
106 lines
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// Copyright 2024 Joshua Rich <>.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
//go:generate go run -out worker_mocks_test.go . Worker
package preferences
import (
const (
workerPrefsPrefix = "worker"
// CommonWorkerPrefs contains worker preferences that all workers can/should
// implement. For e.g., a toggle to completely disable the worker.
type CommonWorkerPrefs struct {
Disabled bool `toml:"disabled" comment:"Set this to true to disable all these sensors."`
// Worker represents a Worker from the point of the preferences package. A
// worker has a set of default preferences returned by the DefaultPreferences
// method and an ID that uniquely identifies the worker (and its preferences
// on disk).
type Worker[T any] interface {
PreferencesID() string
DefaultPreferences() T
var (
ErrSaveWorkerPrefs = errors.New("error saving worker preferences")
ErrLoadWorkerPrefs = errors.New("error loading worker preferences")
// LoadWorker reads the given worker's preferences from file.
func LoadWorker[T any](worker Worker[T]) (*T, error) {
prefsKey := workerPrefsPrefix + "." + worker.PreferencesID()
// Load default worker prefs.
prefs := worker.DefaultPreferences()
if prefsSrc.Get(prefsKey) == nil {
slog.Debug("Using default preferences for worker.",
slog.String("worker", worker.PreferencesID()))
// Save the default preferences to the preferences source.
if err := SaveWorker(worker, prefs); err != nil {
return &prefs, fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrLoadWorkerPrefs, err)
return &prefs, nil
// Unmarshal the existing prefs into the prefs type, overwriting any
// defaults.
if err := prefsSrc.Unmarshal(prefsKey, &prefs); err != nil {
return &prefs, fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrLoadWorkerPrefs, err)
// If the preferences are invalid, warn and use defaults.
if err := validation.Validate.Struct(prefs); err != nil {
slog.Warn("Worker preferences are invalid, using defaults.",
slog.String("worker", worker.PreferencesID()),
slog.String("problems", validation.ParseValidationErrors(err)))
prefs = worker.DefaultPreferences()
return &prefs, nil
// Return preferences.
return &prefs, nil
// SaveWorker saves the given worker's preferences to file.
func SaveWorker[T any](worker Worker[T], prefs T) error {
// We can't define the structure for every possible worker beforehand, so
// use map[string]any as the structure for saving.
prefsMaps := make(map[string]any)
// Marshal the worker's prefs object into bytes, using the toml tag
// structure.
data, err := toml.Marshal(&prefs)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrSaveWorkerPrefs, err)
// Unmarshal back into a map[string]any that we can save into the preferences
// file.
if err := toml.Unmarshal(data, &prefsMaps); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrSaveWorkerPrefs, err)
// Merge the worker preferences into the preferences file.
if err := prefsSrc.Set(workerPrefsPrefix+"."+worker.PreferencesID(), prefsMaps); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrSaveWorkerPrefs, err)
// Save the preferences.
return Save()