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+++ title = "Support Matrix" aliases = ["/supporters/", "/donate"] template = "support.html" extra.summary = """ As an individual, if you believe in our mission and want to contribute to Matrix as a common good, you can support our work financially. Join the thousands of people who support open, decentralised and secure communication. """ +++

The Foundation is working hard to make sure Matrix is the best protocol for free communication. Like any open protocol, Matrix needs a direction to coordinate efforts. The Foundation is overseeing the decisions related to the Matrix Specification, ensuring it serves the general interest.

Once the direction is set, the Foundation also works on materialising the vision: we're pragmatists who don't only work in theory. We want Matrix to succeed in real life, so we make it happen in real life.

We also work on making sure the Matrix community stays vibrant and attractive. It's important to keep the community active but also to attract newcomers in the Matrix ecosystem. Onboarding and moderation are both key aspects of our mission.

Matrix is not only a good answer to current challenges: it needs to stay relevant in the future. The Foundation funds substantial work to make sure Matrix addresses and will keep addressing actual issues.

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