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# Matrix Reminder Bot <a href=""><img src="" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" /></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a>
![example of interacting with the bot](screenshot.png)
A short bot written with [nio-template](
## Features
* Set reminders
* Have the bot remind you or the whole room
* Reminders persist between bot restarts
* Alarms - persistent notifications for a reminder until silenced
* Supports end-to-end encrypted rooms
## Install
matrix-reminder-bot requires
[matrix-nio](, which supports
participation in end-to-end encryption rooms! To do so, it makes use of the
[libolm]( C library. This library
must be installed to allow for end-to-end encryption functionality, and
unfortunately it is *also* required for functional message polling, so it is
practically a hard required for this program.
Unfortunately, installation of this library can be non-trivial on some
platforms. However, with the power of docker, dependencies can be handled with
little fuss, and it is thus the recommended method of installing
`matrix-reminder-bot`. Native installation instructions are also provided, but
be aware that they are more complex.
### Docker
**Recommended.** Follow the docker [installation instructions](docker/
### Native installation
#### Install libolm
You can install [libolm]( from source,
or alternatively, check your system's package manager. Version `3.0.0` or
greater is required. Version `3.2.16` or greater is required with Python 3.12.
**(Optional) postgres development headers**
By default, matrix-reminder-bot uses SQLite as its storage backend. This is
fine for a few hundred users, but if you plan to support a much higher volume
of requests, you may consider using Postgres as a database backend instead.
If you want to use postgres as a database backend, you'll need to install
postgres development headers:
sudo apt install libpq-dev libpq5
sudo pacman -S postgresql-libs
#### Install Python dependencies
Create and activate a Python 3 virtual environment:
virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
Install python dependencies:
pip install matrix-reminder-bot
(Optional) If you want to use postgres as a database backend, use the following
command to install postgres dependencies alongside those that are necessary:
pip install "matrix-reminder-bot[postgres]"
## Configuration
Copy the sample configuration file to a new `config.yaml` file.
cp sample.config.yaml config.yaml
Edit the config file. The `matrix` section must be modified at least.
#### (Optional) Set up a Postgres database
Create a postgres user and database for matrix-reminder-bot:
sudo -u postgresql psql createuser matrix-reminder-bot -W # prompts for a password
sudo -u postgresql psql createdb -O matrix-reminder-bot matrix-reminder-bot
Edit the `storage.database` config option, replacing the `sqlite://...` string with `postgres://...`. The syntax is:
database: "postgres://username:password@localhost/dbname?sslmode=disable"
See also the comments in `sample.config.yaml`.
## Running
### Docker
Refer to the docker [run instructions](docker/
### Native installation
Make sure to source your python environment if you haven't already:
source env/bin/activate
Then simply run the bot with:
By default, the bot will run with the config file at `./config.yaml`. However, an
alternative relative or absolute filepath can be specified after the command:
matrix-reminder-bot other-config.yaml
## Usage
Invite the bot to a room and it should accept the invite and join.
### Setting a reminder
Have the bot ping you in the room about something:
!remindme <time>; <reminder text>
* `<time>` is a time that can be expressed in natural language. Examples
include "tomorrow at noon", "on thursday at 5pm", "in 1 week", etc.
* `<reminder text>` is the text that the bot will remind you with.
Have the bot ping you and everyone else in the room about something
(assuming the bot has permissions to do so):
!remindroom <time>; <reminder text>
### Recurring reminders
To create a recurring reminder, put `every` followed by a length of
time, then the time that the reminder should first go off, and then
the reminder text:
!remindme every 1w; tuesday; take out the trash
!remindroom every 5m; 1m; you are loved
### Cron-style reminders
If you need more complicated functionality for your reminder's
timing, you can make use of cron tabs. You can read a guide on
cron tabs [here](
In short they allow you to execute more complicated, recurring
reminders, such as those that should only fire during weekdays.
!remindme cron * 9 * * mon-fri; time for the daily stand up
The above reminder would fire each weekday at 9:00am.
!remindme cron 0/30 9-18 * * mon,wed,fri; take a short break
The above reminder would fire every 30 minutes after 9:00am,
until 6:30pm, and only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
### List upcoming reminders
This will output a list of reminders and when they will fire next:
sometime Do the dishes (every 1d)
sometime Take out the trash
sometime Send email to Grandma
### Cancel a reminder
!cancelreminder <reminder text>
### Setting an alarm
Alarms are the same as a reminder, but they will repeat every 5 minutes
after firing until they are silenced.
Creating an alarm is the same syntax as creating a reminder, besides a
different command:
!alarmme <time>; <reminder text>
!alarmroom every <recurring time>; <start time>; <reminder text>
### Silencing an alarm
An alarm can be silenced with the following command:
!silence <reminder text>
## Development
Please see [](