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title = "Back from FOSDEM!"
path = "/blog/2015/02/04/back-from-fosdem"
author = ["Oddvar Lovaas"]
category = ["General"]
<a href="" title="FOSDEM">FOSDEM</a> was great fun! Two days full of conferences and demos; lots of interesting technologies and interested people - and most of all: talking to so many new faces about Matrix and potential uses and integration ideas.
Both our lightning talk and IoT-devroom talk were completely filled up with huge queues outside (sorry folks), and our demos seemed to go down fairly well. In fact several people <a href="/code">set up their own homeserver</a> and joined the federated network of Matrix servers during FOSDEM itself!
Here's a <a href="" title="view from our stand">view from our stand</a>, from our <a href="" title="lightning talk">lightning talk</a> and from our <a href="" title="IoT-devroom talk">IoT-devroom talk</a>.
If you missed the talks, recordings will (soon) be available from the FOSDEM site (links will be added here once available) - in the meantime you can check out the slides here: <a href="" title="lightning talk">lightning talk</a> and <a href="" title="IoT-devroom talk">IoT-devroom talk</a>.
Thanks to everyone who came to have a chat about Matrix and/or help with setting up their own homeserver (or to play with <a href="">Sentinel, our mascot</a>) - please do reach out to us via our <a href="/beta/#/room/" title="Matrix HQ room">Matrix HQ room</a> or IRC (<a href="irc://">#matrix on freenode</a>) if you have any problems - or want to help us fix our python packaging ;) Now is a great time to get involved as we are currently landing new APIs and soon will be offering an Application Server API to ease bridging to other services.