
323 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2024 Joshua Rich <>
// This software is released under the MIT License.
//go:generate moq -out runners_mocks_test.go . SensorController Worker Script
package agent
import (
mqttapi ""
// SensorController represents an object that manages one or more Workers.
type SensorController interface {
// ActiveWorkers is a list of the names of all currently active Workers.
ActiveWorkers() []string
// InactiveWorkers is a list of the names of all currently inactive Workers.
InactiveWorkers() []string
// Start provides a way to start the named Worker.
Start(ctx context.Context, name string) (<-chan sensor.Details, error)
// Stop provides a way to stop the named Worker.
Stop(name string) error
// StartAll will start all Workers that this controller manages.
StartAll(ctx context.Context) (<-chan sensor.Details, error)
// StopAll will stop all Workers that this controller manages.
StopAll() error
// Worker represents an object that is responsible for controlling the
// publishing of one or more sensors.
type Worker interface {
ID() string
// Sensors returns an array of the current value of all sensors, or a
// non-nil error if this is not possible.
Sensors(ctx context.Context) ([]sensor.Details, error)
// Updates returns a channel on which updates to sensors will be published,
// when they become available.
Updates(ctx context.Context) (<-chan sensor.Details, error)
// Stop is used to tell the worker to stop any background updates of
// sensors.
Stop() error
// MQTTController represents an object that is responsible for controlling the
// publishing of one or more commands over MQTT.
type MQTTController interface {
// Subscriptions is a list of MQTT subscriptions this object wants to
// establish on the MQTT broker.
Subscriptions() []*mqttapi.Subscription
// Configs are MQTT messages sent to the broker that Home Assistant will use
// to set up entities.
Configs() []*mqttapi.Msg
// Msgs returns a channel on which this object will send MQTT messages on
// certain events.
Msgs() chan *mqttapi.Msg
type Controller interface {
type Script interface {
Schedule() string
Execute() (sensors []sensor.Details, err error)
// runWorkers will call all the sensor worker functions that have been defined
// for this device.
func (agent *Agent) runWorkers(ctx context.Context, trk SensorTracker, reg sensor.Registry, controllers ...SensorController) {
var sensorCh []<-chan sensor.Details
for _, controller := range controllers {
ch, err := controller.StartAll(ctx)
if err != nil {
agent.logger.Warn("Start controller had errors.", "errors", err.Error())
} else {
sensorCh = append(sensorCh, ch)
if len(sensorCh) == 0 {
agent.logger.Warn("No workers were started by any controllers.")
if err := trk.Process(ctx, reg, sensorCh...); err != nil {
agent.logger.Error("Could not process sensor updates", "error", err.Error())
for _, controller := range controllers {
if err := controller.StopAll(); err != nil {
agent.logger.Warn("Stop controller had errors.", "error", err.Error())
// runScripts will retrieve all scripts that the agent can run and queue them up
// to be run on their defined schedule using the cron scheduler. It also sets up
// a channel to receive script output and send appropriate sensor objects to the
// sensor.
func (agent *Agent) runScripts(ctx context.Context, trk SensorTracker, reg sensor.Registry, sensorScripts ...Script) {
if len(sensorScripts) == 0 {
agent.logger.Warn("No sensor scripts to run.")
scheduler := cron.New()
sensorCh := make(chan sensor.Details)
var jobs []cron.EntryID //nolint:prealloc // we can't determine size in advance.
for _, script := range sensorScripts {
if script.Schedule() == "" {
agent.logger.Warn("Script found without schedule defined, skipping.")
// Create a closure to run the script on it's schedule.
runFunc := func() {
sensors, err := script.Execute()
if err != nil {
agent.logger.Warn("Could not execute script.", "error", err.Error())
for _, o := range sensors {
sensorCh <- o
// Add the script to the cron scheduler to run the closure on it's
// defined schedule.
jobID, err := scheduler.AddFunc(script.Schedule(), runFunc)
if err != nil {
agent.logger.Warn("Unable to schedule script", "error", err.Error())
jobs = append(jobs, jobID)
agent.logger.Debug("Starting cron scheduler for script sensors.")
// Start the cron scheduler
// Process any sensors returned by scripts as they are executed by the
// scheduler.
if err := trk.Process(ctx, reg, sensorCh); err != nil {
agent.logger.Error("Could not process script sensor updates", "error", err.Error())
go func() {
// Stop next run of all active cron jobs.
for _, jobID := range jobs {
agent.logger.Debug("Stopping cron scheduler for script sensors.")
// Stop the scheduler once all jobs have finished.
cronCtx := scheduler.Stop()
// runNotificationsWorker will run a goroutine that is listening for
// notification messages from Home Assistant on a websocket connection. Any
// received notifications will be dipslayed on the device running the agent.
func (agent *Agent) runNotificationsWorker(ctx context.Context) {
notifyCh, err := hass.StartWebsocket(ctx)
if err != nil {
agent.logger.Error("Could not listen for notifications.", "error", err.Error())
agent.logger.Debug("Listening for notifications.")
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
agent.logger.Debug("Stopping notification handler.")
case n := <-notifyCh:
// runMQTTWorker will set up a connection to MQTT and listen on topics for
// controlling this device from Home Assistant.
func (agent *Agent) runMQTTWorker(ctx context.Context, osController MQTTController, commandsFile string) {
var (
commandController MQTTController
subscriptions []*mqttapi.Subscription
configs []*mqttapi.Msg
err error
// Create an MQTT device for this operating system and run its Setup.
subscriptions = append(subscriptions, osController.Subscriptions()...)
configs = append(configs, osController.Configs()...)
// Create an MQTT device for this operating system and run its Setup.
commandController, err = commands.NewCommandsController(ctx, commandsFile, device.MQTTDeviceInfo(ctx))
if err != nil {
agent.logger.Warn("Could not set up MQTT commands controller.", "error", err.Error())
} else {
subscriptions = append(subscriptions, commandController.Subscriptions()...)
configs = append(configs, commandController.Configs()...)
// Create a new connection to the MQTT broker. This will also publish the
// device subscriptions.
client, err := mqttapi.NewClient(ctx, agent.prefs, subscriptions, configs)
if err != nil {
agent.logger.Error("Could not connect to MQTT.", "error", err.Error())
go func() {
agent.logger.Debug("Listening for messages to publish to MQTT.")
for {
select {
case msg := <-osController.Msgs():
if err := client.Publish(msg); err != nil {
agent.logger.Warn("Unable to publish message to MQTT.", "topic", msg.Topic, "content", slog.Any("msg", msg.Message))
case <-ctx.Done():
agent.logger.Debug("Stopped listening for messages to publish to MQTT.")
func (agent *Agent) resetMQTTWorker(ctx context.Context, osController MQTTController) error {
if !agent.prefs.MQTTEnabled {
return nil
client, err := mqttapi.NewClient(ctx, agent.prefs, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not connect to MQTT: %w", err)
if err := client.Unpublish(osController.Configs()...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not remove configs from MQTT: %w", err)
return nil
// FindScripts locates scripts and returns a slice of scripts that the agent can
// run.
func findScripts(path string) ([]Script, error) {
var sensorScripts []Script
var errs error
files, err := filepath.Glob(path + "/*")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not search for scripts: %w", err)
for _, scriptFile := range files {
if isExecutable(scriptFile) {
script, err := scripts.NewScript(scriptFile)
if err != nil {
errs = errors.Join(errs, err)
sensorScripts = append(sensorScripts, script)
return sensorScripts, nil
func isExecutable(filename string) bool {
fi, err := os.Stat(filename)
if err != nil {
return false
return fi.Mode().Perm()&0o111 != 0