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MessageEvent reference

These methods are available in maubot's MessageEvent class.

  • async react(key: str) -> EventID - React to the command with the given key. The key can be arbitrary unicode text, but usually reactions are emojis.
  • async mark_read() - Send a read receipt for the command event.
  • async respond(content) -> EventID - Respond to a message without replying. Optional parameters:
    • event_type (defaults to EventType.ROOM_MESSAGE) - The event type to send the response as.
    • markdown (defaults to True) - Whether the content should be parsed as markdown. Only applies if the content parameter is a string.
    • allow_html (defaults to True) - Whether the content should allow HTML tags. Only applies if the content parameter is a string.
    • edits (optional, event ID or MessageEvent, defaults to None) - The event that the response event should edit.
    • in_thread (optional) - Whether the response should be in a thread with the command. By default (None), the response is in a thread if the command is in a thread. If False, the response will never be in a thread. If True, the response will always be in a thread (creating a thread with the command as the root if necessary).
  • async reply(content) -> EventID - Reply to a message. Same parameters as respond(), except no edits option.
  • async edit(content) -> EventID - Edit the event. Same parameters as reply(). Note that while this won't throw an error for editing non-own messages, most clients won't render such edits.
  • content - Some useful methods are also inside the content property:
    • relates_to - A property containing the event's m.relates_to data wrapped in a RelatesTo object.
    • get_reply_to() -> EventID - Get the event ID the command is replying to.
    • get_edit() -> EventID - Get the event ID the command is editing.

Event fields

These are the fields in the MessageEvent type (and also all other room events) . They're a part of the Matrix spec, but maubot parses them into convenient objects.

  • room_id - The ID of the room where the event was sent.
  • event_id - The ID of the event.
  • sender - The ID of the user who sent the event.
  • timestamp - The Unix timestamp of the event with millisecond precision (this is called origin_server_ts in the protocol).
  • type - The event type as an EventType enum instance.
  • content - The content of the event. This is parsed into specific classes depending on the event type and msgtype. If the type isn't recognized, this will be parsed into an Obj, which is just a dict that allows accessing fields with the dot notation.
  • unsigned - Additional information that's not signed in the federation protocol. Usually set by the local homeserver.
    • transaction_id - If the message was sent by the current user, the transaction ID that was used to send the event. content

These are the fields in the MessageEventContent type. As with event fields, they're a part of the Matrix spec.

  • body - The plaintext body.
  • msgtype - The message type as a MessageType enum instance.

For m.text, m.notice and m.emote (TextMessageEventContent):

  • format - The format for formatted_body as a Format enum instance.
  • formatted_body - The formatted body (usually HTML).

For m.image,, and m.file (MediaMessageEventContent):

  • url - The mxc:// URL to the file (if unencrypted).
  • file - The URL and encryption keys for the file (if encrypted).
    • TODO: add methods to conveniently decrypt data using the EncryptedFile object.
  • info - Additional info about the file. Everything here is optional and set by the sender's client (i.e. not trustworthy).
    • mimetype - The mime type of the file.
    • size - The size of the file in bytes.
    • TODO: document msgtype-specific info fields.

For m.location (LocationMessageEventContent):

  • geo_uri - The coordinates the event is referring to as a geo:<latitude>,<longitude> URI.
  • info - Optional info containing a thumbnail (same as image thumbnails).