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+++ title = "Android 0.2.3 SDK and Application released" path = "/blog/2015/03/10/android-0-2-3-sdk-and-application-released"

[taxonomies] author = ["Matthew Hodgson"] category = ["Tech"] +++

Hi folks,

We released a new version (0.2.3) of the Android Matrix Console application today - this is a decent upgrade over 0.2.2. Changelog below.

If you're an Android user, please install the app from the Play Store and give it a go and give us some feedback on or Google Play.


Changes in Matrix Android SDK in 0.2.3 (2015-03-10) ===================================================


Matrix Console


  • Avoid refreshing the home page when it is not displayed.
  • Display a piechart while uploading a media.
  • Refresh the display when some messages are automatically resent (after retrieving a data network connection for example).
  • Update the user rename message to be compliant with the web client.
  • Use the local media files instead of downloading them when they are acknowledged (messages sending).
  • Create a medias management class.
  • Display the offline status in the members list.
  • Avoid creating new homeActivity instance when joining a room from member details sheet.
  • The public rooms list are now saved in the bundle state : it should avoid having a spinner when rotated the device.
  • The animated GIFs are now supported.


  • Add the rate limits error management. The server could request to delay the messages sending because they were too many messages sent in a short time (to avoid spam).
  • Can take a photo to send it.
  • A chat room page is automatically paginated to fill. It used to get only the ten latest messages : it displayed half filled page on tablet.
  • Add the sending failure reason in the message details (long tap on a message, “Message details”).
  • The user is not anymore notified it the push rules are not fulfilled.
  • Add some room settings (Display all events, hide unsupported events, sort members by last seen time, display left members, display public rooms in the home page).
  • Add various accessibility tweaks.

Bug fixes:

  • The media downloads/uploads were sometimes stuck.
  • The private room creation was broken.
  • SYAND-33 : number of unread messages disappears when entering another room.
  • The RoomActivity creation used to crash when it was cancelled because the Room id param was not provided.
  • The client used to crash when the home server was invalid but started with http.
  • The account creation used to fail if the home server had a trailing slash.
  • SYAND-44 In progress text entry could be saved across crashes.
  • SYAND-38 Inline image viewer in Android app.