsageSensorUnits,
return stats, nil