3 5. Endpoint class
AlCalzone edited this page 2019-08-26 08:49:13 +02:00

An endpoint represents a physical endpoint of a Z-Wave node. This can either be the root device itself (index 0) or a more specific endpoint like a single plug. Each endpoint may have different capabilities (supported/controlled CCs).

supportsCC method

supportsCC(cc: CommandClasses): boolean

This method tests if the current endpoint supports the given command class. It takes the command class ID as a single argument.

controlsCC method

controlsCC(cc: CommandClasses): boolean

This method tests if the current endpoint can control the given command class in other devices. It takes the command class ID as a single argument.

getCCVersion method

getCCVersion(cc: CommandClasses): number

Retrieves the version of the given command class this endpoint implements. Returns 0 if the CC is not supported.

createCCInstance method

createCCInstance<T>(cc: CommandClasses): T | undefined

Creates an instance of the given command class. The instance is linked to the current endpoint and node. The method takes the command class ID as a single argument. You may optionally pass the expected return type as a type parameter.

Note: You should make sure that the requested command class is implemented by the node. If it neither supported nor controlled, this method will throw.

nodeId property

readonly nodeId: number

The ID of the node this endpoint belongs to.

index property

readonly index: number

The index of this endpoint. 0 for the root device, 1+ otherwise.

commandClasses property

readonly commandClasses(): CCAPIs

This property provides access to simplified APIs that are taylored to specific CCs. Make sure to check support of each API using API.isSupported() before using it, since all other API calls will throw if the API is not supported. Example:

const basicCCApi = endpoint.commandClasses.Basic;
if (basicCCApi.isSupported()) {
    await basicCCApi.set(99);

The property returns a dictionary of all implemented command class APIs, which basically looks like this:

interface CCAPIs {
    Basic: BasicCCAPI;
    Battery: BatteryCCAPI;
    "Binary Sensor": BinarySensorCCAPI;
    // ...

Furthermore, you can enumerate all implemented and supported CC APIs:

for (const cc of node.commandClasses) {
    // Do something with the API instance

All CC APIs share the same basic functionality, which is described below. For the description of each CC API, please refer to the corresponding documentation page.

API.isSupported method

isSupported(): boolean

This method determines if the current CC API may be used. If this method returns false, accessing CC specific properties and methods will throw an error.

API.setValue method

The setValue method is internally called by Endpoint.setValue. You shouldn't use this method yourself, and instead use the setValue on the ZWaveNode instance.

API.ccId property

readonly ccId: CommandClasses

Returns the command class ID the current API belongs to.

API.version property

readonly version: number

Retrieves the version of the given CommandClass this endpoint implements.