1001 B

+++ title = "Android Matrix Console 0.4.0" path = "/blog/2015/06/19/android-matrix-console-0-4-0"

[taxonomies] author = ["Oddvar Lovaas"] category = ["Tech"] +++

Matrix Console 0.4.0 for Android has been pushed to the Google Play store and shall be available shortly.

This release contains a whole lot of bugfixes, new features, and nicer UI and UX - see the changes file for details, but in summary:

  • Lots of UI and UX improvements (inc. long click on images)
  • Added GCM support (can be enabled/disabled)
  • Added Google analytics support
  • Added badges management
  • Added "orientation" management for images
  • Now offering image resizing before upload
  • Lots of bugfixes!