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Matrix-nio Examples

You can find the examples documented on the matrix-nio documentation page:

It is recommended that you work through the examples in a specific order:

  1. first introduction to matrix-nio, Hello World example
  2. store credentials and send text message
  3. send an image
  4. trust devices and users, verify manually
  5. verify interactively with emojis

Download the examples today and start playing with them in only a couple of minutes! Enjoy! Find more in the matrix-nio documentaion.

If you desire more sample code and want to do additional reading and exploration have a look at this external repo (not maintained by us) called matrix-commander. It showcases various types of sending, receiving and verification.

And last but not least, you should definitely check out all the other projects built with matrix-nio. To do so, explore our built-with-marix-nio list.