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title = "Upcoming events"
path = "/blog/2015/08/06/upcoming-events"
author = ["Oddvar Lovaas"]
category = ["Events"]
After a successful visit to <a href="">OSCON</a> in Oregon last month, Matrix is this week represented at <a href="">Clue Con</a> in Chicago. We have a speaking slot later today - see <a href="">the full schedule here</a>. However, this time, we will be calling in remotely from London, but what better way to demonstrate video calling than by using it?
More upcoming events include <a href="">Fosscon</a> in Pennsylvania (August 22nd), where we have <a href="">two talks scheduled</a>, and <a href="">ElastixWorld</a> in Columbia (Oct 7 & 8), where we are participating as a <a href="">keynote speaker</a>. We hope to see you there!
As always, for questions or comments - or just to say hi - please join <a href=""></a> using <a href="/blog/try-matrix-now/">your favourite Matrix-client</a>!