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# Releasing
The following is a guide on the steps necessary to creating a release of `matrix-reminder-bot`.
1. Update the `__version__` variable in `matrix_reminder_bot/`.
1. Store the version in an environment variable for convenience:
ver=`python3 -c 'import matrix_reminder_bot; print(matrix_reminder_bot.__version__)'`
1. Create a release branch off of master:
git checkout -b release-v$ver
1. Update `` with the latest changes for this release.
1. Create a commit and push your changes to the release branch:
git add -u && git commit -m $ver -n && git push -u origin $(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)
1. Check that the changelog is rendered correctly:
1. Create a signed tag for the release:
git tag -s v$ver
1. Push the tag:
git push origin tag v$ver
The commit message should just be the changelog entry, with `X.Y.Z` as the title.
1. Upload the release to PyPI:
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
python3 -m twine upload dist/matrix_reminder_bot-$ver-py3-none-any.whl dist/matrix-reminder-bot-$ver.tar.gz
1. Check that the images on Docker Hub are building:
1. Create the release on GitHub:
1. Merge the release branch to `master`:
git checkout master && git merge release-v$ver
1. Push to `master`.
git push origin master
1. Announce release on
1. Celebrate!