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MSC3682: Sending Account Data to Application Services

Application services logically represent many clients, but currently don't receive updates for the Account Data of their users through /transactions like clients do through /sync.

This MSC proposes sending Account Data to Application Services, in a format slightly adapted to the multi-user nature of Application Services.

Sending Account Data to Application Services enables Application Services to use features such as Online Key Backup and Cross-Signing more efficiently.


We extend PUT /_matrix/app/v1/transactions/{txnId} so that the request body additionally has an account_data field, which is equivalent to the [account_data field available in the response body of GET /_matrix/client/v3/sync]1, but wrapped in a mapping from User ID to Account Data object.

Example PUT /_matrix/app/v1/transactions/{txnId}

    "events": [ ... ],
    "account_data": {
        "": {
            "events": [
                    "content": {
                        "custom_config_key": "custom_config_value"
                    "type": "org.example.custom.config"

The particulars of this proposed field are as follows:

  • The account_data field may be omitted if there are no changes to communicate to the Application Service.
  • User IDs may be absent from the account_data map if there are no changes to communicate for those users' account data.
  • The values of the account_data map are the same format as that defined by GET /_matrix/client/v3/sync, which means client-side libraries can likely be reused with minimal modification. This also makes it clear how potential future extensions to the Client-Server account_data format will affect the format used for Application Services.
  • The presence of Account Data for a User ID does not necessarily mean there have been changes.

Potential issues

This introduces additional implementation complexity to homeservers which now need to detect when account data changes and send changes. Specifically, it shifts the interaction from a pull model to a push model, which some homeserver implementations may not have been designed for initially.

Some Application Services may not benefit from this additional information in which case it would be wasteful of computational resources to compute and transmit it. ⇒ TODO opt-in/out in the AS registration file. Good idea or not?


Application Services could poll Account Data from the Client-Server API, but this approach is not thought to be well-scalable given that Application Services can logically represent many users.

Security considerations

There are no known security considerations; the Application Service could retrieve the same data by polling /sync for each of its users.

Unstable prefix

Until such time as this MSC Proposal may become one with the specification, the unstable-prefixed form org.matrix.msc3682.account_data must be used in lieu of account_data.


This MSC is independent of any other MSC, however readers may be interested in similar proposals for extensions to what Application Services are sent in transactions:

  • MSC2409: Ephemeral Data Units (EDUs)
  • MSC3202: device lists, device one-time keys and device fallback key usage states

  1. See the table titled 'Account Data' under /sync ↩︎