
173 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2024 Joshua Rich <>
// This software is released under the MIT License.
package power
import (
mqtthass ""
const (
screenLockIcon = "mdi:eye-lock"
screenUnlockIcon = "mdi:eye-lock-open"
var ErrUnsupportedDesktop = errors.New("unsupported desktop environment")
// screenControlCommand represents the D-Bus and MQTT Button Entity information
// for a screen lock control. This information is used to derive the appropriate
// D-Bus call and MQTT button entity config.
type screenControlCommand struct {
bus *dbusx.Bus
name string
id string
icon string
intr string
path string
method string
// execute represents the D-Bus method call to execute the screen control.
func (c *screenControlCommand) execute(ctx context.Context) error {
err := dbusx.NewMethod(c.bus, c.intr, c.path, c.method).Call(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to issuse screen control commands %s: %w",, err)
return nil
// setupCommands will generate the appropriate screen control commands based on
// the desktop environment. Some environments can use systemd-logind which
// provides lock and unlock methods while others implement the older
// xscreensaver lock method.
func setupCommands(_ context.Context, sessionBus *dbusx.Bus, systemBus *dbusx.Bus, device *mqtthass.Device) ([]*screenControlCommand, error) {
var commands []*screenControlCommand
desktop := os.Getenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP")
switch {
case strings.Contains(desktop, "KDE"), strings.Contains(desktop, "GNOME"):
sessionPath, err := systemBus.GetSessionPath()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to set up screen control commands: %w", err)
// KDE and Gnome can use systemd-logind session lock/unlock on the
// system bus.
commands = append(commands,
name: "Lock Session",
id: device.Name + "_lock_session",
icon: screenLockIcon,
intr: loginBaseInterface,
path: sessionPath,
method: sessionInterface + ".Lock",
bus: systemBus,
name: "Unlock Session",
id: device.Name + "_unlock_session",
icon: screenUnlockIcon,
intr: loginBaseInterface,
path: sessionPath,
method: sessionInterface + ".UnLock",
bus: systemBus,
case strings.Contains(desktop, "XFCE"):
// Xfce implements the screensaver methods on the session bus.
commands = append(commands,
name: "Activate Screensaver",
id: device.Name + "_activate_screensaver",
icon: screenLockIcon,
intr: "org.xfce.ScreenSaver",
path: "/",
method: "org.xfce.ScreenSaver.Lock",
bus: sessionBus,
case strings.Contains(desktop, "Cinnamon"):
// Cinnamon implements the screensaver methods on the session bus.
commands = append(commands,
name: "Activate Screensaver",
id: device.Name + "_activate_screensaver",
icon: screenLockIcon,
intr: "org.cinnamon.ScreenSaver",
path: "/org/cinnamon/ScreenSaver",
method: "org.cinnamon.ScreenSaver.Lock",
bus: sessionBus,
return nil, ErrUnsupportedDesktop
return commands, nil
// NewScreenLockControl is called by the OS controller of the agent to generate
// MQTT button entities for the screen lock controls.
func NewScreenLockControl(ctx context.Context, device *mqtthass.Device) ([]*mqtthass.ButtonEntity, error) {
// Retrieve the D-Bus session bus. Needed by some controls.
sessionBus, ok := linux.CtxGetSessionBus(ctx)
if !ok {
return nil, linux.ErrNoSessionBus
// Retrieve the D-Bus system bus. Needed by some controls.
systemBus, ok := linux.CtxGetSystemBus(ctx)
if !ok {
return nil, linux.ErrNoSystemBus
// Decorate a logger for this controller.
logger := logging.FromContext(ctx).WithGroup("screensaver_control")
commands, err := setupCommands(ctx, sessionBus, systemBus, device)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create screen lock controls: %w", err)
buttons := make([]*mqtthass.ButtonEntity, 0, len(commands))
for _, command := range commands {
buttons = append(buttons, mqtthass.AsButton(
WithCommandCallback(func(_ *paho.Publish) {
if err := command.execute(ctx); err != nil {
logger.Error("Could not execute screen control command.",
slog.String("path", command.path),
slog.String("interface", command.intr),
slog.String("method", command.method),
slog.Any("error", err))
return buttons, nil