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Database API reference

You can also view the Sphinx docs for the database at, but as of writing, they aren't ready yet.


acquire is an async context manager that returns a Connection:

async with self.database.acquire() as conn:

The class also contains execute, executemany, fetch, fetchrow, fetchval and table_exists as convenience methods, which simply acquire a connection and run the single method using it (see reference below).


Records returned by the fetch methods are either asyncpg.Record or the stdlib's sqlite3.Row`. Both work mostly the same way (can access fields by both column index and name).

  • execute(query: str, *args: Any) -> str - Execute a query without reading the response:
    await conn.execute("INSERT INTO foo (text) VALUES ($1)", "hello world")
  • executemany(query: str, *args: Any) -> str - Execute a query multiple times:
    await conn.execute(
      "INSERT INTO foo (text) VALUES ($1)",
      [("hello world 1",), ("hello world 2",), ("hello world 3",)],
  • fetch(query: str, *args: Any) -> list[Row | Record] - Execute a query and get a list of rows in response:
    rows = await conn.fetch("SELECT text FROM foo")
    for row in rows:
  • fetchrow(query: str, *args: Any) -> Row | Record | None - Execute a query and get the first rows (or None, if there are no rows):
    row = await conn.fetchrow("SELECT text FROM foo WHERE test=1")
    if row:
      print("Found", row["text"])
      print("Row not found :(")
  • fetchval(query: str, *args: Any, column: int = 0) -> Any - Execute a query and get a single column from the first row (or None if there are no rows):
    text = await conn.fetchval("SELECT text FROM foo WHERE test=1")
  • table_exists(name: str) -> bool - Check if a table exists in the database.
  • Postgres only: copy_records_to_table(table_name: str, *, records: list[tuple[Any, ...]], columns: tuple[str, ...]) -> None - Efficiently insert multiple rows into the database:
    await conn.copy_records_to_table(
      records=[("hello world 1",), ("hello world 2",), ("hello world 3",)],