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Migrating to v13

As part of the ongoing efforts towards Z-Wave certification, I've found an issue in our Meter CC implementation that required a breaking change. Therefore I've collected a few other changes that would be breaking and decided to bundle them all into a major release.

Changes to the Meter CC implementation

It has been found that the encoding of the Meter CC Reset command in version 6 was different from the specification. As a result, the MeterCCResetOptions type had to be changed, because all 4 fields are required to send a V6 command:

type: number;
scale: number;
rateType: RateType;
targetValue: number;

This also means calls to MeterCCAPI.reset(options: MeterCCResetOptions) need to be updated.

In addition, the reset values for single meters now refer to a combination of meter type/scale/rate type and are only created for accumulated scales, since others cannot be reset. This will leave some orphaned values that need a re-interview to be removed.

Moved several Z-Wave specific definitions out of the ConfigManager

Historically the ConfigManager was used to parse Z-Wave specific definitions like Indicators, Scales, Meter types, etc. from disk. However it was found that Z-Wave JS updates at a much higher frequency than the Z-Wave specifications, so being able to statically reference certain definitions in code is far more useful than the possibility of updating config files outside of a driver update.

All types/methods below are exported from @zwave-js/core. The corresponding exports from @zwave-js/config have been removed.

Device Classes

BasicDeviceClass is now an enum. "Slave" has been renamed to "End Node", "Routing Slave" to "Routing End Node". To get the corresponding string of a basic device class, use getEnumMemberName(BasicDeviceClass, value).

GenericDeviceClass and SpecificDeviceClass are no longer class instances, but simple objects.

All methods related to device classes have been removed from ConfigManager. To look up a generic/specific device class, use the getGenericDeviceClass or getSpecificDeviceClass functions.

The constructor of the DeviceClass class no longer takes an instance of a ConfigManager.

All instances where the basic device class is used are now typed with the BasicDeviceClass enum. This include node mocks, NIF, Z-Wave Protocol CC, and several serial API commands.


Defined indicators are now exposed via the Indicator enum. To get the corresponding string of an indicator ID, use getEnumMemberName(Indicator, indicatorId). IndicatorProperty is no longer a class instance, but a simple object.

All methods related to indicators have been removed from ConfigManager. To look up an indicator property and its information, use the getIndicatorProperty function. This is strongly typed, so you should see the indicator property information in your IDE at compile time.

To list all indicator properties, use getAllIndicatorProperties().


Meter and MeterScale are no longer class instances, but simple objects. MeterScale now has an additional unit field.

All methods related to meters have been removed from ConfigManager. To look up a meter or meter scale, use the getMeter or getMeterScale functions. These are strongly typed, so you should see the definitions in your IDE at compile time.

To list all meters, use getAllMeters(). To list all scales of a meter, use getAllMeterScales(meterType) or iterate the scales property of the meter definition returned by getMeter.

Sensors and Scales

Scale is no longer a class instances, but a simple object. SensorType is now called Sensor and also just a simple object type. All named scales (e.g. "temperature") now have their type derived from the specific scale definition.

All methods related to sensors and scales have been removed from ConfigManager. To look up a sensor or scale, use the getSensor or getSensorScale functions. To look up a group of named scales or a specific one, use getNamedScaleGroup or getNamedScale. All of these are strongly typed, so you should see the definitions in your IDE at compile time.

To list all named scale groups, use getAllNamedScaleGroups(). To list all sensors, use getAllSensors(). To list all scales of a sensor, use getAllSensorScales(sensorType) or iterate the scales property of the sensor definition returned by getSensor.


The types for notification definitions have been reworked and are all simple object types now instead of class instances. Applications might interact with the following ones:

  • Notification: The definition for a single notification type, with all its variables and events
  • NotificationVariable: The definition for a (stateful) notification variable, which can have multiple states defined by NotificationState
  • NotificationEvent: The definition for a (stateless) notification event
  • NotificationValue: A generic notification value that can either be a state or an event
  • NotificationParameter: A union of the possible notification parameter types, namely NotificationParameterWithDuration, NotificationParameterWithCommandClass, NotificationParameterWithValue, NotificationParameterWithEnum. These can be distinguished by their type property.

All methods related to notifications have been removed from ConfigManager. To look up a notification or value, use the getNotification or getNotificationValue functions. getNotificationValue needs access to the object returned by getNotification.

To list all defined notifications, use getAllNotifications().

Removed files

The following files have been removed from the config directory: deviceClasses.json, indicators.json, meters.json, scales.json, sensorTypes.json. If you used them in custom configuration, those are no longer needed.

Replaced Controller.isAssociationAllowed with Controller.checkAssociation

Previously, the information that was returned when adding an association was not allowed was not very helpful for end users. The isAssociationAllowed method of the Controller class has been replaced with checkAssociation which returns a result with more detailed information why an association may not be added:

public checkAssociation(
	source: AssociationAddress,
	group: number,
	destination: AssociationAddress,
): AssociationCheckResult;

enum AssociationCheckResult {
	OK = 0x01,
	/** The association is forbidden, because the destination is a ZWLR node. ZWLR does not support direct communication between end devices. */
	/** The association is forbidden, because the source is a ZWLR node. ZWLR does not support direct communication between end devices. */
	/** The association is forbidden, because a node cannot be associated with itself. */
	/** The association is forbidden, because the source node's CC versions require the source and destination node to have the same (highest) security class. */
	/** The association is forbidden, because the source node's CC versions require the source node to have the key for the destination node's highest security class. */
	/** The association is forbidden, because none of the CCs the source node sends are supported by the destination. */

Although we recommend embracing the new return values, the old behavior can be restored by comparing the result with AssociationCheckResult.OK.

Route health checks, neighbors and Z-Wave Long Range

Since Z-Wave Long Range (ZWLR) does not support routing, a few changes had to be made to methods that are concerned with routing and node neighbors:

  • The route health check node.checkRouteHealth(...) now throws when either the source or target node is ZWLR.
  • LifelineHealthCheckResult.numNeighbors is now an optional property and may be undefined. The number of neighbors is no longer considered when rating the lifeline health.
  • Controller.getNodeNeighbors now throws when the given node ID is for a ZWLR node.

It is recommended to check if node.protocol === Protocols.ZWaveLongRange or isLongRangeNodeId(nodeId) is true before calling any of these methods.

Rename "Master Code" to "Admin Code"

The Z-Wave specifications have been changed in language to replace "Master" with "Admin" where applicable. With this PR, we follow suit.

This requires some breaking API changes though:

  • Renamed DoorLockLoggingEventType.MasterCodeChanged to DoorLockLoggingEventType.AdminCodeChanged
  • Renamed the UserCodeCommand enum members MasterCodeSet, MasterCodeGet, MasterCodeReport to AdminCodeSet, AdminCodeGet, AdminCodeReport respectively
  • Renamed the corresponding User Code CC subclasses to UserCodeCCAdminCodeSet, UserCodeCCAdminCodeGet and UserCodeCCAdminCodeReport
  • Renamed all occurences of the masterCode property in User Code CC to adminCode
  • Renamed UserCodeCC.supportsMasterCodeDeactivationCached(...) to UserCodeCC.supportsAdminCodeDeactivationCached(...)
  • Renamed the User Code CC APIs getMasterCode and setMasterCode to getAdminCode and setAdminCode, respectively

For end users, the property of the Admin Code value ID has been changed from masterCode to adminCode, which means the old value will no longer be updated on changes.

Removed deprecated things

  • The first (secure: boolean) parameter of the "inclusion started" event has been replaced with the second parameter (strategy: InclusionStrategy), which was unfortunately undocumented, except in types. To determine whether an inclusion is supposed to be secure, check if strategy !== InclusionStrategy.Insecure.
  • The noBulkSupport property of ConfigurationMetadata has been removed. There is no replacement, as it was never meant to be user-facing
  • The enableSoftReset property of the ZWaveOptions has been removed. Use features.softReset instead.
  • The mandatorySupportedCCs and mandatorControlledCCs properties of the DeviceClass class have been removed. There is no replacement.

Migrated to Yarn 4 and Corepack

The repository has been migrated to Yarn v4 and now uses Corepack to automatically install the correct package manager version, without having to check it into git. This should work out of the box, unless yarn was previously installed globally as a system package on Linux. In that case, you may have to uninstall the Linux package and remove any additions to the PATH environment variable.

It was found that Yarn 4 interacts with already-installed packages differently than Yarn 3. We patch typescript and it seems that Yarn 4 always undoes this when executing yarn or yarn install. Therefore you should not install packages yourself, but rather use the yarn bootstrap script to take care of everything.