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root as USB drive
- Inspired by Alyssa's tomshardware article
- Make an arm64 root filesystem as per debian rootfs
- Note: The following is done as root on a debian system:
mkdir debinst-buster
debootstrap --arch arm64 --foreign buster debinst-buster http://ftp.au.debian.org/debian/
cp /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static debinst-buster/usr/bin
LANG=C.UTF-8 chroot debinst-buster qemu-aarch64-static /bin/bash
- In the chroot complete the set up:
/debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage
- Install any other packages you want with apt
apt install file screenfetch procps openssh-server
- Configure the sshd to allow root access and set the password to what you want
# Add PermitRootLogin yes
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# Set root's password
- Create an ext4 partition on a USB device (e.g. /dev/sdb in example below)
fdisk /dev/sdb
# n => new partition
# w => write it out
- Format ext4 filesystem
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1
- Install your new rootfs on it (you could have just created the rootfs on the partition.... :-)
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/img
cp -a debinst-buster/. /mnt/img
umount /mnt/img
- Boot up linux with the USB drive plugged in (now should be /dev/sda1). I used a simple USB hub on the 2nd port with a USB keyboard the USB drive plugged in before powering on the Mac.
python3.9 proxyclient/tools/linux.py -b 'earlycon console=tty0 console=tty0 debug net.ifnames=0 rw root=/dev/sda1 rootdelay=5 rootfstype=ext4' Image-dart-dev.gz t8103-j274-dart-dev.dtb
- Image-dart-dev.gz - dart/dev branch of the Asahi linux as above
- t8103-j274-dart-dev.dtb - the dtb from the above linux
- NO initrd is passed