7 4. ZWaveNode class
AlCalzone edited this page 2019-12-22 18:33:41 +01:00

A Z-Wave node is a single device in a Z-Wave network. In the scope of this library, the ZWaveNode class provides means to control nodes and retrieve their information.

Note: All methods except interview (which you should not use yourself) are only safe to use after the node has been interviewed.
Most properties are only defined after the node has been interviewed. The exceptions are:

  • id
  • status
  • interviewStage
  • keepAwake

Since a node also represents the root endpoint of a device (see getEndpoint for a detailed explanation), the ZWaveNode class inherits from the Endpoint class. As a result, it also supports all methods and properties of that class.

getValue method

getValue<T?>(valueId: ValueID): T | undefined

Retrieves a stored value from this node's value database. This method takes a single argument specifying which value to retrieve. See the ValueID interface for a detailed description of this argument's type. If the type of the value is known in advance, you may pass an optional type argument to the method.

The method either returns the stored value if it was found, and undefined otherwise.

Note: This does not communicate with the node to refresh the value.

getValueMetadata method

getValueMetadata(valueId: ValueID): ValueMetadata

Every value in Z-Wave has associated metadata that defines the range of allowed values etc. You can retrieve this metadata using getValueMetadata. Like getValue this takes a single argument of the type ValueMetadata.

This method is guaranteed to return at least some very basic metadata, even if the value was not found.

getDefinedValueIDs method

getDefinedValueIDs(): ValueID[]

When building a user interface for a Z-Wave application, you might need to know all possible values in advance. This method returns an array of all ValueIDs that are available for this node.

setValue method

async setValue(valueId: ValueID, value: unknown): Promise<boolean>

Updates a value on the node. This method takes two arguments:

  • valueId: ValueID - specifies which value to update
  • value: unknown - The new value to set

This method automatically figures out which commands to send to the node, so you don't have to use the specific commands yourself. The returned promise resolves to true after the value was successfully updated on the node. It resolves to false if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The setValue API is not implemented in the required Command Class
  • The required Command Class is not implemented in this library yet
  • The API for the required Command Class is not implemented in this library yet

getEndpoint method

getEndpoint(index: 0): Endpoint;
getEndpoint(index: number): Endpoint | undefined;

In Z-Wave, a single node may provide different functionality under different end points, for example single sockets of a switchable plug strip. This method allows you to access a specific end point of the current node. It takes a single argument denoting the endpoint's index and returns the corresponding endpoint instance if one exists at that index. Calling getEndpoint with the index 0 always returns the node itself, which is the "root" endpoint of the device.

getAllEndpoints method

getAllEndpoints(): Endpoint[]

This method returns an array of all endpoints on this node. At each index i the returned array contains the endpoint instance that would be returned by getEndpoint(i).

isControllerNode method

isControllerNode(): boolean

This is a little utility function to check if this node is the controller.

isAwake method

isAwake(): boolean

Returns whether the node is currently assumed awake.

id property

readonly id: number

Returns the ID this node has been assigned by the controller. This is a number between 1 and 232.

status property

readonly status: NodeStatus;

This property tracks the status a node in the network currently has (or is believed to have). Consumers of this library should treat the status as readonly. Valid values are defined in the NodeStatus enumeration:

  • NodeStatus.Unknown (0) - this is the default status of a node. A node is assigned this status before it is being interviewed and after it "returns" from the dead.
  • NodeStatus.Asleep (1) - Nodes that support the WakeUp CC and failed to respond to a message are assumed asleep.
  • NodeStatus.Awake (2) - Sleeping nodes that recently sent a wake up notification are marked awake until they are sent back to sleep or fail to respond to a message.
  • NodeStatus.Dead (3) - Nodes that don't support the WakeUp CC are marked dead when they fail to respond. Examples are plugs that have been pulled out of their socket. Whenever a message is received from a presumably dead node, they are marked as unknown.

Changes of a node's status are broadcasted using the corresponding events - see below.

interviewStatus property

readonly interviewStage: InterviewStage

This property tracks the current status of the node interview. It contains a value representing the last completed step of the interview. You shouldn't need to use this in your application.

deviceClass property

readonly deviceClass: DeviceClass

This property returns the node's DeviceClass, which provides further information about the kind of device this node is.

isListening property

readonly isListening: boolean

Whether this node is a listening node.

isFrequentListening property

readonly isFrequentListening: boolean

Whether this node is a frequent listening node.

isRouting property

readonly isRouting: boolean

Whether this node is a routing node.

maxBaudRate property

readonly maxBaudRate: number

The baud rate used to communicate with this node. Possible values are 9.6k, 40k and 100k.

isSecure property

readonly isSecure: boolean

Whether this node is communicating securely with the controller.

Note: Secure communication is not yet supported by this library.

isBeaming property

readonly isBeaming: boolean

Whether this node is a beaming node.

version property

readonly version: number

The Z-Wave protocol version this node implements.

firmwareVersion property

readonly firmwareVersion: string

The version of this node's firmware.

manufacturerId, productId and productType properties

readonly manufacturerId: number
readonly productId: number
readonly productType: number

These three properties together identify the actual device this node is.

readonly firmwareVersion: string

The version of this node's firmware.

neighbors property

readonly neighbors: number[]

The IDs of all nodes this node is connected to or is communicating through.

keepAwake property

keepAwake: boolean;

In order to save energy, battery powered devices should go back to sleep after they no longer need to communicate with the controller. This library honors this requirement by sending nodes back to sleep as soon as there are no more pending messages. When configuring devices or during longer message exchanges, this behavior may be annoying. You can set the keepAwake property of a node to true to avoid sending the node back to sleep immediately.

Node events

The Node class inherits from the Node.js EventEmitter and thus also supports its methods like on, removeListener, etc. The available events are avaiable:

"wake up" / "sleep"

A sleeping node has woken up or gone back to sleep. The node is passed as the single argument to the callback:

(node: ZWaveNode) => void

"dead" / "alive"

A non-sleeping node has stopped responding or just started responding again. The node is passed as the single argument to the callback:

(node: ZWaveNode) => void

"interview completed"

The interview process for this node was completed. The node is passed as the single argument to the callback:

(node: ZWaveNode) => void

Note: Because sleeping nodes may have wake up times of minutes up to days, it may take a very long time until this event is emitted. It might be desirable to wake up nodes manually to speed up this process.


This is emitted during the interview process when enough information about the node is known that it can safely be used. The node is passed as the single argument to the callback:

(node: ZWaveNode) => void

There are two situations when this event is emitted:

  1. The interview of a node is completed for the first time ever.
  2. The driver begins a partial interview of a node that has previously been interviewed completely.

Note: This event does not imply that the node is currently alive or will respond to requests.

"value added" / "value updated" / "value removed"

A value belonging to this node was added, updated or removed. The callback takes the node itself and an argument detailing the change:

// value added:
(node: ZWaveNode, args: ZWaveNodeValueAddedArgs) => void;
// value updated:
(node: ZWaveNode, args: ZWaveNodeValueUpdatedArgs) => void;
// value removed:
(node: ZWaveNode, args: ZWaveNodeValueRemovedArgs) => void;

The arguments have the following form:

    commandClass: CommandClasses;
    commandClassName: string;
    endpoint?: number;
    propertyName: string;
    propertyKey?: number | string;
    prevValue: unknown;
    newValue: unknown;

which is basically a ValueID augmented with the following properties

  • commandClassName - String representation (name) of the targeted command class
  • prevValue - The previous value (before the change). Only present in the "updated" and "removed" events.
  • newValue - The new value (after the change). Only present in the "added" and "updated" events.

"metadata updated"

The metadata for one of this node's values was added or updated. The callback takes the node itself and an argument detailing the change:

(node: ZWaveNode, args: ZWaveNodeMetadataUpdatedArgs) => void;

The argument has the following form:

    commandClass: CommandClasses;
    commandClassName: string;
    endpoint?: number;
    propertyName: string;
    propertyKey?: number | string;
    metadata: ValueMetadata | undefined;

which is basically a ValueID augmented with the following properties:

  • commandClassName - String representation (name) of the targeted command class
  • metadata - The new metadata or undefined (in case it was removed). See ValueMetadata for a detailed description of the argument.


The node has sent a notification event using the Notification command class. The callback signature is as follows:

(node: ZWaveNode, notificationLabel: string, parameters?: Buffer) => void;


  • node is the current node instance
  • notificationLabel is a string representing the notification type (e.g. "Home security")
  • parameters (optional) is a Buffer containing additional parameters related to the event.