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  • /help - View command list.
  • /quit - Close gomuks.
  • /clearcache - Clear room state and close gomuks.
  • /logout - Log out, clear caches and go back to the login view.
  • /fingerprint - Shows the Device ID and fingerprint, allowing verification of the session.
  • /copy [register] - Copy the selected message to the specified clipboard register (defaults to clipboard).
  • /toggle <thing> - Toggle user preferences.
    • rooms - Room list sidebar.
    • users - User list sidebar.
    • baremessages - Bare message mode where the sender name is inline with the messages.
    • images - Text image rendering.
    • typingnotif - Outgoing typing notifications.
    • emojis - :emoji: conversion when sending messages.
    • html - HTML input.
    • markdown - Markdown input.
    • downloads - Automatic downloads (this will also prevent images from working).
    • notifications - Desktop notifications.
    • unverified - Sending (e2ee keys for) messages to unverified devices. You need to restart gomuks for this setting to take effect.
    • inlineurls - Inline URLs in text. May not be supported in all terminals. You need to restart gomuks for this setting to take effect.


Tab-completing file paths is supported in all these commands.

  • /download [path] - Downloads file from selected message. If path is not specified, it defaults to <download_dir>/<message.body>. download_dir defaults to $HOME/Downloads.
  • /open [path] - Download file from selected message and open it with xdg-open. If path is not specified, the file will be downloaded to the media cache.
  • /upload <path> - Upload the file at the given path to the current room. Note that to include audio/video file metadata (dimensions and duration), you must have ffprobe installed.

Sending special messages

  • /me <text> - Send an emote.
  • /notice <text> - Send a notice (generally used for bot messages).
  • /rainbow <text> - Send rainbow text.
  • /rainbowme <text> - Send rainbow text in an emote.
  • /rainbownotice <text> - Send rainbow text in a m.notice message.
  • /reply [text] - Reply to the selected message. If text is not specified, the next message will be used.
  • /react <reaction> - React to the selected message.
  • /redact [reason] - Redact (delete) the selected message.
  • /edit - Edit the selected message.


These commands support tab-completing file paths and user/device IDs using the displaynames of users/devices.

Accepting incoming interactive verification requests is not yet supported, only outgoing requests via /verify work.

  • /fingerprint - View the fingerprint of your device (for legacy/non-interactive verification).
  • /devices <user id> - View the device list of a user.
  • /device <user id> <device id> - Show info about a specific device.
  • /unverify <user id> <device id> - Un-verify a device.
  • /blacklist <user id> <device id> - Blacklist a device. Message keys are never sent to blacklisted devices.
  • /verify <user id> <device id> [fingerprint] - Verify a device. If the fingerprint is not provided, interactive emoji verification will be started.
  • /export <path> - Export all message decryption keys to the given path.
  • /export-room <path> - Export message decryption keys for the current room to the given path.
  • /import <path> - Import message decryption keys from the given path.
  • /cross-signing <subcommand> [...] - Cross-signing commands. Somewhat experimental. (alias: /cs).
    • status - Check the status of your own cross-signing keys.
    • generate [--force] - Generate and upload new cross-signing keys. This will prompt you to enter your account password. If you already have existing keys, --force is required.
    • self-sign - Sign the current device with cached cross-signing keys. (or in other words, verify the current device).
    • fetch [--save-to-disk] - Fetch your cross-signing keys from SSSS and decrypt them. If --save-to-disk is specified, the keys are saved to disk.
    • upload - Upload your cross-signing keys to SSSS.
  • /ssss <subcommand> [...] - Secure Secret Storage (and Sharing) commands. Very experimental.
    • status [key ID] - Check the status of your SSSS.
    • generate [--set-default] - Generate a SSSS key and optionally set it as the default.
    • set-default <key ID> - Set a SSSS key as the default.



  • /pm <user id> [...] - Start a private chat with the given user(s).
  • /create [room name] - Create a new room.


  • /join <room> [server] - Join the room with the given room ID or alias, optionally through the given server.
  • /accept (in a room you're invited to) - Accept the invite.
  • /reject (in a room you're invited to) - Reject the invite.


  • /invite <user id> - Invite the given user ID to the room.
  • /roomnick <name> - Change your per-room displayname.
  • /tag <tag> <priority> - Add the room to <tag>. <tag> should start with u. and <priority> should be a float between 0 and 1. Rooms are sorted in ascending priority order.
  • /untag <tag> - Remove the room from <tag>.
  • /tags - List the tags the room is in.
  • /powerlevel [thing] [level] - View or change power levels in rooms.


  • /leave - Leave the current room.
  • /kick <user id> [reason] - Kick a user.
  • /ban <user id> [reason] - Ban a user.
  • /unban <user id> - Unban a user.


  • /alias add <localpart> - Add #<localpart>:your.server as an address for the current room.
  • /alias remove <localpart> - Remove #<localpart>:your.server (can be ran in any room).
  • /alias resolve <alias> - Resolve <alias> or #<alias>:your.server and reply with the room ID.

Raw events

  • /send <room id> <event type> <content> - Send a custom event.
  • /setstate <room id> <event type> <state key/-> <content> - Change room state.
  • /msend <event type> <content> - Send a custom event to the current room.
  • /msetstate <event type> <state key/-> <content> - Change room state in the current room.
  • /id - Get the current room ID.


  • /hprof - Create a heap profile and write it to in the current directory.
  • /cprof <seconds> - Profile the CPU usage for the given number of seconds and write it to
  • /trace <seconds> - Trace calls for the given number of seconds and write traces to gomuks.trace.