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title = "This Week in Matrix 2018-12-07"
path = "/blog/2018/12/07/this-week-in-matrix-2018-12-07"
author = ["Ben Parsons"]
category = ["This Week in Matrix"]
## Matrix Live S03E06
{{ youtube_player(video_id="BOyKC-nf-KE") }}
In which Matthew & Amandine discuss The Foundation, go-live for the French Government deployment for Matrix, and some exciting random diversions into post-1.0 Matrix features which should land once once 1.0 is out the door!
## Purism sponsoring Fractal development
> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">We are proudly sponsoring the work of Julian Sparber on Fractal, the <a href="">@matrixdotorg</a> client for GNOME. Read his latest update - <a href=""></a> <a href="">#LibreDesktop</a> <a href="">#DemandFreedom</a> <a href="">#gnome</a></p>
> — Purism (@Puri_sm) <a href="">December 5, 2018</a>
Purism announced they are sponsoring <a href="">Fractal</a> development, starting with <a href="">Julian Sparber</a> working last month to improve the message view. You can <a href="">read about his progress here</a>. Highlights:
> Before, there was a jarring cut when new messages were loaded, but now you can just scroll upward and older messages are loaded continuously.<br />The part I'm most excited about is the new "new message divider". When the user opens a room they can directly start reading the conversation from the last seen message and they don't need to search for the new message divider. Not only has the UX gotten a lot better, but also the underlying code is much cleaner now.<br />I also spent some time on making message rendering faster. I replaced the RegExp with more efficient code, this made the rendering much faster (from ~10ms to ~ 1ms) for every single message.<br />In summary, all of these things improve Fractal's UX a lot and make it feel more like a modern messaging app.
## Synapse 0.34.0rc1
<a href="">0.34.0rc1 is out</a> - please test it! 0.34.0 will be the first to officially support python 3. We're still working on the debian packaging but 0.34.0 proper should be out next week.
## Dendrite
<a href="">Brendan</a> has been getting on with Dendrite development:
> Started auditing Dendrite's codebase to identify what is left to implement, along with what hasn't been implemented correctly. Still a lot of work left to do on this, but it's looking promising so far.
## Modular
Modular is a Hosted Homeservers product, check out <a href=""></a>. This week:
> Matrix -&gt; Matrix account migration tool available at <a href=""></a>. It's still beta, so please test it and let us know if you experience issues.
## New Homeserver: [](
<a href="">swedneck</a> has set up a new public homeserver at <a href=""></a>! There is also a Riot installation at <a href=""></a>, served via IPFS.
> Currently working on the website (based on <a href=""></a>, thank you <a href="">travis</a> for making that <a href="">available on github</a>!) and making things nicer in general.<br />I will be adding more bots shortly. Please let <a href="">me</a> know of any issues with the HS or anything surrounding it.
## Informo
<a href="">Informo</a> is a project to create a specification and implementation for distributing information and news. This week they have been working on merging changes to the specification:
> Work on the Informo specifications has slowed down a bit in the last couple of weeks, though since the last update we did manage to get some relatively big SCSs merged into the specs, including <a href="">SCS #9</a> (rendered <a href="">here</a>) which specifies how information sources must publish their information through the federation, and <a href="">SCS #11</a> (rendered <a href="">here</a>) which describes how sources must register themselves in order to be picked up by clients, and handle localisation. ?<br />There's still a couple of big items to take care of before we can cut a 1.0 release of the Informo specs but this is definitely a huge step towards this goal.
## Minecraft Bridge
<a href="">Dandellion</a>:
> I started working on a Minecraft bridge pretty heavily based on Travis's old project, but using Minecraft-protocol instead of mineflayer.<br />You need a bot Minecraft account that can join and idle in the server, it then uses /tellraw to post messages.
<a href="/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/minecraft.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3797" src="/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/minecraft.png" alt="" width="249" height="116" /></a>
## libQMatrixClient 0.4.1 released
<a href="">libQMatrixClient</a>, which powers <a href="">Spectral</a> and <a href="">Quaternion</a> was released by <a href="">kitsune</a>, Lazy Loading coming soon:
> libQMatrixClient 0.4.1 has been released today, with small fixes in the stable branch. Meanwhile, active work is ongoing on lazy-loading support in the library, with ETA for the feature landing in master being in about a week or so.
## Riot Web
<li>Redesign progress: all resizeable sections are now persisted, (slow) progress on improving read markers</li>
<li><a href="">Communities and community invitations should be more resilient to errors</a> (on /develop only so far)</li>
## Riot iOS
<li>Reskin still ongoing</li>
<li>A new release is coming</li>
<li>Less activity because of POSS</li>
## Riot Android
<li>A new developer joined us to help maintaining Riot: Valere Fedronic</li>
<li>Keys backup PR in review</li>
<li>Privacy Terms acceptance in login flow in review</li>
<li>FCM issue investigation/troubleshooting by Valere</li>
<li>François Off (sick :()</li>
<li>New theme is coming soon</li>
## Koma
<a href="">druig</a> has been working on <a href="">Koma</a>, a JavaFX Matrix client:
> This week in koma: implementation of json library switched from runtime reflection to compile-time code generation<br />The matrix api is implemented manually in the project, retrofit and moshi are used to interact with the rest api.
## SimpleMatrix
As we mentioned in TWIM last week, <a href="">MTRNord</a> has been working on designs for <a href="">SimpleMatrix</a>, a Matrix client for Android in development. This week he has made a video showcasing the new design.
{{ youtube_player(video_id="ci3N9ZSUa6k") }}
## Redecentralize meetup in London
Last night Half-Shot & Neil & Brendan went to see the <a href="">Redecentralize</a> folk at their meetup:
> Beer! And pizza! And also Redecentralize<br />We chatted to a nice bunch of folks both demoing their decentralized projects and talked to the likes of scuttlebutt, BBC, IPFS and more. Was a interesting experience having around 8 minutes to quickly explain to newcomers what Matrix is and why they should use it in a speed dating format. We chatted (and demoed) bridges, <a href="">new-riot</a> and generally how it all fits together. There were a lot of very interesting people with different profiles and backgrounds, and diversified questions which lead to a lot of interesting discussions.
<small>Note for the confused: the <em>format of the meetup</em> was comparable to speed dating. There is no suggestion that Matrix should be used at regular speed dating. If you do find <a href="">such a use for Matrix</a>, come tell us in <a href=""></a>.
## matrix-wug, X-SAMPA to IPA bot
<a href="/blog/2018/11/09/this-week-in-matrix-2018-11-09/#xsampatoipabot">Last month</a> <a href="">Dandellion</a> introduced a bot designed to convert between formats for pronunciation notation, this week he released the source code: <a href=""></a>
## The end of the post, and nearly the end of 2018
This week it has been winter-in-Europe kind of weather, but that's ok, it happens every year. TWIM on the other hand happens <em>every week</em>, so if you have something to share, and would like to share what you've been working on, come chat to us in <a href=""></a>.