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title = "TADHack-mini London completed"
path = "/blog/2015/04/13/tadhack-mini-london-completed"
author = ["Oddvar Lovaas"]
category = ["Events"]
This weekend was spent at <a href="" title="IDEA-London">IDEA-London</a> where the <a href="" title="TADHack-mini London">TADHack-mini London</a> hackathon was going on. In total, there were around 18 different projects being hacked on all day Saturday and Sunday morning, before a 5-minute presentation on Sunday afternoon.
<a href="" title="picture credit:"><img src="" alt="tadhack" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-720" /></a>
Four different projects used Matrix in one way or another: Matrixbot - a robot controlled through standard messages in a Matrix room - done by Scott Barstow and Anders Brownworth (project <a href="" title="code">code</a> and presentation <a href="" title="video">video</a> and <a href="" title="picture">picture</a>). Neil Stratford's hack included lighting up his roll of LEDs whenever a push-notification hit his Matrix webclient (<a href="" title="picture">picture</a> from the presentation).
The Co-Browsify hack by Žilvinas Račyla and Augustinas Bacvinka allows two people to browse the same webpage, with scrolling events being collected and duplicated to the other browser via Matrix (<a href="" title="picture">picture</a> from the presentation). Finally, Matt Williams of Metaswitch created a Project Clearwater/Matrix Gateway which enables Project Clearwater/IMS to set up WebRTC calls with any matrix user (project <a href="" title="code">code</a> and <a href="" title="pictures">pictures</a> from the presentation) - this is the first time we have had a SIP-to-Matrix call (let alone IMS-to-Matrix) set up!
As TADHack sponsors, Matrix had two Parrot Drones to hand out as prizes, and the winners for best Matrix-related hacks are Matt Williams for the Clearwater/Matrix Gateway - and Scott Barstow and Anders Brownworth for Matrixbot! We are also happy that the other two Matrix-related projects were rewarded with prizes from the other sponsors (<a href="" title="full list of winners">full list of winners</a>).
<table style="border:solid 0px #ffffff;" border="0" width="100%"><tr style="border:0"><td style="border:0"><a href="" title="picture credit:"><img src="" alt="projectclearwatermatrixgateway" width="533" height="400" class="aligncenter" /></a>
<td style="border:0"><a href="" title="picture credit:"><img src="" alt="matrixbot" width="600" height="400" class="aligncenter" /></a>
All in all it was a very productive weekend, both in terms of tech and also meeting people. Thanks to everyone who participated and especially those who worked on Matrix-related hacks!
Next up is the <a href="" title="WebRTC conference">WebRTC conference</a> and its related <a href="" title="Kranky Geek">Kranky Geek</a> event - which will be happen tomorrow and the day after. See you there!