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// Copyright (c) 2024 Joshua Rich <joshua.rich@gmail.com>
// This software is released under the MIT License.
// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
package class
//go:generate go run golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer -type=SensorDeviceClass -output deviceclass.gen.go -linecomment
const (
// For sensor entity device class descriptions, see:
// https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/core/entity/sensor#available-device-classes
SensorClassMin SensorDeviceClass = iota //
SensorClassApparentPower // apparent_power
SensorClassAqi // aqi
SensorClassAtmosphericPressure // atmospheric_pressure
SensorClassBattery // battery
SensorClassCarbonDioxide // carbon_dioxide
SensorClassCarbonMonoxide // carbon_monoxide
SensorClassCurrent // current
SensorClassDataRate // data_rate
SensorClassDataSize // data_size
SensorClassDate // date
SensorClassDistance // distance
SensorClassDuration // duration
SensorClassEnergyStorage // energy_storage
SensorClassEnum // enum
SensorClassFrequency // frequency
SensorClassGas // gas
SensorClassHumidity // humidity
SensorClassIlluminance // illuminance
SensorClassIrradiance // irradiance
SensorClassMoisture // moisture
SensorClassMonetary // monetary
SensorClassNitrogenDioxide // nitrogen_dioxide
SensorClassNitrogenMonoxide // nitrogen_monoxide
SensorClassNitrousOxide // nitrous_oxide
SensorClassOzone // ozone
SensorClassPm1 // pm1
SensorClassPm25 // pm25
SensorClassPm10 // pm10
SensorClassPowerFactor // power_factor
SensorClassPower // power
SensorClassPrecipitation // precipitation
SensorClassPrecipitationIntensity // precipitation_intensity
SensorClassPressure // pressure
SensorClassReactivePower // reactive_power
SensorClassSignalStrength // signal_strength
SensorClassSoundPressure // sound_pressure
SensorClassSpeed // speed
SensorClassSulphurDioxide // sulphure_dioxide
SensorClassTemperature // temperature
SensorClassTimestamp // timestamp
SensorClassVOC // voc
SensorClassVoltage // voltage
SensorClassVolume // volume
SensorClassWater // water
SensorClassWeight // weight
SensorClassWindSpeed // wind_speed
SensorClassMax //
// For binary sensor entity device class descriptions, see:
// https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/core/entity/binary-sensor#available-device-classes
BinaryClassMin //
BinaryClassBattery // battery
BinaryClassBatteryCharging // battery_charging
BinaryClassCO // carbon_monoxide
BinaryClassCold // cold
BinaryClassConnectivity // connectivity
BinaryClassDoor // door
BinaryClassGarageDoor // garage_door
BinaryClassGas // gas
BinaryClassHeat // heat
BinaryClassLight // light
BinaryClassLock // lock
BinaryClassMoisture // moisture
BinaryClassMotion // motion
BinaryClassMoving // moving
BinaryClassOccupancy // occupancy
BinaryClassOpening // opening
BinaryClassPlug // plug
BinaryClassPower // power
BinaryClassPresence // presence
BinaryClassProblem // problem
BinaryClassRunning // running
BinaryClassSafety // safety
BinaryClassSmoke // smoke
BinaryClassSound // sound
BinaryClassTamper // tamper
BinaryClassUpdate // update
BinaryClassVibration // vibration
BinaryClassWindow // window
BinaryClassMax //
// DeviceClass represents the device class of a sensor or binary sensor. It is
// an extra classification of what the entity represents, and will potentially
// enforce display and unit restrictions in Home Assistant.
type SensorDeviceClass int
// Valid returns whether the SensorDeviceClass is a valid value.
func (c SensorDeviceClass) Valid() bool {
return c > SensorClassMin && c != SensorClassMax && c != BinaryClassMin && c < BinaryClassMax