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# Migrating to v14 <!-- {docsify-ignore-all} -->
This version became necessary more or less by accident. I originally planned to split some of the files that have grown too large (like `Node.ts`) into multiple smaller chunks. During this refactor, I noticed that several methods depended on a full-blown driver instance (or an appropriate abstraction), when all that was needed was access to the value DB for example. This problem appeared throughout the entire codebase, so I decided to do something about it. And since I was anyways going to touch almost everything, I opted to do a few more changes that required touching the whole codebase.
The `ZWaveHost` and `ZWaveApplicationHost` interfaces have been replaced by multiple smaller interfaces, each defining a specific subset of the functionality. All the code that previously expected to be passed one of those interfaces has been update to just accept what it actually needs. The `Driver` class still implements all of this functionality.
Furthermore, `Message` and `CommandClass` implementations are no longer bound to a specific host instance. Instead, their methods that need access to host functionality (like value DBs, home ID, device configuration, etc.) now receive a method-specific context object. Parsing of those instances no longer happens in the constructor, but in a separate `from` method.
Last but not least, the `npm` packages of Z-Wave JS are now hybrid ES Module & CommonJS. This means that consumers of Z-Wave JS can now benefit from the advantages of ES Modules, like tree-shaking or improved browser compatibility, without breaking compatibility with CommonJS-based projects.
All in all, this release contains a huge list of breaking changes, but most of those are limited to low-level or sparingly used APIs.
## Replaced Node.js `Buffer` with `Uint8Array` or portable `Bytes` class
Since the beginning of Z-Wave JS, we've been using Node.js's `Buffer` class to manipulate binary data. This works fine, but is not portable, and prevents us from exploring compatibility with other runtimes, or even doing things in the browser, e.g. flashing controllers or modifying NVM contents.
Following [Sindre Sorhus's example](https://sindresorhus.com/blog/goodbye-nodejs-buffer), the use of `Buffer`s was replaced with `Uint8Array`s where applicable.
In input positions where Z-Wave JS previously accepted `Buffer`s, this change is backwards compatible, as `Buffer` is a subclass of `Uint8Array`. Applications can simply continue passing `Buffer` instances to Z-Wave JS.
In output positions however, this is a breaking change. Where applications are affected by this, check if `Buffer` methods like `readUInt32BE` etc. are actually needed, or if changing the expected type to `Uint8Array` would be enough. This is usually the case when just passing the binary data around, or accessing its content by index.
In some cases, Z-Wave JS now uses an almost drop-in replacement for Node.js's `Buffer`, the new `Bytes` class exported from `@zwave-js/shared`. This is a portable subclass of `Uint8Array` with some additions to make its API more (but not 100%) compatible with `Buffer`. It supports most of the `Buffer` functionality like `from()`, `concat()`, `toString()` (with limitations), `read/write[U]Int...LE/BE`. This should generally not leak into the public API, except for some rare edge cases.
Both `Uint8Array` and `Bytes` can easily be converted to a `Buffer` instance if absolutely necessary by using `Buffer.from(...)`.
To test whether something is a `Uint8Array`, use the `isUint8Array` function exported from `node:util/types` (not portable) or `@zwave-js/shared` (portable).
## Configuration DB updates require an external config directory
Previously, when a new version of the config DB should be installed, Z-Wave JS would attempt to update `@zwave-js/config` inside `node_modules`, unless it was installed in Docker, or an external configuration directory was configured. This exception is however true for a majority of our installations, so the added complexity of dealing with package managers was not worth it.
Going forward, the `Driver.installConfigUpdate()` method will only install configuration updates if an external config directory is configured using either the `deviceConfigExternalDir` driver option or the `ZWAVEJS_EXTERNAL_CONFIG` environment variable.
## Changed some default paths
A few default paths have been changed to be relative to the cwd of the current process, rather than Z-Wave JS's source files:
- The default logfile location
- The cache files of the driver
- The cache files of the flasher utility
If an application relies on their location, it should set the paths explicitly.
## Decoupled Serial API messages from host instances, split constructors and parsing
`Message` instances no longer store a reference to their host. They are now "just data". Therefore, message constructors no longer take an instance of `ZWaveHost` as the first parameter. All needed information is passed to the relevant methods as context arguments.
**Old: constructor for creation and parsing**
public constructor(
| MessageDeserializationOptions
| MyMessageOptions,
) {
if (gotDeserializationOptions(options)) {
// deserialize message from this.payload
} else {
// populate message properties from options
**New: constructor for creation, separate method for parsing**
public constructor(
options: MyMessageOptions & MessageBaseOptions,
) {
// populate message properties from options
public static from(
raw: MessageRaw,
ctx: MessageParsingContext,
): MyMessage {
// deserialize message from raw.payload
return new this({
// ...
> [!NOTE]: For messages that contain a serialized CC instance, Message.parse no longer deserializes it automatically. This has to be done in a separate step.
## Decoupled CCs from host instances, split constructors and parsing
`CommandClass` instances no longer store a reference to their host. They are now "just data". Therefore, CC constructors no longer take an instance of `ZWaveHost` as the first parameter. All needed information is passed to the relevant methods as context arguments.
**Old: constructor for creation and parsing**
public constructor(
host: ZWaveHost,
options: CommandClassDeserializationOptions | BinarySwitchCCSetOptions,
) {
super(host, options);
if (gotDeserializationOptions(options)) {
validatePayload(this.payload.length >= 1);
this.targetValue = !!this.payload[0];
if (this.payload.length >= 2) {
this.duration = Duration.parseSet(this.payload[1]);
} else {
this.targetValue = options.targetValue;
this.duration = Duration.from(options.duration);
**New: constructor for creation, separate method for parsing**
public constructor(
options: WithAddress<BinarySwitchCCSetOptions>,
) {
this.targetValue = options.targetValue;
this.duration = Duration.from(options.duration);
public static from(raw: CCRaw, ctx: CCParsingContext): BinarySwitchCCSet {
validatePayload(raw.payload.length >= 1);
const targetValue = !!raw.payload[0];
let duration: Duration | undefined;
if (raw.payload.length >= 2) {
duration = Duration.parseSet(raw.payload[1]);
return new BinarySwitchCCSet({
nodeId: ctx.sourceNodeId,
**Updated CC method signatures:**
- interview(applHost: ZWaveApplicationHost): Promise<void>;
+ interview(ctx: InterviewContext): Promise<void>;
- refreshValues(applHost: ZWaveApplicationHost): Promise<void>;
+ refreshValues(ctx: RefreshValuesContext): Promise<void>;
- persistValues(applHost: ZWaveApplicationHost): Promise<void>;
+ persistValues(ctx: PersistValuesContext): Promise<void>;
- toLogEntry(host?: ZWaveValueHost): MessageOrCCLogEntry;
+ toLogEntry(ctx?: GetValueDB): MessageOrCCLogEntry;
> [!NOTE]: Applications calling these methods can simply pass the driver instance.
## Moved Serial API message implementations to `@zwave-js/serial` package
All serial API message implementations have been moved to the `@zwave-js/serial` package. In addition to the main entry point, they are also available via `@zwave-js/serial/serialapi`.
## Other notable changes
These are the only ones I found to break dependent projects.
- All `getNodeUnsafe` methods have been renamed to `tryGetNode` to better indicate what they do - it was not really clear what was "unsafe" about them.
- The `CommandClass.version` property has been removed. To determine the CC version a node or endpoint supports, use the `node.getCCVersion(cc)` or `endpoint.getCCVersion(cc)` methods.
- The `TXReport` object no longer has the `numRepeaters` property, as this was implied by the length of the `repeaterNodeIds` array.
## Other breaking changes
Most of these should not affect any application:
- The `ZWaveHost` and `ZWaveApplicationHost` interfaces have been split into multiple smaller "traits"
- The `Driver` class still implements all those traits, but receiving functions now just require the necessary subset.
- CC Constructors no longer take an instance of `ZWaveHost` as the first parameter. All needed information has been merged into the `CCParsingContext` type.
- The `CommandClass.from` method no longer takes an instance of `ZWaveHost` as the first parameter for the same reason.
- `CommandClass` instances no longer store a reference to their host. They are now "just data".
- The `serialize()` implementations of CCs now take an argument of type `CCEncodingContext`
- The `toLogEntry()` implementations of CCs now take an argument of type `GetValueDB` instead of `ZWaveHost`
- The `interview()` implementations of CCs now take an argument of type `InterviewContext` instead of `ZWaveApplicationHost`
- The `refreshValues()` implementations of CCs now take an argument of type `RefreshValuesContext` instead of `ZWaveApplicationHost`
- The `persistValues()` implementations of CCs now take an argument of type `PersistValuesContext` instead of `ZWaveApplicationHost`
- The `translateProperty()` and `translatePropertyKey()` implementations of CCs now take an argument of type `GetValueDB` instead of `ZWaveApplicationHost`
- The `mergePartialCCs` signature has changed:
- mergePartialCCs(applHost: ZWaveApplicationHost, partials: CommandClass[]): void;
+ mergePartialCCs(partials: CommandClass[], ctx: CCParsingContext): void;
- The `ICommandClass` interface has been removed. Where applicable, it has been replaced with the `CCId` interface whose sole purpose is to identify the command and destination of a CC.
- The `IZWaveNode`, `IZWaveEndpoint`, `IVirtualNode` and `IVirtualEndpoint` interfaces have been replaced with more specific "trait" interfaces.
- The `TestingHost`, `TestNode` and `TestEndpoint` interfaces and implementations have been reworked to be more declarative and require less input in tests.
- Serial API `Message` constructors no longer take an instance of `ZWaveHost` as the first parameter. All needed information has been merged into the `MessageParsingContext` type.
- The `Message.from` method no longer takes an instance of `ZWaveHost` as the first parameter for the same reason.
- The `callbackId` of a `Message` instance is no longer automatically generated when reading it for the first time. Instead, the `callbackId` can be `undefined` and has to be explicitly set before serializing if necessary.
- The `serialize()` implementations of `Message`s now take an argument of type `MessageEncodingContext`
- The `Message.getNodeUnsafe()` method has been renamed to `Message.tryGetNode`
- The `Driver.getNodeUnsafe(message)` method has been renamed to `Driver.tryGetNode(message)`
- `Driver.controllerLog` is no longer public.
- `Driver.getSafeCCVersion` can now return `undefined` if the requested CC is not implemented in `zwave-js`
- `Driver.isControllerNode(nodeId)` has been removed. Compare with `ownNodeId` instead or use the `Node.isControllerNode` property.
- The `Endpoint.getNodeUnsafe()` method has been renamed to `tryGetNode`
- The `[CCName]CC[CCCommand]Options` interfaces no longer extend another interface and now exclusively contain the CC-specific properties required for constructing that particular CC
- CC-specific constructors now accept a single options object of type `WithAddress<...>`, which is the CC-specific options interface, extended by `nodeId` and `endpointIndex`. Note that `endpointIndex` was previously just called `endpoint`.
- The `CommandClassDeserializationOptions` interface and the `gotDeserializationOptions` method no longer exist. Instead, CCs parse their specific payload using the new static `from` method, which takes a pre-parsed `CCRaw` (ccId, ccCommand, binary payload) and the `CCParsingContext`. All CCs with a custom constructor implementations are expected to implement this aswell.
To parse an arbitrary CC buffer, use `CommandClass.parse(buffer, context)`.
- Several CCs had their constructor options type reworked slightly for correctness. In some cases it is now necessary to pass properties that were previously inferred.
- The `CommandClassCreationOptions` type has been merged into the `CommandClassOptions` type, which now consists only of the CC destination and optional overrides for ccId, ccCommand and payload.
- `CommandClass.deserialize` has been removed. It's functionality is now provided by the `parse` method and `CCRaw`.
- `CommandClass.getCommandClass`, `CommandClass.getCCCommand` have been removed. Their functionality is now provided by `CCRaw.parse`
- `CommandClass.getConstructor` has been removed. If really needed, the functionality is available via the `getCCConstructor` and `getCCCommandConstructor` methods exported by `@zwave-js/cc`.
- The `origin` property of the `CommandClass` class was removed, since it served no real purpose.
- The `[MessageName]Options` interfaces no longer extend another interface and now exclusively contain the message-specific properties required for constructing that particular instance
- Message-specific constructors now accept a single options object of type `[MessageName]Options & MessageBaseOptions`.
- The `MessageDeserializationOptions` interface and the `gotDeserializationOptions` method no longer exist
- The `DeserializingMessageConstructor` interface no longer exists
- Instead, message instances parse their specific payload using the new static `from` method, which takes a pre-parsed `MessageRaw` (message type, function type, binary payload) and the `MessageParsingContext`. All Message implementations with a custom constructor are expected to implement the `from` method aswell.
To parse an arbitrary message buffer use `Message.parse(buffer, context)`.
- The `MessageCreationOptions` type has been renamed to `MessageOptions`
- Several Message implementations had their constructor options type reworked slightly for correctness. In some cases it is now necessary to pass properties that were previously inferred.
- The static `Message` methods `extractPayload`, `getConstructor`, `getMessageLength` and `isComplete` were removed.
- The `Message.options` property was removed
- The `ICommandClassContainer` interface was replaced with the new `ContainsCC` interface, which indicates that something contains a deserialized CC instance.
- The `Driver.computeNetCCPayloadSize` method now requires that the passed message instance contains a deserialized CC instance.
- The `INodeQuery` interface and the `isNodeQuery` function were removed. To test whether a message references a node, use `hasNodeId(msg)` instead, which communicates the intent more clearly.