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PERMISSION NOTICE The Microsoft “Terms of Use” (available at the www.microsoft.com website) govern all glossary terms in this document (“Glossary Terms”). The following supplemental terms and conditions also apply. If there is any conflict between the Terms of Use and the following terms and conditions, the following terms and conditions will take Precedence over the Terms of Use. 1. No part of the Glossary Terms may be reproduced, adapted, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, including photocopying and entry into an information storage and/or retrieval system, for any purpose without the prior express consent of Microsoft Corporation. 2. You may use the Glossary Terms in the development of any application software and you may also use the Glossary Terms for personal or non-commercial purposes only without the prior written consent of Microsoft Corporation, and only if all copies contain this Permission Notice and the Microsoft copyright notice in the Terms of Use. 3. You are not permitted to make any modifications, deletions or additions to the Glossary Terms. 4. Except as expressly set forth above, Microsoft’s publication of the Glossary Terms does not grant any rights to use, distribute, or implement any technology or intellectual property rights. All rights not expressly granted herein are expressly reserved by Microsoft. "Source Term",,"Translation",,"String Category",,"Platform",,"Product",,"Version" "The following files were originally licensed under the Apache License (reproduced below):",,"Følgende filer blev oprindeligt licenseret i henhold til Apache License (gengivet herunder):",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ""License""). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at <a href=""http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0"" aria-label=""Apache license"">http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0</a>"",,""Licenseret i henhold til Apache License, Version 2.0 (""Licensen""). Du må ikke bruge denne fil, medmindre det sker i overensstemmelse med licensen. Du kan få et eksemplar af licensen på <a href=""http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0"" aria-label=""Apache license"">http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "THIS CODE IS PROVIDED ON AN *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT.",,"DENNE KODE LEVERES *SOM DEN ER*, UDEN NOGEN FORM FOR GARANTIER ELLER BETINGELSER, UDTRYKKELIGT ELLER UNDERFORSTÅET, INKLUSIVE, MEN IKKE BEGRÆNSET TIL, GARANTIER ELLER BETINGELSER FOR EJENDOMSRET, EGNETHED TIL ET BESTEMT FORMÅL, SALGBARHED ELLER IKKE-KRÆNKELSE.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.",,"Se Apache Version 2.0 License for at få specifikke sprogregulerende tilladelser og bestemmelser i henhold til licensen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Apache 2.0 License",,"Apache 2.0-licens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Apache Licensed Files",,"Apache-licenserede filer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The following files were originally licensed under the BSD License (2-clause) (reproduced below):",,"Følgende filer blev oprindeligt licenseret i henhold til BSD License (2. klausul) (gengivet herunder):",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""BSD 2-clause ""Simplified"" License"",,""""Forenklet"" BSD-license (2. klausul)"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The following files were originally licensed under the BSD License (3-clause) (reproduced below):",,"Følgende filer blev oprindeligt licenseret i henhold til BSD License (3. klausul) (gengivet herunder):",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Newer BSD License (3-clause)",,"Nyere BSD-licens (3. klausul)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.",,"Videredistribuering af kildekode skal bevare ovenstående bemærkning om ophavsret, denne liste over betingelser og følgende ansvarsfraskrivelse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.",,"Videredistribuering i binær form skal gengive ovenstående bemærkning om ophavsret, denne liste over betingelser og følgende ansvarsfraskrivelse i dokumentationen og/eller andre materialer, der leveres sammen med denne distribuering.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Neither the name Copyright Holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.",,"Hverken navnet på indehaveren af ophavsretten eller navnene på dens bidragydere må bruges til at støtte eller fremme produkter, der er afledt af denne software, uden en specifik forudgående skriftlig tilladelse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ""AS IS"" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE."",,"DENNE SOFTWARE LEVERES AF DENS INDEHAVERE AF OPHAVSRETTEN OG DENS BIDRAGYDERE, SOM DEN ER, OG ANSVARET FOR UDTRYKKELIGE ELLER UNDERFORSTÅEDE GARANTIER, INKLUSIVE, MEN IKKE BEGRÆNSET TIL, DE UNDERFORSTÅEDE GARANTIER FOR SALGBARHED OG EGNETHED TIL ET BESTEMT FORMÅL, FRASKRIVES. INDEHAVEREN AF OPHAVSRETTEN ELLER BIDRAGYDERNE VIL UNDER INGEN OMSTÆNDIGHEDER VÆRE ANSVARLIGE FOR DIREKTE, INDIREKTE, HÆNDELIGE, SPECIELLE SKADER, USÆDVANLIGT STORE SKADER ELLER FØLGESKADER (INKLUSIVE, MEN IKKE BEGRÆNSET TIL, INDKØB AF ERSTATNINGSVARER ELLER -SERVICER, TAB AF BRUG, DATA ELLER INDTJENING, ELLER AFBRYDELSE AF FORRETNING), UANSET HVAD DER MÅTTE HAVE FORÅRSAGET DETTE, OG UANSET HVORDAN ANSVARET MÅTTE ANSKUES, DET VÆRE SIG UNDER KONTRAKT, OBJEKTIVT ANSVAR ELLER UDEN FOR KONTRAKT (INKLUSIVE SKØDESLØSHED ELLER PÅ ANDEN VIS), DER MÅTTE OPSTÅ VED BRUGEN AF DENNE SOFTWARE. DETTE GÆLDER OGSÅ, SELVOM DER MÅTTE VÆRE ADVISERET OM MULIGHEDEN FOR EN SÅDAN SKADE.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:",,"Videredistribution og brug i kilde- og binærformer, med eller uden modifikationer, tilladelse, under forudsætning af at følgende betingelser overholdes:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "BSD Licensed Files",,"BSD-licenserede filer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Disqus Terms of Service",,"Vilkår for brug af Disqus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook Terms of Service",,"Vilkår for brug af Facebook",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Portions utilize HighCharts, © Highsoft Solutions AS. All Rights Reserved.",,"Dele, der anvender HighCharts, © Highsoft Solutions AS. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Instagram Terms of Use",,"Vilkår for brug af Instagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""For technical support with Market Insights, go to <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=390992"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights support</a>."",,""Du kan få teknisk support i forbindelse med Market Insights ved at gå til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=390992"">Support til Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Find help contents in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Help Center</a>."",,""Du kan finde Hjælp-indhold i <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Hjælpecenter</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.",,"Advarsel! Dette computerprogram er ophavsretligt beskyttet. Uautoriseret reproduktion eller distribution af dette program, eller dele heraf, er ulovlig og vil blive retsforfulgt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "© 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"© 2019 Microsoft Corporation. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "LinkedIn User agreement",,"LinkedIn-brugeraftale",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The following files were originally licensed under the MIT License (reproduced below):",,"Følgende filer blev oprindeligt licenseret i henhold til MIT License (gengivet herunder):",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ""Software""), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:"",,""Der gives hermed tilladelse til, at enhver person gratis kan erhverve en kopi af denne software og tilhørende dokumentationsfiler (""Softwaren""), kan benytte Softwaren uden restriktioner, inklusive, uden begrænsning, retten til at bruge, kopiere, ændre, flette, udgive, distribuere, underlicensere og/eller sælge kopier af Softwaren, og til at tillade de personer, Softwaren leveres til, at gøre det samme, i henhold til følgende betingelser:"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.",,"Ovenstående bemærkning om ophavsret og denne bemærkning om tilladelse skal inkluderes i alle kopier eller væsentlige dele af Softwaren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ""AS IS"", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE."",,""SOFTWAREN LEVERES ""SOM DEN ER"", UDEN GARANTI AF NOGEN ART, UDTRYKKELIG ELLER UNDERFORSTÅET, INKLUSIVE, MEN IKKE BEGRÆNSET TIL, GARANTIER FOR SALGBARHED, EGNETHED TIL ET BESTEMT FORMÅL ELLER IKKE-KRÆNKELSE. FORFATTERNE ELLER INDEHAVERNE AF OPHAVSRETTEN VIL UNDER INGEN OMSTÆNDIGHEDER VÆRE ANSVARLIGE FOR KRAV, SKADER ELLER NOGET ANDET ERSTATNINGSANSVAR, UANSET OM DET MÅTTE VÆRE I FORHOLD TIL RETLIG HÅNDHÆVELSE AF EN KONTRAKT, UDEN FOR KONTRAKT ELLER PÅ ANDEN VIS, DER MÅTTE SKYLDES ELLER VÆRE FORBUNDET MED SOFTWAREN ELLER BRUGEN AF ELLER ANDRE HANDLINGER I SOFTWAREN."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "MIT License",,"MIT-licens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "MIT Licensed Files",,"MIT-licenserede filer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Original copyright",,"Oprindelige ophavsret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Original file",,"Oprindelig fil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Original license",,"Oprindelig licens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Original source",,"Oprindelig kilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Reddit",,"Reddit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This service depends on third parties to provide data. The use of all Social Content is subject to the terms of use or terms of service agreements associated with the social media network providing such content.",,"Denne tjeneste afhænger af tredjeparters levering af data. Brug af alt socialt indhold er underlagt vilkårene for brug eller vilkårene i de tjenesteaftaler, der er tilknyttet til det sociale medienetværk, som leverer dette indhold.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Links to third party terms of use/service",,"Links til tredjepartsvilkår for brug/tjeneste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Third party data provider",,"Tredjepartsdataudbyder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""This software may be based on or incorporates material from the files listed below (collectively, ""Third Party Code""). Please Note: Microsoft is not the original author of the Third Party Code. The URL for the original file source, the original copyright notice and the license under which Microsoft received Third Party Code are set forth below together with the text of such license. Such notices and license are provided solely for your information. Microsoft, not the third party, licenses this Third Party Code to you under the terms set forth in the Subscription License Terms for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Unless applicable law gives you more rights, Microsoft reserves all other rights not expressly granted under this agreement, whether by implication, estoppel or otherwise."",,""Denne software er baseret på eller inkluderer materiale fra de filer, der er angivet herunder (samlet kaldet ""Tredjepartskode""). Bemærk! Microsoft er ikke den oprindelige forfatter til tredjepartskoden. URL-adressen for den oprindelige filkilde, den oprindelige bemærkning om ophavsret og den licens, i henhold til hvilken Microsoft modtog tredjepartskoden, er angivet herunder sammen med teksten fra en sådan licens. Sådanne bemærkninger og licenser er udelukkende til din orientering. Microsoft, og ikke tredjeparten, licenserer denne tredjepartskode til dig i henhold til de vilkår, der er angivet i abonnementslicensvilkårene for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Medmindre gældende lov giver dig flere rettigheder, forbeholder Microsoft sig alle andre rettigheder, der ikke udtrykkeligt er givet i henhold til denne aftale, uanset om det måtte være indirekte, som præklusion eller på anden vis."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Third party notices",,"Bemærkninger fra tredjepart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "About Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Om Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tumblr Terms of Service",,"Vilkår for brug af Tumblr",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter Terms of Service",,"Vilkår for brug af Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Wordpress Terms of Service",,"Vilkår for brug af Wordpress",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "YouTube Terms of Service",,"Vilkår for brug af YouTube",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{panel_title} is closed.",,"%{panel_title} er lukket.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{panel_title} is open.",,"%{panel_title} er åbent.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{panel_name} panel",,"%{panel_name}-panel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Doughnut chart. 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Determined by available Bing search data.",,"Repræsentation af aldersdata for forbrugeres søgevolumener i USA for det valgte emne. Bestemmes af tilgængelige Bing Search-data.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{percent}% are %{type}",,"%{percent}% er %{type}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Age Group",,"Aldersgruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Percentage",,"Procentdel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Age",,"Alder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Determined by available Bing search data.",,"Bestemmes af tilgængelige Bing Search-data.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Line chart. Displays the number of posts in the selected time frame.",,"Kurvediagram. Viser antallet af indlæg i den valgte tidsramme.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Average",,"Gennemsnitlig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Volume",,"Mængde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Average number of posts: %{value}",,"Gennemsnitligt antal indlæg: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Average volume of posts based on previous periods",,"Gennemsnitlig indlægsmængde baseret på forudgående perioder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Volume of posts",,"Indlægsmængde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Number of posts: %{value}",,"Antal indlæg: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See how the volume of posts changed in the selected time frame",,"Se, hvordan indlægsmængden har ændret sig i den valgte tidsramme",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom Sources",,"Brugerdefinerede kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Line chart. Displays the number of posts per source in the selected time frame.",,"Kurvediagram. Viser antallet af indlæg pr. kilde i den valgte tidsramme.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sources History",,"Oversigt over kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Source: %{type}",,"Kilde: %{type}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See how the volume of posts per source has changed in the selected time frame",,"Se, hvordan indlægsmængden pr. kilde har ændret sig i den valgte tidsramme",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add source filter: %{channel}",,"Tilføj kildefilter: %{channel}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Blogs posts",,"Blogindlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Forum posts",,"Forumindlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom source posts",,"Brugerdefinerede kildeindlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook posts",,"Facebook-indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Instagram posts",,"Instagram-indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "LinkedIn posts",,"LinkedIn-indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "News posts",,"Nyhedsindlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter posts",,"Twitter-indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Videos",,"Videoer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Close",,"Luk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Conversations",,"Samtaler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "activity",,"aktivitet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "alerts",,"vigtige beskeder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "automation",,"automatisering",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "maps",,"kort",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "rules",,"regler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Download the data into Excel",,"Download dataene til Excel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} filter is active. 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Displays the types of Facebook posts in your data set.",,"Søjlediagram. Viser typerne af Facebook-indlæg i dit datasæt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts by Audience",,"Indlæg efter publikum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts by Page",,"Indlæg efter side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add contributor filter: %{name}",,"Tilføj bidragyderfilter: %{name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post Types",,"Indlægstyper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See the post types for Facebook pages in your data set",,"Se indlægstyperne for Facebook-sider i dit datasæt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{posts}% of posts and comments on your Facebook pages",,"%{posts} % indlæg og kommentarer på dine Facebook-sider",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Filtered View",,"Filtreret visning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Page focus:",,"Sidefokus:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Close this menu.",,"Luk denne menu.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create alert",,"Opret vigtig besked",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create activity map",,"Opret aktivitetskort",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "More options with current filters",,"Flere indstillinger med aktuelle filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add filters",,"Tilføj filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Change filters",,"Skift filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove all filters",,"Fjern alle filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Change your analysis focus",,"Skift analysefokus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to search setup",,"Gå til søgekonfiguration",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Gender data representation of consumer search volumes in US for the selected topic. Determined by available Bing search data.",,"Repræsentation af kønsdata for forbrugeres søgevolumener i USA for det valgte emne. 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Vælg et andet navn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Do you really want to delete activity map %{cockpitName}?",,"Vil du slette aktivitetskortet %{cockpitName}?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have unsaved changes that will be lost. Are you sure you want to discard your changes?",,"Du har ændringer, som ikke er gemt, og som vil gå tabt. Vil du fjerne dine ændringer?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Success",,"Fuldført",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete activity map",,"Slet aktivitetskort",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have unsaved changes",,"Du har ændringer, som ikke er gemt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts on the map from %{location}. Select Spacebar or Enter key to view the post. Select Up arrow key to view posts to the north. Select Down arrow key to view posts to the south. 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Prøv at opdatere aktivitetskortet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There are too many posts to show. Try shortening the time span.",,"Der er for mange indlæg, der skal vises. Prøv at afkorte tidsperioden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No posts are available for your current data set. Try extending your map's time span or changing your activity map configuration.",,"Der er ingen indlæg tilgængelige for det aktuelle datasæt. Prøv at udvide kortets tidsperiode eller at ændre aktivitetskortkonfigurationen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can't do this action because the number of requests is too high. Please try again later.",,"Du kan ikke udføre denne handling, fordi antallet af forespørgsler er for højt. Prøv igen senere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're sorry, but you can't perform this action with your user role.",,"Vi beklager, men du kan ikke udføre denne handling med din brugerrolle.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Insufficient permission",,"Utilstrækkelig tilladelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This social profile is missing a valid token. Please reauthenticate its token in %{social_profiles}",,"Denne sociale profil mangler et gyldigt token. Godkend dens token igen i %{social_profiles}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Author details: %{author_name}",,"Forfatteroplysninger: %{author_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{widget_name} full screen widget. %{widget_description}.",,"%{widget_name} fuldskærmswidget. %{widget_description}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Analytics header. 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Indeholder den aktuelle datasætkonfiguration: søgeemne, tilpassede filtre, tidsramme og det totale antal indlæg, der svarer til datasættet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Contains copyright and privacy information.",,"Indeholder oplysninger om ophavsret og beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Details for the selected post.",,"Detaljer for det valgte indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "List of posts sorted by publication date.",,"Liste over indlæg sorteret efter udgivelsesdato.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Showing latest posts of the current dataset.",,"Viser de nyeste indlæg for det aktuelle datasæt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The Analytics page is ready for use.",,"Siden i Analyse er klar til brug.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're loading the Analytics page.",,"Siden i Analyse indlæses.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" " and ",," og ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Operation completed.",,"Handlingen blev fuldført.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Operation in progress.",,"Handlingen er i gang.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The current data set configuration is: %{search_topic} %{filter_set} %{time_frame} %{dataset_volume}",,"Konfigurationen af det aktuelle datasæt er: %{search_topic} %{filter_set} %{time_frame} %{dataset_volume}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The current data set contains %{posts_count} posts with a trend of %{trend_value}%.",,"Det aktuelle datasæt indeholder %{posts_count} indlæg med følgende tendens %{trend_value}%.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The selected filters are: %{filters}.",,"De valgte filtre er: %{filters}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No selected filters.",,"Ingen valgte filtre.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The search topic is: %{Search_topic_name}.",,"Søgeemnet er: %{Search_topic_name}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The selected time interval is: %{selected_time_frame} from %{selectedFromDate} to %{selectedToDate}.",,"Det valgte tidsinterval er: %{selected_time_frame} fra %{selectedFromDate} til %{selectedToDate}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The selected time interval is: %{selected_time_frame} %{selectedDate}.",,"Det valgte tidsinterval er: %{selected_time_frame} %{selectedDate}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" " or ",," eller ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{panel_name} panel is now closed.",,"Panelet %{panel_name} er nu lukket.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{panel_name} panel is now open.",,"Panelet %{panel_name} er nu åbent.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open details panel for %{entityName}",,"Åbn panel med oplysninger om %{entityName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To cancel the selected time filter, select the Esc key. ",,"Vælg Esc-tasten for at annullere det valgte tidsfilter. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To expand the time filter, select the Spacebar or Enter key. ",,"Udvid tidsfilteret ved at vælge mellemrumstasten eller Enter. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To move between time filter options, select the Down arrow key or Up arrow key. ",,"Vælg pil ned eller pil op for at flytte mellem indstillingerne for tidsfilter. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To select a time filter, select the Spacebar. ",,"Vælg mellemrumstasten for at vælge et tidsfilter. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} form field is invalid.||||%{smart_count} form fields are invalid.",,"%{smart_count} formularfelt er ugyldigt.||||%{smart_count} formularfelter er ugyldige.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} profile |||| %{smart_count} profiles",,"%{smart_count} profil |||| %{smart_count} profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add",,"Tilføj",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a Facebook page profile to use within Market Insights. You can use this profile to: Comment on a post on Facebook; Like a post on Facebook; Share a post on Facebook; Allow data acquisition for private messages; Retrieve author information for posts and comments on the Facebook page.",,"Tilføj en Facebook-sideprofil, der skal bruges i Market Insights. 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Enter a valid author tag and try again.",,"Vi kunne ikke finde dette forfattermærke. Angiv et gyldigt forfattermærke, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Author Tags",,"Forfattermærker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search author tags",,"Søg efter forfattermærker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "DIRECT MESSAGE",,"DIREKTE MEDDELELSE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Send a direct message to the author.",,"Send en direkte meddelelse til forfatteren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Follow",,"Følg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Start following with your social profiles.",,"Begynd at følge med dine sociale profiler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get Relationships",,"Hent relationer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unfollow",,"Ophør med at følge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Stop following this author.",,"Følg ikke længere denne forfatter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Cancel this action.",,"Annuller denne handling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Start following",,"Begynd at følge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Follow this author with the selected social profiles",,"Følg denne forfatter med de valgte sociale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Start following with",,"Begynd at følge med",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select social profiles to follow this author",,"Vælg sociale profiler, der skal følge denne forfatter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connected Social Profiles: ",,"Tilsluttede sociale profiler: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Getting author relationships",,"Henter forfatterrelationer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your social profiles don't have a relationship with this author.",,"Der er ingen relation til denne forfatter i dine sociale profiler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Couldn't start following: ",,"Du kunne ikke begynde at følge: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please try again.",,"Prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This social profile isn’t valid anymore.",,"Denne sociale profil er ikke længere gyldig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Can't follow: You must have a valid Twitter social profile to follow this author.",,"Kan ikke følges: Du skal have en gyldig social profil i Twitter for at følge denne forfatter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Success: %{social_profile_name} is following %{author_name}.",,"Succes: %{social_profile_name} følger %{author_name}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're sorry, this action didn't work: ",,"Vi beklager, men denne handling virker ikke: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't retrieve the relationships, because there were too many requests made recently. Please try again in a while.",,"Relationerne kunne ikke hentes, da der er oprettet for mange anmodninger for nylig. Prøv igen senere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Couldn't stop following: ",,"Du kunne ikke ophøre med at følge: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You're following",,"Du følger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{name} is following you",,"%{name} følger dig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Relationships",,"Relationer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unfollowing...",,"Ophører med at følge...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connected social profiles: %{count}",,"Tilsluttede sociale profiler: %{count}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Author name",,"Forfatternavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Author website",,"Forfatterens websted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Back",,"Tilbage",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Header Image",,"Sidehovedbillede",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The author was updated to the latest version. Make sure you still want to apply your changes.",,"Forfatteren blev opdateret til den seneste version. Kontroller, at du stadig vil anvende dine ændringer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Followers",,"Følgere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Following",,"Følger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No author details are available.",,"Der er ingen forfatteroplysninger tilgængelige.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tweets",,"Tweets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Getting author details...",,"Henter forfatteroplysninger...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Author details are not available.",,"Forfatteroplysninger er ikke tilgængelige.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The Post Timeline widget is an external service provided by Twitter",,"Widgeten Tidslinje for indlæg er en ekstern service fra Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post timeline",,"Tidslinje for indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profile details",,"Profiloplysninger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Author Details",,"Forfatteroplysninger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Verified Twitter author",,"Godkendt Twitter-forfatter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter profile bio",,"Biografi for Twitter-profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter handle",,"Twitter-brugernavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter profile location",,"Twitter-profillokation",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The Post Timeline is an external service powered by Twitter",,"Post Timeline (Tidslinje for indlæg) er en ekstern tjeneste, som drives af Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter profile website",,"Websted for Twitter-profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "View author details",,"Vis forfatteroplysninger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open new tab for author on twitter.com",,"Åbn ny fane for forfatter på twitter.com",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "REFRESH",,"OPDATER",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data didn't load. Please try refreshing the section.",,"Data blev ikke indlæst. Prøv at opdatere sektionen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Uses of %{hashtagName}: %{numberOfOccurences}",,"Brug af %{hashtagName}: %{numberOfOccurences}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Recent tweets are currently not available. They will show again with a future update.",,"Seneste tweets er ikke tilgængelige i øjeblikket. De bliver vist igen med en kommende opdatering.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create automation rule",,"Opret automatiseringsregel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CRM Instances in the North America 2 location are not supported for this action and will not be displayed.",,"CRM-forekomster på Nordamerika 2-lokationen understøttes ikke for denne handling og vises ikke.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 instances in the North America 2 location aren’t supported for this action and will not be displayed.",,"Dynamics 365-forekomster på Nordamerika 2-lokationen understøttes ikke for denne handling og vises ikke.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Available",,"Tilgængelig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profile picture",,"Profilbillede",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profile picture placeholder",,"Pladsholder for profilbillede",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This post is not available externally",,"Dette indlæg er ikke tilgængeligt eksternt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All Categories",,"Alle kategorier",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Blogs",,"Blogge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Forums",,"Forummer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook",,"Facebook",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Instagram",,"Instagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "LinkedIn",,"LinkedIn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "News",,"Nyheder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter",,"Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "YouTube",,"YouTube",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select to view the chart as a graph or table",,"Vælg at få vist diagrammet som en graf eller en tabel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Cluster",,"Klynge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Collapse all",,"Skjul alle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Collecting conversations ...",,"Indsamler samtaler ...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Collecting social conversations across Twitter, and more",,"Indsamler sociale samtaler på tværs af Twitter og andet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} item |||| %{smart_count} items",,"%{smart_count} element |||| %{smart_count} elementer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The group name can't be empty.",,"Gruppenavnet må ikke være tomt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have not selected any topics yet. Select one or more topics.",,"Du har ikke valgt nogen emner endnu. Vælg et eller flere emner.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please check your credentials and try again.",,"Kontrollér dine legitimationsoplysninger, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "That didn't work.",,"Det fungerede ikke.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This version of Dynamics CRM isn't compatible.",,"Denne version af Microsoft Dynamics CRM er ikke kompatibel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This version of Dynamics CRM isn't supported.",,"Denne version af Dynamics CRM understøttes ikke.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your CRM administrator.",,"Prøv igen senere. Kontakt CRM-administratoren, hvis problemet fortsætter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Market Insights can’t communicate with Dynamics 365 right now. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.",,"Market Insights kan ikke kommunikere med Dynamics 365 i øjeblikket. Forsøg igen senere. Hvis problemet fortsætter, skal du kontakte systemadministratoren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There's a problem communicating with Dynamics CRM.",,"Der er et problem med at kommunikere med Dynamics CRM.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Communication issue",,"Kommunikationsproblem",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We’re having trouble performing this action in your Dynamics CRM instance. Try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your administrator.",,"Vi har problemer med at udføre denne handling i din Dynamics CRM-forekomst. Prøv igen om et par minutter. Hvis problemet fortsætter, kan du kontakte administratoren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We’re having trouble performing this action in your Dynamics 365 instance. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.",,"Vi har problemer med at udføre denne handling i din Dynamics 365-forekomst. Prøv igen senere. Hvis problemet fortsætter, kan du kontakte din systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can't find the requested Dynamics CRM resource or instance, as it is either unavailable or removed. Contact your CRM system administrator.",,"Vi kan ikke finde den ønskede Dynamics CRM-ressource eller -forekomst, fordi den enten ikke er tilgængelig eller er fjernet. Kontakt din CRM-systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "That Dynamics 365 resource or instance is unavailable or has been removed. Contact your system administrator.",,"Denne Dynamics 365-ressource eller -forekomst er ikke tilgængelig eller er blevet fjernet. Kontakt din systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There was no entity found for this link. Dynamics CRM may still be processing, or it's not set up to create entities from a social activity. Try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your CRM system administrator.",,"Der blev ikke fundet noget objekt for dette link. Dynamics CRM arbejder muligvis stadig, eller også er det ikke konfigureret til at oprette objekter fra en social aktivitet. Prøv igen om et par minutter. Hvis problemet fortsætter, kan du kontakte din CRM-systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We didn't find an entity for this link. Dynamics 365 may still be processing, or it's not set up to create entities from a social activity. Try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.",,"Vi kunne ikke finde et objekt for dette link. Dynamics 365 arbejder muligvis stadig, eller også er det ikke konfigureret til at oprette objekter fra en social aktivitet. Prøv igen om et par minutter. Hvis problemet fortsætter, kan du kontakte din systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're having trouble connecting to your Dynamics CRM instance. Try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your CRM system administrator.",,"Vi har problemer med at oprette forbindelse til din Dynamics CRM-forekomst. Prøv igen om et par minutter. Hvis problemet fortsætter, kan du kontakte din CRM-systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're having trouble connecting to this Dynamics 365 instance. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.",,"Vi har problemer med at oprette forbindelse til denne Dynamics 365-forekomst. Prøv igen senere. Hvis problemet fortsætter, kan du kontakte din systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're having trouble connecting to your Dynamics CRM instance. Please check the Dynamics CRM URL and try again. If the problem persists, contact your administrator.",,"Vi har problemer med at oprette forbindelse til din Dynamics CRM-forekomst. Kontrollér URL-adressen til Dynamics CRM, og prøv igen. Hvis problemet fortsætter, kan du kontakte administratoren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're having trouble connecting to this Dynamics 365 instance. Please check the URL and try again. If the problem continues, contact your system administrator.",,"Vi har problemer med at oprette forbindelse til denne Dynamics 365-forekomst. Kontrollér URL-adressen til CRM, og prøv igen. Hvis problemet fortsætter, kan du kontakte din CRM-systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The Dynamics CRM instance you selected doesn't support server-based authentication, which is required to perform this action. Contact your CRM system administrator.",,"Den valgte Dynamics CRM-forekomst understøtter ikke serverbaseret godkendelse. Dette er påkrævet for at udføre denne handling. Kontakt din CRM-systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This Dynamics 365 instance doesn't support server-based authentication, which is required to perform this action. Contact your system administrator.",,"Denne Dynamics 365-forekomst understøtter ikke serverbaseret godkendelse. Dette er påkrævet for at udføre denne handling. Kontakt din systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You don't have sufficient permissions in Dynamics CRM to perform this action.",,"Du har ikke de nødvendige tilladelser i Dynamics CRM til at udføre denne handling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You don't have sufficient permissions in Dynamics 365 to perform this action.",,"Du har ikke de nødvendige tilladelser i Dynamics 365 at udføre denne handling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You don't have a Dynamics CRM license, which is required to perform this action. Contact your CRM administrator.",,"Du har ikke en Dynamics CRM-licens. Dette er påkrævet for at udføre denne handling. Kontakt din CRM-systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You need a Dynamics 365 license to perform this action. Contact your system administrator.",,"Du skal have en Dynamics 365-licens for at kunne udføre denne handling. Kontakt din systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can't connect to your Dynamics CRM instance because it isn't enabled for OAuth 2.0. Contact your Dynamics CRM system administrator.",,"Vi kan ikke oprette forbindelse til din Dynamics CRM-forekomst, fordi den ikke er aktiveret til OAuth 2.0. Kontakt din Dynamics CRM-systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can't connect to your Dynamics 365 instance because it isn't enabled for OAuth 2.0. Contact your system administrator. ",,"Vi kan ikke oprette forbindelse til din Dynamics 365-forekomst, fordi den ikke er aktiveret til OAuth 2.0. Kontakt din systemadministrator. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sign in",,"Log på",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You must be signed into CRM to perform this action.",,"Du skal være logget på CRM for at udføre denne handling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You must be signed in to Dynamics 365 to perform this action. ",,"Du skal være logget på Dynamics 365 for at udføre denne handling. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Authentication required",,"Der kræves godkendelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""A record hasn't yet been created from this social activity. Make sure you have a <a class=""DisplayCrmLinkData-Header-Info-Link"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=624394"" title=""Set up rules to automatically create or update records in Dynamics 365"">record creation rule</a> set up in CRM and try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your CRM admin."",,""Der er endnu ikke oprettet en post fra denne sociale aktivitet. Kontrollér, at du har en <a class=""DisplayCrmLinkData-Header-Info-Link"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=624394"" title=""Konfigurer regler for automatisk at oprette eller opdatere poster i Dynamics 365"">postoprettelsesregel</a> konfigureret i CRM, og prøv igen om nogle minutter. Hvis problemet fortsætter, kan du kontakte din CRM-systemadministrator."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""A record hasn't been created from this social activity. Make sure you have a <a class=""DisplayCrmLinkData-Header-Info-Link"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=624394"" title=""Set up rules to automatically create or update records in Dynamics 365"">record creation rule</a> set up in Dynamics 365 and try again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator."",,""Der er endnu ikke oprettet en post fra denne sociale aktivitet. Kontrollér, at du har en <a class=""DisplayCrmLinkData-Header-Info-Link"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=624394"" title=""Konfigurer regler for automatisk at oprette eller opdatere poster i Dynamics 365"">postoprettelsesregel</a> konfigureret i Dynamics 365, og prøv igen. Hvis problemet fortsætter, kan du kontakte din systemadministrator."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Owner",,"Ejer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Received as",,"Modtaget som",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Title",,"Titel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Continue",,"Fortsæt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Entity",,"Objekt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Instance",,"Forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Notes",,"Noter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CRM can’t receive social data from Market Insights. Contact your CRM administrator to review the Disable Market Insights system settings.",,"CRM kan ikke modtage sociale data fra Market Insights. Kontakt din CRM-administrator, hvis du vil gennemgå systemindstillingerne for Deaktiver Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 can't receive social data from Market Insights. Ask your system administrator to review the Disable Market Insights system settings.",,"Dynamics 365 kan ikke modtage sociale data fra Market Insights. Bed din CRM-administrator om at gennemgå systemindstillingerne for Deaktiver Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom sources",,"Brugerdefinerede kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This day doesn't exist for that month.",,"Denne dag findes ikke for den pågældende måned.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This date can't be in the future.",,"Denne dato må ikke være på et fremtidigt tidspunkt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This date can't be older than 15 months.",,"Denne dato må ikke være for mere end 15 måneder siden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This date can't be older than 3 months.",,"Denne dato må ikke være for mere end 3 måneder siden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "activity maps",,"aktivitetskort",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "automation rules",,"automatiseringsregler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""This data set doesn't work in this area. Filter ""%{filter_name}"" isn't supported by %{action}. To make this data set work, review your filters. |||| This data set doesn't work in this area. Filters ""%{filter_name}"" aren't supported by %{action}. To make this data set work, review your filters."",,""Disse data fungerer ikke i dette område. Filteret ""%{filter_name}"" understøttes ikke af %{action}. Hvis du vil have dette datasæt til at fungere, skal du kontrollere filtrene. |||| Dette datasæt fungerer ikke i dette område. Filtre af typen ""%{filter_name}"" understøttes ikke af %{action}. Hvis du vil have disse datasæt til at fungere, skal du kontrollere filtrene."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The owner removed this alert and the links don't work anymore. We'll redirect you to Market Insights.",,"Ejeren fjernede denne vigtige besked, og linksene fungerer ikke længere. Vi omdirigerer dig til Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Alert configuration deleted",,"Konfigurationen af den vigtige besked blev slettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select filters to narrow the posts to the data set you want to work with.",,"Vælg filtre for at indsnævre indlæggene til de datasæt, du vil arbejde med.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "last month",,"sidste måned",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "last week",,"sidste uge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Filters",,"Filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "today",,"i dag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "View in Analytics",,"Vis i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "View in Analytics (Opens in a new tab)",,"Vis i Analyse (åbner i en ny fane)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<span class=""%{smart_count_classname}"">%{formatted_count}</span> post matches your filters (%{time_frame}) |||| <span class=""%{smart_count_classname}"">%{formatted_count}</span> posts match your filters (%{time_frame})"",,""<span class=""%{smart_count_classname}"">%{formatted_count}</span>-indlæg svarer til dine filtre (%{time_frame}) |||| <span class=""%{smart_count_classname}"">%{formatted_count}</span>-indlæg svarer til dine filtre (%{time_frame})"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your data set is in an invalid state due to a deleted author. Remove the deleted author from your filters and select Save.",,"Datasættet er en ugyldig tilstand på grund af en slettet forfatter. Fjern den slettede forfatter fra dine filtre, og vælg Gem.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Date",,"Dato",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "day",,"dag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Apr",,"%{day_of_month}. apr",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Aug",,"%{day_of_month}. aug",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Dec",,"%{day_of_month}. dec",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Feb",,"%{day_of_month}. feb",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Jan",,"%{day_of_month}. jan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Jul",,"%{day_of_month}. jul",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Jun",,"%{day_of_month}. jun",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Mar",,"%{day_of_month}. mar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. May",,"%{day_of_month}. maj",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Nov",,"%{day_of_month}. nov",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Oct",,"%{day_of_month}. okt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Sep",,"%{day_of_month}. sep",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Default",,"Standard",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Default time frame",,"Standardtidsramme",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Default (%{value})",,"Standard (%{value})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Deleted Author",,"Slettet forfatter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Clear all",,"Ryd alle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Couldn't send this message because it's too long. Please shorten your message and try again.",,"Denne meddelelse kunne ikke sendes, da den er for lang. Afkort meddelelsen, og send den igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Couldn't send the direct message because the recipient isn't valid.",,"Den direkte meddelelse kunne ikke sendes, fordi modtageren ikke er gyldig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Accept",,"Acceptér",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Decline",,"Afvis",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Couldn't post this status because it's a duplicate of a previous post. Make sure to not post the same content twice in a short time window.",,"Denne status kunne postes, da den er en dublet af et tidligere indlæg. Sørg for ikke at postere den samme indlæg to gange i et korttidsvindue.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Earned",,"Optjent",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Edit",,"Rediger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete keyword: %{keywordName}",,"Slet nøgleord: %{keywordName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "End of list. Select the Backspace key to remove %{tag1} keyword.",,"Slutningen af listen. Vælg tasten Tilbage for at fjerne %{tag1} nøgleord.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Between %{tag1} and %{tag2}. Select the Delete key to remove %{tag2} keyword. Select the Backspace key to remove %{tag1} keyword.",,"Mellem %{tag1} og %{tag2}. Vælg tasten Delete for at fjerne %{tag2} nøgleord. Vælg tasten Tilbage for at fjerne %{tag1} nøgleord.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Beginning of list. Select the Delete key to remove %{tag1} keyword.",,"Begyndelsen af listen. Vælg tasten Delete for at fjerne %{tag1} nøgleord.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Error",,"Fejl",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're sorry, but you aren't allowed to access the solution. Try signing in as a different user, or go to the",,"Beklager, men du har ikke tilladelse til at få adgang til løsningen. Prøv at logge på som en anden bruger, eller gå til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "and open Market Insights from there. If you still can't sign in, contact your system administrator.",,"og åbn Market Insights derfra. Hvis du stadig ikke kan logge på, skal du kontakte din systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=403278",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=403278",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Office 365 site",,"Office 365-websted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Authentication failed",,"Godkendelse mislykkedes",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Authentication failed",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Godkendelsen mislykkedes",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Too many requests have been made. Please try again later.",,"Der er foretaget for mange anmodninger. 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CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have the right to reproduce, display and distribute copyrighted News for your internal business purposes only, and shall not modify or publicly display copyrighted News.",,"Du har udelukkende ret til at gengive, vise og distribuere ophavsretligt beskyttede nyheder til dine egne interne arbejdsmæssige formål og må ikke ændre eller offentligt vise ophavsretligt beskyttede nyheder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "News coverage is limited to the following languages: English, French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese.",,"Nyhedsdækning er begrænset til følgende sprog: engelsk, fransk, tysk, spansk og portugisisk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No",,"Nej",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Not available",,"Ikke tilgængelig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't find this location. Please enter a valid location.",,"Vi kunne ikke finde denne lokation. Angiv en gyldig lokation.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This term has already been added to your keywords filter.",,"Dette udtryk er allerede føjet til dit nøgleordsfilter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "A single keyword cannot exceed 128 characters.",,"Et enkelt nøgleord må ikke overstige 128 tegn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{number}M",,"%{number}m",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{number}k",,"%{number}t",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Office 365 account actions",,"Office 365-kontohandlinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Ok",,"OK",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can't do this action, because this social profile isn't a friend of the target user.",,"Du kan ikke udføre denne handling, fordi denne sociale profil ikke er ven med målbrugeren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Owned",,"Ejet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "If you or your organization owns the social account, set the toggle to <strong>Owned</strong>. If you or your organization doesn't own the social account, set the toggle to <strong>Earned</strong>. <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=841903'>Learn more</a>",,"Hvis du eller din organisation ejer den sociale konto, skal du indstille til/fra-knappen til <strong>Ejet</strong>. Hvis du eller din organisation ikke ejer den sociale konto, skal du indstille til/fra-knappen til <strong>Optjent</strong>. <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=841903'>Få mere at vide</a>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{pageTitle} - Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"%{pageTitle} - Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to the first page.",,"Gå til den første side.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to the last page.",,"Gå til den sidste side.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to the next page.",,"Gå til den næste side.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "of",,"af",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to the previous page.",,"Gå til den forrige side.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{startIndex} - %{endIndex} of %{rowCount}",,"%{startIndex} - %{endIndex} af %{rowCount}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Showing rows %{startIndex} to %{endIndex} of %{rowCount}",,"Viser rækkerne %{startIndex} til %{endIndex} for %{rowCount}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search in this panel",,"Søg i dette panel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search",,"Søg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No results were found for this keyword.",,"Der blev ikke fundet nogen resultater for dette nøgleord.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Instagram Account",,"Instagram-konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "LinkedIn Account",,"LinkedIn-konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "LinkedIn Organization Page",,"LinkedIn-organisationsside",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "YouTube Account",,"YouTube-konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select the type of social profile you want to authenticate and add to your user account.",,"Vælg den type social profil, du vil godkende, og føj den til din brugerkonto.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{source} Acquisition",,"%{source}-indsamling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook and Instagram user",,"Facebook- og Instagram-bruger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{source} Page",,"%{source}-side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{source} Profile",,"%{source}-profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{source} User",,"%{source}-bruger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add an Facebook user account to use within Market Insights. You can use this profile to allow data acquisition for Facebook. Note that, to receive data from Facebook pages, you have to allow data acquisition for at least one Facebook Acquisition profile.",,"Tilføj en Facebook-brugerkonto, der skal bruges i Market Insights. Du kan bruge denne profil til at tillade dataindsamling på Facebook. Bemærk, at for at modtage data fra Facebook-sider skal du tillade dataindsamling for mindst én Facebook-indsamlingsprofil.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a Facebook user account to acquire data from Facebook pages and your own Instagram business accounts. We recommend adding several Facebook user accounts to ensure a stable data acquisition on Facebook pages and Instagram business accounts. Note: By adding a Facebook user account, acquisition permissions for Facebook and Instagram are enabled. Acquisition for only Facebook or only Instagram isn't supported. To receive data from Facebook pages and Instagram accounts, you also need to configure search rules.",,"Tilføj en Facebook-brugerkonto til at hente data fra Facebook-sider og dine egne Instagram-virksomhedskonti. Vi anbefaler, at du tilføjer flere Facebook-brugerkonti for at sikre en stabil dataindsamling på Facebook-sider og Instagram-virksomhedskonti. Bemærk: Hvis du tilføjer en Facebook-brugerkonto, aktiveres indsamlingstilladelser til Facebook og Instagram. Indsamling fra Facebook alene eller Instagram alene understøttes ikke. For at modtage data fra Facebook-sider og Instagram-konti, skal du også konfigurere søgeregler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add your Facebook user profile to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can use this profile to share a post on Facebook.",,"Tilføj din Facebook-brugerprofil i Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Du kan bruge denne profil til at dele et indlæg på Facebook.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a personal Facebook user profile to use in Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights to allow data acquisition of Facebook pages. You can also use this profile to like, share, or comment on a post on Facebook.",,"Tilføj en personlig Facebook-brugerprofil, der skal bruges i Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights for at tillade dataindsamling fra Facebook-sider. Du kan også bruge denne profil til at synes godt om, dele eller kommentere på indlæg på Facebook.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a Facebook Instagram acquisition profile to associate with your Market Insights account. This profile will allow data acquisition from your own Instagram business accounts and Facebook pages.",,"Tilføj en Facebook- og Instagram-indsamlingsprofil, som tilknyttes til din Market Insights-konto. Denne profil tillader dataindsamling fra dine egne Instagram-virksomhedskonti og Facebook-sider.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a LinkedIn organization page to use within Market Insights. You can use this page to reply to a post on LinkedIn, like a post on LinkedIn, and acquire posts from this page.",,"Tilføj en LinkedIn-organisationsside, som skal bruges i Market Insights. Du kan bruge denne side til at svare på et indlæg på LinkedIn, angive, at du synes godt om et indlæg på LinkedIn, og hente indlæg fra denne side.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a LinkedIn profile to use within Market Insights. You can use this profile to share a post on LinkedIn.",,"Tilføj en LinkedIn-profil, der skal bruges i Market Insights. Du kan bruge denne profil til at dele et indlæg på LinkedIn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a Twitter profile to use within Market Insights. You can use this profile to: Reply to a post on Twitter; Like a post on Twitter; Retweet a post on Twitter; Allow data acquisition for direct messages.",,"Tilføj en Twitter-profil, der skal bruges i Market Insights. Du kan bruge denne profil til at svare på et indlæg på Twitter, synes godt om et indlæg på Twitter, retweete et indlæg på Twitter og tillade dataindsamling for direkte meddelelser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a YouTube account to use within Market Insights. You can use this account to: Comment on a YouTube video; Like or dislike a YouTube video or a YouTube video comment.",,"Tilføj en YouTube-konto, der skal bruges i Market Insights. Du kan bruge denne konto til følgende: kommentere en YouTube-video, synes godt om eller synes ikke godt om en YouTube-video eller en kommentar til en YouTube-video.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can't authorize this social profile due to the maximum number of application requests reached.",,"Denne sociale profil kan ikke godkendes, fordi det maksimale antal programanmodninger er nået.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook and Instagram acquisition",,"Facebook- og Instagram-indsamling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't given this social profile the required permissions: “%{socialProfileName}“. Please add this social profile again and provide the required permissions.",,""Du har ikke givet denne sociale profil de nødvendige tilladelser: ""%{socialProfileName}"". Tilføj denne sociale profil igen, og tildel de nødvendige tilladelser."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Acquisition",,"Indsamling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure that you want to delete the %{socialProfileName} social profile?",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil slette den sociale profil %{socialProfileName}?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Removing this profile will stop data acquisition. Are you sure that you want to delete the %{socialProfileName} social profile?",,"Hvis du fjerner profilen, stopper dataindsamlingen. Er du sikker på, at du vil slette den sociale profil %{socialProfileName}?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete Social Profile?",,"Vil du slette den sociale profil?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Removing this token will stop data acquisition. Are you sure that you want to delete the token?",,"Hvis du fjerner dette token, stopper dataindsamlingen. Er du sikker på, at du vil slette tokenet?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete Token?",,"Slet token?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Personalize",,"Tilpas",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Privacy notice",,"Meddelelse om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights connects to third-party services in order to retrieve the Social Content that you request, and to enable certain functionalities of the Service. In order to establish these connections, certain data may be shared with these external services. Please refer to the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=699489'>product technical documentation</a>",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights opretter forbindelse til tredjepartsservices for at hente det sociale indhold, du har anmodet om, og for at aktivere bestemte funktioner i servicen. For at kunne oprette forbindelse bliver visse data muligvis delt med disse eksterne services. Du kan finde flere oplysninger i den <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=699489'>tekniske dokumentation om produktet</a>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Privacy Statement",,"Erklæring om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Online Services Privacy Statement.",,"Erklæring om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger for Microsoft Online Services.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Private message",,"Privat meddelelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Private Messages",,"Private meddelelser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "© 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"© 2019 Microsoft Corporation. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Copyright information for this service.",,"Ophavsret for denne service.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profile Photo",,"Profilfoto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Content is loading...",,"Indhold indlæses...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Getting social profiles...",,"Henter sociale profiler...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tweet",,"Tweet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "colon",,"kolon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "hyphen",,"bindestreg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "period",,"punktum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "slash",,"skråstreg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Keywords rule",,"Nøgleordsregel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The keyword search rule allows you to set up a search query with keywords, inclusions, and exclusions, as well as choosing in which languages and on which sources to search. For example, if you use Microsoft, MSFT as keywords, and CRM as inclusions, you’ll get posts that contain Microsoft OR MSFT AND CRM.",,"Nøgleordssøgereglen gør det muligt at konfigurere en søgeforespørgsel med nøgleord, medtagelser og udelukkelser samt vælge, på hvilke sprog og på hvilke kilder der skal søges. Hvis du f.eks. bruger Microsoft, MSFT som nøgleord og CRM som medtagelse, får du vist indlæg, der indeholder Microsoft ELLER MSFT OG CRM.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The keyword search rule lets you set up a search query with keywords, inclusions, and exclusions, and choose which languages and sources to search. For example, if you use Microsoft, MSFT as keywords, and Dynamics 365 as inclusions, you’ll get posts that contain Microsoft OR MSFT AND Dynamics 365.",,"Nøgleordssøgereglen gør det muligt at konfigurere en søgeforespørgsel med nøgleord, medtagelser og udelukkelser samt vælge, hvilke sprog og hvilke kilder der skal søges på. Hvis du f.eks. bruger Microsoft, MSFT som nøgleord og Dynamics 365 som medtagelse, får du indlæg, der indeholder Microsoft ELLER MSFT OG Dynamics 365.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook page rule",,"Facebook-sideregel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The Facebook page rule allows you to capture all conversations on a public Facebook page. The conversations are captured regardless of any previously defined keyword search rule in the same search topic.",,"Facebook-sidereglen gør det muligt at registrere alle samtaler på en offentlig Facebook-side. Samtalerne registreres, uanset om der er en tidligere defineret nøgleordssøgeregel for det samme søgeemne.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter rule",,"Twitter-regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The Twitter rule allows you to track the conversations for a specific Twitter profile. The Twitter profiles are captured regardless of any previously set keyword search rule in the same topic.",,"Twitter-reglen gør det muligt at spore samtalerne for en bestemt Twitter-profil. Twitter-profilerne registreres, uanset om der tidligere er angivet nøgleordssøgeregel i det samme emne.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Private messages rule",,"Regel for private meddelelser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can acquire private messages from authenticated Twitter and Facebook Accounts when (i) a Facebook or Twitter Profile is authenticated on the Social Profiles page; and (ii) the acquisition of private messages has been enabled by the owner of the profile.",,"Du kan indsamle private meddelelser fra godkendte Twitter- og Facebook-konti, når (i) en Facebook- eller Twitter-profil er godkendt på siden Sociale profiler, og (ii) profilens ejer har aktiveret indsamling af private meddelelser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Instagram rule",,"Instagram-regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The Instagram rule allows you to track the posts and comments for a specific Instagram account. The posts and comments are captured regardless of any previously set keyword search rule in the same topic.",,"Instagram-reglen gør det muligt at spore indlæg og kommentarer for en bestemt Instagram-profil. Indlæggene og kommentarerne registreres, uanset om der tidligere er angivet nogen nøgleordssøgeregel i det samme emne.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "LinkedIn rule",,"LinkedIn-regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The LinkedIn rule allows you to track the posts and comments for a specific LinkedIn organization page. Posts and comments are captured regardless of any previously set keyword rule in the same topic.",,"LinkedIn-reglen giv dig mulighed for at spore indlæg og kommentarer til en bestemt LinkedIn-organisationsside. Indlæg og kommentarer registreres, uanset eventuelle tidligere angivne nøgleordsregler i det samme emne.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "YouTube rule",,"YouTube-regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The YouTube rule allows you to track the posts and comments for a specific YouTube channel. Posts and comments are captured regardless of any previously set keyword rule in the same topic.",,"YouTube-reglen giv dig mulighed for at spore indlæg og kommentarer til en bestemt YouTube-kanal. Indlæg og kommentarer registreres, uanset eventuelle tidligere angivne nøgleordsregler i det samme emne.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This social profile doesn't have the required permissions for this action. Please make sure you're using the correct social profile.",,"Denne sociale profil har ikke de påkrævede tilladelser for denne handling. Sørg for at bruge den rigtige sociale profil.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom sources rule",,"Regel for brugerdefinerede kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Gather all posts from a previously created group of custom sources without matching any keywords.",,"Indsaml alle indlæg fra en tidligere oprettet gruppe med brugerdefinerede kilder uden at matche nogen nøgleord.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom Sources.",,"Brugerdefinerede kilder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This name already exists in categories or search topics. Choose a different name.",,"Dette navn findes allerede i kategorier eller søgeemner. Vælg et andet navn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No results found.",,"Ingen resultater blev fundet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No groups found. Please change filter and try again.",,"Der blev ikke fundet nogen grupper. Skift filter, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No users selected",,"Der blev ingen brugere valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" """" and """",,"""" og """",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""results for ""%{searchTerms}"""",,""resultater for ""%{searchTerms}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Widgets",,"Widgets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See private messages",,"Se private meddelelser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select all",,"Vælg alle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select entity %{entityName}",,"Vælg objekt %{entityName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select user %{displayName}",,"Vælg bruger %{displayName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Selected",,"Valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Send email to %{emailAddress}",,"Send mail til %{emailAddress}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Share this stream with other users",,"Del denne strøm med andre brugere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Share with all users",,"Del med alle brugere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} User (Ownership %{ownership_count}) |||| %{smart_count} Users (Ownership %{ownership_count})",,"%{smart_count} Bruger (Ejerskab %{ownership_count}) |||| %{smart_count} Brugere (Ejerskab %{ownership_count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} User |||| %{smart_count} Users",,"%{smart_count} Bruger |||| %{smart_count} Brugere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Collapse navigation",,"Skjul navigation",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Expand navigation",,"Udvid navigation",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open navigation",,"Åbn navigation",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Value: ",,"Værdi: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Can't authenticate this page. The user needs to be one of the administrators of the page.",,"Denne side kan ikke godkendes. Brugeren skal være en af administratorerne af siden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Authenticate",,"Godkend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Before you can search for Twitter accounts, add a Twitter profile to your social profiles.",,"Når du vil søge efter Twitter-konti, skal du først føje en Twitter-profil til dine sociale profiler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Note",,"Bemærk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profile picture on %{sourceType}",,"Profilbillede på %{sourceType}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profile picture placeholder on %{sourceType}",,"Pladsholder for profilbillede på %{sourceType}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social profile valid",,"Social profil er gyldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social profile invalid",,"Social profil er ugyldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can't authorize this social profile due to the maximum number of application requests reached.",,"Dette sociale profil kan ikke godkendes, fordi det maksimale antal programanmodninger er nået.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Selling Assistant",,"Social Selling Assistant",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Solution %{solution_id}",,"Løsning %{solution_id}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sort column %{colName} in ascending order",,"Sorteringskolonne %{colName} i stigende rækkefølge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sort column %{colName} in descending order",,"Sorteringskolonne %{colName} i faldende rækkefølge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add one or two characters.",,"Tilføj et eller to tegn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This name already exists. Choose a different name and try again.",,"Dette navn findes allerede. Vælg et andet navn, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom source couldn't be saved",,"Brugerdefineret kilde blev ikke gemt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't added any custom sources to this group yet.",,"Du har ikke føjet nogen brugerdefinerede kilder til denne gruppe endnu.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To acquire posts from Facebook pages, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a Facebook user, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Hvis du vil hente indlæg fra Facebook-sider, skal du gå til <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sociale profiler</a>, godkende en Facebook-bruger og derefter tillade indsamlingen af Facebook-sider.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To acquire posts from Facebook pages, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a Facebook Acquisition profile, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Hvis du vil hente indlæg fra Facebook-sider, skal du gå til <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sociale profiler</a>, godkende en Facebook-hentningsprofil og derefter tillade hentningen af Facebook-sider. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data acquisition for this LinkedIn page has stopped because there is no longer a valid token for the LinkedIn Page. To restart data acquisition, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a> and re-authenticate the LinkedIn page profile.",,"Dataindsamlingen til denne LinkedIn-side er stoppet, fordi der ikke længere er et gyldigt token til LinkedIn-siden. Du kan starte dataindsamlingen igen ved at gå til <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sociale profiler</a> og godkende LinkedIn-sideprofilen igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To get ready for the new and faster Facebook data acquisition, authenticate your Facebook user profile in Social Profiles. Once you have authenticated your profile and we have enabled new data acquisition for your solution, we'll inform you by email. Authenticating a Facebook user profile gives you a valid access token, which is required to continue future data acquisition from Facebook pages. A token is usually valid for 60 days, and you’ll get reminders to take action when it's about to expire.",,"Du kan gøre dig klar til ny og hurtigere hentning af Facebook-data ved at godkende din Facebook-brugerprofil i Social Profiles (Sociale profiler). Når du har godkendt profilen, og vi har aktiveret den nye datahentningsfunktion for din løsning, sender vi dig en mail. Med en godkendt Facebook-brugerprofil har du et gyldigt adgangstoken, som du fremover skal bruge for at kunne hente data fra Facebook-sider. Et token gælder normalt i 60 dage, og du får påmindelser om, hvad du skal gøre, når det er ved at udløbe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To get ready for the new and faster Facebook data acquisition, authenticate your Facebook Acquisition profile in Social Profiles. Once you have authenticated your profile and we have enabled new data acquisition for your solution, we'll inform you by email. Authenticating a Facebook Acquisition profile gives you a valid access token, which is required to continue future data acquisition from Facebook pages. A token is usually valid for 60 days, and you’ll get reminders to take action when it's about to expire.",,"Du kan gøre dig klar til ny og hurtigere hentning af Facebook-data ved at godkende din Facebook-hentningsprofil i Sociale profiler. Når du har godkendt profilen, og vi har aktiveret den nye datahentningsfunktion for din løsning, sender vi dig en mail. Med en godkendt Facebook-hentningsprofil har du et gyldigt adgangstoken, som du fremover skal bruge for at kunne hente data fra Facebook-sider. Et token gælder normalt i 60 dage, og du får påmindelser om, hvad du skal gøre, når det er ved at udløbe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To get ready for the new and faster Facebook data acquisition, authenticate your Facebook user profile in <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>. Once you have authenticated your profile and we have enabled new data acquisition for your solution, we'll inform you by email.<br>Authenticating a Facebook user profile gives you a valid access token, which is required to continue future data acquisition from Facebook pages. A token is usually valid for 60 days, and you’ll get reminders to take action when it's about to expire.",,"Du kan gøre dig klar til ny og hurtigere hentning af Facebook-data ved at godkende din Facebook-brugerprofil i <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sociale profiler</a>. Når du har godkendt profilen, og vi har aktiveret den nye datahentningsfunktion for din løsning, sender vi dig en mail.<br>Med en godkendt Facebook-brugerprofil har du et gyldigt adgangstoken, som du fremover skal bruge for at kunne hente data fra Facebook-sider. Et token gælder normalt i 60 dage, og du får påmindelser om, hvad du skal gøre, når det er ved at udløbe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To get ready for the new and faster Facebook data acquisition, authenticate your Facebook Acquisition profile in <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>. Once you have authenticated your profile and we have enabled new data acquisition for your solution, we'll inform you by email.<br>Authenticating a Facebook Acquisition profile gives you a valid access token, which is required to continue future data acquisition from Facebook pages. A token is usually valid for 60 days, and you’ll get reminders to take action when it's about to expire.",,"Du kan gøre dig klar til ny og hurtigere hentning af Facebook-data ved at godkende din Facebook-hentningsprofil i <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sociale profiler</a>. Når du har godkendt profilen, og vi har aktiveret den nye datahentningsfunktion for din løsning, sender vi dig en mail.<br>Med en godkendt Facebook-hentningsprofil har du et gyldigt adgangstoken, som du fremover skal bruge for at kunne hente data fra Facebook-sider. Et token gælder normalt i 60 dage, og du får påmindelser om, hvad du skal gøre, når det er ved at udløbe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There is no valid Facebook user authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped. To start data acquisition for Facebook pages, go to Social Profiles, authenticate a Facebook user, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Der er ingen gyldig, godkendt Facebook-bruger i denne løsning, og hentning af data til Facebook-sider er stoppet. Du kan starte datahentning for Facebook-sider ved at gå til Social Profiles (Sociale profiler), godkende en Facebook-bruger og derefter tillade hentning af Facebook-sider.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There is no valid Facebook Acquisition profile authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped. To start data acquisition for Facebook pages, go to Social Profiles, authenticate a Facebook Acquisition profile, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Der er ikke godkendt nogen gyldig Facebook-hentningsprofil i denne løsning, og datahentning fra Facebook-sider er standset. Hvis du vil starte datahentning fra Facebook-sider, skal du gå til Sociale profiler, godkende en Facebook-hentningsprofil og derefter tillade hentningen af Facebook-sider. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There is no valid Facebook user authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped. To start data acquisition for Facebook pages, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a Facebook user, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Der er ingen gyldig, godkendt Facebook-bruger i denne løsning, og hentning af data til Facebook-sider er stoppet. Du kan starte datahentning for Facebook-sider ved at gå til <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sociale profiler</a>, godkende en Facebook-bruger og derefter tillade hentning af Facebook-sider.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There is no valid Facebook Acquisition profile authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped. To start data acquisition for Facebook pages, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a Facebook Acquisition profile, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Der er ikke godkendt nogen gyldig Facebook-hentningsprofil i denne løsning, og datahentning fra Facebook-sider er standset. Hvis du vil starte datahentning fra Facebook-sider, skal du gå til <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sociale profiler</a>, godkende en Facebook-hentningsprofil og derefter tillade hentningen af Facebook-sider. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Loading",,"Indlæser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Page is loading.",,"Side indlæses.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{subPageTitle} - %{pageTitle} - Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"%{subPageTitle} - %{pageTitle} - Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Off",,"Fra",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "On",,"Til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Table View",,"Tabelvisning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""View ""%{chart_name}"" as a table"",,""Vis ""%{chart_name}"" som en tabel"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sorting column ascending order",,"Sorterer kolonne i stigende rækkefølge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sorting column descending order",,"Sorterer kolonne i faldende rækkefølge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Action",,"Handling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "User",,"Bruger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Top authors",,"De vigtigste forfattere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automation rule statistics",,"Statistikker for automatiseringsregel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automation rules",,"Automatiseringsregler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All available entities",,"Alle tilgængelige objekter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Blocked domains",,"Blokerede domæner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Blocked keywords",,"Blokerede nøgleord",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Category",,"Kategori",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connection entity",,"Forbindelsesobjekt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connection",,"Forbindelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom tags",,"Brugerdefinerede mærker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Domain",,"Domæne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Event Hub",,"Event Hub",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Intention tags",,"Hensigtsmærker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Location group",,"Lokationsgruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Map pin",,"Kortnål",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota usage",,"Kvotebrug",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "RSS feeds",,"RSS-feeds",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search topic rules",,"Søgeemneregler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search topic",,"Søgeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sentiment of search terms.",,"Synspunkt af søgeord.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Smart tags history",,"Oversigt over i-mærker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social profile",,"Social profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom tag distribution",,"Distribution af brugerdefineret mærke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tag score",,"Mærke-score",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "time interval",,"tidsinterval",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{cellValue}. Select to filter by time interval and %{fieldName}=%{fieldValue}.",,"%{cellValue}. Vælg for at filtrere efter tidsinterval og %{fieldName}=%{fieldValue}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{cellValue}. Select to filter by %{filterField}.",,"%{cellValue}. Vælg for at filtrere efter %{filterField}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create new tag «%{tagname}»",,"Opret nyt mærke «%{tagname}»",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There was a conflict with the latest version. Please confirm again your changes.",,"Der var en konflikt med den nyeste version. Bekræft dine ændringer igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Updating the author failed. Please try again.",,"Opdatering af forfatter mislykkedes. Prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't find this tag. Please enter a valid tag.",,"Vi kunne ikke finde dette mærke. Angiv et gyldigt mærke.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post Tags and Intentions",,"Post mærker og intentioner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search tags",,"Søg efter mærker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rating type",,"Klassificeringstype",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Auto",,"Automatisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom",,"Brugerdefineret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tag type",,"Mærketype",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a tag",,"Tilføj et mærke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Added tag %{tagName}.",,"Mærket %{tagName} blev tilføjet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Auto Tag: %{string}",,"Automatisk mærke: %{string}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Close this pane.",,"Luk denne rude.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm this auto tag",,"Bekræft dette automatiske mærke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirmed",,"Bekræftet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom Tag: %{string}",,"Brugerdefineret mærke: %{string}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add or remove tags",,"Tilføj eller fjern mærker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove this tag",,"Fjern dette mærke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Removed tag %{tagName}.",,"Mærket %{tagName} blev fjernet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This didn't work. The tag is already added to this post.",,"Det fungerede ikke. Mærket er allerede føjet til dette indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "TAGS",,"MÆRKER",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tags:",,"Mærker:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "and %{smart_count} other |||| and %{smart_count} others",,"og %{smart_count} andre |||| og %{smart_count} andre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All rating types",,"Alle bedømmelsestyper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To add another one, remove an existing tag from the post.",,"Hvis du vil tilføje endnu et mærke, skal du fjerne et eksisterende mærke fra indlægget.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can add a maximum of %{number} tags to a post.",,"Du kan maksimalt tilføje %{number} mærker i et indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<strong>You can only add %{tags} tags to an author.</strong> To add a new tag, first remove another tag.",,"<strong>Du kan kun føje %{tags} mærker til en forfatter.</strong> Hvis du vil tilføje et nyt mærke, skal du først fjerne et andet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<strong>You can add only %{tags} tags to an author.</strong>",,"<strong>Du kan kun tilføje %{tags} mærker til en forfatter.</strong>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<strong>You can only add %{tags} tags to a post.</strong> To add a new tag, first remove another tag.",,"<strong>Du kan kun føje %{tags} mærker til et indlæg.</strong> Hvis du vil tilføje et nyt mærke, skal du først fjerne et andet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<a href=""https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about.html#terms"" title=""Third Party Social Content Terms of Service"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Third Party Social Content Terms of Service</a>."",,""<a href=""https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about.html#terms"" title=""Vilkår for brug af socialt indhold fra tredjepart"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Vilkår for brug af socialt indhold fra tredjepart</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<a href=""https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about_mse.html#terms"" title=""Third Party Social Content Terms of Service"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Third Party Social Content Terms of Service</a>."",,""<a href=""https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about_mse.html#terms"" title=""Vilkår for brug af socialt indhold fra tredjepart"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Vilkår for brug af socialt indhold fra tredjepart</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Time",,"Periode",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} day |||| %{smart_count} days",,"%{smart_count} dag |||| %{smart_count} dage",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "hr",,"t",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "min",,"min.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "mth",,"md.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "sec",,"sek.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "wk",,"uge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "yr",,"år",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom time frame",,"Brugerdefineret tidsramme",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Choose Custom Time Filter",,"Vælg brugerdefineret tidsfilter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "End date",,"Slutdato",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Month",,"Måned",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Start date",,"Startdato",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Today",,"I dag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Change time frame",,"Skift tidsramme",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Week",,"Uge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Daily",,"Dagligt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Hourly",,"Hver time",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Monthly",,"Månedligt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Weekly",,"Ugentligt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Market Insights",,"Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Show More",,"Vis flere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{likes} likes",,"%{likes} synes godt om",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{about} talking about",,"%{about} taler om",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""To add one, go to <a href=""%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}"">Social Profiles</a>."",,""Gå til <a href=""%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}"">Sociale profiler</a> for at tilføje en konto."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "followers",,"følgere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "following",,"følger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a> to see if the profile allows data acquisition or requires reauthentication.",,"Gå til <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sociale profiler</a> for at se, om profilen tillader dataindsamling eller kræver godkendelse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Retweets",,"Retweets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "tweets",,"tweets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Specify a name.",,"Angiv navn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select at least one source.",,"Vælg mindst én kilde.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "A term can't be longer than 128 characters.",,"Et ord må højst være på 128 tegn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please select a custom sources group and try again.",,"Vælg en gruppe med brugerdefinerede kilder, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter at least one keyword.",,"Angiv mindst ét nøgleord.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select a page and try again.",,"Vælg en side, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select at least one search language.",,"Vælg mindst ét søgesprog.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Keywords can't contain quotation marks.",,"Nøgleord må ikke indeholde anførselstegn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select a Facebook page or Twitter handle from your Social Accounts and try again.",,"Vælg en Facebook-side eller et Twitter-brugernavn fra dine sociale konti, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota estimation failed.",,"Kvoteestimering mislykkedes.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota estimation completed successfully. The results are displayed.",,"Kvoteestimering blev fuldført. Resultaterne vises.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota estimation is loading.",,"Kvoteestimering indlæses.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" """"%{ruleName}"" rule already exists in this search topic."",,""Reglen ""%{ruleName}"" findes allerede i dette søgeemne."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rule isn't valid",,"Reglen er ugyldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Selecting approximately \n%{posts} POSTS/MONTH",,"Valg af ca. \n%{posts} INDLÆG/MÅNED",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your configured rule will collect approximately %{posts} posts per month and exceeds your monthly post limit. Refine your rule to stay within your monthly post limit or add more post quota.",,"Din konfigurerede rolle indsamler ca. %{posts} indlæg om måneden og overstiger din månedlige indlægsgrænse. Juster din regel, så den holder sig inden for din månedlige indlægsgrænse, eller tilføj flere indlægskvoter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Exceeded quota",,"Overskredet kvote",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No hashtags were specified for Instagram. Enter a keyword prefixed with a hashtag (#).",,"Der var ikke angivet nogen hashtags til Instagram. Angiv et nøgleord med et foranstillet hashtag (#).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your configured rule will collect approximately %{posts} posts per month. You can save your search topic now.",,"Din konfigurerede regel indsamler ca. %{posts} indlæg om måneden. Du kan gemme dit søgeemne nu.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can save your search topic now.",,"Du kan gemme dit søgeemne nu.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Within quota",,"Inden for kvote",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your configured rule will collect approximately %{posts} posts per month. Your rule exceeds your monthly post limit. You can save your search topic now, but we advise you to monitor your quota regularly to avoid surpassing your monthly quota.",,"Din konfigurerede rolle indsamler ca. %{posts} indlæg om måneden. Din regel overstiger din månedlige indlægsgrænse. Du kan gemme dit søgeemne nu, men vi råder dig til regelmæssigt at overvåge din kvote for at undgå, at du overskrider din månedlige kvote.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Possible to exceed quota",,"Muligt at overskride kvote",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The search topic needs at least one search rule.",,"Søgeemnet kræver mindst én søgeregel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search topic couldn't be saved",,"Søgeemnet blev ikke gemt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search topic selection",,"Valg af søgeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select a twitter handle and at least one message type before trying again.",,"Vælg et Twitter-brugernavn og mindst én meddelelsestype, før du prøver igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The number of keywords exceeds the limit.",,"Antallet af nøgleord overskrider grænsen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select an organization page and try again.",,"Vælg en organisationsside, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select a channel or account and try again.",,"Vælg en kanal eller konto, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "subscribers",,"abonnenter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please try to provide authorization again.",,"Prøv at angive godkendelsesoplysningerne igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter authorization was not successful",,"Twitter-godkendelsen blev ikke gennemført",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Sign in to <a href=""#"" title=""%{linkTitle}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Twitter</a> to look up Twitter users."",,""Log på <a href=""#"" title=""%{linkTitle}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Twitter</a> for at søge efter Twitter-brugere."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Authenticate your Twitter profile.",,"Godkend din Twitter-profil.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unknown author",,"Ukendt forfatter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<strong>Note:</strong> There are unknown authors on Facebook posts and comments. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865514"">Learn more about unknown Facebook authors.</a>"",,""<strong>Bemærk!</strong> Der er ukendte forfattere på Facebook-indlæg og -kommentarer. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865514"">Få mere at vide om ukendte Facebook-forfattere.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There are unknown authors on Facebook posts and comments",,"Der er ukendt forfattere på Facebook-indlæg og -kommentarer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The action failed because this social profile doesn't have an admin role for this Facebook page. Please make sure you're using the correct social profile.",,"Handlingen mislykkedes, fordi denne sociale profil ikke har en administratorrolle til denne Facebook-side. Sørg for at bruge den rigtige sociale profil.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Video",,"Video",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posting this video failed because this Facebook page doesn't allow video posts. Please remove the video and try again.",,"Upload af denne video mislykkedes, fordi denne Facebook-side ikke tillader videoindlæg. Fjern videoen, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Fr",,"Fr",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Mo",,"Ma",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sa",,"Lø",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Su",,"Sø",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Th",,"To",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tu",,"Ti",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We",,"On",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Widget actions",,"Widget-handlinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Actions for the %{widget_name} widget.",,"Handlinger for widgetten %{widget_name}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Adding intentions to non-English posts is not supported",,"Tilføjelse af hensigter i indlæg, der ikke er engelske, understøttes ikke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "year",,"år",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Yes",,"Ja",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There is no valid YouTube account for this solution and data acquisition has stopped. Go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a YouTube account, and then allow data acquisition.",,"Der findes ingen gyldig YouTube-konto for denne løsning, og dataindsamlingen er stoppet. Gå til <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sociale profiler</a>, godkend en YouTube-konto, og tillad derefter dataindsamling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Arabic",,"arabisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bulgarian",,"bulgarsk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bosnian",,"bosnisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Catalan",,"catalansk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Czech",,"tjekkisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Danish",,"dansk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "German",,"tysk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Greek",,"græsk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "English",,"engelsk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Spanish",,"spansk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Estonian",,"estisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Basque",,"baskisk (baskisk)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Finnish",,"finsk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "French",,"fransk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Galician",,"galicisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Hindi",,"hindi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Croatian",,"kroatisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Hungarian",,"ungarsk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Indonesian",,"indonesisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Italian",,"italiensk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Hebrew",,"hebraisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Japanese",,"japansk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Kazakh",,"kasakhisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Korean",,"koreansk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Lithuanian",,"litauisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Latvian",,"lettisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dutch",,"hollandsk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Norwegian",,"norsk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Polish",,"polsk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Portuguese",,"portugisisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Portuguese Brazil",,"portugisisk (Brasilien)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Romanian",,"rumænsk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Russian",,"russisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Slovak",,"slovakisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Slovenian",,"slovensk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Serbian",,"serbisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Swedish",,"svensk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Thai",,"thai",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Turkish",,"tyrkisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Ukrainian",,"ukrainsk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Chinese (Traditional)",,"kinesisk (traditionelt)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Chinese Simplified",,"kinesisk (forenklet)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Chinese Hong Kong",,"kinesisk (SAR Hongkong)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Chinese Traditional",,"kinesisk (traditionelt)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about.html",,"https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about.html",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about_mse.html",,"https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about_mse.html",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add %{item}",,"Tilføj %{item}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter a topic, keyword or brand",,"Angiv et emne, nøgleord eller mærke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search Term",,"Søgeord",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All posts",,"Alle indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All private messages",,"Alle private meddelelser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Display name",,"Visningsnavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Export personal data for this author",,"Eksportér personlige data for denne forfatter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Full name",,"Fulde navn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "N/A",,"I/T",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Info",,"Oplysninger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{list_of_filters} account query",,"%{list_of_filters} kontoforespørgsel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{list_of_filters} for %{author_name}",,"%{list_of_filters} til %{author_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Value",,"Værdi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Summary",,"Oversigt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profile picture large",,"Stort profilbillede",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Brand name: <strong>%{brand}</strong>",,"Varemærkenavn: <strong>%{brand}</strong>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Are you sure you want to discard your input? We would like to understand what made you cancel this setup experience: <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=874754"">Please provide your feedback on this insider portal feedback form</a>"",,""Er du sikker på, at du vil slette dit input? Vi vil gerne vide, hvad der fik dig til at annullere denne installation: <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=874754"">Giv din feedback i denne feedbackformular i insiderportalen</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""By clicking ""Done"" you finalize this search. This means we will start acquiring social data for your brand name. You will have a chance to edit the search rules created by this to improve the quality of the social data in ""Search Setup""."",,""Ved at klikke på ""Udført"" afslutter du denne søgning. Dette betyder, at vi vil begynde at indsamle sociale data for dit varemærkenavn. Du får mulighed for at redigere de søgeregler, der er oprettet herved for at forbedre kvaliteten af de sociale data i ""Søgekonfiguration""."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Projected monthly social posts: %{num}",,"Forventede månedlige sociale indlæg: %{num}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Expected volume",,"Forventet drev",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Brand, keyword, or topic",,"Mærke, nøgleord eller emne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Brand name to search for",,"Varemærkenavn, der skal søges efter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Just so you know",,"Bare så du ved det",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To get you started quickly, simply tell us your brand's most common name. We will use that input to build search rules. Those rules will include common social media semantics like #-hashtags and different spellings.",,"Du kan komme hurtigt i gang ved blot at fortælle os dit mest almindelige varemærkenavn. Vi bruger dette input til at opbygge søgeregler. Disse regler omfatter almindelig semantik til sociale medier som f.eks. #-hashtags og forskellige stavemåder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""You will see the example of results based on those search rules as a list of Tweets. Have a look at those examples and if their content is relevant for your brand, then confirm by activating the button ""next"". If not all of those tweets match your brand, then you will have a chance to improve the rules after the initial setup. To do so, you will navigate to ""Search Setup""."",,""Du får vist et eksempel på resultater på baggrund af disse søgeregler som en liste over tweets. Se disse eksempler igennem, og hvis deres indhold er relevant for dit varemærke, skal du bekræfte ved at aktivere knappen ""næste"". Hvis ikke alle disse tweets svarer til dit varemærke, får du mulighed for at forbedre reglerne efter den første installation. For at gøre dette skal du gå til ""Søgekonfiguration""."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "What are people saying?",,"Hvad siger folk?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Languages to search in",,"Sprog, der skal søges i",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post preview",,"Indlægseksempel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please wait while we are loading your tweets, this might take a moment",,"Vent, mens vi indlæser din tweets, det kan tage et øjeblik",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a brand name to view example tweets",,"Tilføj et varemærkenavn for at få vist eksempler på tweets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There were no exact matches. Check the spelling or try another term.",,"Der var ikke nogen nøjagtige matches. Kontrollér stavningen, eller prøv et andet udtryk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Oops. Something went wrong, we were unable to retrieve the data from Twitter. Please try again in a moment.",,"Noget gik galt. Det var ikke muligt at hente dataene fra Twitter. Prøv igen om lidt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Here’s what we found",,"Her kan du se, hvad vi fandt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Previous",,"Forrige",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This search can't be completed - it would put you %{num} over your plan's monthly allocation of %{quota} results.",,"Denne søgning kan ikke fuldføres. Du ville overskride din plans månedlige tildeling på %{quota} resultater med %{num}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Your solution is expected to stay in its monthly quota limit of %{quota} posts. <a class=""%{className}"" href=""#"">Learn more about monthly quota and how to increase it.</a>"",,""Løsningen forventes at forblive inden for den månedlige kvotegrænse på %{quota} indlæg. <a class=""%{className}"" href=""#"">Få mere at vide om den månedlige kvote, og hvordan du øger den.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Just one thing first ...",,"Lige én ting først...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota Check",,"Kvotekontrol",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This search will likely max out your monthly quota. Change the search terms for fewer results, update your plan, or choose Continue anyway.",,"Denne søgning vil sandsynligvis opbruge din månedlige maksimumkvote. Rediger søgeordene for at få færre resultater, opdater din plan, eller vælg Fortsæt alligevel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Step %{step}/%{numSteps}",,"Trin %{step}/%{numSteps}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Brand",,"Mærke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your Brand Search",,"Din søgning efter varemærke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Slide %{currentSlide} of %{totalSlides}",,"Dias %{currentSlide} af %{totalSlides}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bing search trends",,"Bing Search-tendenser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Done",,"Udført",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There’s no available data. Change your search or filters.",,"Der er ingen tilgængelige data. Rediger din søgning eller dine filtre.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No data is available. Try changing your search topic or the time frame.",,"Der er ingen tilgængelige data. Prøv at ændre dit søgeemne eller tidsrammen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Export",,"Eksportér",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Document ID",,"Dokument-id",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "ID: %{docid}",,"Id: %{docid}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Analytics onboarding",,"Onboarding i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "represents the charts and widgets",,"viser diagrammer og widgets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Analytics charts and widgets",,"Diagrammer og widgets i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""You'll find a set of charts in Analytics, such as the ""Sentiment"" widget which shows the public perception, or the ""Authors"" widget which lists potential influencers for your brand."",,""Du finder et sæt diagrammer i Analyse, som f.eks. ""Synspunkt"", der viser offentlighedens opfattelse eller ""Forfattere"", der viser potentielle personer med indflydelse for dit varemærke."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get insights about your brand.",,"Få indsigt i dit varemærke.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "represents how to add visual filters",,"viser, hvordan du tilføjer visuelle filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Using filters",,"Brug af filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Select clickable areas of charts to add more filters. Additionally, you can edit the filters in the ""Add filter"" dialog."",,""Vælg klikbare områder i diagrammer for at tilføje flere filtre. Du kan desuden redigere filtrene i dialogboksen ""Tilføj filter""."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Apply filters to change your data set.",,"Anvend filtre for at ændre datasættet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "represents the post layout",,"viser layout for indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social posts",,"Sociale indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Select ""Posts"" on the right-hand side of the screen to see the chronological list of posts."",,""Vælg ""Indlæg"" i højre side af skærmbilledet for at se den kronologiske liste over indlæg."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Read social media posts matching your data set.",,"Læs indlæg i sociale medier, der svarer til dit datasæt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "represents the analytics layout",,"viser layout for analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Brand and data set",,"Varemærke og datasæt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You'll find your brand in the upper-left corner. In the upper-right corner you can change the time frame for your analysis. Your selection determines which data is shown in the charts.",,"Du kan finde dit varemærke i øverste venstre hjørne. I det øverste højre hjørne kan du ændre tidsrammen for din analyse. Dit valg afgør, hvilke data, der vises i diagrammerne.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Work in the Analytics area and change your data set.",,"Arbejd i området Analyse, og ændr dit datasæt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You need a valid, authenticated Facebook Instagram acquisition profile to enable data acquisition for Facebook pages and Instagram. To do this, go to Social Profiles, then authenticate a Facebook & Instagram acquisition profile.",,"Du skal have en gyldig, godkendt Facebook- og Instagram-indsamlingsprofil for at kunne aktivere dataindsamling for Facebook-sider og Instagram. Dette gør du ved at gå til Sociale profiler, og derefter godkende en Facebook- og Instagram-indsamlingsprofil.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You only have one Facebook Instagram acquisition profile allowing data acquisition for Facebook pages and Instagram. We recommend you add additional Facebook & Instagram acquisition profiles for more stable data acquisition.",,"Du har kun én Facebook- og Instagram-indsamlingsprofil, der tillader dataindsamling fra Facebook-sider og Instagram. Vi anbefaler, at du tilføjer flere Facebook- og Instagram-indsamlingsprofiler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402188",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402188",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524261",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524261",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402180",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402180",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524260",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524260",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402182",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402182",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402176",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402176",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526484",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526484",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526481",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526481",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524263",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524263",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389040",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389040",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389038",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389038",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526486",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526486",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526480",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526480",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402194",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402194",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526483",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526483",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=627197",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=627197",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402192",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402192",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526482",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526482",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=691176",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=691176",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=724275",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=724275",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402191",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402191",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524264",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524264",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402190",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402190",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402196",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402196",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526488",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526488",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526485",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526485",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Existing search rules for Instagram accounts don’t acquire any data. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=872510"">Learn more about the recent changes for Instagram.</a>"",,""Eksisterende søgeregler for Instagram-konti indsamler ingen data. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=872510"">Få mere at vide om de seneste ændringer til Instagram.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Languages: <span class=""%{className}"">%{count}/%{total}</span>"",,""Sprog: <span class=""%{className}"">%{count}/%{total}</span>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Language: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language}</span>"",,""Sprog: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language}</span>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Languages: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language1} and %{language2}</span>"",,""Sprog: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language1} og %{language2}</span>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Languages: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language1}, %{language2}, and %{language3}</span>"",,""Sprog: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language1}, %{language2} og %{language3}</span>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This action is not supported by your browser. If you are using Private Browsing or Incognito mode then try again from a normal session.",,"Denne handling understøttes ikke af din browser. Hvis du bruger private browservinduer eller inkognitotilstand, skal du prøve igen fra en normal session.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Page menu",,"Sidemenu",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Next",,"Næste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post preview is loading.",,"Indlæser eksempel på indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post preview is now shown.",,"Eksempel på indlæg vises nu.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=389041",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=389041",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{percent}% completed",,"%{percent}% er fuldført",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove %{item}",,"Fjern %{item}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Score",,"Score",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{source} sentiment index: %{sentiment_index}",,"%{source}-synspunktsindeks: %{sentiment_index}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Access to Market Insights for your organization is now managed by your IT admin, including your role and all associated data and settings. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2012683"">Learn more about admin takeover</a>."",,""Adgangen til Market Insights for din organisation, herunder din rolle og alle tilknyttede data og indstillinger, administreres nu af din it-administrator. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2012683"">Få mere at vide om administratorovertagelse</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Account update",,"Opdatering af firma",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Keyword rules for Instagram have been discontinued; please remove Instagram as a source. This also means you won't be able to see any previously acquired Instagram posts for this rule.",,"Nøgleordsregler for Instagram er stoppet. Fjern Instagram som en kilde. Det betyder også, at du vil ikke kunne se nogen tidligere indsamlede Instagram-indlæg for denne regel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Like",,"Synes godt om",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Retweet",,"Retweet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Like |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Likes",,"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Synes godt om |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Synes godt om",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Retweet |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Retweets",,"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Retweet |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Retweets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Contact us",,"Kontakt os",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get info as it happens",,"Få info, mens det sker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Broaden your insights",,"Udvid din indsigt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add another brand or keyword",,"Tilføj et andet mærke eller nøgleord",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Don't miss anything",,"Gå ikke glip af noget",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Have a good idea?",,"Har du en god ide?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<a class=""%{className}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2014059"">Share your idea in the forum</a>"",,""<a class=""%{className}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2014059"">Del din ide i forummet</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<a class=""%{className}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389040"">Talk to support</a>"",,""<a class=""%{className}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389040"">Tal med support</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Need a little help?",,"Har du brug for hjælp?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We’re sorry, but you aren’t allowed to access Social Engagement for the requested customerorganization. Contact your customer organization’s system administrator to ensure you havethe appropriate Delegated Administration access.",,"Vi beklager, men du har ikke tilladelse til at få adgang til Social Engagement for den anmodede kundeorganisation. Kontakt kundeorganisationens systemadministrator for at være sikker på, at du har den nødvendige stedfortræderadministratoradgang.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Access denied",,"Adgang nægtet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Social Engagement | Access denied",,"Microsoft Social Engagement | Adgang nægtet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""We’re sorry, but the customer organization you’re trying to access doesn’t have aSocial Engagement solution. If you recently provisioned Social Engagement, please try againlater because we might still be setting it up. Otherwise, please<a href=""http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=614975"" target=""_blank"">request or purchase aSocial Engagement subscription for this customer organization</a>."",,""Vi beklager, men den kundeorganisation, du prøver at få adgang til, har ikke en Social Engagement-løsning. Hvis du har klargjort Social Engagement for nylig, bedes du prøve igen senere, da vi muligvis stadig er i gang med at konfigurere det. Du kan også <a href=""http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=614975"" target=""_blank"">anmode om eller købe et abonnement på Social Engagement til denne kundeorganisation</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Solution not found",,"Løsningen blev ikke fundet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Social Engagement | Solution not found",,"Microsoft Social Engagement | Løsningen blev ikke fundet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2019485"">Explore Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights</a>."",,""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2019485"">Udforsk Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 paid and trial subscriptions obtained on or after January 16, 2019 do not include access to Microsoft Social Engagement.",,"Betalte Dynamics 365-abonnementer og prøveabonnementer, der er erhvervet den 16. januar 2019 eller senere omfatte ikke adgang til Microsoft Social Engagement.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "However, if you are interested in developing a deeper understanding of what your target audience is saying, feeling, and searching for, check out Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. This powerful business app analyzes social and web data, applying AI to deliver insights about your customers, brands, and competitors.",,"Men hvis du er interesseret i at få en dybere forståelse af, hvad din målgruppe siger, føler og søger efter, bør du tjekke Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Denne effektive forretningsapp analyserer sociale data og webdata ved anvendelse af AI til at levere indsigt om dine kunder, mærker og konkurrenter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Social Engagement is no longer available.",,"Microsoft Social Engagement er ikke længere tilgængelig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To prevent your solution from exceeding the quota in the future, we recommend you do the following:",,"For at undgå, at din løsning fremover overskrider kvoten, anbefaler vi, at du gør følgende:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The data acquisition for your solution was stopped because your search topics yielded more results than your post quota allows.",,"Dataindsamlingen for din løsning blev stoppet, fordi dine søgeemner gav flere resultater, end det er tilladt i forhold til din postkvote.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Data acquisition of your solution restarted",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Dataindsamling for din løsning blev genstartet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The data acquisition of your Market Insights solution {1} restarted on {2}. ",,"Dataindsamlingen for din Market Insights-løsning {1} genstartede den {2}. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Increase your monthly limit of posts for your solution by buying additional packages in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365 admin center</a>."",,""Øg din månedlige indlægsgrænse for din løsning ved at købe flere pakker i <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365-administrationen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Review your quota and edit or delete search topics or Facebook pages that you added to your sources to reduce the number of acquired posts.",,"Gennemse din kvote, og rediger eller slet søgeemner eller Facebook-sider, du har føjet til dine kilder, for at reducere antallet af indsamlede indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your Market Insights solution {1} exceeded the limits on number of posts per month. ",,"Din Market Insights-løsning {1} overskred grænsen for antal indlæg pr. måned. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data acquisition stopped on:",,"Dataindsamling stoppet den:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The data acquisition was automatically stopped for the rest of this month. ",,"Dataindsamlingen blev automatisk stoppet for resten af måneden. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Note that the data acquisition for your solution will restart automatically on the first day of the next month.",,"Bemærk, at dataindsamlingen for din løsning automatisk starter den første dag i den følgende måned.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""You can restart the data acquisition of your solution immediately by buying additional packages in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365 admin center</a>. "",,""Du kan genstarte dataindsamlingen for din løsning med det samme ved at købe flere pakker i <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365-administrationen</a>. "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Data acquisition of your solution stopped",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Dataindsamling for din løsning blev stoppet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""We recommend that you increase your solution's monthly post limit by buying additional packages in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365 admin center</a>. "",,""Vi anbefaler, at du øger den månedlige indlægsgrænse for din løsning ved at købe flere pakker i <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365-administrationen</a>. "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Alternatively, you can edit or delete search topics to reduce the number of acquired. Posts that you've already acquired still count towards your quota limit for this month. ",,"Du kan også redigere eller slette søgeemner for at reducere, hvor meget der indsamles. Allerede indsamlede indlæg tæller stadig i forhold til din kvotegrænse for denne måned. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Your solution will probably exceed the monthly post limit",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Din løsning vil formentlig overskride den månedlige indlægsgrænse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your Market Insights solution {1} will probably exceed your monthly post limit in the next few days.",,"Din Market Insights-løsning {1} vil formentlig overskride grænsen for dine månedlige indlæg inden for de nærmeste dage.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please take immediate action. Your solution will stop acquiring new posts after {1} if your quota has been reached, or as soon as {0} posts have been acquired. Note that missed posts can''t be acquired retroactively.",,"Gør noget med det samme. Din løsning stopper med at indsamle nye poster efter {1}, hvis din kvote er opbrugt, eller så snart der er indsamlet {0} indlæg. Bemærk, at mistede indlæg ikke kan indsamles med tilbagevirkende kraft.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution {0} might exceed your monthly post limit.",,"Din Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-løsning {0} kommer muligvis til at overskride grænsen for dine månedlige indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This is an automated message from the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution: {1}.",,"Dette er en automatisk meddelelse fra følgende Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-løsning: {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dear {1}",,"Hej {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "A user has been removed from your solution. To keep the data complete and existing alerts active, we removed the ownership of the following search topics:",,"Der er blevet fjernet en bruger fra din løsning. Vi har fjernet ejerskabet for følgende søgeemner for at sikre, at dataene er fuldstændige, og at de eksisterende vigtige beskeder er aktive:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Removal of search topic ownership",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Fjernelse af ejerskab til søgeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Current health status of your solution",,"Aktuel tilstand af din løsning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Alternatively, you can edit or delete search topics to reduce the number of posts. Posts that you've already acquired still count towards your quota limit for this month. ",,"Du kan også redigere eller slette søgeemner for at reducere antallet af indlæg. Allerede indsamlede indlæg tæller stadig i forhold til din kvotegrænse for denne måned. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We'll inform you again if your Market Insights solution reaches a critical limit on the number of posts. ",,"Vi giver dig besked igen, hvis din Market Insights-løsning når et kritisk niveau i forhold til antal indlæg. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Note that you can increase your monthly post limit for your solution by buying additional packages in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365 admin center</a>. "",,""Bemærk, at du kan øge din månedlige indlægsgrænse for din løsning ved at købe flere pakker i <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365-administrationen</a>. "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Monitor your quota on Settings > Search Setup.",,"Overvåg din kvote under Indstillinger > Søgekonfiguration.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Number of posts acquired this month:",,"Antal indlæg, der er indsamlet i denne måned:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Expected number of posts for the month:",,"Forventet antal indlæg for måneden:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota limit per month:",,"Kvotegrænse pr. måned:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Your solution {0} might exceed the monthly post limit",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Din løsning {0} kommer muligvis til at overskride grænsen for månedlige indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This email was sent by an automated system. ©2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"Denne mail blev afsendt af et automatiseret system. ©2019 Microsoft Corporation. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Hello,",,"Hej",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights is part of your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional subscription only if you have at least 10 licenses.",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights indgår kun i dit Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional-abonnement, hvis du har mindst 10 licenser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You need 10 or more licenses to get Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights as part of your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional subscription.",,"Du skal have mindst 10 licenser for at få Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights som en del af dit Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional-abonnement.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your organization must be in a country/region where Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights is currently supported.",,"Din organisation skal være i et land/område, hvor Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights understøttes i øjeblikket.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We’re sorry, but we can’t process your recent Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights add-on purchase as you don’t yet have a Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution set up. Before we can set up your solution, you have to meet the following criteria:",,"Vi beklager, men vi kan ikke behandle dit nuværende tillægskøb på Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights, fordi du endnu ikke har en konfigureret Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-løsning. Når vi skal konfigurere din løsning, skal du overholde følgende kriterier:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "For more information about eligibility criteria and additional purchasing options, please see <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics CRM pricing and licensing</a>. Please note that Dynamics CRM trials aren't eligible for Market Insights",,"Du kan få flere oplysninger om kriterier for berettigelse og muligheder for flere køb under <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics CRM-prissætning og -licenser</a>. Bemærk, at Dynamics CRM-prøveversioner ikke er berettigede til Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "For more information about eligibility criteria and additional purchasing options, please see <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics CRM pricing and licensing</a>. Please note that trial versions aren't eligible for Market Insights",,"Du kan få flere oplysninger om kriterier for berettigelse og muligheder for flere køb under <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics CRM-prissætning og -licenser</a>. Bemærk, at prøveversioner ikke er berettigede til Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please reach out to your Partner or your Microsoft Account team for further action regarding this purchase.",,"Kontakt din samarbejdspartner eller dit Microsoft-kontoteam, hvis der skal gøres yderligere i forhold til dette køb.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Alert: Unable to process your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights add-on purchase",,"Vigtig besked: Dit tillægskøb på Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights blev ikke behandlet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Thank you,",,"Med venlig hilsen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The Market Insights team",,"Market Insights-teamet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You are getting this notification as the owner of the following alert: {0}. All recipients of this alert have been removed and the alert has been set to inactive. To reactivate it, edit the alert in your Market Insights solution.",,"Du får denne meddelelse som ejer af følgende vigtige besked: {0}. Alle modtagere af denne vigtige besked er blevet fjernet, og beskeden er indstillet til inaktiv. Hvis du vil aktivere beskeden igen, skal du redigere den i din Market Insights-løsning.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Alert deactivated for: {0}",,"Vigtig besked deaktiveret for: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Alert {0} deactivated",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Den vigtige besked {0} blev deaktiveret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Post alert: ""{0}"""",,""Besked om indlæg: ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""If you don''t want to receive this alert, contact <a href=""{2}"" <target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">the owner of this alert {1}<a/>."",,""Hvis du ikke ønsker at modtage denne vigtige besked, skal du kontakte <a href=""{2}"" <target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">ejeren af denne vigtige besked {1}<a/>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""This alert was triggered by <a href=""{2}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution {1}</a>"",,""Denne vigtige besked blev udløst af <a href=""{2}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-løsningen {1}</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "posts found",,"indlæg fundet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Post Alert ""{0}"": {1} posts"",,""Besked om Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-indlæg ""{0}"": {1} indlæg"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The {0} category has been deleted.",,"Kategorien {0} er blevet slettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Category deleted for: {0}",,"Kategori blev slettet for: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Category {0} deleted",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Kategorien {0} blev slettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The {0} category has been renamed to {1}.",,"Kategorien {0} blev omdøbt til {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Category renamed for: {0}",,"Kategori blev omdøbt for: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Category {0} renamed",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Kategorien {0} blev omdøbt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""To understand alert mails and how they are triggered, <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=860345"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">go to the alert documentation</a>."",,""Hvis du vil forstå mails med vigtige beskeder, og hvordan de udløses, <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=860345"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">skal du gå til dokumentationen for vigtige beskeder</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Print Media",,"Printmedier",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "RSS",,"RSS",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Web",,"Web",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"2019 Microsoft Corporation. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You are currently subscribed as:",,"Du har i øjeblikket et abonnement som:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Translation Guide",,"Oversættelsesvejledning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Domain: ",,"Domæne: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This email was sent by an automated system.",,"Denne mail er genereret automatisk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See posts for this alert in Analytics",,"Se indlæg for denne vigtige besked i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""This is an automated message from the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution: <a href=""{1}"">{0}</a>"",,""Dette er en automatisk meddelelse fra følgende Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-løsning: <a href=""{1}"">{0}</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft logo",,"Microsoft-logo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights logo",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-logo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This is an automated message from the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution: {0}",,"Dette er en automatisk meddelelse fra følgende Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-løsning: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Organization: ",,"Organisation: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Privacy statement",,"Erklæring om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This is an automated notification.",,"Det er en automatisk meddelelse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dear Administrators,",,"Kære administratorer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dear {0},",,"Hej {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unknown sentiment",,"Ukendt synspunkt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Learn more about admin takeover",,"Få mere at vide om administratorovertagelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2012683",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2012683",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""We couldn’t execute the action ""{0}"" in your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution <a href=""{2}"">{1}</a> for the following automation rules:"",,""Handlingen ""{0}"" kan ikke udføres i din Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-løsning <a href=""{2}"">{1}</a> for følgende automatiseringsregler:"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""More information about what you can do to resolve this is available in the <a href=""{0}"">technical documentation</a>.<br/>For further assistance, please contact <a href=""{1}"">customer support</a>, referencing tracking id: {2}<br/><br/>If you don’t want to receive these notifications, you can turn them off in <a href=""{3}"">Settings > Automation Rules</a>."",,""Du kan finde flere oplysninger om, hvad du kan gøre for at løse dette problem, i den <a href=""{0}"">tekniske dokumentation</a>.<br/>Hvis du har brug for yderligere hjælp, kan du kontakte vores <a href=""{1}"">kundesupport</a> og angive sporings-id: {2}<br/><br/>Hvis du ikke ønsker at modtage disse meddelelser, kan du fravælge det i <a href=""{3}"">Indstillinger > Automatiseringsregler</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Market Insights can’t connect to the configured service to execute the action. Please verify the CRM connection: ""{0}"""",,""Market Insights kan ikke oprette forbindelse til den konfigurerede tjeneste for at udføre handlingen. Kontrollér CRM-forbindelsen: ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Market Insights can’t connect to the configured service to execute the action. Please verify the Dynamics 365 connection: ""{0}"""",,""Market Insights kan ikke oprette forbindelse til den konfigurerede tjeneste for at udføre handlingen. Kontrollér Dynamics 365-forbindelsen: ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Market Insights can’t connect to the configured service to execute the action. Please verify the Event Hubs connection: ""{0}"""",,""Market Insights kan ikke oprette forbindelse til den konfigurerede tjeneste for at udføre handlingen. Kontrollér Event Hubs-forbindelsen: ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We reached the limit on the number of posts we can execute this action on. This happens when there’s an unusually high volume of posts matching the automation rules in a short period of time. Please check your settings to investigate this further.",,"Grænsen for antallet af indlæg, som denne handling kan udføres på, er nået. Dette sker, når der er usædvanligt mange indlæg, der stemmer overens med automatiseringsreglerne i løbet af et kort tidsrum. Kontrollér dine indstillinger for at undersøge det nærmere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This can happen due to the following reasons:",,"Dette problem kan ske af følgende årsager:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Execution of {0} action failed in one or more automation rules",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Kørsel af handlingen {0} mislykkedes i en eller flere automatiseringsregler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "For product details, go to the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=391741' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics 365 Documentation site</a>.",,"Du kan få oplysninger om produktet ved at gå til <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=391741' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics 365 webstedet Dokumentation</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "For product details, go to the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=391741' target_blank'>Dynamics 365 release preview page</a> or the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=826016' target_blank'>Dynamics 365 Roadmap</a>.",,"Du kan få flere oplysninger om produktdetaljer ved at gå til eksempelsiden for <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=391741' target_blank'>Dynamics 365-versionen</a> eller <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=826016' target_blank'>Dynamics 365-oversigten</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To plan for using this new solution, go to the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=391742' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Get started page</a>.",,"Gå til <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=391742' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>siden Bliv klar</a> for at planlægge, hvordan du kan bruge denne nye løsning.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Learn about the languages and translations that Market Insights supports in the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=391086' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Translation Guide</a>.",,"Få mere at vide om sprog og oversættelser, som Market Insights understøtter, i <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=391086' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Oversættelsesvejledning</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Learn more about <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=392751' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>social CRM</a>.",,"Få mere at vide om <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=392751' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>socialt CRM</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Learn more about <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=392751' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>social for everyone</a>.",,"Få mere at vide om <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=392751' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>socialt til alle</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get help in the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=394325' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Help Training site</a>.",,"Få hjælp på webstedet <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=394325' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Hjælp og undervisning</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Assign Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights licenses to users in your organization and start listening to the social web!",,"Tildel Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-licenser til brugere i din organisation, og kom i gang med at lytte til det sociale web!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Prepare for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Forbered dig på Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We are thrilled to let you know that you are now eligible to get Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights at no additional subscription charge, as part of your Dynamics CRM subscription.",,"Det er med stor fornøjelse, at vi kan fortælle dig, at du nu er berettiget til at få Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights som en del af dit Dynamics CRM-abonnement uden at skulle betale et ekstra abonnementsgebyr.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're thrilled to let you know that you’re now eligible to get Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights at no additional subscription charge, as part of your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online subscription.",,"Det er med stor fornøjelse, at vi kan fortælle dig, at du nu er berettiget til at få Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights som del af dit Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online-abonnement uden at skulle betale et ekstra abonnementsgebyr.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To get started, assign Market Insights licenses to one or more users in your organization and we will set up your solution right away.",,"Du kan komme i gang ved at tildele Market Insights-licenser til en eller flere brugere i din organisation, så konfigurerer vi din løsning med det samme.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to your Partner or your Microsoft Account team.",,"Hvis du har spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte din samarbejdspartner eller dit Microsoft-kontoteam.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You are now eligible to get Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights!",,"Du er nu berettiget til at få Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights is part of your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional subscription only if you have 10 or more licenses.",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights indgår kun i dit Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional-abonnement, hvis du har mindst 10 licenser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We’re sorry, but you don’t yet meet the eligibility criteria to add Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights to your subscription. There are a few eligibility requirements:",,"Vi beklager, men du opfylder ikke de kriterier, der berettiger dig til at føje Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights til dit abonnement. Der er følgende berettigelseskrav:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "For more information about eligibility criteria and additional purchasing options, go to <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics 365 pricing and licensing</a>. Please note that trial versions aren't eligible for Market Insights.",,"Du kan få flere oplysninger om kriterier for berettigelse og muligheder for flere køb ved at gå til <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics 365-prissætning og -licenser</a>. Bemærk, at prøveversioner ikke er berettigede til Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You are not yet eligible for a Market Insights solution",,"Du er ikke berettiget til en Market Insights-løsning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The {0} location group has been removed by {1}.",,"Lokationsgruppen {0} er blevet fjernet af {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "If you have questions, please contact {0}.",,"Hvis du har spørgsmål, kan du kontakte {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""To reactivate your alert or update its configuration go to <a href=""{0}"">Your Alerts</a>."",,""Du kan genaktivere din vigtige besked eller opdatere dens konfiguration ved at gå til <a href=""{0}"">Dine vigtige beskeder</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "{0} was used as a filter in your {1} alert but isn't available anymore. We have set your alert to inactive.",,"{0} blev brugt som et filter i din vigtige besked {1}, men er ikke længere tilgængelig. Vi har angivet din vigtige besked til at være inaktiv.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your {0} alert has been deactivated",,"Din vigtige besked {0} er blevet deaktiveret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Approve or deny</a>"",,""<a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Godkend eller afvis</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""{0} wants permission to use <a href=""{1}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Market Insights solution {2}</a>."",,""{0} ønsker tilladelse til at bruge <a href=""{1}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Market Insights-løsningen {2}</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sign in to approve or deny their request.",,"Log på for at godkende eller afvise anmodningen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Access Request",,"Anmodning om adgang",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "{2} posts have been acquired for solution {0} so far this month, but it's quota is limited to {1}.",,"{2} indlæg er indtil videre blevet indsamlet til løsningen {0} i denne måned, men dens kvote er begrænset {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Critical: quota of solution {0} exceeded",,"Kritisk: Kvoten for løsningen {0} er overskredet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Warning: post quota of solution {0} almost reached",,"Advarsel: Indlægskvoten for løsningen {0} er næsten nået",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your user role has changed in the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution: {0}",,"Din brugerrolle blev ændret i følgende Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-løsning: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your new user role is: {0}",,"Din nye brugerrolle er: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your user roles are: ",,"Dine brugerroller er: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can only edit User Preferences in Settings.",,"Du kan kun redigere brugerindstillinger under Indstillinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can't access User Management and Solution Defaults.",,"Du kan ikke få adgang til brugeradministrationen og standardløsningen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can't exclude authors and delete posts from the analysis.",,"Du kan ikke udelade forfattere og slette indlæg fra analysen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can access and edit User Management and Solution Defaults.",,"Du kan få adgang til og redigere brugeradministrationen og standardløsningen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can edit all values in Settings.",,"Du kan redigere alle værdier under Indstillinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can exclude authors and delete posts from the analysis.",,"Du kan udelade forfattere og slette indlæg fra analysen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can only edit User Preferences and search topics you own in Settings.",,"Du kan kun redigere brugerindstillinger og søgeemner, du ejer, under Indstillinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can't edit search topics you owned as a Power Analyst.",,"Du kan ikke redigere søgeemner, du ejer som topanalytiker.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can create new search topics and edit topics you own.",,"Du kan oprette nye søgeemner og redigere de emner, du ejer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Configuration role: ",,"Konfigurationsrolle: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""To find out more about your current permissions, go to our <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Help Training site</a>."",,""Få mere at vide om dine aktuelle tilladelser ved at gå til vores websted <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Hjælp og undervisning</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Interaction role: ",,"Interaktionsrolle: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please note the following changes to your permissions:",,"Bemærk følgende ændringer i dine tilladelser:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can check your permission any time by visiting ",,"Du kan når som helst kontrollere din tilladelse ved at gå til ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Your user role was updated",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Din brugerrolle blev opdateret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search topic deleted for: {0}",,"Søgeemne blev slettet for: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This removal has the following impact:",,"Denne fjernelse har følgende indvirkning:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The user {0} deleted the search topic {1}.",,"Brugeren {0} slettede søgeemnet {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""If you have questions, please contact <a href=""mailto:{1}"">{0}</a>."",,""Hvis du har spørgsmål, kan du kontakte <a href=""mailto:{1}"">{0}</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The {1} search topic has been removed by {2}.",,"Søgeemnet {1} er blevet fjernet af {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Search topic {0} removed",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Søgeemnet {0} blev fjernet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526480"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Set solution defaults</a> "",,""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526480"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Angiv standardløsninger</a> "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526481"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Add users and assign roles</a> "",,""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526481"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Tilføj brugere, og tildel roller</a> "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526483"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Create search topics to gather data</a> "",,""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526483"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Opret søgeemner for at indsamle data</a> "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To get started, here are your next steps:",,"Kom i gang ved at følge disse trin:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The creation of the solution {0} was unfortunately unsuccessful.",,"Løsningen {0} blev desværre ikke oprettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The creation of the solution {0} was successful.",,"Løsningen {0} blev oprettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""For more information about working with your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution, go to our <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=394325"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Help Training site</a>."",,""Du kan få flere oplysninger om, hvordan du arbejder med din Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-løsning, ved at gå til vores websted <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=394325"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Hjælp og undervisning</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We've successfully created your Market Insights solution and you're ready to set up your solution.",,"Vi har oprettet din Market Insights-løsning, og du kan nu konfigurere løsningen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please share this link with your users so that they can access Market Insights as well.",,"Del dette link med dine brugere, så de også kan få adgang til Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To access your solution, go to:",,"Du kan få adgang til din løsning ved at gå til:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Creation of solution {0}: UNSUCCESSFUL",,"Oprettelse af løsningen {0}: MISLYKKEDES",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Creation of solution {0}: SUCCESSFUL",,"Oprettelse af løsningen {0}: LYKKEDES",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Your solution is ready to use",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Din løsning er klar til brug",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Welcome to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights!",,"Velkommen til Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Market Insights for your organization is now managed by your IT admin.<br/>This means your old preferences and data are no longer available, and you will need to recreate any search topics, profiles, etc you might have previously created. Additionally, your admin will need to approve access and set a new role for you in the app. You can contact your admin at <a href=""mailto:{0}"">{0}</a> with questions, to request access, or to request a change in role."",,""Market Insights for organisationen administreres nu af din it-administrator.<br/>Det betyder, at dine gamle indstillinger og data ikke længere er tilgængelige, og at du skal genoprette eventuelle søgeemner, profiler osv., som du tidligere har oprettet. Desuden skal din administrator godkende adgangen, og angive en ny rolle til dig i appen. Du kan kontakte din administrator på <a href=""mailto:{0}"">{0}</a> med spørgsmål eller for at anmode om adgang eller om ændring af en rolle."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Changes to your Marketing Insights account",,"Ændringer af din Marketing Insights-konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This email was sent from the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution:",,"Denne mail blev afsendt fra følgende Dynamics 365 AI for Marketing Insights-løsning:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Our records indicate that the authentication token for your social profile {0} has been active for 59 days, and it will stay active for one more day. To ensure the authentication token stays valid and data acquisition for {1} continues seamlessly, we strongly recommend that you re-authorize your social profile {0} right away. <strong>If you don’t reauthorize today, data acquisition for {1} will stop tomorrow.<strong>",,"Vores data viser, at godkendelsestokenet til din sociale profil {0} har været aktivt i 59 dage, og det vil være aktivt i endnu en dag. Hvis du vil sikre dig, at godkendelsestokenet forbliver gyldigt, og at dataindsamlingen til {1} fortsætter problemfrit, anbefaler vi, at du godkender din sociale profil {0} igen med det samme. <strong>Hvis du ikke foretager godkendelsen i dag, stopper dataindsamlingen til {1} i morgen.<strong>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Action Required: Re-authenticate your {0} user account today",,"Handling påkrævet: Godkend din {0}-brugerkonto igen i dag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Our records indicate that the authentication token for your social profile {0} has been active for {2} days, and it will stay active for another {1} days. To ensure that the authentication token stays valid and data acquisition for {3} continues seamlessly, we recommend that you re-authorize your social profile {0} within {1} days.",,"Vores data viser, at godkendelsestokenet til din sociale profil {0} har været aktivt i {2} dage, og det vil være aktivt i endnu {1} dage. Hvis du vil sikre dig, at godkendelsestokenet forbliver gyldigt, og at dataindsamlingen til {3} fortsat problemfrit, anbefaler vi, at du godkender din sociale profil {0} igen inden for {1} dage.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "{1} token expires in {0} days",,"{1}-token udløber om {0} dage",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We noticed that there are no more valid authentication tokens enabled for a Facebook user to acquire data from Facebook pages. This means that the <strong>data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped</strong>.",,"Vi har bemærket, at der ikke er aktiveret flere gyldige godkendelsestokens, som ellers gør det muligt for en Facebook-bruger at hente data fra Facebook-sider. Det betyder, at <strong>datahentningen for Facebook-sider er stoppet</strong>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""To resume the acquisition of posts, we strongly advise you to immediately enable at least one <a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">social profile</a> for a Facebook user who allows data acquisition from Facebook pages."",,""Hvis du vil fortsætte hentningen af indlæg, anbefaler vi dig, at du straks aktiverer mindst én <a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">social profil</a> for en Facebook-bruger, som tillader hentning af data fra Facebook-sider."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Action Required: Facebook user token expired",,"Påkrævet handling: Facebook-brugertoken udløbet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This email was sent from the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution:",,"Denne mail blev afsendt fra følgende Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-løsning:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We noticed that there are no more valid authentication tokens enabled for a Facebook user to acquire data from Facebook pages and Instagram business accounts. This means that the <strong>data acquisition for Facebook pages and Instagram business accounts has stopped</strong>.",,"Vi har bemærket, at der ikke er aktiveret flere gyldige godkendelsestokens, som ellers gør det muligt for en Facebook-bruger at indsamle data fra Facebook-sider og Instagram-virksomhedskonti. Det betyder, at <strong>dataindsamlingen for Facebook-sider og Instagram-virksomhedskonti er stoppet</strong>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""To resume the acquisition of posts, enable at least one <a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">social profile</a> for a Facebook Instagram acquisition profile."",,""Hvis du vil genoptage indsamlingen af indlæg, skal du aktivere mindst én <a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">social profil</a> for en Facebook- og Instagram-indsamlingsprofil."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""We noticed that there are no more valid Instagram accounts for data acquisition from Instagram. This means that <strong>the data acquisition for Instagram has stopped</strong>. To resume the acquisition of posts, we strongly advise you to allow at least one Instagram account in <strong><a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Settings > Social Profiles</a></strong> for data acquisition."",,""Vi bemærkede, at der ikke er flere gyldige Instagram-konti til dataindsamling fra Instagram. Dette betyder, at <strong>dataindsamlingen for Instagram er stoppet</strong>. Hvis du vil genoptage indsamlingen af indlæg, anbefaler vi, at du har mindst en Instagram-konto i <strong><a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Indstillinger > Sociale profiler</a></strong> til dataindsamling."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Action Required: Allow Instagram accounts for data acquisition",,"Påkrævet handling: Tillad Instagram-konti til dataindsamling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""We noticed that you don’t have any valid authentication tokens for LinkedIn, which means that <strong>data acquisition for LinkedIn Organization pages has stopped</strong>. To resume getting posts, we strongly recommend enabling a social profile for LinkedIn in <strong><a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Settings > Social Profiles</a></strong> for data acquisition."",,""Vi har konstateret, at du ikke har nogen gyldige godkendelsestokener for LinkedIn, hvilket betyder, at <strong>dataindsamling for LinkedIn-organisationssider er stoppet</strong>. Hvis du vil genoptage hentning af indlæg, anbefaler vi, at du aktiverer en social profil for LinkedIn i <strong><a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Indstillinger > Sociale profiler</a></strong> til dataindsamling."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Action Required: LinkedIn acquisition token expired",,"Påkrævet handling: LinkedIn-indsamlingstokenet er udløbet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Trend alert: ""{0}"""",,""Tendensmeddelelse: ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The post volume changed significantly as measured on {0}.",,"Indlægsmængden er ændret markant, som målt den {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""If you don''t want to receive this alert, contact <a href=""{2}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">the owner of this alert {1}</a>."",,""Hvis du ikke vil modtage denne vigtige besked, skal du kontakte <a href=""{2}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">ejeren af denne vigtige besked {1}</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Weekly average: {0} posts",,"Ugentligt gennemsnit: {0} indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Daily average: {0} posts",,"Dagligt gennemsnit: {0} indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post volume for all active sources:",,"Indlægsmængde for alle aktive kilder:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Most significant change:",,"Væsentligste ændring:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts found",,"Indlæg fundet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Trend Alert: {1}",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-tendensmeddelelse: {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your request to join Market Insights was approved.",,"Din anmodning om at deltage i Market Insights blev godkendt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your request to join Market Insights was denied.",,"Din anmodning om at deltage i Market Insights blev afvist.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To get started, sign in to Market Insights with your organization email account.",,"For at komme i gang skal du logge på Market Insights med din organisationsmailkonto.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Questions? Contact your admin at <a href=""mailto:{0}"">{0}</a>"",,""Hvis du har spørgsmål, kan du kontakte din administrator på <a href=""mailto:{0}"">{0}</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Request to join approved",,"Anmodning om deltagelse blev godkendt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Request to join denied",,"Anmodning om deltagelse blev afslået",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "average is {0} posts",,"gennemsnittet er {0} indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "in 24 h for {0} till {1}",,"i 24 timer for {0} til {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "in 7 days for {0} till {1}",,"i 7 dage for {0} til {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "for last 24 hours",,"i seneste 24 timer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "more",,"over",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Trendscout Alert-Notification",,"Trendscout-meddelelse med vigtig besked",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This alert was triggered in Solution",,"Denne vigtige besked blev udløst i løsningen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Reference post volume of Focus Item",,"Referenceindlægsmængde for fokuselementet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "over all sources",,"over alle datakilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Configured sources",,"Konfigurerede kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "on",,"den",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "less",,"under",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dear Recipient",,"Kære modtager",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This is an automated message from the alert",,"Dette er en automatisk meddelelse fra den vigtige besked",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The post volume on the Focus Item",,"Indlægsmængden på fokuselementet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "in the ComMonitor Insights",,"i ComMonitor Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You don't want to receive this alert anymore? Contact",,"Ønsker du ikke længere at modtage denne vigtige besked? Kontakt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "who has sent you this alert.",,"der sendte dig denne vigtige besked.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please do not reply or forward to this alias. For feedback and support, please refer to",,"Undlad venligst at svare eller videresende til dette alias. Er du interesseret i feedback eller support, kan du se",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "exceeded the expectation for the following sources",,"overskred forventningen for følgende kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Gå til Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "to find out more.",,"for at få mere at vide.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "{0} post",,"{0} indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "{0} posts",,"{0} indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "than expected",,"end forventet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "than the",,"end det",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "weekly average",,"ugentlige gennemsnit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Trendscout Alert",,"Vigtig Trendscout-besked",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Several sources are publishing more than expected.",,"Der er flere kilder, der udgiver, end forventet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're sorry, but you aren't authorized to access this organization's Market Insights solution. Please contact the organization's system administrator to get appropriate access.\n",,"Vi beklager, men du har ikke adgangstilladelse til denne organisations Market Insights-løsning. Kontakt organisationens systemadministrator for at få den relevante adgang.\n",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Access denied",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Adgang nægtet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""We're sorry, but the customer organization you're trying to access doesn't have a Market Insights solution. If you recently provisioned Market Insights, please try again later because we might still be setting it up. Otherwise, please <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">request or purchase a Market Insights subscription for this customer organization</a>.\n"",,""Vi beklager, men den kundeorganisation, du prøver at få adgang til, har ikke en Market Insights-løsning. Hvis du har klargjort Market Insights for nylig, bedes du prøve igen senere, da vi muligvis stadig er i gang med at konfigurere det. Du kan også <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">anmode om eller købe et abonnement på Market Insights til denne kundeorganisation</a>.\n"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Solution not found",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Løsningen blev ikke fundet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're getting everything set up for you. This should only take a minute or two.",,"Vi er ved at gøre det hele klar til dig. Det tager højst et par minutter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Welcome to Market Insights",,"Velkommen til Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Almost there",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Næsten klar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We will load your Market Insights solution as soon as it's ready.",,"Vi indlæser din Market Insights-løsning, så snart den er klar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The request appears to be invalid or improperly formatted.",,"Anmodningen ser ud til at være ugyldig eller forkert formateret.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bad Request",,"Forkert anmodning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Bad Request",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Forkert anmodning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Sorry, your authentication to Dynamics 365 failed. Try <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2053019"">signing in again</a>. To get access to Dynamics 365 go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">Dynamics 365 portal</a> or contact the organization's system administrator."",,""Vi beklager, men din godkendelse til Dynamics 365 mislykkedes. Prøv at <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2053019"">logge på igen</a>. For at få adgang til Dynamics 365 skal du gå til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">Dynamics 365-portalen</a> eller kontakte organisationens systemadministrator."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Access Denied",,"Adgang nægtet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Unauthorized",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Uautoriseret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Sorry, you're not authorized to access this page. Try signing in as a different user in the<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=403278"" target=""_blank""> Office 365 portal</a>. If you still don't have permission to access this resource, contact the organization's system administrator."",,""Vi beklager, men du har ikke tilladelse til at få adgang til denne side. Prøv at logge som en anden bruger i <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=403278"" target=""_blank""> Office 365-portalen</a>. Hvis du stadig ikke har tilladelse til at få adgang til denne ressource, skal du kontakte organisationens systemadministrator."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Forbidden",,"Forbudt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Forbidden",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Forbudt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""You can contact your admin at <a href=""mailto:${admin_emails?first}"" title=""Send email to ${admin_emails?first}"">${admin_emails?first}</a>."",,""Du kan kontakte din administrator på <a href=""mailto:${admin_emails?first}"" title=""Send email to ${admin_emails?first}"">${admin_emails?first}</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your access to Market Insights is blocked. Contact your admin with any questions you might have.",,"Din adgang til Market Insights er blokeret. Kontakt din administrator, hvis du har spørgsmål.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Forbidden",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Forbudt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please contact your system administrator to take further action in the Office 365 Message Center",,"Kontakt systemadministratoren for at foretage yderligere handlinger i Office 365-meddelelsescenteret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Blocked",,"Blokeret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Blocked",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Blokeret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Questions? Contact your admin at <a href=""mailto:${admin_emails?first}"" title=""Send email to ${admin_emails?first}"">${admin_emails?first}</a>."",,""Spørgsmål? Kontakt administratoren på <a href=""mailto:${admin_emails?first}"" title=""Send mail til ${admin_emails?first}"">${admin_emails?first}</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "It looks like your access to Market Insights needs approval from an admin. We've already sent your admin a request to give you access. We'll notify you at ${email} once the request is processed.",,"Det ser ud til, at din adgang til Market Insights kræver godkendelse af en administrator. Vi har allerede sendt en anmodning om adgang til din administrator. Du får besked på ${email}, når anmodningen er behandlet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Almost there",,"Næsten klar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't find the page you were looking for.",,"Vi kunne ikke finde den side, du søger efter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Page Not Found",,"Siden blev ikke fundet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Page not found",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Siden blev ikke fundet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""We're sorry, but you aren't allowed to access the solution. Try signing in as a different user in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=403278"" target=""_blank"">Office 365 portal</a>, or <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2053019"">sign in</a> to open Dynamics 365. To get access to Dynamics 365 go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">Dynamics 365 portal</a> or contact the organization's system administrator.\n"",,""Vi beklager, men du har ikke tilladelse til at få adgang til løsningen. Prøv at logge på som en anden bruger i <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=403278"" target=""_blank"">Office 365-portalen</a>, eller <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2053019"">log på</a> for at åbne Dynamics 365. For at få adgang til Dynamics 365 skal du gå til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">Dynamics 365-portalen</a> eller kontakte organisationens systemadministrator.\n"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Authentication failed",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Godkendelse mislykkedes",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The server didn't receive the request in time. Please try again.",,"Serveren modtog ikke anmodningen i rette tid. Prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Request Timeout",,"Timeout for anmodning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Request timeout",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Timeout for anmodning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Too Many Requests",,"For mange anmodninger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Too many requests",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | For mange anmodninger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Oops … something went wrong. Please try again later or if this problem persists, <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=390992"" target=""_blank"">contact Support</a> with the error timestamp below. <br>"",,""Ups … noget gik galt. Prøv igen senere, og hvis problemet fortsætter, <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=390992"" target=""_blank"">skal du kontakte Support</a> med nedenstående tidsstempel for fejlen. <br>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Internal Server Error",,"Intern serverfejl",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Internal server error",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Intern serverfejl",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The gateway or proxy received an invalid response from the server.",,"Gatewayen eller proxyen modtog et ugyldigt svar fra serveren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bad Gateway",,"Forkert gateway",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Bad gateway",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Forkert gateway",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The service isn't available right now. Please try again in a few minutes.",,"Servicen er ikke tilgængelig i øjeblikket. Prøv igen om nogle få minutter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Service Unavailable",,"Servicen er ikke tilgængelig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Service unavailable",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Tjenesten er ikke tilgængelig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The gateway or proxy didn't receive a timely response from the server.",,"Gatewayen eller proxyen modtog ikke et svar fra serveren i rette tid.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Gateway Timeout",,"Timeout for gateway",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Gateway Timeout",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Timeout for gateway",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365",,"Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 isn't quite ready to use.",,"Dynamics 365 er ikke klar til brug.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please check back in a few minutes.",,"Kom venligst tilbage om nogle få minutter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "If this issue continues, contact your Office 365 admin.",,"Hvis problemet fortsætter, skal du kontakte din Office 365-administrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Setup ongoing - Dynamics 365",,"Igangværende konfiguration - Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're sorry, an unexpected error has occurred.",,"Vi beklager, men der er opstået en uventet fejl.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unknown Error",,"Ukendt fejl",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Unknown Error",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Ukendt fejl",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your data is ready to go to analytics",,"Dataene er klar til at blive analyseret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You need to wait for your data",,"Du skal vente på dine data",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Guides you through your first steps in your fresh solution.",,"Hjælper dig med dine første trin i din opdaterede løsning.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All done!",,"Alt udført!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Welcome %{user_name}",,"Velkommen %{user_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Approve everyone",,"Godkend alle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Not now",,"Ikke nu",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "When others at your company ask to use this app, do you want to automatically approve all their requests?",,"Når andre i virksomheden beder om at bruge denne app, vil du så godkende alle deres anmodninger automatisk?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Approving permission requests",,"Godkendelse af anmodninger om tilladelser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Let's go",,"Lad os komme i gang",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to Analytics for your brand",,"Gå til Analyse for dit varemærke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Now you can switch to the Analytics app to explore insights based on those tweets.",,"Nu kan du skifte til analyse-appen for at undersøge indsigt, der er baseret på de pågældende tweets.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Start",,"Start",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Ready to see what we found on Twitter, and more?",,"Er du klar til at se, hvad der blev fundet på Twitter og meget mere?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Once we acquired the historical data, you can switch to the Analytics app to explore insight based on those tweets.",,"Når vi har hentet de historiske data, kan du skifte til analyse-appen for at undersøge indsigt, der er baseret på de pågældende tweets.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please wait while we are loading historical data for your brand, this will take a minute. You will get tweets matching the search rules we setup for you. This historical acquisition is limited by a maximum of a thousand tweets and max 30 days back.",,"Vent, mens vi indlæser historiske data for til dit varemærke. Det tager et øjeblik. Du får du tweets, der svarer til de søgeregler, vi har oprettet for dig. Hentningen af disse historiske data er begrænset af maksimalt 1000 tweets og går maksimalt 30 dage tilbage.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Thank you for adding your brand keywoard search topic. If you would like to edit it, go to ""Search Setup"" and open search topic ""%{search_topic_name}"""",,""Tak, fordi du tilføjede søgeemnet for dit varemærkenøgleord. Hvis du vil redigere det, skal du gå til ""Søgekonfiguration"" og åbne søgeemnet ""%{search_topic_name}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This is your fresh solution, let's help you get started by adding social data relevant for your brand.",,"Dette er din opdaterede løsning. Lad os hjælpe dig med at komme i gang ved at tilføje sociale data, der er relevante for dit varemærke.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "I would like to know how is my brand mentioned on social networks",,"Jeg vil gerne vide, hvordan mit varemærke nævnes i de sociale netværk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Start setup",,"Start guiden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tell us what would you like to do?",,"Fortæl os, hvad du vil foretage dig?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Guides you in searching for a brand name. (no preload)",,"Hjælper dig med at søge efter et varemærkenavn (ingen forindlæsning)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Start keyword wizard",,"Start guiden til nøgleord",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to my analytics",,"Gå til min analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Don’t worry, your analytics are just a click away. But before you go, check out your new Market Insights homepage. It’s designed to make it easier than ever to keep up to date on new features, system health, and more.",,"Bare rolig, du kan få adgang til din analyse med et klik. Men før du gør det, bør du tjekke din nye Market Insights-startside. Den gør det nemmere for dig end nogensinde før at holde dig opdateret om nye funktioner, systemets tilstand og meget mere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Where’s my dashboard?",,"Hvor er mit dashboard?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to analytics",,"Gå til analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Find out more about what your audience is searching for, saying, and feeling, and what that means for your business. Set up or refine topics to monitor, or go straight to the analytics dashboard to explore your insights.",,"Find ud af mere om, hvad dit publikum søger efter, siger og føler, og hvad det betyder for din virksomhed. Konfigurer eller tilpas emner, der skal overvåges, eller gå direkte til analysedashboardet for at undersøge din indsigt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Say hello to Market Insights",,"Velkommen til Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""We’re updating the Market Insights service frequently. To learn more about recent changes, visit <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2043581"">What’s new in Market Insights</a>."",,""Vi opdaterer Market Insights-tjenesten ofte. Du kan få mere at vide om de seneste ændringer ved at gå til <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2043581"">Nyheder i Market Insights</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Most recent release",,"Seneste version",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Market Insights product update 1.1",,"Produktopdatering 1.1 til Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Your data from Social Engagement is still available, but now it shows up in Market Insights, along with improved features and capabilities. If you’d rather return to using Social Engagement, ask your admin to remove your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights preview license in the Office 365 admin center. <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2043193"">Learn more about managing licenses</a>."",,""Dataene fra Social Engagement er stadig tilgængelige, men nu vises de i Market Insights sammen med forbedrede funktioner og muligheder. Hvis du foretrækker at bruge Social Engagement, kan du bede din administrator om at fjerne din Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-licens i Office 365-administration. <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2043193"">Få mere at vide om administration af licenser</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Have you been using Social Engagement?",,"Har du brugt Social Engagement?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""You can continue to access the service until your subscription expires or until January 16, 2020, whichever comes sooner. Your organization may need to act and transition to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=2043586"">Learn more about transitioning</a>."",,""Du har fortsat adgang til tjenesten, indtil abonnementet udløber eller indtil 16. januar 2020, afhængigt af hvad der kommer først. Din organisation er muligvis nødt til at reagere og overgå til Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=2043586"">Få mere at vide om overgang</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Social Engagement will be discontinued",,"Microsoft Social Engagement vil ophøre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "What's New",,"Nyheder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Andorra",,"Andorra",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "United Arab Emirates",,"De Forenede Arabiske Emirater",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Afghanistan",,"Afghanistan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Antigua and Barbuda",,"Antigua og Barbuda",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Anguilla",,"Anguilla",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Alaska",,"Alaska",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Albania",,"Albanien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Alabama",,"Alabama",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Armenia",,"Armenien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Angola",,"Angola",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Antarctica",,"Antarktis",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Argentina",,"Argentina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Arkansas",,"Arkansas",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "American Samoa",,"Amerikansk Samoa",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Austria",,"Østrig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Australia",,"Australien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Aruba",,"Aruba",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Åland Islands",,"Ålandsøerne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Azerbaijan",,"Aserbajdsjan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Arizona",,"Arizona",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bosnia and Herzegovina",,"Bosnien-Hercegovina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Barbados",,"Barbados",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bangladesh",,"Bangladesh",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Belgium",,"Belgien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Burkina Faso",,"Burkina Faso",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bulgaria",,"Bulgarien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bahrain",,"Bahrain",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Burundi",,"Burundi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Benin",,"Benin",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Saint Barthélemy",,"Saint Barthélemy",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bermuda",,"Bermuda",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Brunei",,"Brunei",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bolivia",,"Bolivia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bonaire",,"Bonaire",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Brazil",,"Brasilien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bahamas, The",,"Bahamas",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bhutan",,"Bhutan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bouvet Island",,"Bouvetø",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Botswana",,"Botswana",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Belarus",,"Hviderusland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Belize",,"Belize",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Canada",,"Canada",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "California",,"Californien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",,"Cocosøerne (Keelingøerne)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Congo (DRC)",,"Den Demokratiske Republik Congo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Central African Republic",,"Centralafrikanske Republik",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Congo",,"Congo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Switzerland",,"Schweiz",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Côte d'Ivoire",,"Côte d'Ivoire",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Cook Islands",,"Cookøerne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Chile",,"Chile",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Cameroon",,"Cameroun",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "China",,"Kina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Colombia",,"Colombia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Colorado",,"Colorado",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Costa Rica",,"Costa Rica",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connecticut",,"Connecticut",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Cuba",,"Cuba",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Cabo Verde",,"Cabo Verde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Curaçao",,"Curaçao",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Christmas Island",,"Juleøen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Cyprus",,"Cypern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Czech Republic",,"Tjekkiet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "District of Columbia",,"District of Columbia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Germany",,"Tyskland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delaware",,"Delaware",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Djibouti",,"Djibouti",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Denmark",,"Danmark",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dominica",,"Dominica",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dominican Republic",,"Dominikanske Republik",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Algeria",,"Algeriet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Ecuador",,"Ecuador",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Estonia",,"Estland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Egypt",,"Egypten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Eritrea",,"Eritrea",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Spain",,"Spanien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Ethiopia",,"Etiopien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Finland",,"Finland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Fiji",,"Fiji",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Falkland Islands",,"Falklandsøerne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Florida",,"Florida",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Micronesia",,"Mikronesien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Faroe Islands",,"Færøerne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "France",,"Frankrig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Gabon",,"Gabon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Georgia",,"Georgia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "United Kingdom",,"Storbritannien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Grenada",,"Grenada",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Georgia",,"Georgien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "French Guiana",,"Fransk Guyana",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Guernsey",,"Guernsey",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Ghana",,"Ghana",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Gibraltar",,"Gibraltar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Greenland",,"Grønland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Gambia, The",,"Gambia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - 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CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please be aware that you might be sharing confidential information outside of Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights.",,"Vær opmærksom på, at du muligvis deler fortrolige oplysninger uden for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Inactive",,"Inaktiv",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Alert details",,"Oplysninger om vigtige beskeder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add new alert",,"Tilføj ny vigtig besked",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add email recipients to this alert",,"Føj mailmodtagere til denne vigtige besked",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete this alert",,"Slet denne vigtige besked",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add an email address",,"Tilføj en mailadresse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Retry",,"Prøv igen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - 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YouTube-kontoen skal først tilknyttes brugerens Google-konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "SHOW NEXT",,"VIS NÆSTE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sending Failed",,"Afsendelse mislykkedes",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please revisit the action in the flyout",,"Vend tilbage til handlingen i pop op-vinduet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sending failed for the following social accounts:",,"Afsendelse mislykkedes for følgende sociale konti:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post successfully send for:",,"Indlæg sendt korrekt til:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This social profile is missing a valid token. Please reauthenticate its token in",,"Denne sociale profil mangler et gyldigt token. Godkend dens token igen i",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This post is no longer available because it was removed.",,"Dette indlæg er ikke længere tilgængeligt, da det er blevet fjernet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Choose type of message you want to send",,"Vælg den type meddelelse, du vil sende",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The user you wanted assigned to the selected posts is no longer available.",,"Den bruger, som du ønskede at knytte de valgte indlæg til, er ikke længere tilgængelig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The label you wanted to apply to the post is no longer available.",,"Den etiket, som du ønskede at anvende på indlægget, er ikke længere tilgængelig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sorry, something went wrong with %{social_provider}.",,"Et eller andet gik galt med %{social_provider}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The post was updated to the latest version. Make sure you still want to %{action_name} it.",,"Indlægget blev opdateret til den seneste version. Sørg for, at du stadig vil %{action_name} det.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The post was updated to the latest version. Make sure you still want to change it.",,"Indlægget blev opdateret til den seneste version. Kontroller, at du stadig vil redigere det.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can't reply to this comment from here. You can go to YouTube and try there.",,"Du kan ikke besvares denne kommentar herfra. Du kan gå til YouTube og prøve der.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "An error occurred while executing the action. %{value} pending error left. |||| An error occurred while executing the action. %{value} pending errors left.",,"Der opstod en fejl under udførelsen af handlingen. %{value} ventende fejl tilbage. |||| Der opstod en fejl under udførelsen af handlingen. %{value} ventende fejl tilbage.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Conversation view pane.",,"Samtalevisningsrude.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Total number of posts %{value}",,"Antal indlæg i alt %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Number of posts loaded %{value}",,"Antal indlæste indlæg %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post details header navigation",,"Navigation i sidehoved for indlægsdetaljer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post details panel",,"Panel med indlægsdetaljer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "OPEN",,"ÅBN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open the details view for this post",,"Åbn detaljevisning af dette indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post list panel",,"Panel med indlægsliste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post preview panel",,"Panel til indlægseksempel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "List of posts",,"Liste over indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go back to post list",,"Gå tilbage til indlægsliste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To access the post list, select the Down arrow. To navigate between posts, use the Up/Down arrow keys. To open post details, select Enter or the Spacebar.",,"Vælg pil ned for at få adgang til indlægslisten. Brug piletasterne pil op og pil ned til at navigere mellem indlæg. Vælg Enter eller mellemrumstasten til at åbne indlægsdetaljerne.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To access the thread post list, select the Down arrow. To navigate between posts, use the Up/Down arrow keys.",,"Vælg pil ned for at få adgang til indlægstrådlisten. Brug piletasterne pil op og pil ned til at navigere mellem indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post details stepper buttons",,"Trinvise knapper til indlægsdetaljer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "View action error details in the post details panel.",,"Få vist detaljer om handlingsfejl i panelet med indlægsdetaljer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "assign",,"tildel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "assign to",,"tildele til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Assign this post",,"Tildel dette indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Assigned to %{value}",,"Tildelt til %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Check if the attachment was deleted on the source or try again later.",,"Kontrollér, om den vedhæftede fil blev slettet ved kilden, eller prøv igen senere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't retrieve the attachment.",,"Vi kan ikke hente den vedhæftede fil.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Verify if your social profile is valid on the <a href=""%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}"">Social Profiles</a> page."",,""Kontrollér, om din sociale profil er gyldig på siden <a href=""%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}"">Sociale profiler</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open attachment %{name} in a new tab",,"Åbn den vedhæftet fil %{name} under en ny fane",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Getting attachments...",,"Henter vedhæftede filer...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You don't have permission to do bulk actions.",,"Du har ikke tilladelse til at udføre massehandlinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Assign",,"Tildel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Assign posts",,"Tildel indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Change label",,"Skift etiket",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Edit sentiment",,"Rediger synspunkt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete the selected posts",,"Slet de valgte indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Change sentiment value...",,"Skift synspunktsværdi...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Change to negative",,"Skift til negativt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Change to neutral",,"Skift til neutralt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Change to positive",,"Skift til positivt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Child post",,"Underordnet indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Clear the post from the list",,"Fjern indlægget fra listen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Clear Label",,"Ryd etiket",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Collapse",,"Skjul",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Collapse the expanded section.",,"Skjul den udvidede sektion.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Comment",,"Kommentar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "comment as",,"kommentar som",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter comment text here.",,"Angiv kommentartekst her.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Comment |||| Comments",,"Kommentar |||| Kommentarer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{count} comment on the child post |||| %{count} comments on the child post",,"%{count} kommentar til det underordnede indlæg |||| %{count} kommentarer til det underordnede indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{count} comment on the parent post |||| %{count} comments on the parent post",,"%{count} kommentar til det overordnede indlæg |||| %{count} kommentarer til det overordnede indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm negative",,"Bekræft negativt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm neutral",,"Bekræft neutralt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm positive",,"Bekræft positivt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "That didn't work. Please try again.",,"Det fungerede ikke. Prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Conversation",,"Samtale",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Message sent",,"Meddelelse sendt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Conversation switched to private from public",,"Samtale ændret fra privat til offentlig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Conversation switched to public from private",,"Samtale ændret fra offentlig til privat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Team",,"Team",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Conversation with %{recipient}",,"Samtale med %{recipient}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create link to CRM",,"Opret link til CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create a link to Dynamics 365.",,"Opret et link til Dynamics 365.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Copy internal URL",,"Kopiér intern URL-adresse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get a link to open this post in Analytics",,"Få et link til at åbne dette indlæg i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get a link to open this post in Analytics. Select CTRL+C to copy to the clipboard.",,"Få et link til at åbne dette indlæg i Analyse. Vælg CTRL + C for at kopiere til Udklipsholder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create",,"Opret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Hide Notes",,"Skjul noter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open Record",,"Åbn post",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Show Notes",,"Vis noter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create record in Dynamics CRM",,"Opret post i Dynamics CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create record in Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Opret post i Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Fetching information about record in Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Hentning af oplysninger om post i Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Failed to fetch information about record in Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Hentning af oplysninger om post i Microsoft Dynamics 365 mislykkedes",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Successfully fetched information about record in Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Hentning af oplysninger om post i Microsoft Dynamics 365 blev fuldført",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post has been successfully submitted to Dynamics CRM.",,"Indlægget er blevet sendt til Dynamics CRM.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The post was successfully submitted to Dynamics 365.",,"Indlægget blev sendt til Dynamics 365.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Record owner in Dynamics CRM",,"Postejer i Dynamics CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to remove the link to CRM from this post? This will also remove the notes attached to this link.",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil fjerne linket til CRM fra dette indlæg? Det vil medføre, at de noter, der er knyttet til dette link, også fjernes.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to remove the link to Dynamics 365 from this post? This will also remove the notes attached to this link.",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil fjerne linket til Dynamics 365 fra dette indlæg? Det vil medføre, at de noter, der er knyttet til dette link, også fjernes.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Entity: %{value}",,"Objekt: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Instance: %{value}",,"Forekomst: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Information not available, please try again.",,"Oplysningerne er ikke tilgængelige. Prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CRM Record Insights",,"Indsigt i CRM-poster",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 record insights",,"Dynamics 365-postindsigter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Deleting a post",,"Sletter et indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to remove this post and its associated data?",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil fjerne dette indlæg og de tilknyttede data?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to delete %{smart_count} post and its associated data?||||Are you sure you want to delete %{smart_count} posts and their associated data?",,"Vil du slette %{smart_count} indlæg og dets tilknyttede data?||||Vil du slette %{smart_count} indlæg og deres tilknyttede data?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post details finished loading",,"Indlæsningen af indlægsdetaljer er afsluttet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - 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CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Show more posts for an extended time frame.",,"Vis flere indlæg for en udvidet tidsramme.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can only show posts from the past 30 days in this thread.",,"Du kan kun få vist indlæg fra de sidste 30 dage i denne tråd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Expand",,"Udvid",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter text for the Facebook message here.",,"Skriv din tekst til Facebook-beskeden her.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{postType} on %{facebookPageName}",,"%{postType} på %{facebookPageName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Like as",,"Synes godt om som",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Like on Twitter",,"Synes godt om på Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> comment from your team |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> comments from your team",,"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> kommentar fra dit team |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> kommentarer fra dit team",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - 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Add some text to submit the post.",,"Meddelelsen er under grænsen for tegn. Tilføj noget tekst for at sende indlægget.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No posts found",,"Ingen indlæg blev fundet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No results found. Please change filter and try again.",,"Der blev ikke fundet nogen resultater. Skift filter, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No threads available",,"Der er ingen tilgængelige tråde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No valid social profiles",,"Der er ingen gyldige sociale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""To learn more about engagement scenarios, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">help content</a>."",,""Du kan få mere at vide om engagementscenarier ved at gå til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">hjælpindholdet</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Your social profile tokens aren't valid. 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Du kan få flere oplysninger ved at gå til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">hjælpindholdet</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""You need to configure a social profile first. For more information, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">help content</a>."",,""Du skal først konfigurere en social profil. Du kan få flere oplysninger ved at gå til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">hjælpindholdet</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} author tag |||| %{smart_count} author tags",,"%{smart_count} forfattermærke |||| %{smart_count} forfattermærker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} post tag |||| %{smart_count} post tags",,"%{smart_count} indlægsmærke |||| %{smart_count} indlægsmærker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open earlier posts in Analytics",,"Åbn tidligere indlæg i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open original post",,"Åbn oprindeligt indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Parent post",,"Overordnet indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post not found",,"Intet indlæg blev fundet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This post is no longer available. It will be removed from the post list when it's refreshed.",,"Dette indlæg er ikke længere tilgængeligt. Det vil blive fjernet fra indlægslisten, når listen er blevet opdateret.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post text content",,"Indlæggets tekstindhold",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "POST THREAD |||| POST THREADS",,"INDLÆGSTRÅD |||| INDLÆGSTRÅDE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can't work with this post because it isn't available.",,"Du kan ikke arbejde med dette indlæg, da det ikke er tilgængeligt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "private message",,"privat meddelelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Send private message to",,"Send privat meddelelse til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "direct message",,"direkte meddelelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} attachment |||| %{smart_count} attachments",,"%{smart_count} vedhæftet fil |||| %{smart_count} vedhæftede filer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Direct message",,"Direkte meddelelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Reach value: %{value}",,"Værdi for rækkevidde: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Reply |||| Replies",,"Svar |||| Svar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{count} reply to the child post |||| %{count} replies to the child post",,"%{count} svar til det underordnede indlæg |||| %{count} svar til det underordnede indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{count} reply to the parent post |||| %{count} replies to the parent post",,"%{count} svar til det overordnede indlæg |||| %{count} svar til det overordnede indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "reply as",,"svar som",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter text for the reply message here.",,"Skriv din tekst til svarbeskeden her.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Restricted response",,"Begrænset svar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""To learn more about engagement scenarios, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">documentation</a>."",,""Du kan få mere at vide om engagementscenarier ved at gå til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">dokumentationen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Your social profile tokens aren't valid. To learn more about engagement scenarios, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">documentation</a>."",,""Tokens til din sociale profil er ikke gyldige. Du kan få mere at vide om engagementscenarier ved at gå til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">dokumentationen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""To perform this action, you must have a Manager or Responder user role. To learn more about engagement scenarios, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">documentation</a>."",,""For at kunne udføre denne handling skal du have brugerrollen Leder eller Respondent. Du kan få mere at vide om engagementscenarier ved at gå til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">dokumentationen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""You need to configure a social profile first. To learn more about engagement scenarios, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">documentation</a>."",,""Du skal først konfigurere en social profil. Du kan få mere at vide om engagementscenarier ved at gå til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">dokumentationen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Retweet as",,"Retweet som",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Retweet on Twitter",,"Retweet på Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter text for the retweet message here.",,"Skriv din tekst til retweetbeskeden her.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Retweeted this post",,"Dette indlæg er retweetet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "retweeted",,"retweetet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Retweet |||| Retweets",,"Retweet |||| Retweets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{count} retweet of the child post |||| %{count} retweets of the child post",,"%{count} retweet af det underordnede indlæg |||| %{count} retweets af det underordnede indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - 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Her er <a href='%{url}'>-linket til det oprindelige dokument</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Link to post successfully copied to clipboard.",,"Linket blev kopieret korrekt til Udklipsholder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Copy to clipboard",,"Kopiér til udklipsholder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "trending",,"tendenser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "owned",,"ejet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "curated",,"organiseret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "ML",,"ML",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "promoted",,"fremhævet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "recent",,"seneste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Advanced",,"Avanceret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Know your competitor",,"Kend din konkurrent",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Copy Link",,"Kopiér link",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Insight: %{insightGroupNames}",,"Indsigt: %{insightGroupNames}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Insight",,"Indsigt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "New Lead",,"Nyt kundeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Share Content",,"Del indhold",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Read",,"Læs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Notify the system that you are done with this recommendation and remove it from the list of recommendations.",,"Giv systemet besked om, at du er færdig med denne anbefaling, og fjern den fra listen over anbefalinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create Lead",,"Opret kundeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "More actions available for this recommendation.",,"Der er flere handlinger tilgængelige for denne anbefaling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Not Interested",,"Ikke interesseret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Notify the system that you are not interested in this recommendation and remove it from the list of recommendations.",,"Giv systemet besked om, at du ikke er interesseret i denne anbefaling, og fjern den fra listen over anbefalinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "View",,"Visning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "recommended",,"anbefalet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Link to post successfully shared to social profile.",,"Linket til indlæg blev delt korrekt med social profil.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Next post",,"Næste indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Previous Post",,"Forrige indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "A stream only shows posts within the last 14 days",,"En strøm viser kun indlæg inden for de seneste 14 dage",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tag",,"Mærke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{charCount} characters until the message limit is reached.",,"%{charCount} tegn, indtil meddelelsesgrænsen er nået.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Message exceeds character limit. 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Prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your message wasn’t posted because it’s a duplicate of an earlier post.",,"Meddelelsen blev ikke sendt, da det er en dublet af et tidligere indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your post hasn’t been sent. Please try again.",,"Indlægget er ikke blevet sendt. Prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This file type isn’t supported.",,"Denne filtype understøttes ikke.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The file can’t be posted because it’s too large. The maximum file size is %{limit_value} for %{post_type}.",,"Filen kan ikke sendes, da den er for stor. Den maksimale filstørrelse er %{limit_value} for %{post_type}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This social profile can’t be authenticated. Check the social profile’s status.",,"Denne sociale profil kan ikke godkendes. Kontrollér den sociale profils status.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Actions with multiple Twitter profiles aren't possible.",,"Handlinger med flere Twitter-profiler er ikke muligt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{action} successfully sent",,"%{action} er blevet sendt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Supported file types: png, jpg, and gif.",,"Understøttede filtyper: png, jpg og gif.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open publish panel.",,"Åbn panelet Publicer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Publishing in progress...",,"Igangværende publicering...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post types",,"Indlægstyper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "New post",,"Nyt indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "New tweet",,"Ny tweet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Send new",,"Send ny",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rate",,"Klassificer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rate as",,"Klassificer som",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dislike",,"Synes ikke godt om",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No Rating",,"Ingen bedømmelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We’re sorry, this action didn’t work. Please try again.",,"Vi beklager, men denne handling virker ikke. Prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The changes are saved for this stream.",,"Ændringerne blev gemt for denne strøm.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your access to this stream was removed by the owner: %{streamName}",,"Din adgang til denne strøm blev fjernet af ejeren: %{streamName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You received a new shared stream: %{streamName}",,"Du har modtaget en ny delt strøm: %{streamName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Reload stream",,"Indlæs strøm igen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The stream has been removed.",,"Strømmen er blevet fjernet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This stream was changed by the owner. To receive the updated configuration please finish all work, then reload this stream.",,"Denne strøm blev ændret af ejeren. Du modtager den opdaterede konfiguration ved at afslutte alt arbejde og genindlæse denne strøm.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You must be the owner of the alert to change it.",,"Du skal være ejeren af den vigtige besked for at ændre den.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The alert configuration wasn't found: {0}",,"Konfigurationen af den vigtige besked blev ikke fundet: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data is missing for the alert configuration.",,"Der mangler data til konfigurationen af den vigtige besked.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom source queries are not supported by this version.",,"Brugerdefinerede kildeforespørgsler er ikke understøttet i denne version.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Instagram user queries are not supported by this version.",,"Instagram-brugerforespørgsler er ikke understøttet i denne version.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The language isn't valid: {0}",,"Sproget er ugyldigt: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Specify a language parameter.",,"Angiv en sprogparameter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select at least one language.",,"Vælg mindst ét sprog.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add at least one Label.",,"Tilføj mindst én etiket.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Privacy policy URL invalid.",,"URL-adresse til politik om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger er ugyldig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Owner id and name are not matching.",,"Ejer-id eller -navn stemmer ikke overens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search item owner must be a user.",,"Ejer af søgeelement skal være en bruger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "User wasn't found.",,"Brugeren blev ikke fundet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Define at least one language.",,"Definer mindst ét sprog.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data is missing for search topic defaults.",,"Der mangler data til standardindstillingerne for søgeemner.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There are no facebook or twitter queries in this search topic.",,"Der er ingen Facebook- eller Twitter-forespørgsler i dette søgeemne.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There's no category assigned to the search topic.",,"Der er ikke tildelt en kategori til søgeemnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You must be the owner of a search topic to delete it.",,"Du skal være ejeren af et søgeemne for at kunne slette det.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data isn't available for the search topic.",,"Data er ikke tilgængelig for søgeemnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There are no queries in this search topic.",,"Der er ingen forespørgsler i dette søgeemne.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - 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Social Engagement",,"" "Operation is not permitted because the target user is not a friend.",,"Handlingen er ikke tilladt, fordi målbrugeren ikke er en ven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Access token was revoked or is expired.",,"Adgangstoken blev tilbagekaldt eller udløbet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Operation is not permitted.",,"Handling er ikke tilladt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Attempting to perform an operation on a page by a user who is not a page administrator.",,"Forsøg på at udføre en handling på side, der foretages af en bruger, som ikke er sideadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "API calls are being rate-limited.",,"Hastigheden af API-kald bliver begrænset.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Requested provider API resource could not be found.",,"Den anmodede provider-API-ressource blev ikke fundet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Attempting to perform operation on a resource that must be owned by the authenticated user, but is not",,"Forsøg på at udføre en handling på en ressource, der skal være ejet af den godkendte bruger, men ikke er det.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unexpected error",,"Uventet fejl",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Invalid version for document",,"Ugyldig version for dokument",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Chart data representation mode is not supported: {0}",,"Præsentationstilstanden med diagramdata understøttes ikke: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Charts filling mode is not supported: {0}",,"Tilstanden med diagramudfyldning understøttes ikke: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Number format not supported: {0}.",,"Talformet er ikke understøttet: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Theme not supported: {0}.",,"Tema er ikke understøttet: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Cannot change preference.",,"Kan ikke ændre indstilling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The user wasn't found: {0}",,"Brugeren blev ikke fundet: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Access to the solution wasn't found.",,"Adgangen til løsningen blev ikke fundet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Created",,"Oprettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Alert Report",,"Rapport over vigtige beskeder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Detailed report for author",,"Detaljeret rapport om forfatter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post, Author",,"Indlæg, forfatter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Edited",,"Redigeret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Configuration",,"Konfiguration",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data",,"Data",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - 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Vi anbefaler, at du tillader hentningen af data for flere Facebook-brugere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a custom source",,"Tilføj en brugerdefineret kilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Validate and add a source",,"Kontrollér og tilføj en kilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Blocked Content",,"Blokeret indhold",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add your keywords here",,"Tilføj dine nøgleord her",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} Keyword blocked |||| %{smart_count} Keywords blocked",,"%{smart_count} nøgleord blokeret |||| %{smart_count} nøgleord blokeret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add your domains here",,"Tilføj dine domæner her",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} Domain blocked |||| %{smart_count} Domains blocked",,"%{smart_count} domæne blokeret |||| %{smart_count} domæner blokeret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Domains",,"Domæner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data acquisition stops immediately for the entered terms. Already acquired posts matching the terms won't be displayed anymore.\n Posts will be deleted 4 hours after adding the terms. Within this time frame, you can restore the posts by deleting the newly entered terms.",,"Datahentning stoppes med det samme for de angivne ord. De indlæg, der allerede er hentet, og som matcher ordene, vises ikke længere.\n Indlæg bliver slettet, fire timer efter at ordene er tilføjet. 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Assign the search topics to another category or delete them in the search topic list before you delete the category."",,""""%{name}"" kan ikke slettes, fordi det indeholder søgeemner. Tildel søgeemnerne til en anden kategori, eller slet dem på listen over søgeemner, før du sletter kategorien."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Are you sure you want to delete the category ""%{name}""?"",,""Vil du slette kategorien ""%{name}""?"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rename category",,"Omdøb kategori",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rename",,"Omdøb",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The RSS feed has been removed.",,"RSS-feedet er blevet fjernet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "RSS feed has been added.",,"RSS-feed er blevet tilføjet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "RSS feed is being validated.",,"RSS-feed er blevet valideret.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You successfully deleted: %{groupName}.",,"Du har slettet: %{groupName}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Group Details",,"Gruppeoplysninger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{groupName} successfully saved.",,"%{groupName} er blevet gemt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sources %{channels}/%{total}",,"Kilder %{channels}/%{total}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Filter",,"Filter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter up to 15 exclusions in a comma-separated list",,"Angiv op til 15 udelukkelser på en kommasepareret liste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Exclusions",,"Udelukkelser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter up to 15 inclusions in a comma-separated list",,"Angiv op til 15 medtagelser på en kommasepareret liste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Inclusions",,"Medtagelser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Keywords and inclusions must appear in the same:",,"Nøgleord og medtagelser skal forekomme i samme:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sentence",,"Sætning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Paragraph",,"Afsnit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter up to 15 keywords in a comma-separated list",,"Angiv op til 15 nøgleord på en kommasepareret liste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} language was found. |||| %{smart_count} languages were found.",,"%{smart_count} sprog blev fundet. |||| %{smart_count} sprog blev fundet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} source was found. |||| %{smart_count} sources were found.",,"%{smart_count} kilde blev fundet. |||| %{smart_count} kilder blev fundet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Rules",,"Tilføj regler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "At least one of the rules already exists in this search topic. ",,"Mindst én af reglerne findes allerede i dette søgeemne. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} custom sources group selected |||| %{smart_count} custom sources groups selected",,"%{smart_count} brugerdefineret kildegruppe er valgt |||| %{smart_count} brugerdefinerede kildegrupper er valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't selected a custom source group",,"Du har ikke valgt en brugerdefineret kildegruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Select custom sources from the list below. To create or edit a group of custom sources, go to <a href=""%{navigateToCustomSourcesLink}"">Custom Sources.</a>"",,""Vælg brugerdefinerede kilder på listen nedenfor. Hvis du vil oprette eller redigere en gruppe af brugerdefinerede kilder, skal du gå til <a href=""%{navigateToCustomSourcesLink}"">Brugerdefinerede kilder.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} Facebook page selected |||| %{smart_count} Facebook pages selected",,"%{smart_count} Facebook-side valgt |||| %{smart_count} Facebook-sider valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't selected a Facebook page",,"Du har ikke valgt en Facebook-side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Or select existing Facebook pages",,"Eller vælg eksisterende Facebook-sider",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} Instagram account selected |||| %{smart_count} Instagram accounts selected",,"%{smart_count} Instagram-konto valgt |||| %{smart_count} Instagram-konti valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't selected an Instagram account",,"Du har ikke valgt en Instagram-konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select existing Instagram accounts",,"Vælg eksisterende Instagram-konti",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} social profile selected |||| %{smart_count} social profiles selected",,"%{smart_count} social profil er valgt |||| %{smart_count} sociale profiler er valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't selected a social profile",,"Du har ikke valgt en social profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select social profiles",,"Vælg sociale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your rules are within your monthly post quota. You can now save your search topic. ",,"Dine regler er inden for din månedlige indlægskvote. Du kan nu gemme dit søgeemne. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} profile selected |||| %{smart_count} profiles selected",,"%{smart_count} profil valgt |||| %{smart_count} profiler valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't selected a Twitter profile",,"Du har ikke valgt en Twitter-profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Or select existing Twitter profiles",,"Eller vælg eksisterende Twitter-profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Provide a name",,"Angiv et navn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook no longer supports keyword searches.",,"Facebook understøtter ikke længere nøgleordssøgninger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook no longer supports keyword searches. New data won’t be acquired, but your existing Facebook data will be retained.",,"Facebook understøtter ikke længere nøgleordssøgninger. Der hentes ikke nye data, men dine eksisterende Facebook-data bevares.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Specify a name for this category.",,"Angiv et navn til denne kategori.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No search rules yet",,"Endnu ingen søgeregler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add rule",,"Tilføj regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Active rule",,"Aktiv regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Rule",,"Tilføj regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Choose the type of search rule to configure.",,"Vælg den type søgeregel, der skal konfigureres.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Limit",,"Grænse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota types",,"Kvotetyper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Expected number of posts",,"Forventet antal indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Current number of posts",,"Aktuelt antal indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Monthly post quota",,"Månedlig indlægskvote",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Number of visible posts",,"Antal synlige indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There aren't any groups of custom sources yet. To create or edit a group of custom sources, go to",,"Der er endnu ingen grupper med brugerdefinerede kilder. Hvis du vil oprette eller redigere en gruppe med brugerdefinerede kilder, skal du gå til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select a group of custom sources from the list below. To create or edit a group of custom sources, go to",,"Vælg en gruppe med brugerdefinerede kilder på listen nedenfor. Hvis du vil oprette eller redigere en gruppe med brugerdefinerede kilder, skal du gå til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} result |||| %{smart_count} results",,"%{smart_count} resultat |||| %{smart_count} resultater",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Showing %{itemsCount} results, more available",,"Viser %{itemsCount} resultater, der er flere tilgængelige",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add %{ruleType} Rules",,"Tilføj %{ruleType}-regler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add %{ruleType} Rule",,"Tilføj %{ruleType}-regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search Setup Summary",,"Oversigt over søgekonfiguration",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Set Owner",,"Angiv ejer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Edit Owner",,"Rediger ejer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} search topic was found. |||| %{smart_count} search topics were found.",,"%{smart_count} søgeemne blev fundet. |||| %{smart_count} søgeemner blev fundet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove this custom source from the group",,"Fjern denne brugerdefinerede kilde fra gruppen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This source is already added to the group: %{name}. You can't add the same source to more than one group.",,"Denne kilde er allerede føjet til gruppen: %{name}. Du kan ikke føje den samme kilde til flere grupper.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Validation failed. Verify the provided URL.",,"Valideringen mislykkedes. Kontrollér den angivne URL-adresse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The provided URL cannot be empty.",,"Den angivne URL-adresse må ikke være tom.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Start adding sources in the input field above.",,"Begynd at tilføje kilder i inputfeltet ovenfor.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There aren't any groups of custom sources.",,"Der er ingen grupper med brugerdefinerede kilder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Click Add to create a group.",,"Klik på Tilføj for at oprette en gruppe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter an RSS or Atom feed URL",,"Angiv en URL til RSS-/Atom-feed",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete group of custom sources",,"Slet gruppe med brugerdefinerede kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} custom source was found. |||| %{smart_count} custom sources were found.",,"%{smart_count} brugerdefineret kilde blev fundet. |||| %{smart_count} brugerdefinerede kilder blev fundet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Do you really want to delete this group of custom sources: %{name}?",,"Vil du slette denne gruppe med brugerdefinerede kilder: %{name}?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete Custom Group",,"Slet brugerdefineret gruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Manage groups of custom sources to use in Search Setup and as filters in Analytics.",,"Administrer grupper med brugerdefinerede kilder, der skal anvendes til søgekonfigurationen og som filtre i Analyser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Note that just adding custom sources to a group won’t start the acquisition of posts from those sources. You have to first set up a search topic that includes the custom sources in a rule.",,"Bemærk! Indsamlingen af indlæg fra disse kilder startes ikke, hvis du kun føjer brugerdefinerede kilder til en gruppe. Du skal først oprette et søgeemne, hvor de brugerdefinerede kilder indgår i en regel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your solution exceeded the quota limit. We stopped the data acquisition on %{date} at %{time}. It will automatically restart at the beginning of next month. To avoid this in the future, purchase additional post quota in the Office 365 admin center or optimize your search topics. Note that missed posts can't be retrieved retroactively.",,"Din løsning har overskredet kvotegrænsen. Vi stoppede dataindsamlingen den %{date} kl. %{time}. Den genstartes automatisk i begyndelsen af næste måned. Du kan undgå dette fremover ved at købe flere indlægskvoter i Office 365-administrationen eller optimere dine søgeemner. Bemærk, at mistede indlæg ikke kan hentes med tilbagevirkende kraft.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data acquisition stopped:",,"Dataindsamling stoppet:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{topicName} successfully deleted.",,"%{topicName} er blevet slettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your solution exceeded the post quota. If you take no action, data acquisition will stop on %{date} at %{time} or when %{posts} posts are acquired by your searches. To avoid this, you can purchase additional post quota in the Office 365 admin center, or remove search topics from your solution.",,"Din løsning har overskredet indlægskvoten. Hvis du ikke foretager dig noget, stopper dataindsamlingen den %{date} kl. %{time}, eller når der indsamlet %{posts} indlæg via dine søgninger. For at undgå dette kan du købe flere yderligere indlægskvoter i Office 365-administrationen eller fjerne søgeemner fra din løsning.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Limits exceeded:",,"Grænser overskredet:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your solution is expected to exceed the post quota. Edit search topics to reduce the number of posts, or you can purchase additional post quota in the Office 365 admin center.",,"Det forventes, at din løsning overskrider indlægskvoten. Rediger søgeemner for at reducere antallet af indlæg, eller køb ekstra indlægskvoter i Office 365-administrationen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Expected to exceed limits:",,"Forventes at overskride grænser:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No Facebook account available.",,"Der er ingen tilgængelig Facebook-konto.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter URL of Facebook page",,"Angiv URL-adresse for Facebook-side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search Facebook Pages",,"Søg efter Facebook-sider",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Or select a Facebook Page from your Social Accounts",,"Eller vælg en Facebook-side fra dine sociale konti",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook Page",,"Facebook-side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To be able to search for Instagram accounts, you need to add an instagram account to your <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>.",,"For at kunne søge efter Instagram-konti er du nødt til at tilføje en Instagram-konto til dine <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sociale profiler</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No Instagram account available.",,"Der er ingen tilgængelig Instagram-konto.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter Instagram account to search for",,"Angiv Instagram-konto, der skal søges efter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search Instagram Account",,"Søg på Instagram-konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Or select an Instagram account from your social profiles",,"Eller vælg en Instagram-konto fra dine sociale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This social profile doesn’t allow the acquisition of private messages.",,"Denne sociale profil giver ikke mulighed for at indsamle private meddelelser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Allowing the acquisition of Private Messages from authenticated Twitter and Facebook Accounts (i) will allow authorized users of your Market Insights instance to set search rules to acquire Private Messages; and (ii) will display Private Messages to every user having access to Market Insights. Private Messages are only displayed in the Market Insights instance where you configure the acquisition.",,"Hvis du tillader indsamling af private meddelelser fra godkendte Twitter- og Facebook-konti (i), får autoriserede brugere af din Market Insights-forekomst mulighed for at indstille søgeregler til at hente private meddelelser og (ii) vise private meddelelser til alle brugere, der har adgang til Market Insights. Private meddelelser vises kun i den Market Insights-forekomst, hvor du konfigurerer indsamlingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Disclaimer",,"Ansvarsfraskrivelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Private Messages of Facebook Page",,"Private meddelelser for Facebook-side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Private Messages of Twitter Handle",,"Private meddelelser for Twitter-brugernavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can acquire private messages from authenticated Twitter and Facebook Accounts when (i) a Facebook or Twitter Profile is authenticated on the <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a> page; and (ii) the acquisition of private messages has been enabled by the owner of the profile.",,"Du kan indsamle private meddelelser fra godkendte Twitter- og Facebook-konti, når (i) en Facebook- eller Twitter-profil er godkendt på siden <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sociale profiler</a>, og (ii) profilens ejer har aktiveret indsamling af private meddelelser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No social accounts are available.",,"Der er ingen tilgængelige sociale konti.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select a social account",,"Vælg en social konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No posts acquired yet",,"Der er ikke hentet nogen indlæg endnu",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts per language",,"Indlæg pr. sprog",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts per source",,"Indlæg pr. kilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota Information Table",,"Kvoteoplysningstabel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota Information",,"Kvoteoplysninger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{topicName} successfully saved.",,"%{topicName} er blevet gemt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{count}/%{total} Message types",,"%{count}/%{total} meddelelsestyper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No Twitter account available.",,"Der er ingen tilgængelig Twitter-konto.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please sign in to",,"Log på",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "to look up Twitter users.",,"for at slå Twitter-brugere op.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Handle or keyword",,"Handle eller nøgleord",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Or select a Handle from your Social Accounts",,"Eller vælg en handle fra dine sociale konti",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter Handle",,"Twitter-brugernavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Profile invalid",,"Social profil er ugyldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your solution with the current configuration is expected to stay within the post quota. No action is required.",,"Din løsning med den aktuelle konfiguration forventes at holde sig inden for indlægskvoten. Der kræves ingen handling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Within limits:",,"Inden for grænser:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} organization page selected |||| %{smart_count} organization pages selected",,"%{smart_count} organisationsside er valgt |||| %{smart_count} organisationssider er valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To search for LinkedIn organization pages, you need to add a LinkedIn organization page to your <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>.",,"Du skal tilføje en LinkedIn-organisationsside for at kunne søge efter LinkedIn-organisationssider til dine <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sociale profiler</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No LinkedIn organization page available.",,"Der er ingen tilgængelig LinkedIn-organisationsside.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't selected a LinkedIn organization page",,"Du har ikke valgt en LinkedIn-organisationside.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select LinkedIn organization pages from your social profiles",,"Vælg LinkedIn-organisationssider fra dine sociale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "LinkedIn Organization page",,"LinkedIn-organisationsside",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} channel selected |||| %{smart_count} channels selected",,"%{smart_count} kanal er valgt |||| %{smart_count} kanaler er valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To search for YouTube channels, you need to add a YouTube channel to your <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>.",,"Hvis du vil søge efter YouTube-kanaler, skal du føje en YouTube-kanal til dine <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sociale profiler</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No YouTube channel available.",,"Der er ingen tilgængelig YouTube-kanal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't selected a YouTube channel",,"Du har ikke valgt en YouTube-kanal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter YouTube channel to search for",,"Angiv den YouTube-kanal, der skal søges efter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search YouTube Channel",,"Søg efter YouTube-kanal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Or select YouTube channels from your social profiles",,"Eller vælg YouTube-kanaler fra dine sociale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "YouTube Channel",,"YouTube-kanal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Initials",,"Initialer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CG",,"BG",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "add search topic name",,"tilføj navn på søgeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search Topic Settings",,"Indstillinger for søgeemner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No owner",,"Ingen ejer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rule Types",,"Regeltyper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rules",,"Regler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "New Search Topic",,"Nyt søgeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "State",,"Tilstand",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Filter by rule health state",,"Filtrer efter regeltilstand",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete search topic",,"Slet søgeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search Twitter Handle",,"Søg efter Twitter-brugernavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Do you really want to delete the rule ""%{name}""?"",,""Vil du slette reglen ""%{name}""?"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete Rule",,"Slet regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Are you sure you want to delete this search topic and its rules: ""%{name}""? This action will stop data acquisition for this search topic immediately and hide the posts from your analysis"",,""Vil du slette dette søgeemne og dets regler: ""%{name}""? Denne handling stopper dataindsamlingen for dette søgeemne med det samme og skjuler indlæggene fra din analyse"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't added any search topics yet. To add a search topic click the button above.",,"Du har endnu ikke oprettet nogen søgeemner. Klik på knappen ovenfor for at tilføje et søgeemne.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post Preview",,"Indlægseksempel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Powered By",,"Leveret af",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't estimate your search rule. Please try again later.",,"Vi kunne ikke estimere din søgeregel. Prøv igen senere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your search topic was saved. Please be patient while we process your changes to keywords, inclusions, and exclusions.",,"Dit søgeemne blev gemt. Hav tålmodighed, mens vi behandler dine ændringer af nøgleord, medtagelser og udelukkelser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't save your search topic. Test your rule and try again.",,"Vi kunne ikke gemme dit søgeemne. Test din regel, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The search topic name can't be empty.",,"Navnet på søgeemnet kan ikke være tomt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your rule contains keywords with special characters only. Please remove those keywords and save your rule again.",,"Din regel indeholder nøgleord udelukkende med specialtegn. Fjern disse nøgleord, og gem reglen igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Update the rule and try again.",,"Opdater reglen, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search topic cannot be saved as expected volume estimation did not succeed. Try again later.",,"Søgeemnet kan ikke gemmes, da den forventede drevestimering ikke lykkedes. Prøv igen senere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""There are no search topics defined for this category. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526482"">Learn more about setting up searches.</a>"",,""Der er ikke defineret nogen søgeemner for denne kategori. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526482"">Få mere at vide om opsætning af søgninger.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota",,"Kvoter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Search Topic",,"Tilføj søgeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "User preferences changed. You can save your changes now.",,"Brugerpræferencerne blev ændret. Du kan gemme dine ændringer nu.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Update 2016 or later (Dynamics 365) is required for this action.",,"Denne handling kræver Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Update 2016 eller nyere (Dynamics 365).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365) is required for this action.",,"Opdatering til Dynamics CRM Online 2016 eller nyere (Dynamics 365) kræves til denne handling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automation rule action active",,"Handling med automatiseringsregel er aktiv",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automation rule action inactive",,"Handling med automatiseringsregel er inaktiv",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select the actions to execute automatically on each newly found post matching the filters.",,"Vælg de handlinger, der skal udføres automatisk på alle de indlæg, der er fundet for nylig, og som matcher filtrene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{eventhubName}, Additional Information (%{infoCount})",,"%{eventhubName}, yderligere oplysninger (%{infoCount})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{entityName} (Instance: %{instanceName})",,"%{entityName} (Forekomst: %{instanceName})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""There was a problem saving the action: ""%{actionName}"". Please try again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator."",,""Der opstod et problem under lagring af handlingen: ""%{actionName}"". Prøv igen. Kontakt systemadministratoren, hvis problemet fortsætter."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to remove this action?",,"Vil du fjerne denne handling?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm removal",,"Bekræft fjernelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove this action",,"Fjern denne handling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "ACTIONS",,"HANDLINGER",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add new rule",,"Tilføj ny regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open filters in Analytics",,"Åbn filtre i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automatically assign each post matching the filters to a user or a group.",,"Tildel automatisk hvert indlæg, der matcher filtrene, til en bruger eller en gruppe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Assign to",,"Tildel til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete rule",,"Slet regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add new action",,"Tilføj ny handling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Edit Rule",,"Rediger regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create Rule",,"Opret regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Pair",,"Tilføj par",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a new key-value pair",,"Tilføj et nyt nøgleværdipar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Include optional key-value pairs with each post streamed to the event hub.",,"Medtag valgfrie nøgleværdipar i hvert indlæg, der streames til hændelseshubben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The key must be unique.",,"Nøglen skal være entydig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Specify a key.",,"Angiv en nøgle.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Example: categoryName",,"Eksempel: kategorinavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Key",,"Nøgle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove this key-value pair",,"Fjern dette nøgleværdipar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Additional Information (%{infoCount})",,"Yderligere oplysninger (%{infoCount})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Example: Products",,"Eksempel: Produkter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This Azure Event Hub is managed by your Dynamics 365 for Customer Insights connector. <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=849042'>Learn more about Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Insights.</a>",,"Denne Azure Event Hub administreres af din Dynamics 365 for Customer Insights-connector. <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=849042'>Få mere at vide om Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Insights.</a>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automatically stream each post matching the filters to Azure Event Hubs.",,"Stream automatisk hvert indlæg, der matcher filtrene, til Azure Event Hubs.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Azure Event Hubs",,"Azure Event Hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Stream to Event Hubs: %{eventHubName}",,"Stream til Event Hubs: %{eventHubName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Stream to Event Hubs",,"Stream til Event Hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You must select at least one action.",,"Du skal vælge mindst én handling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "LAST MONTH",,"SIDSTE MÅNED",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "LAST WEEK",,"SIDSTE UGE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Based on the selected filters, actions in this automation rule could potentially be executed on a similar number of posts. Please ensure this is within your expectations. You can narrow the data set by adding more filters. For validation purposes, we recommend to view the data set in Analytics after you save the automation rule.",,"På basis af de valgte filtre kan handlingerne i denne automatiseringsregel potentielt udføres på et tilsvarende antal indlæg. Kontrollér, at dette svarer til dine forventninger. Du kan indsnævre datasættet ved at tilføje flere filtre. Til valideringsformål anbefaler vi, at du får vist datasættet i Analyse, når du gemmer automatiseringsreglen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Expect %{postCount} posts a day (based on %{timeFrame})",,"Forvent %{postCount} indlæg pr. dag (baseret på %{timeFrame})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "TODAY",,"I DAG",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rules history",,"Historik for regler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Label",,"Etiket",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automatically set a label for each post that matches the data set.",,"Angiv automatisk en etiket til hvert indlæg, der matcher datasættet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Set label",,"Angiv etiket",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automatically create records in CRM for each post matching the filters.",,"Opret automatisk poster i CRM for hvert indlæg, der matcher filtrene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automatically create records in Dynamics 365 for each post that matches the filters.",,"Opret automatisk poster i Dynamics 365 for hvert indlæg, der matcher filtrene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can't work with LinkedIn posts outside of Market Insights or export LinkedIn data. LinkedIn posts will be excluded from your automation rule.",,"Du kan ikke arbejde med LinkedIn-indlæg uden for Market Insights eller eksportere LinkedIn-data. LinkedIn-indlæg medtages ikke i din automatiseringsregel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There are no automation rules defined yet. To create the first automation rule, click the Add button.",,"Der er ikke defineret nogen automatiseringsregler endnu. Klik på knappen Tilføj for at oprette den første automatiseringsregel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Actions",,"Handlinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rule",,"Regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Actions aren't available yet. Add a connection to enable actions or contact your system administrator.",,"Der er ingen tilgængelige handlinger endnu. Tilføj en forbindelse for at aktivere handlinger, eller kontakt systemadministratoren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Important: No actions are enabled for this automation rule.",,"Vigtigt! Der er ikke aktiveret nogen handlinger for denne automatiseringsregel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There are no active actions for this automation rule. To add an action, click the Add button.",,"Der er ingen aktive handlinger til denne automatiseringsregel. Klik på knappen Tilføj for at tilføje en handling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The version of this Dynamics CRM instance is not supported: %{Connection}. Please install Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365)",,"Versionen af denne Dynamics CRM-forekomst understøttes ikke: %{Connection}. Du skal installere opdatering til Dynamics CRM Online 2016 eller nyere (Dynamics 365)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rule not saved",,"Reglen blev ikke gemt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Email notifications are sent to all administrators when execution failures are detected for any actions on automation rules. Select the check box to enable these notifications.",,"Mailbeskeder sendes til alle administratorer, når der registreres kørselsfejl for handlinger på automatiseringsregler. Markér afkrydsningsfeltet for at aktivere disse beskeder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Send failure notifications",,"Send meddelelser om fejl",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Email notifications are sent to all administrators when execution failures are detected for any actions on automation rules. To enable these notifications, turn on this option.",,"Mailbeskeder sendes til alle administratorer, når der registreres kørselsfejl for handlinger på automatiseringsregler. Slå denne indstilling til for at aktivere disse beskeder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automation Rules",,"Automatiseringsregler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Define rules to automatically take actions on newly found social posts.",,"Definer regler for at udføre automatiske handlinger på sociale indlæg, der er fundet for nylig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Assigned",,"Tildelt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Streamed to event hubs",,"Streamet til event hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Labeled",,"Med tekst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Linked to CRM",,"Knyttet til CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Linked to Dynamics 365",,"Knyttet til Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts changed by automation rule(s) within last %{days_count} days",,"Indlæg ændret med automatiseringsregel eller -regler inden for de sidste %{days_count} dage",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your access to this functionality is restricted due to your current license type or role. For full access, please contact your administrator to request an upgrade to your license type and/or role.",,"Din adgang til denne funktion er begrænset pga. din nuværende licenstype eller roller. Hvis du ønsker fuld adgang, skal du kontakte administratoren for at anmode om en opgradering af din licenstype og/eller rolle.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Restricted access",,"Begrænset adgang",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{ruleName}: Automation rule was successfully deleted.",,"%{ruleName}: Automatiseringsreglen blev slettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to delete this automation rule: %{ruleName}? This will remove the rule permanently and stop the execution of the rule's actions.",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne automatiseringsregel: %{ruleName}? Dette fjerner reglen permanent og standser udførelsen af reglens handlinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There was a problem saving your filters. Please review or update your filters and try again.",,"Der opstod et problem under lagring af dine filtre. Gennemgå eller opdater dine filtre, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Date: ""%{date}"""",,""Dato: ""%{date}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts with Actions: %{post_number}",,"Indlæg med handlinger: %{post_number}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "User / Group",,"Bruger/gruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Event Hub Name",,"Navn på event hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Assigned posts",,"Tildelte indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts streamed to event hubs",,"Indlæg streamet til event hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Labeled posts",,"Mærkede indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts linked to CRM",,"Indlæg knyttet til CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts linked to Dynamics 365",,"Indlæg knyttet til Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Stats (Last %{days_count} days)",,"Status (seneste %{days_count} dage)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select the type of CRM instance",,"Vælg CRM-forekomsttypen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select the type of Dynamics 365 instance",,"Vælg Dynamics 365-forekomsttypen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connection type",,"Forbindelsestype",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a name for your connection",,"Tilføj et navn til din forbindelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365)",,"Dynamics CRM Online 2016-opdatering eller nyere (Dynamics 365)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 (online)",,"Dynamics 365 (online)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CRM (On-Premises)",,"CRM (lokalt)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 (on-premises)",,"Dynamics 365 (on-premises)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connecting Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights with Microsoft Dynamics CRM will enable certain Social Content and Customer Data to be shared between the two online services. At the direction of you or your end users <br> (i) Social Content stored in Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights such as social profile contact etc.) from Microsoft Dynamics CRM will be transmitted to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights.<br> We encourage you to review the <a href='%{technicalDocumentationLink}'>privacy statement applicable to each online service</a>.",,"Når Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights forbindes med Microsoft Dynamics CRM, kan visse former for socialt indhold og kundedata deles mellem de to onlinetjenester. Når du eller dine slutbrugere beder om det, overføres <br> (i) socialt indhold gemt i Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights, f.eks. kontakt for social profil osv.) fra Microsoft Dynamics CRM til Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights.<br> Vi opfordrer dig til at gennemgå den <a href='%{technicalDocumentationLink}'>erklæring om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger, der gælder for hver onlinetjeneste</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connecting Market Insights with Dynamics 365 will allow some social content and customer data to be shared between the two online services. At the direction of you or your end users <br> (i) social content stored in Market Insights, like social profiles, posts, and corresponding metadata, will be sent to Dynamics 365; <br> (ii) Social content sent to Dynamics 365 may be overridden by default; and, <br> (iii) customer data (case, contact, etc.) from Dynamics 365 will be sent to Market Insights.<br> We encourage you to review the <a href='%{technicalDocumentationLink}'>privacy statement applicable to each online service</a>.",,"Hvis du knytter Market Insights til Dynamics 365, kan du dele visse former for socialt indhold og kundedata mellem de to onlinetjenester. Når du eller dine slutbrugere beder om det, sendes <br> (i) socialt indhold, der er lagret i Market Insights, f.eks. sociale profiler, indlæg og de tilknyttede metadata, til Dynamics 365, <br> (ii) socialt indhold, der sendes til Dynamics 365, kan som standard tilsidesættes, og <br> (iii) kundedata (sag, kontakt osv.) fra Dynamics 365 sendes til Market Insights.<br> Vi opfordrer dig til at gennemse de <a href='%{technicalDocumentationLink}'>erklæringer om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger, der gælder for hver onlinetjeneste</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The location is the region where your Dynamics CRM instances are located. Your Dynamics CRM instances will be supplied (automatically discovered) after you select a location. Otherwise, you can provide the URL of a Dynamics CRM instance without selecting a location.",,"Lokationen er det område, hvor dine forekomster af Dynamics CRM er placeret. Dine Dynamics CRM-forekomster angives (registreres automatisk), når du har valgt en lokation. Ellers kan du angive URL-adressen for en Dynamics CRM-forekomst uden at vælge en lokation.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The location is the region where your Dynamics 365 instances are located. Your instances will be supplied (automatically discovered) after you select a location. Otherwise, you can provide the URL for a Dynamics 365 instance without selecting a location.",,"Lokationen er det område, hvor dine forekomster af Dynamics 365 er placeret. Dine forekomster angives (registreres automatisk), når du har valgt en lokation. Ellers kan du angive URL-adressen for en Dynamics 365-forekomst uden at vælge en lokation.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No Dynamics CRM instances were automatically discovered. You can provide the URL for your Dynamics CRM instance, or contact your CRM system administrator.",,"Der blev ikke automatisk registreret nogen Dynamics CRM-forekomster. Du kan angive URL-adressen for din Dynamics CRM-forekomst eller kontakte CRM-systemadministratoren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We didn’t discover any Dynamics 365 instances. Enter the URL for your Dynamics 365 instance, or contact your system administrator.",,"Vi registrerede ikke nogen Dynamics 365-forekomster. Angiv URL-adressen for din Dynamics 365-forekomst, eller kontakt systemadministratoren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CRM Instance can't be empty.",,"CRM-forekomst må ikke være tomt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven’t provided a Dynamics 365 instance.",,"Du har ikke angivet en Dynamics 365-forekomst.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can only create a connection to an HTTP Secure (https) URL.",,"Vi kan kun oprette forbindelse til en sikker HTTP-webadresse (https).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter a valid URL.",,"Angiv en gyldig URL-adresse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CRM Instance URL",,"URL for CRM-forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 instance URL",,"URL-adresse til Dynamics 365-forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CRM Instance should be in a URL format.",,"CRM-forekomsten skal være i et URL-format.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter the Dynamics 365 instance in a URL format.",,"Angiv Dynamics 365-forekomsten i et URL-adresseformat.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We are testing the connection. You'll be prompted to enter the credentials for your instance. If you do not see the authentication dialog box, verify that your browser allows pop-ups on this page. As soon as the connection is established, we'll take you to the next step.",,"Vi er i gang med at teste forbindelsen. Du bliver bedt om at angive legitimationsoplysninger for din forekomst. Hvis du ikke får vist godkendelsesdialogboksen, skal du kontrollere, om din browser tillader pop op-meddelelser på denne side. Så snart der er oprettet forbindelse, bliver du ført videre til næste trin.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're testing the connection. You may be asked to enter the credentials for your CRM instance. When the connection is established, we'll take you to the next step.",,"Vi er i gang med at teste forbindelsen. Du bliver bedt om at angive legitimationsoplysninger for din CRM-forekomst. Når forbindelsen er oprettet, bliver du ført videre til næste trin.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're testing the connection. You may be asked to enter the credentials for your Dynamics 365 instance. When the connection is established, we'll take you to the next step.",,"Vi er i gang med at teste forbindelsen. Du bliver bedt om at angive legitimationsoplysninger for din Dynamics 365-forekomst. Når forbindelsen er oprettet, bliver du ført videre til næste trin.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't find any Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365) instance.",,"Vi kunne ikke finde nogen forekomst af Dynamics CRM Online 2016-opdatering eller nyere (Dynamics 365).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't find a Dynamics 365 (online) instance.",,"Vi kunne ikke finde en Dynamics 365 (online)-forekomst.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Check Instances",,"Kontrollér forekomster",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Discovered CRM Instances",,"Fundne CRM-forekomster",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Discovered Dynamics 365 instances",,"Registrerede Dynamics 365-forekomster",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Discover Dynamics 365 instances",,"Registrer Dynamics 365-forekomster",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Click the Check Instances button to automatically find Dynamics CRM instances you have access to. You can also directly provide the URL of your Dynamics CRM instance below.",,"Klik på knappen Kontrollér forekomster for automatisk af finde Dynamics CRM-forekomster, du har adgang til. Du kan også angive URL-adressen til din Dynamics CRM-forekomst direkte nedenfor.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Click the Check Instances button to automatically find Dynamics 365 instances you have access to. You can also enter your Dynamics 365 instance URL below.",,"Klik på knappen Kontrollér forekomster for automatisk af finde Dynamics 365-forekomster, du har adgang til. Du kan også angive URL-adressen til din Dynamics 365-forekomst nedenfor.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We found Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365) instance. Found Dynamics 365 instances can now be selected from the Discovered Dynamics 365 instances drop down",,"Der blev fundet forekomst af Dynamics CRM Online 2016-opdatering eller nyere (Dynamics 365). De fundne Dynamics 365-forekomster kan nu vælges på rullelisten med fundne Dynamics 365-forekomster",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select the location of your CRM instance",,"Vælg lokationen for din CRM-forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select the location of your Dynamics 365 instance",,"Vælg lokationen for din Dynamics 365-forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Connection",,"Tilføj forbindelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have another Dynamics CRM instance selected as default. Do you want to change the default?",,"Du har valgt en anden Dynamics CRM-forekomst som standard. Vil du ændre standardindstillingen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have another Dynamics 365 instance selected as the default. Do you want to change the default?",,"Du har valgt en anden Dynamics 365-forekomst som standard. Vil du ændre standardindstillingen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Change Default CRM instance",,"Skift CRM-standardforekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Change Default Dynamics 365 Instance",,"Skift Dynamics 365-standardforekomsten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CRM instance",,"CRM-forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 instance",,"Dynamics 365-forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can't disable this connection because it's used for automation rules. Review the automation rules and try again.",,"Vi kan ikke deaktivere denne forbindelse, fordi den bruges til automatiseringsregler. Gennemse automatiseringsreglerne, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connected on",,"Tilsluttet på",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enable instance",,"Aktivér forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Organization language",,"Organisationssprog",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can't save your changes because some entities you tried to remove are used in automation rules. Please review the automation rules and try again.",,"Vi kan ikke gemme dine ændringer, fordi nogle af de enheder, du har forsøgt at fjerne, bruges i automatiseringsregler. Gennemse automatiseringsreglerne, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Set as default",,"Benyt som standard",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Last updated on",,"Senest opdateret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enable this Dynamics CRM instance so you can create records in this instance from a post.",,"Aktivér denne Dynamics CRM-forekomst, så du kan oprette poster i forekomsten ud fra et indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enable this Dynamics 365 instance so you can create records in this instance from a post.",,"Aktivér denne Dynamics 365-forekomst, så du kan oprette poster i forekomsten ud fra et indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Define record details form for Dynamics CRM entities",,"Definer formular for postoplysninger til Dynamics CRM-objekter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Define record details for Dynamics 365 entities",,"Definer formular for postoplysninger til Dynamics 365-objekter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To define the information to be shown in the record details form, select the CRM attributes that are available for this entity.",,"Hvis du vil definere de oplysninger, der skal vises i formularen for postoplysninger, skal du vælge de CRM-attributter, der er tilgængelige for dette objekt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To define what information will be included in record details, select the Dynamics 365 attributes that are available for this entity.",,"Hvis du vil definere de oplysninger, der skal vises i postoplysninger, skal du vælge de Dynamics 365-attributter, der er tilgængelige for dette objekt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add more",,"Tilføj flere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We removed CRM entities and attributes that are no longer available in your CRM instance. %{instanceName}: %{entitiesName}.",,"Vi har fjernet CRM-objekter og -attributter, som ikke længere er tilgængelige i din CRM-forekomst. %{instanceName}: %{entitiesName}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We removed Dynamics 365 entities and attributes that are no longer available in your instance. %{instanceName}: %{entitiesName}.",,"Vi fjernede Dynamics 365-objekter, og attributterne er ikke længere tilgængelige i din forekomst. %{instanceName}: %{entitiesName}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Description",,"Beskrivelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Entity details",,"Objektoplysninger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Attribute",,"Attribut",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Move down",,"Flyt ned",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Move up",,"Flyt op",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "A new row has been added.",,"Der blev tilføjet en ny række.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The row has been moved downward. Focus kept its position.",,"Rækken blev flyttet nedad. Fokus beholdt sin placering.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The row has been moved upward. Focus kept its position.",,"Rækken blev flyttet opad. Fokus beholdt sin placering.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The row has been removed.",,"Rækken blev fjernet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Display Name",,"Visningsnavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Record Form",,"Postformular",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Record details",,"Postoplysninger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select entities",,"Vælg objekter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select the entities that you can automatically create Dynamics CRM records for from a social post.",,"Vælg de objekter, du automatisk kan oprette Dynamics CRM-poster for ud fra et indlæg på de sociale medier.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select the entities that you can automatically create Dynamics 365 records for from a social post.",,"Vælg de objekter, du automatisk kan oprette Dynamics 365-poster for ud fra et indlæg på de sociale medier.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Fetching all entities can take a while. Please be patient while we're getting the information.",,"Det kan tage et stykke tid at hente alle enheder. Vent venligst, mens vi henter oplysningerne.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unique Name",,"Entydigt navn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Changes not saved",,"Ændringerne blev ikke gemt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm changes: Your updated Event Hubs connection will automatically apply to all automation rules that have an active Event Hubs action. Confirm your changes to proceed.",,"Bekræft ændringer: Din opdaterede Event Hubs-forbindelse bliver automatisk anvendt på alle automatiseringsregler, som har en aktiv Event Hubs-handling. Bekræft dine ændringer for at fortsætte.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Set this event hub as the default selection for automation rules.",,"Indstil denne event hub som standardvalget for automatiseringsregler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Provide the Name and Connection string for the Azure Event Hubs as configured in your Microsoft Azure subscription. We recommend you use a connection string that has only the Send permission for the event hub.",,"Angiv navn og forbindelsesstrengen for Azure Event Hubs som konfigureret i dit Microsoft Azure-abonnement. Vi anbefaler, at du bruger en forbindelsesstreng, der kun har sendetilladelse til Event Hub.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Event hub disabled",,"Event hub deaktiveret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Connecting Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights with your Azure Event Hubs account will enable certain Social Content and Customer Data to be shared with Azure Event Hubs. We encourage you to review the Azure Event Hubs privacy statement and the <a href=""%{technicalDocumentationLink}"" class=""%{technicalDocumentationClassName}"">technical documentation</a> for this feature for further details."",,""Hvis du knytter Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights til din Azure Event Hubs-konto, kan visse former for socialt indhold og visse kundedata deles med Azure Event Hubs. Vi opfordrer dig til at gennemse erklæringen om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger for Azure Event Hubs og den <a href=""%{technicalDocumentationLink}"" class=""%{technicalDocumentationClassName}"">tekniske dokumentation</a> til denne funktion for at få flere oplysninger."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Event hub enabled",,"Event hub aktiveret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Event hub is default hub",,"Event hub er standardhub",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Event hub is not default hub",,"Event hub er ikke standardhub",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connection string",,"Forbindelsesstreng",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enabled",,"Aktiveret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can't delete this connection because it's used for automation rules. Please review the automation rules and try again.",,"Vi kan ikke slette denne forbindelse, fordi den bruges til automatiseringsregler. Gennemse automatiseringsreglerne, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this event hub: '%{eventHubName}'? You will remove this connection permanently and will no longer be able to stream social data to it.",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil slette forbindelsen til denne event hub: '%{eventHubName}'? Du fjerner denne forbindelse permanent og vil ikke længere kunne streame sociale data til den.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "'%{eventHubName}' : Azure Event Hubs connection was successfully deleted",,""""%{eventHubName}"": Azure Event Hubs-forbindelsen blev slettet"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete this connection",,"Slet denne forbindelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Establish connections between Market Insights and Azure Event Hubs. This allows streaming of social data from Market Insights to Azure Event Hubs.",,"Opret forbindelser mellem Market Insights og Azure Event Hubs. Det giver mulighed for streaming af sociale data fra Market Insights til Azure Event Hubs.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There are no Azure Event Hubs connected yet.",,"Der er endnu ikke forbindelse til nogen Azure Event Hubs.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Azure Event Hubs Connections",,"Microsoft Azure Event Hubs-forbindelser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Provide the Event hub name",,"Angiv navnet på hændelseshubben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Event hub name",,"Navn på hændelseshub",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Establish a connection between Market Insights and Azure Event Hubs. This allows streaming of social data from Market Insights to an event hub.",,"Opret en forbindelse mellem Market Insights og Azure Event Hubs. Det giver mulighed for streaming af sociale data fra Market Insights til en event hub.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connect to Azure Event Hubs",,"Opret forbindelse til Azure Event Hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unable to connect to the event hub. Please check the connection string and try again.",,"Der kan ikke oprettes forbindelse til event hubben. Kontrollér forbindelsesstrengen, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unable to connect to the event hub. Please check the event hub name or connection string and try again.",,"Der kan ikke oprettes forbindelse til hændelseshubben. Kontrollér navnet på hændelseshubben eller forbindelsesstrengen, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You are now connected to Azure Event Hubs '%{eventHubName}'",,"Du har nu forbindelse til Azure Event Hubs '%{eventHubName}'",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enable the connection between Market Insights and the event hub.",,"Aktivér forbindelsen mellem Market Insights og event hubben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enable connection",,"Aktivér forbindelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't entered a connection string.",,"Du har ikke angivet en forbindelsesstreng.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Example: Endpoint=sb://eventhub-ns.servicebus.afdf.windows-int.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=…",,"Eksempel: Endpoint=sb://eventhub-ns.servicebus.afdf.windows-int.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=…",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have selected a default instance to disable. When you disable a connection, links of Market Insights posts to CRM records will no longer work and no new records can be created in that CRM instance from a post.",,"Du har valgt at deaktivere en standardforekomst. Når du deaktiverer en forbindelse, fungerer links fra Market Insights-indlæg til CRM-poster ikke længere, og der kan ikke oprettes nye poster i den pågældende CRM-forekomst ud fra et indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have selected a default instance to disable. When you disable a connection, links from Market Insights posts to Dynamics 365, records will no longer work and no records can be created in that instance from a post.",,"Du har valgt at deaktivere en standardforekomst. Når du deaktiverer en forbindelse, fungerer links fra Market Insights-indlæg til Dynamics 365-poster ikke længere, og der kan ikke oprettes poster i den pågældende forekomst ud fra et indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm Disabling of Default Instance",,"Bekræft deaktivering af standardforekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to disable the connection to the selected CRM Instance? When you disable a connection, links of Market Insights posts to CRM records will no longer work and no new records can be created in that CRM instance from a post.",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil deaktivere forbindelsen til den valgte CRM-forekomst? Når du deaktiverer en forbindelse, fungerer links fra Market Insights-indlæg til CRM-poster ikke længere, og der kan ikke oprettes nye poster i den pågældende CRM-forekomst ud fra et indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to disable the connection to the selected Dynamics 365 Instance? When you disable a connection, links from Market Insights posts to Dynamics 365 records will no longer work and no records can be created in that instance from a post.",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil deaktivere forbindelsen til den valgte Dynamics 365-forekomst? Når du deaktiverer en forbindelse, fungerer links fra Market Insights-indlæg til Dynamics 365-poster ikke længere, og der kan ikke oprettes poster i den pågældende forekomst ud fra et indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm Disabling of Instance",,"Bekræft deaktivering af forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to enable the connection to the selected CRM instance? When you enable a connection, you’ll be able to create records in that CRM instance from a post.",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil aktivere forbindelsen til den valgte CRM-forekomst? Når du aktiverer en forbindelse, kan du oprette poster i den pågældende CRM-forekomst ud fra et indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to enable the connection to the selected Dynamics 365 instance? When you enable a connection, you can create records in that Dynamics 365 instance from a post.",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil aktivere forbindelsen til den valgte Dynamics 365-forekomst? Når du aktiverer en forbindelse, kan du oprette poster i den pågældende Dynamics 365-forekomst ud fra et indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm Enabling of Instance",,"Bekræft aktivering af forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to disable the selected CRM instance? You need to have at least one CRM instance enabled to create records from a post. When you disable a connection, existing links between Market Insights posts and CRM records will no longer work and no new records can be created in that CRM instance from a post. This will set the CRM Instance to the Disabled state.",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil deaktivere den valgte CRM-forekomst? Du skal have aktiveret mindst én CRM-forekomst for at kunne oprette poster ud fra et indlæg. Når du deaktiverer en forbindelse, fungerer de aktuelle links mellem Market Insights-indlæg og CRM-poster ikke længere, og der kan ikke oprettes nye poster i den pågældende CRM-forekomst ud fra et indlæg. Dette medfører, at CRM-forekomstens tilstand ændres til deaktiveret.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to disable the selected Dynamics 365 instance? You need to have at least one instance enabled to create records from a post. When you disable a connection, existing links between Market Insights posts and Dynamics 365 records will no longer work and no records can be created in that instance from a post. This will set the Dynamics 365 instance state to Disabled.",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil deaktivere den valgte Dynamics 365-forekomst? Du skal have aktiveret mindst én forekomst for at kunne oprette poster ud fra et indlæg. Når du deaktiverer en forbindelse, fungerer de eksisterende links mellem Market Insights-indlæg og Dynamics 365-poster ikke længere, og der kan ikke oprettes poster i den pågældende forekomst ud fra et indlæg. Dette medfører, at Dynamics 365-forekomstens tilstand ændres til deaktiveret.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Allowed Domains",,"Tilladte domæner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connection disabled",,"Forbindelse blev deaktiveret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connection enabled",,"Forbindelse blev aktiveret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connection is default instance",,"Forbindelsen er standardforekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connection is not default instance",,"Forbindelsen er ikke standardforekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics CRM",,"Microsoft Dynamics CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Establish a connection between Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights and Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This allows users to create and access Dynamics CRM records from within Market Insights.",,"Opret forbindelse mellem Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights og Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Derved kan brugere oprette og få adgang til Dynamics CRM-poster fra Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Establish a connection between Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights and Microsoft Dynamics 365 to let users create and access those records from Market Insights.",,"Opret forbindelse mellem Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights og Microsoft Dynamics 365 for at give brugerne mulighed for at oprette og få adgang til poster fra Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't created any Connections yet. To start adding Connections, click the Add button",,"Du har endnu ikke oprettet nogen forbindelser. Klik på knappen Tilføj for at begynde at tilføje forbindelser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Azure Event Hubs",,"Microsoft Azure Event Hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Instance URL",,"URL til forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CRM Version",,"CRM-version",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 Version",,"Dynamics 365-version",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Version",,"Version",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have selected a default Dynamics CRM instance. Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this instance? All links to the CRM records of this instance will be removed from Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Du har valgt en Dynamics CRM-standardforekomst. Er du sikker på, at du vil slette forbindelsen til denne forekomst? Alle links til CRM-posterne i denne forekomst fjernes fra Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Handlingen kan ikke fortrydes.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You've selected a default Dynamics 365 instance. Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this instance? All links to the Dynamics 365 records of this instance will be removed from Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Du har valgt en Dynamics 365-standardforekomst. Er du sikker på, at du vil slette forbindelsen til denne forekomst? Alle links til Dynamics 365-posterne i denne forekomst fjernes fra Market Insights. Handlingen kan ikke fortrydes.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this Dynamics CRM instance? You need to have at least one Dynamics CRM instance connection enabled to create records from a post. All links to the CRM records of this instance will be removed from Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil slette forbindelsen til denne Dynamics CRM-forekomst? Du skal have aktiveret mindst én Dynamics CRM-forekomstforbindelse for at kunne oprette poster ud fra et indlæg. Alle links til CRM-posterne i denne forekomst fjernes fra Market Insights. Du kan ikke fortryde denne handling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this instance? You need at least one Dynamics 365 connection enabled to create records from a post. All links to the Dynamics 365 records for this instance will be removed from Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil slette forbindelsen til denne forekomst? Du skal have aktiveret mindst én Dynamics 365-forbindelse for at kunne oprette poster ud fra et indlæg. Alle links til Dynamics 365-posterne i denne forekomst fjernes fra Market Insights. Du kan ikke fortryde denne handling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this Microsoft Dynamics CRM instance? This will remove all links to CRM records from Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne Microsoft Dynamics CRM-forekomst? Det vil medføre, at alle links til CRM-poster fra Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights fjernes. Du kan ikke fortryde denne handling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this Dynamics 365 instance? This will remove all links to Dynamics 365 records from Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne Dynamics 365-forekomst? Det vil medføre, at alle links til Dynamics 365-poster fjernes fra Market Insights. Du kan ikke fortryde denne handling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete this connection to Dynamics CRM",,"Slet denne forbindelse til Dynamics CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete this connection to Dynamics 365.",,"Slet denne forbindelse til Dynamics 365.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connections",,"Microsoft Dynamics CRM-forbindelser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connections",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365-forbindelser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connections",,"Forbindelser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add connection",,"Tilføj forbindelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Establish connections to other applications from Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights and specify domains that can make requests for your Market Insights data.",,"Opret forbindelse til andre programmer fra Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights, og angiv domæner, der kan foretage anmodninger om dine Market Insights-data.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "If you do not see the authentication dialog box, verify that your browser allows pop-ups on this page.",,"Hvis godkendelsesdialogboksen ikke vises, skal du kontrollere, at din browser tillader pop op-vinduer på denne side.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to set the selected Dynamics CRM instance as the default for record creation?",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil angive den valgte Dynamics CRM-forekomst som standard til oprettelse af poster?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to set the selected Dynamics 365 instance as the default for record creation?",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil angive den valgte Dynamics 365-forekomst som standard til oprettelse af poster?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm Default CRM Instance",,"Bekræft CRM-standardforekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm Default Dynamics 365 Instance",,"Bekræft Dynamics 365-standardforekomsten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Set this Dynamics CRM instance as the default instance to use when you create records from posts.",,"Angiv denne Dynamics CRM-forekomst som den standardforekomst, der skal bruges, når du opretter poster ud fra indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Set this Dynamics 365 instance as the default instance to use when you create records from posts.",,"Angiv denne Dynamics 365-forekomst som den standardforekomst, der skal bruges, når du opretter poster ud fra indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Available search languages",,"Tilgængelige søgesprog",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Available sources",,"Tilgængelige kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select the sources and languages to use by default for new search topics. Users creating new search topics can override this selection.",,"Vælg de kilder og sprog, der skal bruges som standard i nye søgeemner. Brugere, der opretter nye søgeemner, kan tilsidesætte denne indstilling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search Setup Defaults",,"Standardindstillinger for søgekonfiguration",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "MM/dd/yy",,"MM/dd/åå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "MM/dd/yyyy",,"MM/dd/åååå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "M/d/yy",,"M/d/åå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "M/d/yyyy",,"M/d/åååå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "dd/MM/yy",,"dd/MM/åå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "dd/MM/yyyy",,"dd/MM/åååå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "yyyy年MM月dd日",,"åååå/MM/dd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Date format",,"Datoformat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Date separator",,"Datoseparator",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Number format",,"Talformat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Default Preferences",,"Standardindstillinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Screen language",,"Skærmsprog",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "12h",,"12 t",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "24h",,"24 t",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Time format",,"Tidsformat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Time separator",,"Klokkeslætsseparator",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Example: app.contoso.com, *.contoso.com, http://companyname",,"Eksempel: app.contoso.com, *.contoso.com, http://companyname",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add domain",,"Tilføj domæne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The domain isn't valid: %{domainName}",,"Dette domæne er ugyldigt: %{domainName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Help to protect your information by specifying the domains that can make requests for your Market Insights data.",,"Beskyt dine oplysninger ved at angive de domæner, der kan foretage anmodninger om dine Market Insights-data.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The domain must be unique.",,"Domænet skal være entydigt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't added any domains yet. Add domains by entering the URL into the input field above.",,"Du har endnu ikke tilføjet nogen domæner. Tilføj domæner ved at angive URL-adressen i inputfeltet ovenfor.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Allowed Domains List",,"Liste over tilladte domæner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "A new domain was added.",,"Et nyt domæne blev tilføjet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The domain was deleted.",,"Domænet blev slettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This domain will be removed: %{domainName}",,"Dette domæne fjernes: %{domainName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove Allowed Domain",,"Fjern tilladt domæne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Copy this solution URL to connect to your Market Insights data.",,"Kopiér webadressen til denne løsning for at oprette forbindelse til dine Market Insights-data.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Solution URL",,"Løsnings webadresse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Date: %{date}",,"Dato: %{date}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "F-score: %{fscore}",,"F-score: %{fscore}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "F-score",,"F-score",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Group",,"Tilføj gruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "add Locations",,"tilføj lokationer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "My Location Group",,"Min lokationsgruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't added any locations to this location group yet. Add locations by using the search field above.",,"Du har endnu ikke føjet nogen lokationer til denne lokationsgruppe. Brug søgefeltet ovenfor for at tilføje lokationer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Number of Locations",,"Antal lokationer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The location group name can't be blank.",,"Navnet på lokationsgruppen må ikke være tomt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The location group name is already used by another location group.",,"Navnet på lokationsgruppen bruges allerede af en anden lokationsgruppe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Not editable",,"Kan ikke redigeres",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Predefined Location",,"Foruddefineret lokation",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove Location",,"Fjern lokation",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create location group.",,"Opret lokationsgruppe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create and edit location groups to use as filters in your analysis.",,"Opret og rediger lokationsgrupper, der skal bruges som filtre i din analyse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Predefined",,"Foruddefineret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete location group?",,"Vil du slette lokationsgruppe?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure that you want to delete the %{groupName} location group?",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil slette lokationsgruppen %{groupName}?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure that you want to delete the %{groupName} location group? This group is owned by %{owner}.",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil slette lokationsgruppen %{groupName}? Gruppen ejes af %{owner}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove Location Group",,"Fjern lokationsgruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The location group has been removed.",,"Lokationsgruppen er blevet fjernet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The location has been removed.",,"Lokationen er blevet fjernet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Gregorian",,"Gregoriansk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Japanese Era",,"Japansk tidsregning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Taiwan Calendar",,"Taiwanesisk kalender",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Calendar",,"Kalender",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Chart data representation mode",,"Præsentationstilstand med diagramdata",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Chart",,"Diagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Table",,"Tabel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Chart filling mode",,"Tilstand med diagramudfyldning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Pattern",,"Mønster",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Solid Color",,"Dækkende farve",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Chart format",,"Diagramformat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Configuration role",,"Konfigurationsrolle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Default time frame in Analytics",,"Standardtidsramme i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Home page",,"Startside",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Interaction role",,"Interaktionsrolle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Last Month",,"Sidste måned",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Last Week",,"Sidste uge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Learn more about your user roles.",,"Få mere at vide om dine brugerroller.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Screen Language",,"Skærmsprog",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Profiles",,"Sociale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The acquisition of private messages is allowed and activated in Search Setup",,"Tilladelsen for og indsamlingen af private meddelelser sker under Søgekonfiguration",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The acquisition of private messages is allowed, but acquisition isn't active in Search Setup",,"Det er tilladt at indsamle private meddelelser, men indsamling er ikke aktiveret under Søgekonfiguration",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Private messages for this account won't be available in Search Setup",,"Private meddelelser for denne konto er ikke tilgængelige under Søgekonfiguration",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Allowing the acquisition of private messages from authenticated external sources will enable authorized users of your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights instance to set search rules to acquire private messages and will display private messages to every user having access to this instance of Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Private messages are translated using an external translator service and your use of this feature is subject to the privacy and security practices of the translator service. Please <a href='%{navigateToDocumentation}'>review the feature documentation</a> here for further details.",,"Hvis du tillader indsamling af private meddelelser fra godkendte eksterne kilder, kan godkendte brugere af din Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-forekomst angive søgeregler for at hente private meddelelser. Der vises desuden private meddelelser til hver bruger, der har adgang til denne forekomst af Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Private meddelelser oversættes ved hjælp af en ekstern oversættertjeneste, og din brug af denne funktion er underlagt tjenestens praksis for personlige oplysninger og sikkerhed. Du kan få flere oplysninger ved at <a href='%{navigateToDocumentation}'>gennemgå dokumentationen til funktionen</a> her.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Allow interactions and data acquisition",,"Tillad interaktioner og dataindsamling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Allow data acquisition",,"Tillad dataindsamling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Acquisition of Facebook pages",,"Hentning af Facebook-sider",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Acquire Instagram data",,"Indsaml Instagram-data",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Acquisition of private messages",,"Indsamling af private meddelelser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Acquisition social profiles",,"Indsamling af sociale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Acquisition token status overview",,"Oversigt over status for indsamlingstokens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're waiting for you to give the Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights app permission for %{type}. If you don't see the authentication dialog box, verify that you allow pop-ups on this page. You can close this dialog box when you have authenticated the app.",,"Vi venter på, at du skal give Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-appen tilladelse til %{type}. Hvis godkendelsesdialogboksen ikke vises, skal du kontrollere, om der må vises pop op-meddelelser på denne side. Du kan lukke denne dialogboks, når du har godkendt appen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Permit the app to connect with your profile",,"Tillad, at appen kan oprette forbindelse til din profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add %{social_platform} Pages",,"Tilføj %{social_platform}-sider",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Profile",,"Tilføj profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You successfully added a social profile.",,"Du har tilføjet en social profil.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You successfully added a social profile: %{socialProfileName}",,"Du har tilføjet en social profil: %{socialProfileName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Reauthenticate your token",,"Godkend dit token igen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Allow",,"Tillad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Allowed",,"Tilladt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Token valid",,"Token er gyldigt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your token valid, app valid",,"Dit token er gyldig, app er gyldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No token",,"Intet token",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No valid tokens for this profile. You need to reauthenticate.",,"Der er ingen gyldige tokens til denne profil. Du skal godkende igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Token invalid",,"Token er ugyldigt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your token expired, but you can still work with the social profile.",,"Dit token er udløbet, men du kan stadig arbejde med den sociale profil.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "App invalid",,"App er ugyldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Check Tokens",,"Kontrollér tokens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Check done. All tokens verified.",,"Kontrol udført. Alle tokens er kontrolleret.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Claim ownership",,"Kræv ejerskab",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete your token",,"Slet dit token",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete social profile",,"Slet social profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Allow interactions",,"Tillad interaktioner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "PROFILES SHARED WITH YOU",,"PROFILER, DER DELES MED DIG",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To create Facebook pages rules and acquire data, you need to allow data acquisition for Facebook pages for at least one authenticated Facebook user.",,"Hvis du vil oprette regler for Facebook-sider og hente data, skal du tillade datahentning for Facebook-sider for mindst én godkendt Facebook-bruger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To create Facebook pages rules and acquire data, you need to allow data acquisition for Facebook pages for at least one authenticated Facebook Acquisition profile.",,"Hvis du vil oprette regler for Facebook-sider og hente data, skal du tillade datahentning for Facebook-sider for mindst én godkendt Facebook-hentningsprofil.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have only one Facebook user available to acquire data. If you disallow acquisition of Facebook pages, your solution will stop acquiring data from Facebook pages.",,"Du har kun én tilgængelig Facebook-bruger til hentning af data. Hvis du fravælger tilladelse til hentning af Facebook-sider, betyder din løsning, at der ikke længere bliver hentet data fra Facebook-sider.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have only one Facebook Acquisition profile available to acquire data. If you disallow acquisition of Facebook pages, your solution will stop acquiring data from Facebook pages.",,"Du har kun én Facebook-hentningsprofil, der er tilgængelig for hentning af data. Hvis du fravælger tilladelse til hentning af Facebook-sider, stopper din løsning med at hente data fra Facebook-sider. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You must be an administrator for this Facebook page to re-authenticate it.",,"Du skal være administrator for denne Facebook-side for at godkende den igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profile, State, User",,"Profil, status, bruger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Private messages acquisition allowed, private messages rules active",,"Hentning af private meddelelser er tilladt, regler for private meddelelser er aktiveret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data acquisition allowed, Facebook pages rules active",,"Datahentning er tilladt, regler for Facebook-sider er aktiveret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Private messages acquisition allowed, no active private messages rules",,"Hentning af private meddelelser er tilladt, ingen regler for private meddelelser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data acquisition allowed, no active Facebook pages rules",,"Datahentning er tilladt, ingen aktive regler for Facebook-sider",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Note that the acquisition for Facebook pages allowed by this user is valid for a maximum period of 60 days. Check back regularly and re-authenticate your Facebook user to ensure continuous data acquisition.",,"Bemærk, at hentning for Facebook-sider, som er tilladt af denne bruger, er gyldig i maksimum 60 dage. Kontrollér dette jævnligt, og godkend dine Facebook-brugere igen for at sikre, at der fortsat kan hentes data.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Note that the acquisition for Facebook pages allowed by this user is valid for a maximum period of 60 days. Check back regularly and re-authenticate your Facebook Acquisition profile to ensure continuous data acquisition.",,"Bemærk, at hentning af Facebook-sider, der er tilladt af brugeren, er gyldig i maksimalt 60 dage. Kig forbi jævnligt for at godkende din Facebook-hentningsprofil igen, så du sikrer fortsat hentning af data.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To create Instagram rules and acquire data, you need to allow data acquisition for at least one Instagram account.",,"Hvis du vil oprette Instagram-regler og indsamle data, skal du tillade dataindsamling for mindst én Instagram-konto.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please note that the acquisition for Instagram allowed by this user is only valid for a certain period of time. We will inform you if an action is required.",,"Bemærk, at hentningen for Instagram, som er tilladt af denne bruger, kun er gyldig i en bestemt periode. Vi giver dig besked, hvis du skal gøre noget.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Invalid Account: ",,"Ugyldig konto: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The provided credentials didn't match the social profile you tried to authenticate for. Please try again with different credentials.",,"De angivne legitimationsoplysninger stemte ikke overens med den sociale profil, du prøvede at blive godkendt med. Prøv igen med andre legitimationsoplysninger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Authorization is missing for all owners",,"Der mangler godkendelse af alle ejere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} like |||| %{smart_count} likes",,"%{smart_count} synes godt om |||| %{smart_count} synes godt om",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Manage",,"Administrering",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Learn more about how to manage social profiles.",,"Få mere at vide om, hvordan du administrerer sociale profiler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Token expired",,"Token er udløbet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Missing authentication",,"Manglende godkendelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All tokens for this social profile have expired. Reauthenticate your token.",,"Alle tokens for denne sociale profil er udløbet. Godkend dit token igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Acquisition for Instagram not yet active: To start acquiring data from Instagram, please add an Instagram account to your social profiles and allow it for data acquisition.",,"Indsamling for Instagram er endnu ikke aktiv: Hvis du vil starte med at indsamle data fra Instagram, skal du tilføje en Instagram-konto i dine sociale profiler og give den tilladelse til at indsamle data.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profiles without owners",,"Profiler uden ejere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There aren't any Facebook pages that you can add. You can only add a Facebook page if you have the Admin role for it.",,"Der er ingen Facebook-sider, som du kan tilføje. Du kan kun tilføje en Facebook-side, hvis du har administratorrollen til den.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There aren't any LinkedIn organization pages that you can add. You can only add a LinkedIn organization page if you have the Admin role for it.",,"Der findes ingen LinkedIn-organisationssider, som du kan tilføje. Du kan kun tilføje en LinkedIn-organisationsside, hvis du har administratorrollen til den.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Not allowed",,"Ikke tilladt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The specified social profile couldn’t be authorized. Check your credentials and try again.",,"Den angivne sociale profil kunne ikke godkendes. Kontrollér dine legitimationsoplysninger, og prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Acquisition",,"Hentning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Owned Profiles",,"Ejede profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sharing/Owned",,"Deling/ejet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Owners",,"Ejere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "(Ownership %{ownership_count})",,"(Ejerskab %{ownership_count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "For private messages",,"Til private meddelelser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profiles for private messages acquisition",,"Profiler til hentning af private meddelelser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profile",,"Profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "For Facebook pages",,"Til Facebook-sider",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You successfully reauthenticated a social profile.",,"Du har godkendt en social profil igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You successfully reauthenticated a social profile: %{socialProfileName}",,"Du har godkendt en social profil igen: %{socialProfileName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Reauthorize",,"Godkend igen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove my ownership",,"Fjern mit ejerskab",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove invalid token",,"Fjern ugyldigt token",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Running",,"Kører",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This social profile has valid tokens and is used for data acquisition.",,"Denne sociale profil har gyldige tokens og bruges til dataindsamling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your Social Profiles",,"Dine sociale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profiles for data acquisition",,"Profiler til hentning af data",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Share with everyone",,"Del med alle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Shared Profiles",,"Delte profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sharing",,"Deling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sharing a profile with users allows those to use this account for publish actions within Market Insights",,"Hvis en profil deles med brugere, giver det brugerne mulighed for at bruge denne konto til udgivelseshandlinger i Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sharing / Owners",,"Deling/ejere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There is only one Facebook Acquisition profile allowing data acquisition for Facebook pages in this solution. We recommend that you allow data acquisition on additional Facebook Acquisition profiles.",,"Der er kun én Facebook-hentningsprofil i denne løsning, der tillader datahentning fra Facebook-sider. Vi anbefaler, at du tillader datahentning på flere Facebook-hentningsprofiler. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There is only one Instagram account allowing data acquisition for Instagram in this solution. We recommend that you allow data acquisition on additional Instagram accounts.",,"Der er kun én Instagram-konto, som tillader dataindsamling for Instagram i denne løsning. Vi anbefaler, at du tillader dataindsamling på flere Instagram-konti.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} is talking about you |||| %{smart_count} are talking about you",,"%{smart_count} taler om dig |||| %{smart_count} taler om dig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{source} Profile",,"%{source} Profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Use for Acquisition",,"Brug til indsamling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Use for Search Acquisition",,"Til brug ved søgeindsamling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Without at least allowing 1 Instagram User account to serve as acquisition token, you won't be able to acquire Instagram data",,"Du kan ikke hente Instagram-data, hvis du ikke tillader, at mindst én Instagram-brugerkonto fungerer som indsamlingstoken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} user |||| %{smart_count} users",,"%{smart_count} bruger |||| %{smart_count} brugere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Theme",,"Tema",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dark",,"Mørk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Light",,"Lys",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "User Roles",,"Brugerroller",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your Preferences",,"Dine indstillinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Privacy statement configuration",,"Konfiguration af erklæring om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=389041",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=389041",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "An administrator of a Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights tenant can specify whether to show a privacy link and what to show.",,"En administrator af en Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-lejer kan angive, om der skal vises et link til beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger, og hvad der skal vises.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Show link to privacy statement",,"Vis link til erklæring om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Privacy",,"Beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Associated Search Topics",,"Tilknyttede søgeemner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} Search topic |||| %{smart_count} Search topics",,"%{smart_count} Søgeemne |||| %{smart_count} Søgeemner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No search topics",,"Ingen søgeemner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "View search topic",,"Vis søgeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create Facebook rule (Open in new tab)",,"Opret Facebook-regel (Åbn i ny fane)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create Instagram rule (Open in new tab)",,"Opret Instagram-regel (Åbn i ny fane)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create LinkedIn rule (Open in new tab)",,"Opret LinkedIn-regel (Åbn i ny fane)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create Private Message rule (Open in new tab)",,"Opret regel for privat meddelelse (Åbn i ny fane)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create Twitter rule (Open in new tab)",,"Opret Twitter-regel (Åbn i ny fane)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create YouTube rule (Open in new tab)",,"Opret YouTube-regel (Åbn i ny fane)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Manage the languages available for Search Setup.",,"Indstil de sprog, der er tilgængelige ved søgning.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search Languages",,"Søgesprog",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Removing a search language deletes all search rules that contain only this language.",,"Hvis du fjerner sprog, vil det medføre, at alle søgeregler, der kun er defineret for disse sprog, også bliver fjernet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Adaptive learning",,"Tilpasset indlæring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "If adaptive learning is turned off, the system will stop learning from your users' edits of sentiment values and continue to use the existing values. If it's turned back on, the system will resume learning from your users' edits.",,"Hvis tilpasset indlæring er slået fra, ophører systemet med at lære af brugernes redigeringer af synspunktsværdier og fortsætter med at bruge de eksisterende værdier. Hvis du slår indstillingen til igen, fortsætter systemet med at lære af brugernes redigeringer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to reset all edited sentiment values?",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil nulstille alle redigerede synspunktsværdier?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm reset",,"Bekræft nulstilling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Learning from all manual user edits",,"Indlæring fra alle manuelle brugerændringer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Reset",,"Nulstil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "If sentiment analysis has become inaccurate due to manually edited sentiment values, you can reset the entire learning process. Resetting discards all manually edited sentiment values and the learning process restarts from the beginning. You can’t undo this action.",,"Hvis synspunktanalysen er blevet upræcis pga. manuelt valgte synspunktsværdier, kan du nulstille hele indlæringsprocessen. Nulstillingen fjerner alle manuelt redigerede synspunktsværdier, og indlæringsprocessen starter forfra. Denne handling kan ikke fortrydes.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Adaptive learning allows the system to learn from your users' edit of sentiment values on posts. Periodically, the system will use the edited sentiment values to re-train and update your organization's sentiment analysis.",,"Tilpasset indlæring gør det muligt for systemet at lære af dine brugeres redigeringer af synspunktsværdier i indlæg. Med jævne mellemrum bruger systemet de redigerede synspunktsværdier til at genoptræne og opdatere organisationens synspunktsanalyse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Learning from manually edited sentiment values since",,"Indlæring fra manuelt ændrede synspunktsværdier siden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Auto Tag",,"Tilføj automatisk mærke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select one of your existing custom tags to automatically assign this tag to new posts.",,"Vælg et af dine eksisterende brugerdefinerede mærker for automatisk at tildele dette mærke til nye indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""The tag ""%{tagName}"" will be converted to an auto tag."",,""Mærket ""%{tagName}"" konverteres til et automatisk mærke."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open in Analytics",,"Åbn i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Selected tag",,"Valgt mærke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All slots for auto tags are in use. To add a new tag, first remove another tag.",,"Alle pladser til automatiske mærker er i brug. Hvis du vil tilføje et nyt mærke, skal du først fjerne et andet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom Tags %{count}/%{maxCount}",,"Brugerdefinerede mærker %{count}/%{maxCount}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add custom tags to the list of auto tags to enable adaptive learning on them. This allows the system to learn from your users' edits on tags and tag actions on future posts. Periodically, the system will use the edited tag values to re-train the model and score incoming posts with the tags that have auto tagging activated.",,"Tilføj brugerdefinerede mærker på listen over automatiske mærker for at aktivere tilpasset indlæring på dem. På den måde kan systemet lære af brugernes redigeringer på mærker og mærkehandlinger på fremtidige indlæg. Systemet bruger regelmæssigt de redigerede mærkeværdier til at genoptræne modellen og angive en score på indgående indlæg med de mærker, som du har aktiveret automatiske mærker for.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Existing posts with this tag will still have this tag, but automatic tagging will stop for newly acquired posts.",,"Eksisterende indlæg med dette mærke vil stadig have dette mærke, men automatisk mærkning stopper for netop indsamlede indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to remove this tag from the list of auto tags?",,"Er du sikker på, at du vil fjerne dette mærke fra listen over automatiske mærker?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Auto tagging",,"Automatisk mærkning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The F-score of the selected tag meets the minimum quality requirements and a decent model quality is expected. To improve it even more, tag more posts with the selected tag or confirm / remove automatically added tags.",,"F-scoren for det valgte mærke opfylder de mindste krav til kvalitet, og der forventes en rimelig god modelkvalitet. Du kan forbedre den endnu mere ved at markere flere indlæg med det valgte mærke eller ved at bekræfte eller fjerne automatisk tilføjede mærker.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Average quality",,"Gennemsnitlig kvalitet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data of last month",,"Data fra sidste måned",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Date created",,"Oprettelsesdato",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quality history",,"Kvalitetsoversigt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The F-score of the selected tag exceeds the minimum model quality requirements and a good model quality is expected. To improve it even more, tag more posts with the selected tag or confirm / remove automatically added tags.",,"F-scoren for det valgte mærke overstiger de mindste krav til modelkvalitet, og der forventes en god modelkvalitet. Du kan forbedre den endnu mere ved at markere flere indlæg med det valgte mærke eller ved at bekræfte eller fjerne automatisk tilføjede mærker.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Good",,"God",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Good quality",,"God kvalitet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The F-score of the selected tag does not meet the minimum quality requirements. Try tagging more posts with the selected tag or confirm / remove automatically added tags.",,"F-scoren for det valgte mærke opfylder ikke de mindste krav til kvalitet. Prøv at markere flere indlæg med det valgte mærke eller at bekræfte eller fjerne automatisk tilføjede mærker.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Low quality",,"Lav kvalitet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts tagged",,"Indlæg mærket",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quality is not available yet. It may take up to six hours to calculate.",,"Kvaliteten er endnu ikke tilgængelig. Det kan tage op til seks timer at beregne den.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{tagName} posts",,"%{tagName} indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tag Details",,"Mærkedetaljer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "It may take up to six hours for the model to be initiated and for the first posts to be automatically tagged.",,"Det kan tage op til seks timer, før modellen er initieret, og før de første indlæg markeres automatisk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quality",,"Kvalitet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To achieve good results you need to have at least %{postsCount} posts tagged.",,"Du skal have mindst %{postsCount} indlæg markeret for at opnå gode resultater.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Learn more about the score and quality",,"Få mere at vide om scoren og kvaliteten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "here.",,"her.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=746709",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=746709",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The score of the selected tag meets the minimum quality requirements and a decent model quality is expected. To help improve the quality, tag more posts with the selected tag. You can also try confirming or removing automatically added tags.",,"F-scoren for det valgte mærke opfylder de mindste krav til kvalitet, og der forventes en rimelig god modelkvalitet. Du kan forbedre kvaliteten ved at markere flere indlæg med det valgte mærke. Du kan også prøve at bekræfte eller fjerne automatisk tilføjede mærker.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The score of the selected tag exceeds the minimum model quality requirements and a good model quality is expected. To help improve the quality, tag more posts with the selected tag. You can also try confirming or removing automatically added tags.",,"F-scoren for det valgte mærke overstiger de mindste krav til modelkvalitet, og der forventes en god modelkvalitet. Du kan forbedre kvaliteten ved at markere flere indlæg med det valgte mærke. Du kan også prøve at bekræfte eller fjerne automatisk tilføjede mærker.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The score of the selected tag doesn't meet the minimum quality requirements. Try tagging more posts with the selected tag. You can also try confirming or removing automatically added tags.",,"F-scoren for det valgte mærke opfylder ikke de mindste krav til kvalitet. Prøv at markere flere indlæg med det valgte mærke. Du kan også prøve at bekræfte eller fjerne automatisk tilføjede mærker.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "F-score: %{qualityScore}",,"F-score: %{qualityScore}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tagged posts history",,"Historik for mærkede indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Intention Tags",,"Hensigtsmærker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Auto Tags",,"Automatiske mærker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove tag from list of custom tags",,"Fjern mærke fra liste over brugerdefinerede mærker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Click the Add button to start using them.",,"Klik på knappen Tilføj for at begynde at bruge dem.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't added any custom tags yet.",,"Du har endnu ikke tilføjet nogen brugerdefinerede mærker.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Last learning date",,"Sidste indlæringsdato",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts for training",,"Indlæg for indlæring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Auto tagging off",,"Automatisk mærkning fra",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Auto tagging on",,"Automatisk mærkning til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Selling Assistant is disabled",,"Social Selling Assistant er deaktiveret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Selling Assistant is enabled",,"Social Selling Assistant er aktiveret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook and Instagram",,"Facebook og Instagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} Facebook acquisition token was found. |||| %{smart_count} Facebook acquisition tokens were found.",,"Der blev fundet %{smart_count} Facebook-indsamlingstoken. |||| Der blev fundet %{smart_count} Facebook-indsamlingstokens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No Facebook acquisition tokens were found.",,"Der blev ikke fundet nogen Facebook-indsamlingstokens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} Instagram acquisition token was found. |||| %{smart_count} Instagram acquisition tokens were found.",,"Der blev fundet %{smart_count} Instagram-indsamlingstoken. |||| Der blev fundet %{smart_count} Instagram-indsamlingstokens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No Instagram acquisition tokens were found.",,"Der blev ikke fundet nogen Instagram-indsamlingstokens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} profile without owners was found. |||| %{smart_count} profiles without owners were found.",,"Der blev fundet %{smart_count} profil uden ejere. |||| Der blev fundet %{smart_count} profiler uden ejere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No profiles without owners were found.",,"Der blev ikke fundet nogen profiler uden ejere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} owned profile was found. |||| %{smart_count} owned profiles were found.",,"Der blev fundet %{smart_count} ejet profil. |||| Der blev fundet %{smart_count} ejede profiler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No owned profiles were found.",,"Der blev ikke fundet nogen ejede profiler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} private message acquisition token was found. |||| %{smart_count} private message acquisition tokens were found.",,"Der blev fundet %{smart_count} indsamlingstoken til privat meddelelse. |||| Der blev fundet %{smart_count} indsamlingstokens til private meddelelser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No private message acquisition tokens were found.",,"Der blev ikke fundet nogen indsamlingstokens til private meddelelser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} shared profile was found. |||| %{smart_count} shared profiles were found.",,"Der blev fundet %{smart_count} delt profil. |||| Der blev fundet %{smart_count} delte profiler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No shared profiles were found.",,"Der blev ikke fundet nogen delte profiler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Global Settings",,"Globale indstillinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Label",,"Tilføj etiket",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Define labels",,"Definer etiketter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can't delete this label because it's used for automation rules. Remove the label from the automation rule and try again. Label: %{label_name} |||| We can't delete these labels because they are used for automation rules. Remove the labels from the automation rules and try again. Labels: %{label_name}",,"Vi kan ikke slette denne etiket, fordi den bruges til automatiseringsregler. Fjern etiketten fra automatisteringsreglen, og prøv igen. Etiket: %{label_name} |||| V kan ikke slette disse etiketter, fordi de bruges til automatiseringsregler. Fjern etiketterne fra automatisteringsreglen, og prøv igen. Etiketter: %{label_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Label not deleted |||| Labels not deleted",,"Etiket er ikke slettet |||| Etiketter er ikke slettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Define labels to tag posts in Analytics and Social Center.",,"Definer etiketter til mærkning af indlæg i Analyse og Social Center.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please enter unique descriptions",,"Angiv entydige beskrivelser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please enter a valid description",,"Angiv en gyldig beskrivelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please enter at least one label",,"Angiv mindst én etiket",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "1 form field is invalid.",,"1 formularfelt er ugyldigt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{errorCount} form fields are invalid.",,"%{errorCount} formularfelter er ugyldige.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Color",,"Farve",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "A new label was added.",,"En ny etiket blev tilføjet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The label was deleted.",,"Etiketten blev slettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Row was moved down. Focus kept its position.",,"Række blev flyttet ned. Fokus beholder sin placering.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Row was moved up. Focus kept its position.",,"Række blev flyttet op. Fokus beholder sin placering.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Removing the label ""%{label}"" will remove it from all posts it was added to."",,""Hvis du fjerner etiketten ""%{label}"", fjernes den fra alle indlæg, hvor den er tilføjet."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "If you remove this label and save your changes %{posts} posts in your database will be updated.",,"Hvis du fjerner denne etiket og gemmer dine ændringer, opdateres %{posts} indlæg i din database.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "ADD TAG",,"TILFØJ MÆRKE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Manage the tags your organization has created.",,"Administrer de mærker, organisationen har oprettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Auto tag",,"Automatisk mærke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Are you sure you want to permanently delete the tag ""%{tag_name}""?"",,""Vil du slette mærket ""%{tag_name}"" permanent?"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "It will be removed from all posts and you can't undo this action.",,"Det bliver fjernet fra alle indlæg, og du kan ikke fortryde denne handling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete this tag",,"Slet dette mærke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rename this tag",,"Omdøb dette mærke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Find a tag",,"Find et mærke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No results found.",,"Der blev ikke fundet nogen resultater.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Set Social Selling Assistant to On for a custom tag if you want to promote posts with that tag to your sales people. <a href=""%{socialSellingDocumentationLink}"">Learn more.</a>"",,""Indstil Social Selling Assistant til Til, hvis du vil opgradere indlæg med det pågældende mærke til dine sælgere. <a href=""%{socialSellingDocumentationLink}"">Få mere at vide.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom Tags",,"Brugerdefinerede mærker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} custom tag was found |||| %{smart_count} custom tags were found",,"Der blev fundet %{smart_count} brugerdefineret mærke. |||| Der blev fundet %{smart_count} brugerdefinerede mærker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Access allowed",,"Adgang tilladt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Approve",,"Godkend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Approve the pending requests before editing the configuration and interaction roles for the people you've selected.",,"Godkend de ventende anmodninger, før du redigerer konfigurations- og interaktionsrollerne for de personer, du har valgt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are the people selected approved to use Market Insights?",,"Er de valgte personer godkendt til at bruge Market Insights?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Approve the pending request before editing the configuration and interaction roles for the person you've selected.",,"Godkend den ventende anmodning, før du redigerer konfigurations- og interaktionsrollerne for den person, du har valgt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Is the person selected approved to use Market Insights?",,"Er den valgte person godkendt til at bruge Market Insights?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automatically approve all pending requests",,"Godkend automatisk alle ventende anmodninger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Available users",,"Tilgængelige brugere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Deny",,"Afvis",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delegated Administrator roles can’t be edited",,"Stedfortræderadministratorroller kan ikke redigeres",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Set the roles for the selected people. These roles can be changed at any time.",,"Angiv rollerne for de valgte personer. Rollerne kan ændres når som helst.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Edit User Role",,"Rediger brugerrolle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "User email",,"Brugermail",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "User name",,"Brugernavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Configuration Role",,"Konfigurationsrolle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Email User",,"Send mail til bruger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Interaction Role",,"Interaktionsrolle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{userName} (Delegated)",,"%{userName} (stedfortræder)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Set permissions for individual users, or turn on automatic approvals to grant all pending and future requests with a configuration role of Power Analyst and interaction role of Responder. To delete users, visit the Office 365 admin center. <a href='%{userManagementInfoLink}'>Learn more about user management</a>",,"Angiv tilladelser for individuelle brugere, eller slå automatiske godkendelser til for at give alle ventende og fremtidige anmodninger konfigurationsrollen Topanalytiker og interaktionsrollen Respondent. 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An unknown error occurred.",,"Vi beklager, men der er opstået en ukendt fejl.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Discard",,"Fjern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Stream Settings",,"Indstillinger for strøm",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a Facebook page",,"Tilføj en Facebook-side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a Facebook page to use within Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can use this profile to: Comment on a post on Facebook; Like a post on Facebook; Share a post on Facebook; Allow data acquisition for private messages.",,"Tilføj en Facebook-side, der skal bruges i Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Du kan bruge denne profil til at: kommentere på et indlæg på Facebook, synes godt om et indlæg på Facebook, dele et indlæg på Facebook og tillade dataindsamling for private meddelelser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a Facebook user profile",,"Tilføj en Facebook-brugerprofil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a personal Facebook user profile to use within Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can use this profile to: Comment on a post on Facebook; Like a post on Facebook; Share a post on Facebook.",,"Tilføj en personlig Facebook-brugerprofil, der skal bruges i Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Du kan bruge denne profil til at: kommentere på et indlæg på Facebook, synes godt om et indlæg på Facebook og dele et indlæg på Facebook.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a Twitter profile",,"Tilføj en Twitter-profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a Twitter profile to use within Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can use this profile to: Reply to a post on Twitter; Like a post on Twitter; Retweet a post on Twitter; Allow data acquisition for direct messages.",,"Tilføj en Twitter-profil, der skal bruges i Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Du kan bruge denne profil til at svare på et indlæg på Twitter, synes godt om et indlæg på Twitter, retweete et indlæg på Twitter og tillade dataindsamling for direkte meddelelser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Users",,"Tilføj brugere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook User",,"Facebook-bruger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No users selected",,"Ingen brugere blev valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter Account",,"Twitter-konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Streamed data",,"Streamede data",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Shared with %{smart_count} user |||| Shared with %{smart_count} users",,"Delt med %{smart_count} bruger |||| Delt med %{smart_count} brugere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Shared with all users",,"Delt med alle brugere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sorting",,"Sortering",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Date Modified",,"Dato for redigering",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Date Published",,"Dato for udgivelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "How do you want to handle posts in this stream that stop matching the data set?",,"Hvordan vil du håndtere indlæg i denne strøm, der holder op med at matche datasættet?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Notify me before hiding",,"Giv mig besked før skjulning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Just hide them for me",,"Skjul dem blot for mig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Hide unmatched posts",,"Skjul indlæg, der ikke matcher",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a new stream",,"Tilføje en ny strøm",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add stream",,"Tilføj strøm",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Current stream position: %{position} of %{total}",,"Den aktuelle strømposition: %{position} af %{total}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Everyone",,"Alle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Back to",,"Tilbage til ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Do you really want to delete stream %{streamName}?",,"Vil du slette strømmen %{streamName}?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete stream",,"Slet strøm",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete this stream",,"Slet denne strøm",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All currently loaded posts will be hidden and the stream will display the latest 30 posts.",,"Alle indlæg, der er indlæst i øjeblikket, skjules, og strømmen viser de seneste 30 indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Position change failed. Please try again.",,"Skift placering mislykkedes. Prøv igen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Resize to larger width.",,"Tilpas størrelsen til en større bredde.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "View in analytics",,"Vis i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Less options",,"Færre indstillinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your access to %{streamName} stream was removed by the owner: %{ownerName}",,"Din adgang til %{streamName}-strømmen blev fjernet af ejeren: %{ownerName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You already own the maximum number of streams. Please delete one of your existing streams or contact your administrator to request an upgrade to your license",,"Du ejer allerede det maksimale antal strømme. Slet en af dine eksisterende strømme, eller kontakt din administrator for at bede om at få opgraderet din licens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "More options",,"Flere indstillinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Move stream %{streamName} one position to the left.",,"Flyt strømmen %{streamName} en placering til venstre.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Move stream %{streamName} one position to the right.",,"Flyt strømmen %{streamName} en placering til højre.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add the new posts in the stream post view.",,"Tilføj de nye indlæg i strømvisningen af indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Refresh stream.",,"Opdater strøm.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "New stream",,"Ny strøm",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't created any streams yet. To create a stream, click the Add stream button.",,"Du har endnu ikke oprettet nogen strømme. Klik på knappen Tilføj strøm for at oprette en strøm.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There aren't any streams configured for you. You can't create streams in your current user role, but other users can share their streams with you.",,"Der er ingen strømme konfigureret for dig. Du kan ikke oprette strømme med din aktuelle brugerrolle, men andre brugere kan dele deres strømme med dig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" " new post available. |||| new posts available.",," nyt indlæg tilgængeligt. |||| nye indlæg tilgængeligt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Resize",,"Tilpas størrelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to discard them?",,"Du har ændringer, der ikke er gemt. Vil du fjerne dem?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Share this stream with other users",,"Del denne strøm med andre brugere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Resize to smaller width.",,"Tilpas størrelsen til en mindre bredde.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go To Stream",,"Gå til Strøm",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "POST LIST",,"LINK TIL INDLÆG",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Scroll left",,"Rul til venstre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Scroll right",,"Rul til højre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "owned by you",,"ejes af dig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Stream collapsed",,"Strøm skjult",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Stream expanded",,"Strøm udvidet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" " %{streamName} stream was changed by the owner.",," %{streamName}-strøm blev ændret af ejeren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unsaved changes:",,"Ændringer, der ikke er gemt:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Manage the authors you want to get insightful recommendations from.",,"Administrer de forfattere, som du vil have indsigtsfulde anbefalinger fra.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Manage the topics and accounts you want us to provide recommendations for.",,"Administrer de emner og konti, du vil have os til at lave anbefalinger til.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Edit search topics",,"Rediger søgeemner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The current number of selected topics is: %{topics_number}",,"Det aktuelle antal valgte emner er: %{topics_number}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{user_name} - %{group_name} Insights",,"%{user_name} - %{group_name} Indsigt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get recommendations for posts about your customers, competitors, and other topics of interest, so you can stay on top of the latest developments.",,"Få anbefalet indlæg om dine kunder, konkurrenter og andre emner af interesse, så du kan holde dig orienteret om den seneste udvikling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enable",,"Aktivér",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a new Insights group.",,"Tilføj en ny indsigtgruppe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete this Insights group.",,"Slet denne indsigtgruppe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Edit this Insights group.",,"Rediger denne indsigtgruppe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Insights group name",,"Navn på indsigtgruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Manage and group the topics you want insights for.",,"Administrer og gruppér de emner, som du vil have indsigt i.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Insight groups",,"Indsigtgrupper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Show on separate page",,"Vis på separat side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Manage the groups of topics about which you want insightful recommendations.",,"Administrer de grupper af emner, som du vil have indsigtsfulde anbefalinger for.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get Insights",,"Hent indsigt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Set Owned to On if you or your organization owns the social account.",,"Angiv Ejet som Til, hvis du eller din organisation ejer den sociale konto.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Indicates that you or your organization owns the social account.",,"Angiver, at du eller din organisation ejer den sociale konto.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get smart recommendations and intelligence from social media tailored for you!",,"Få intelligente anbefalinger og oplysninger fra sociale medier, der er skræddersyet til dig!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search topics (%{smart_count})",,"Søgeemner (%{smart_count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't selected any topics or accounts. Tap the EDIT button to select a topic or account.",,"Du har ikke valgt nogen emner eller konti. Tryk på knappen REDIGER for at vælge et emne eller en konto.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See More",,"Se mere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't selected any topics. Tap the EDIT button to select a topic.",,"Du har ikke valgt nogen emner. Tryk på knappen REDIGER for at vælge et emne.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search for search topics",,"Søg efter søgeemner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select all search topics.",,"Vælg alle søgeemner.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} selected |||| %{smart_count} selected",,"%{smart_count} valgt |||| %{smart_count} valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "UNSELECT ALL",,"FJERN MARKERINGEN AF ALLE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Clear all search topics.",,"Ryd alle søgeemner.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{user_name} - Share Content",,"%{user_name} – Del indhold",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get recommendations for posts you might want to share on your social networks to grow your presence and gain trust from your followers!",,"Få anbefalinger til indlæg, du måske vil dele på dine sociale netværk for at øge din tilstedeværelse og få tillid fra dine følgere!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Manage topics you want to get recommendations for and share on social networks.",,"Administrer emner, du vil have anbefalinger til og dele på sociale netværk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Manage the topics and accounts you want to get recommendations for.",,"Administrer de emner og konti, du vil have anbefalinger til.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social accounts (%{count})",,"Sociale konti (%{count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Manage the social profiles you want to use for sharing and recommendations.",,"Administrer de sociale profiler, du vil bruge til deling og anbefalinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To manage your social profiles, tap Open in Browser on the command bar to open this dashboard in your browser. You can also manage social profiles directly in your Market Insights solution.",,"Hvis du vil administrere dine sociale profiler, skal du trykke på Åbn i browser på kommandolinjen for at åbne dette dashboard i din browser. Du kan også administrere sociale profiler direkte i Market Insights-løsningen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "My profiles (%{count})",,"Min profiler (%{count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You don't have any social profiles added yet.",,"Du har ikke tilføjet nogen sociale profiler endnu.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Start by tapping the %{buttonName} button",,"Start med at trykke på knappen %{buttonName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Shared profiles (%{count})",,"Delte profiler (%{count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your social profiles let us access your social networks so we can give you meaningful recommendations that help you engage on your social networks. We don't store your social profile credentials and will never share your profile info.",,"Dine sociale profiler giver os adgang til dine sociale netværk, så vi kan give dig meningsfulde anbefalinger, der hjælper dig med at deltage på dine sociale netværk. Vi lagrer ikke legitimationsoplysningerne til din sociale profil, og vi deler aldrig dine profiloplysninger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search topics",,"Søgeemner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social accounts",,"Sociale konti",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All done for now! Want more recommendations? Tap Refresh or check back later.",,"Alle aktuelle handlinger er udført! Vil du have flere anbefalinger? Tryk på Opdater, eller kom tilbage senere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No recommendations are available. To see recommendations, enable at least one recommendation type (Share Content or Get Insights) in your personal settings.",,"Der er ingen tilgængelige anbefalinger. For at se anbefalinger skal du aktivere mindst én anbefalingstype (Del indhold eller Hent indsigt) i dine personlige indstillinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "earned",,"optjent",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Showing %{current_shown} of %{total_posts} recommendations for you.",,"Viser %{current_shown} af %{total_posts} anbefalinger til dig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sort",,"Sortér",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sort by date",,"Sortér efter dato",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sort by recommendation reason",,"Sortér efter anbefalingsårsag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sort by Recommendation Reason",,"Sortér efter anbefalingsårsag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Take a look at today's updates",,"Kig på dagens opdateringer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Later",,"Senere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No problem! Tap this button anytime you want to personalize this view.",,"Det er ikke noget problem! Du kan altid trykke på denne knap, når du vil tilpasse visningen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Hello %{user_name}",,"Hej %{user_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Hello %{user_name},",,"Hej %{user_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get insights, recommendations, and engage on social media. It will only take a few minutes to personalize this view. Would you like to do it now?",,"Få indsigt og anbefalinger, og deltag på de sociale medier. Det tager kun nogle få minutter at tilpasse denne visning. Vil du gøre det nu?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Welcome to Social Selling Assistant!",,"Velkommen til Social Selling Assistant!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Recommendations",,"Anbefalinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Last Updated: September 2018",,"Senest opdateret: september 2018",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""This <b>Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights (""Agreement"")</b> is a contract between Microsoft Corporation (or based on where you live, one of Microsoft’s affiliates) (<b><i>""Microsoft""</i></b>) and you (if you are participating as an individual) or the entity you represent (if you are entering into this Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity). <b><i>""Participant""</i></b> or <b><i>""you""</i></b> means the individual or entity entering into this Agreement with Microsoft."",,""Denne aftale om offentlig prøveversion af <b>Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights (""Aftale"")</b> udgør en kontrakt mellem Microsoft Corporation (eller en af Microsofts associerede virksomheder der, hvor De bor) (<b><i>""Microsoft""</i></b>) og Dem (hvis De indgår aftalen som enkeltperson) eller den enhed, De repræsenterer (hvis De indgår denne aftale på vegne af Deres arbejdsgiver eller en anden enhed). <b><i>""Deltager""</i></b> eller <b><i>""De""</i></b> er den enkeltperson eller enhed, der indgår denne aftale med Microsoft."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<strong>By accessing or using the Preview (defined below), you accept this Agreement, effective as of the date of first access or use (<i>""Effective Date""</i>). You also represent and warrant that if you are entering into this Agreement: (a) as an individual, you have capacity to accept this Agreement; or (b) through the acts of an agent or employee, that person has authority to act on behalf of and to bind you to this Agreement. If you do not accept these terms, you must not (and have no right to) access or use the Preview.</strong>"",,""<strong>Ved at opnå adgang til eller bruge prøveversionen (defineret herunder) accepterer De denne aftale, som træder i kraft på den dato, hvor De første gang får adgang til eller bruger den (<i>""Ikrafttrædelsesdato""</i>). De erklærer og garanterer også, at De, hvis De indgår denne aftale: (a) som enkeltperson, har myndighed til at acceptere denne aftale; eller (b) hvis aftalen indgås via en Helpdesk-medarbejder eller medarbejder, er denne person bemyndiget til at handle på vegne af og binde Dem til denne aftale. Hvis De ikke accepterer nærværende vilkår, må De ikke (og har ingen ret til at) få adgang til eller bruge prøveversionen.</strong>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The parties agree as follows:",,"Parterne indgår følgende aftale:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Participant will defend Microsoft against any claims made by an unaffiliated third party that <b>(i)</b> any Customer Data, non-Microsoft Products, Marks, or services you provide, directly or indirectly, in using the Preview or the Program Materials infringes the third party's patent, copyright, or trademark or makes unlawful use of its trade secret; <b>(ii)</b> arise from violation of Section 2(d) (Acceptable use) of this Agreement or any other policy that governs Participant’s use of the Preview or Program Materials; or <b>(iii)</b> arise from use of the Preview in a ""live"" or production environment or to process ""live"" or production Customer Data or any Personal Data."",,""Deltageren vil forsvare Microsoft mod ethvert retskrav fremsat af en ikke-koncernforbundet tredjepart om, at <b>(i)</b> kundedata, ikke-Microsoft-produkter, mærker eller tjenester, som De leverer, direkte eller indirekte, i forbindelse med brug af prøveversionen eller programmaterialerne, krænker tredjepartens patent, ophavsret eller varemærke eller gør ulovlig brug af dennes forretningshemmelighed; <b>(ii)</b> retskrav, der opstår som følge af krænkelse af sektion 2(d) (Godkendt anvendelse) i nærværende aftale eller andre politikker, der gælder for deltagerens brug af prøveversionen eller programmaterialerne; eller <b>(iii)</b> retskrav, der opstår som følge af brug af prøveversionen i et ""live"" miljø eller produktionsmiljø eller til at behandle ""live"" kundedata eller produktionskundedata eller personlige data."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 10. Indemnification.",,"Sektion 10. Skadesløsholdelse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(a) Non-Exclusivity.</b> This Agreement is nonexclusive. It does not restrict either party from entering into the same or similar arrangement with any third party.",,"<b>(a) Ikke-eksklusivitet.</b> Nærværende aftale er ikke-eksklusiv. Den forbyder ikke nogen af parterne i at indgå i den samme eller tilsvarende ordning med en tredjepart.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(b) Notices.</b> Participant consents to receive notices, and any information the law requires Microsoft to provide, by email to the address Participant provided to Microsoft to use or access the Preview (<b><i>""Participant’s Email""</i></b>). Notices emailed to Participant will be deemed given and received when sent to Participant’s Email. All notices to Microsoft related to this Agreement: <b>(i)</b> must be in writing (excluding email), sent to Microsoft Corporation; Attn: Dynamics, Market Intelligence; One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052; <b>(ii)</b> will be deemed given when actually received by the Microsoft recipient below; and <b>(iii)</b> will be copied via facsimile to: Microsoft Corporation; Attn: Corporate, External, and Legal Affairs for Dynamics, Market Intelligence at (425) 936-7329."",,""<b>(b) Meddelelser.</b> Deltageren accepterer at modtage meddelelser samt oplysninger, som loven kræver, at Microsoft leverer, via e-mail til den adresse, som deltageren har givet Microsoft i forbindelse med brug eller adgang til prøveversionen (<b><i>""Deltagerens e-mail""</i></b>). Meddelelser, der sendes til deltageren med e-mail, betragtes som leveret og modtaget, når de er sendt til deltagerens mailadresse. Alle meddelelser til Microsoft vedrørende nærværende aftale: <b>(i)</b> skal sendes skriftligt (dog ikke via mail) til Microsoft Corporation; Att: Dynamics, Market Intelligence; One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052; <b>(ii)</b> anses for sendt, når den faktisk er modtaget af Microsoft-modtageren nedenfor; og <b>(iii)</b> kopi er sendt via fax til: Microsoft Corporation; Att: Corporate, External, and Legal Affairs for Dynamics, Market Intelligence på (425) 936-7329."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(c) Jurisdiction; law.</b> The laws of Washington State, excluding conflicts of law provisions, govern this Agreement. If federal jurisdiction exists, then each party consents to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the federal courts in King County, Washington. If no federal jurisdiction exists, then each party consents to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the Superior Court of King County, Washington. If a party employs attorneys to enforce any rights relating to this Agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and other expenses.",,"<b>(c) Jurisdiktion; lov.</b> Denne aftale er underlagt lovgivningen i staten Washington, med undtagelse af konflikter mellem lovbestemmelser. Hvis der findes en føderal jurisdiktion, accepterer hver part den eksklusive jurisdiktion og værneting i de føderale domstole i King County i Washington. Hvis der ikke findes en føderal jurisdiktion, accepterer hver part den eksklusive jurisdiktion og værneting i den overordnede domstol i King County i Washington. Hvis en part benytter sig af advokater til at håndhæve rettigheder i forbindelse med nærværende aftale, vil den vindende part være berettiget til at få dækket sine rimelige advokatsalærer, omkostninger og andre udgifter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(d) Force majeure.</b> A party will not be liable for failure to perform under this Agreement to the extent that failure is due to a cause beyond that party’s reasonable control, including natural disaster, war, civil disturbance, or government action.",,"<b>(d) Force majeure.</b> En part holdes ikke ansvarlig for manglende opfyldelse af nærværende aftale i det omfang, at den manglende opfyldelse skyldes hændelser, der er uden for den pågældende parts rimelige kontrol, herunder naturkatastrofe, krig, uroligheder eller regeringsindgreb.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(e) Limitation on claims.</b> Any claim related to this Agreement or the Preview is barred unless brought within one year from the date it could first be filed. This limitation applies to each party’s successors and any permitted assigns.",,"<b>(e) Begrænsning af krav.</b> Ethvert krav i forbindelse med denne aftale eller denne prøveversion blokeres, medmindre det indbringes inden for ét år fra den dato, hvor det kan indbringes. Denne begrænsning gælder for begge parters efterfølgere og enhver, som parterne har overdraget til.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(f) Miscellaneous.</b> Participant may not assign this Agreement without Microsoft’s prior, written consent. Each party is an independent contractor, and this Agreement does not create any other relationship. If any court of competent jurisdiction determines that any part of this Agreement is illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the rest of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect. Only written waivers are effective. This Agreement (including any NDA, which are incorporated in this Agreement by this reference) is the parties’ entire agreement regarding (and replaces all prior agreements, communications, and representations between the parties on) this subject. This Agreement supersedes any other Microsoft terms or agreements that may be linked from the Preview.",,"<b>(f) Diverse.</b> Deltageren må ikke overdrage denne aftale uden Microsofts forudgående, skriftlige samtykke. Hver part udgør en uafhængig underleverandør, og nærværende aftale skaber ingen andre relationer. Hvis en kompetent jurisdiktion finder, at en del af nærværende Aftale er ulovlig, ugyldig eller uden retskraft, skal resten af aftalen fortsat være fuldt gyldig. Kun skriftlige afståelser er gyldige. Nærværende aftale (herunder enhver NDA, som indgår i nærværende aftale ved reference) er parternes fulde aftale vedrørende (og erstatter alle tidligere aftaler, kommunikation og erklæringer mellem parterne om) dette emne. Nærværende aftale træder i stedet for alle andre vilkår eller aftaler fra Microsoft, der måtte være links til fra prøveversionen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(g) Interpretation.</b> This Agreement will be interpreted according to its plain meaning without presuming it should favor either party. Unless stated or context requires otherwise: <b>(i)</b> all internal references are to this Agreement and its parties; <b>(ii)</b> <b><i>""days""</i></b> means calendar days; <b>(iii)</b> <b><i>""may""</i></b> means that the applicable party has a right, but not a concomitant duty; <b>(iv)</b> <b><i>""notify""</i></b> means to give notice under (and <b><i>""notice""</i></b> means a notice that complies with) Section 11(b); <b>(v)</b> <b><i>""current""</i></b> or <b><i>""currently""</i></b> means ""as of the Effective Date"" but <b><i>""then-current""</i></b> means the present time when the applicable right is exercised or performance rendered or measured; <b>(vi)</b> URLs are understood to also refer to successors, localizations, and information or resources linked from within websites at such URLs; <b>(vii)</b> lists of examples following ""including"", ""e.g."", ""such as"", ""excludes"", ""for example"", or similar words are deemed to include ""without limitation""; (viii) the word ""or"" is deemed to be an inclusive ""or""; and (ix) a party’s choices under this Agreement are in its sole discretion."",,""<b>(g) Fortolkning.</b> Nærværende aftale vil blive fortolket ud fra dens almindelige betydning uden at antage, at den favoriserer en af parterne. Medmindre det er angivet, eller konteksten indikerer andet: <b>(i)</b> alle interne referencer er til nærværende aftale og dennes parter; <b>(ii)</b> <b><i>""dage""</i></b> betyder kalenderdage; <b>(iii)</b> <b><i>""kan""</i></b> betyder, at den pågældende part har en rettighed, men ikke en ledsagende pligt; <b>(iv)</b> <b><i>""underrette""</i></b> betyder at meddele i henhold til (og <b><i>""meddelelse""</i></b> betyder en meddelelse, der er i overensstemmelse med) sektion 11(b); <b>(v)</b> <b><i>""aktuel""</i></b> eller <b><i>""aktuelt""</i></b> betyder ""per ikrafttrædelsesdatoen"" men <b><i>""samtidig""</i></b> betyder det tidspunkt, hvor den pågældende rettighed gøres gældende, eller ydelsen leveres eller måles; <b>(vi)</b> Med URL'er forstås også URL'er, der henviser til senere versioner, lokaliseringer og information eller ressourcer, der er links til fra websteder, der opnås adgang til via sådanne URL'er; <b>(vii)</b> lister over eksempler, som følger ""inklusive"", ""f.eks."", ""såsom"", ""eksklusive"", ""for eksempel"" eller lignende ord anses for at inkludere ""uden begrænsning""; (viii) ordet ""eller"" anses for at være et inkluderende ""eller""; og (ix) en parts valgmuligheder i henhold til nærværende aftale anvendes efter eget valg."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(h) Modification.</b> Microsoft may modify this Agreement, solely with prospective effect. By continuing to access or use the Preview after notice of such modification, Participant is deemed to have agreed to such modified Agreement. If Participant does not agree, it must immediately terminate this Agreement under Section 9(a).",,"<b>(h) Ændring.</b> Microsoft kan foretage ændringer i nærværende Aftale, der udelukkende gælder fremadrettet. Ved at fortsætte med at få adgang til eller anvende prøveversionen, efter at være blevet informeret om en sådan ændring, anses deltageren for at have godkendt den ændrede aftale. Hvis deltageren ikke godkender den ændrede aftale, må denne omgående bringe nærværende aftale til ophør i henhold til sektion 9(a).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 11. General.",,"Sektion 11. Generelt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""This Agreement governs Participant’s early use and access to a preview version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights (<b><i>""Preview""</i></b>)."",,""Denne aftale gælder for deltagerens tidlige brug af og adgang til en prøveversion af Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights (<b><i>""Prøveversion""</i></b>)."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(a) Program Materials.</b> Each party will comply with the Program Materials related to its use or access of the Preview. <b><i>""Program Materials""</i></b> means, collectively, all materials that describe the Preview that Microsoft makes available to Participant, including invitations, materials specifying requirements or eligibility criteria, program participation guides, and Preview documentation."",,""<b>(a) Programmaterialer.</b> Hvert part vil overholde de programmaterialer, der vedrører dennes brug af eller adgang til prøveversionen. <b><i>""Programmaterialer""</i></b> angiver, samlet, alle de materialer, der beskriver den prøveversion, som Microsoft stiller til rådighed for deltageren, herunder invitationer, materialer, der angiver krav eller kriterier for berettigelse, retningslinjer for deltagelse i programmet og dokumentation for prøveversionen."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(b) Feedback.</b> Participant will give Microsoft suggestions, comments, input, ideas, or know-how, in any form (<b><i>""Feedback""</i></b>) about the Preview. However, Participant will not provide Microsoft with Feedback containing Personal Data or other data that is subject to legal or regulatory compliance requirements. Participant gives to Microsoft, without charge, the right to use, share, and freely commercialize Feedback in any way and for any purpose. Participant also gives third parties, without charge, the right to use, or interface with, any Microsoft products or services that include the Feedback. Participant represents and warrants that it owns or otherwise controls all rights to such Feedback and that no such Feedback is subject to any third-party rights."",,""<b>(b) Feedback.</b> Deltageren giver Microsoft forslag, kommentarer, input, idéer eller know-how, i ethvert format (<b><i>""Feedback""</i></b>) om prøveversionen. Deltageren giver dog ikke Microsoft feedback, der indeholder personlige oplysninger eller andre oplysninger, der er underlagt krav om juridisk eller lovgivningsmæssig overensstemmelse. Deltageren giver, uden beregning, Microsoft ret til at bruge, dele og frit kommercialisere feedback på enhver måde og til ethvert formål. Deltageren giver også vederlagsfrit tredjemænd ret til at bruge eller fungere sammen med Microsoft-produkter eller -tjenester, som omfatter feedbacken. Deltageren erklærer og garanterer, at denne ejer eller på anden måde administrerer alle rettigheder til en sådan feedback, og at en sådan feedback ikke er underlagt tredjeparters rettigheder."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 1. Overview.",,"Sektion 1. Oversigt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(a) Required Offerings.</b> Certain Microsoft services or software may be necessary to use the Preview (<b><i>""Required Offerings""</i></b>). Microsoft does not grant any rights under this Agreement to access or use Required Offerings; rather, Required Offerings are separately licensed to Participant under a Microsoft Licensing Agreement, which may require paying a fee. ""Microsoft Licensing Agreement"" or ""MLA"" means the <a href=""http://microsoftvolumelicensing.com/"">Microsoft Online Services Terms</a> and Participant’s Microsoft volume licensing agreement, or any other applicable agreement, under which Participant subscribed or was granted a license to any Required Offerings."",,""<b>(a) Påkrævede tilbud.</b> Visse Microsoft-tjenester eller -softwareprodukter er muligvis nødvendige for at bruge prøveversionen (<b><i>""Påkrævede tilbud""</i></b>). Microsoft giver ikke rettigheder i denne aftale til at få adgang til eller bruge påkrævede tilbud; Licens til påkrævede tilbud gives derimod separat til deltageren under en Microsoft-licensaftale, der muligvis kræver betaling af et gebyr. ""Microsoft-licensaftale"" eller ""MLA"" indeholder <a href=""http://microsoftvolumelicensing.com/"">Microsofts vilkår for onlinetjenester</a> og deltagerens Microsoft-volumenlicensaftale eller en anden gældende aftale, i henhold til hvilken deltageren har oprettet et abonnement på eller er blevet givet licens til et påkrævet tilbud."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(b) Rights.</b> During the Term, Microsoft grants Participant a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable right to access and use, solely in accordance with this Agreement, the Preview. This Section 2(b) extends to Participant’s authorized users, and Participant is fully liable for their use.",,"<b>(b) Rettigheder.</b> I aftalens løbetid, giver Microsoft deltageren en ikke-eksklusiv, ikke-underlicenserbar ret, der ikke kan overdrages, til adgang til og brug af prøveversionen alene i henhold til denne aftale. Denne sektion 2(b) gælder også for deltagerens bemyndigede brugere, og deltageren har det fulde ansvar for deres brug af prøveversionen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(c) Use terms.</b> Participant acknowledges that: <b>(i)</b> Previews may not work correctly or the same way that a commercial version may work; <b>(ii)</b> if Microsoft elects to provide support for the Preview, such support will be provided ""as is"", ""with all faults"", and without warranty, and Microsoft may cease providing support at any time, without notice; <b>(iii)</b> except as otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, the MLA does not apply to the Preview; <b>(iv)</b> Microsoft has no obligation to hold, export, or return any Customer Data (defined in the MLA) in relation to the Preview; <b>(v)</b> Participant may use the Preview for testing and evaluation purposes only; <b>(vi)</b> Participant may not use the Preview to access or process any ""live"" or production Customer Data, or Personal Data or other data that is subject to legal or regulatory compliance requirements; and <b>(vii)</b> Microsoft may choose not to make a Preview generally commercially available. Previews are subject to reduced or different security, compliance and privacy commitments. Any data provided to Microsoft through Customer’s use of Previews may be transferred, stored, and processed in the United States, or in any other country where Microsoft or its subcontractors operate."",,""<b>(c) Vilkår for anvendelse.</b> Deltageren bekræfter, at: <b>(i)</b> prøveversioner muligvis ikke fungerer korrekt eller på samme måde som en kommerciel version; <b>(ii)</b> hvis Microsoft vælger at yde support til prøveversionen, leveres denne support ""som den er og forefindes"", ""med alle fejl"", og uden garanti, og Microsoft kan til enhver tid ophøre med at levere support uden varsel; <b>(iii)</b> medmindre andet er udtrykkeligt angivet i denne aftale, gælder MLA'en ikke for prøveversionen; <b>(iv)</b> Microsoft er ikke forpligtet til at opbevare, eksportere eller returnere kundedata (i henhold til MLA'en) i forbindelse med prøveversionen; <b>(v)</b> Deltageren må kun bruge prøveversionen til test- og evalueringsformål; <b>(vi)</b> Deltageren må ikke bruge prøveversionen til at få adgang til eller behandle ""live"" kundedata eller kundeproduktionsdata eller personlige data eller andre data, der er underlagt juridiske eller lovmæssige krav om overensstemmelse; <b>(vii)</b> Microsoft kan vælge ikke at gøre en prøveversion kommercielt tilgængelig. Prøveversioner er underlagt lempeligere eller andre sikkerheds- og overensstemmelsesforpligtelser og forpligtelser til beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger. Alle data, der leveres til Microsoft via kundens brug af prøveversioner, må overdrages, gemmes og behandles i USA eller i et andet land, hvor Microsoft eller dets underleverandører opererer."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(d) Acceptable use.</b> Participant will not: <b>(i)</b> use the Preview <b>(A)</b> in a way prohibited by law, regulation, or government order or decree; <b>(B)</b> to violate others’ rights; <b>(C)</b> to try to gain unauthorized access to or disrupt any service, device, account, or network; <b>(D)</b> to distribute unsolicited commercial email or malware; <b>(E)</b> in a way that could harm the Preview or impair anyone else’s use of them; or <b>(ii)</b> reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or work around any technical limits in the Preview. Participant will respond to any third-party claims regarding its use of the Preview or Customer Data (e.g., under the DMCA), and will comply with them as necessary to comply with laws.",,""<b>(d) Godkendt anvendelse.</b> Deltageren vil ikke: <b>(i)</b> anvende prøveversionen <b>(A)</b> på måder, der er forbudt i henhold til love, forordninger eller bekendtgørelser eller dekreter; <b>(B)</b> krænke andres rettigheder; <b>(C)</b> forsøge at få uautoriseret adgang til eller få tjenester, enheder, konti eller netværk til at bryde sammen; <b>(D)</b> distribuere uopfordrede kommercielle mails eller malware; <b>(E)</b> på en måde, der kan skade prøveversionen eller en andens brug af den; eller <b>(ii)</b> foretage ""reverse engineering"", dekompilering, disassemblering eller arbejde i forbindelse med tekniske begrænsninger i prøveversionen. Deltageren vil svare på tredjeparters krav vedrørende dennes anvendelse af prøveversionen eller kundedata (f.eks. i henhold til den amerikanske lov om ophavsret) og vil overholde dem, hvis det er nødvendigt for at overholde love."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(e) Software.</b> If the Preview includes any software, Participant may install and use it on its devices only with (and for so long as Participant has the right to use) such Preview under this Agreement. Participant will comply with any additional terms that may accompany such software. Participant must uninstall any such software when its right to use the Preview ends (and Microsoft may also disable it at that time).",,"<b>(e) Software.</b> Hvis prøveversionen omfatter software, må deltageren kun installere og anvende den på sine enheder sammen med (eller i det tidsrum, som deltageren har ret til at bruge) en sådan prøveversion i henhold til denne aftale. Deltageren vil overholde eventuelle yderligere vilkår, som måtte gælde for denne software. Deltageren skal fjerne en sådan software, når dennes ret til at anvende prøveversionen ophører (og Microsoft kan til enhver tid deaktivere den).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(f) Updates.</b> Microsoft may (but is not obligated to) provide updated versions of the Preview, including by downloading updated software to Participant’s devices. Any such update may add, remove, or change features of the Preview. Participant will install (if applicable) and will use only such updated versions after Microsoft provides such updates.",,"<b>(f) Opdateringer.</b> Microsoft kan (men er ikke forpligtet til at) levere opdaterede versioner af prøveversionen, herunder ved at downloade opdateret software til deltagerens enheder. Sådanne opdateringer kan tilføje, fjerne eller ændre funktioner i prøveversionen. Deltageren vil først installere (hvis det er relevant) og anvende sådanne opdaterede versioner, efter at Microsoft har leveret sådanne opdateringer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(g) Third party sites.</b> Any links to third-party websites included in the Preview is provided for convenience only, and Microsoft is not responsible for the content of any such sites.",,"<b>(g) Tredjepartswebsteder.</b> Links til tredjepartswebsteder, som er inkluderet i prøveversionen, er kun ment som en praktisk foranstaltning, og Microsoft er ikke ansvarlig for indholdet af sådanne websteder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(h) Non-Microsoft software.</b> If Participant installs or uses any non-Microsoft software with the Preview: <b>(i)</b> Microsoft is not bound by any terms governing Participant’s use of such software; <b>(ii)</b> Participant directs and controls such installation and use (e.g., through use of application programming interfaces and other means that may be part of the Preview); and <b>(iii)</b> Participant may not do so in a way that would subject Microsoft intellectual property rights or technology to obligations beyond those in this Agreement. Microsoft will not run or copy such non-Microsoft software outside of its relationship with Participant.",,"<b>(h) Software, der ikke er fra Microsoft.</b> Hvis deltageren installerer eller bruger software, der ikke er fra Microsoft, sammen med prøveversionen: <b>(i)</b> Microsoft er ikke bundet af vilkår, der gælder for deltagerens brug af sådan software; <b>(ii)</b> Deltageren leder og administrerer en sådan installation og brug (f.eks. ved hjælp af grænseflader til programmering af applikationer eller andre funktioner, som kan være en del af prøveversionen); og <b>(iii)</b> deltageren må ikke gøre dette på en måde, der underkaster Microsofts immaterielle rettigheder eller teknologi andre forpligtelser end dem, der er angivet i denne aftale. Microsoft vil ikke køre eller kopiere sådan software, der ikke er fra Microsoft, medmindre det sker i forbindelse med dennes relation til deltageren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(i) Competitive Benchmarking.</b> If Participant offers a service competitive to the Preview, Participant waives any restrictions on competitive use and benchmark testing in the terms governing its competitive service by using the Preview. If Participant does not intend to waive such restrictions in its terms of use, Participant may not use the Preview.",,"<b>(i) Konkurrencemæssig benchmarking.</b> Hvis deltageren tilbyder en tjeneste, der konkurrerer med prøveversionen, giver deltageren afkald på enhver begrænsning for konkurrencemæssig brug og benchmarktest i de vilkår, der gælder for dennes konkurrerende tjeneste, ved at bruge prøveversionen. Hvis deltageren ikke har til hensigt at give afkald på sådanne begrænsninger i dennes vilkår for anvendelse, må deltageren ikke bruge prøveversionen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 2. Use of Previews.",,"Sektion 2. Brug af prøveversioner.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The applicable MLA terms (which may be incorporated in the MLA by reference) pertaining to collection, use, and location of Customer Data (as such terms are modified in the MLA to apply to previews) will apply to collection, use, and location of Customer Data under this Agreement. The accuracy and performance of the Preview improves by having had access to large volumes of data. Microsoft will solely own any enhancements or improvements to the Preview arising from access to and use of Customer Data. Microsoft may also use information derived from Customer Data if such use does not include Customer Data and no Customer Data can be reverse engineered from such use.",,""De gældende MLA-vilkår (som kan indgå i MLA'en som reference), der vedrører indsamling, brug og placering af kundedata (eftersom sådanne vilkår er ændret i MLA'en til at gælde for prøveversioner), vil gælde for indsamling, brug og placering af kundedata i henhold til denne aftale. Nøjagtigheden og ydeevnen for prøveversionen forbedres takket være adgangen til store datamængder. Microsoft ejer kun enhver forbedring af prøveversionen, som hidrører fra adgangen til og brugen af kundedata. Microsoft kan også bruge oplysninger, som er udledt af kundedata, hvis en sådan brug ikke omfatter kundedata, og der kan ikke foretages ""reverse engineering"" af sådanne kundedata på basis af en sådan brug."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(a) Data Transfers.</b> Customer Data and Personal Data that Microsoft processes on Customer’s behalf may be transferred to, and stored and processed in, the United States or any other country in which Microsoft or its subprocessors operate. Customer appoints Microsoft to perform any such transfer of Customer Data and Personal Data to any such country and to store and process Customer Data and Personal Data to provide the Preview. Microsoft will abide by the requirements of European Economic Area and Swiss data protection law regarding the collection, use, transfer, retention, and other processing of Personal Data from the European Economic Area and Switzerland. All transfers of Personal Data to a third country or an international organization will be subject to appropriate safeguards as described in Article 46 of the GDPR ((EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC) and such transfers and safeguards will be documented according to Article 30(2) of the GDPR. In addition, Microsoft is certified to the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks and the commitments they entail. Microsoft agrees to notify Customer if it makes a determination that it can no longer meet its obligation to provide the same level of protection as is required by the Privacy Shield principles.",,"<b>(a) Dataoverførsler.</b> Kundedata og personlige data, som Microsoft behandler på kundens vegne, kan overføres til og gemmes og behandles i USA eller i et andet land, hvor Microsoft eller dets underleverandører opererer. Kunden udpeger Microsoft til at udføre sådanne overførsler af kundedata og personlige data til et sådant land og at lagre og behandle kundedata og personlige data med henblik på at levere prøveversionen. Microsoft vil overholde kravene i databeskyttelseslovene for EU, EØS og Schweiz vedrørende indsamling, brug, overførsel, opbevaring og anden behandling af personlige data fra EU, EØS og Schweiz. Alle overførsler af personlige data til et tredje land eller en international organisation er underlagt hensigtsmæssige sikkerhedsforanstaltninger, som beskrevet i Artikel 46 i GDPR ((EU) 2016/679 for Europa-Parlamentet og Rådet af 27. april 2016 vedrørende beskyttelse af fysiske personer med hensyn til behandling af personlige data og vedrørende den frie bevægelse af sådanne data samt ophævelse af direktiv 95/46/EF), og sådanne overførsler og sikkerhedsforanstaltninger vil være dokumenteret i henhold til Artikel 30(2) i GDPR. Desuden er Microsoft certificeret i henhold til rammerne i EU-USA og Schweiz-USA- privatlivsskjoldet og de forpligtelser, som disse fastsætter. Microsoft indvilliger i at underrette kunden, hvis den beslutter, at den ikke længere kan opfylde sin forpligtelse om at levere det samme niveau af beskyttelse, som kræves i henhold til principperne i privatlivsskjoldet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 3. Customer Data.",,"Sektion 3. Kundedata.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All rights not expressly granted are reserved by the applicable rights holder, and no rights or licenses are granted (or deemed granted) by implication, estoppel, or exhaustion.",,"Alle de rettigheder, der ikke udtrykkeligt gives, forbeholdes af den pågældende rettighedsindehaver, og der gives ikke rettigheder eller licenser (og ingen rettigheder eller licenser anses for at være givet) gennem underforståelse, antagelse eller konsumption.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 4. Reservation of rights.",,"Sektion 4. Forbehold af rettigheder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(a) Existing NDA.</b> The information shared under this Agreement (except Feedback) is Confidential Information (defined in the NDA) subject to the Microsoft non-disclosure agreement, if any, between the parties (<b><i>""NDA""</i></b>). If the parties do not have an NDA that is in effect, then Sections 5(b) – (c) will apply."",,""<b>(a) Eksisterende NDA.</b> De oplysninger, der deles i henhold til denne aftale (undtagen feedback), er fortrolige oplysninger (defineret i NDA), som er underlagt Microsofts aftale om hemmeligholdelse, hvis det er relevant, mellem parterne (<b><i>""NDA""</i></b>). Hvis der ikke er en gældende NDA mellem parterne, gælder sektion 5(b) – (c)."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(b) Definition.</b> ""Confidential Information"" means non-public information, know-how, or trade secrets in any form that are designated confidential or that a reasonable person knows or reasonably should know to be confidential. Confidential Information does not include any information, however designated, that: <b>(i)</b> is or becomes publicly available without a breach of this Agreement; <b>(ii)</b> was lawfully known to the receiver of the information without an obligation to keep it confidential; <b>(iii)</b> is received from another source who can disclose it lawfully and without an obligation to keep it confidential; <b>(iv)</b> is independently developed; or <b>(v)</b> is Feedback."",,""""<b>(b) Definition.</b> ""Fortrolige oplysninger"" betyder ikke-offentlige oplysninger, know-how eller handelshemmeligheder i enhver form, som er defineret som fortrolige, eller som en rimelig person ved eller med rimelighed burde vide er fortrolige. Fortrolige oplysninger omfatter ikke oplysninger, der, selv om de er angivet: <b>(i)</b> er eller bliver offentligt tilgængelige, uden at dette udgør et brud på denne aftale; <b>(ii)</b> var lovligt kendt af modtageren af oplysningerne, uden at denne var forpligtet til at behandle dem fortroligt; <b>(iii)</b> er modtaget fra en anden kilde, der kan offentliggøre dem lovligt og uden at være forpligtet til at behandle dem fortroligt; <b>(iv)</b> er udviklet uafhængigt, eller <b>(v)</b> er feedback."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(c) Use.</b> Neither party will disclose the other’s Confidential Information to a third party for five years. Each party will: <b>(i)</b> use such information only for purposes of this business relationship; and <b>(ii)</b> take reasonable steps to protect the other’s Confidential Information. Each party may disclose the other’s Confidential Information to its affiliates, employees, and contractors only on a need-to-know basis, subject to this Section 5. In addition, Confidential Information may also be disclosed as necessary to comply with a judicial or other governmental order, if receiving party either gives: reasonable notice of such disclosure to allow disclosing party a reasonable opportunity to seek a protective order or equivalent; or obtains written assurance from the applicable judicial or governmental entity that it will afford the Confidential Information the highest level of protection available under applicable law, or otherwise as may be required by law.",,"<b>(c) Brug.</b> Ingen af parterne vil offentliggøre den andens fortrolige oplysninger over for en tredjepart i fem år. Hver part vil: <b>(i)</b> kun bruge sådanne oplysninger til formål, der vedrører dette forretningsforhold; og <b>(ii)</b> træffer rimelige foranstaltninger for at beskytte den andens fortrolige oplysninger. Hver part må kun afsløre den anden parts fortrolige oplysninger for sine associerede selskaber, medarbejdere og underleverandører, hvis det er nødvendigt, i overensstemmelse med sektion 5. Desuden kan fortrolige oplysninger også blive offentliggjort efter behov i forbindelse med en retskendelse eller anden myndighedsafgørelse, hvis den modtagende part enten afslører oplysninger med et rimeligt varsel, så den part, der afslører oplysningerne, får rimelig mulighed for at opnå en retskendelse eller lignende; eller får en skriftlig forsikring fra den pågældende juridiske eller offentlige enhed om, at den så vidt muligt vil beskytte de fortrolige oplysninger, i det omfang det er muligt under gældende lov, eller på anden måde, som foreskrevet af gældende lov.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 5. Confidentiality.",,"Sektion 5. Fortrolighed.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""In connection with the Preview, Microsoft may create documentation, films, photographs, referrals, quotations, or other recordings or materials (<b><i>""Publicity Materials""</i></b>)."",,""I forbindelse med prøveversionen, kan Microsoft udarbejde dokumentation, film, billeder, henvisninger, citater eller andre optagelser eller materialer (<b><i>""Reklamematerialer""</i></b>)."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(a) Rights.</b> Participant grants Microsoft the non-exclusive right to: <b>(i)</b> use Participant’s name, trademarks and service marks, and logos (<b><i>""Marks""</i></b>) in such Publicity Materials; <b>(ii)</b> interview and film, photograph, and record its employees and business operations at mutually agreed times and locations; and <b>(iii)</b> use Participant’s or its employees’ names, voices, statements, and likenesses (<b><i>""Name and Likeness""</i></b>) as embodied in the Publicity Materials for advertising, marketing, promotional, editorial, and public relations purposes in relation to the Preview, in any and all media and formats. Participant will obtain (and represents and warrants that it has obtained) all releases and clearances necessary to grant all rights required under this Section 6."",,""<b>(a) Rettigheder.</b> Deltageren giver Microsoft ikke-eksklusiv ret til at: <b>(i)</b> bruge deltagerens navn, varemærker og servicemærker samt logoer (<b><i>""Mærker""</i></b>) i reklamematerialer; <b>(ii)</b> interview og film, billeder samt registrere dennes medarbejdere og forretningsaktiviteter på gensidigt aftalte tidspunkter og steder; og <b>(iii)</b> bruge deltagerens eller dennes medarbejderes navne, stemmer, erklæringer og lignende (<b><i>""Navn og billede""</i></b>) som i reklamematerialerne til annoncerings-, markedsførings-, salgsfremmende, redaktionelle og reklameformål i forbindelse med prøveversionen i ethvert medie og format. Deltageren vil få (og erklærer og garanterer at have modtaget) alle versioner og godkendelser, der er nødvendige for at give alle de rettigheder, der er påkrævet i henhold til sektion 6."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(b) Approvals.</b> Participant will have the right to approve, before Microsoft’s first use, any Publicity Materials that include Marks or Name and Likeness. Participant will promptly review and either approve or disapprove them (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld) within five business days of receipt. Failure to respond within such five-day period will be deemed approval. Participant is solely responsible for bringing to Microsoft’s attention any factual errors or removing Participant’s Confidential Information from Publicity Materials.",,"<b>(b) Godkendelser.</b> Inden Microsoft begynder at bruge reklamematerialerne, har deltageren ret til at godkende alle reklamematerialer, inklusive mærker, navn og billede. Deltageren vil hurtigt gennemse og enten godkende eller afvise dem (en sådan godkendelse må ikke holdes tilbage uden grund) senest fem dage efter modtagelsen. Manglende svar inden fem dage anses for godkendelse. Deltageren er kun ansvarlig for at gøre Microsoft opmærksom på faktuelle fejl eller fjernelse af deltagerens fortrolige oplysninger fra reklamematerialer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 6. Publicity.",,"Sektion 6. Reklame.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(a) Mutual.</b> Each party represents and warrants to the other that: <b>(i)</b> it has all necessary rights, title, and authority to enter into and perform under this Agreement; <b>(ii)</b> its performance under this Agreement will not breach any agreement with a third party; and <b>(iii)</b> it will comply with any and all laws, rules, and regulations applicable to its performance under this Agreement.",,"<b>(a) Gensidig.</b> Hver part erklærer og garanterer over den anden part, at: <b>(i)</b> denne har alle nødvendige rettigheder, ejendomsret og tilladelse til at indgå og handle i henhold til denne aftale; <b>(ii)</b> dennes aktiviteter i henhold til denne aftale ikke udgør et brud på en aftale med en tredjepart; og <b>(iii)</b> denne vil overholde alle de love, regler og bestemmelser, som gælder for dennes aktiviteter i henhold til nærværende aftale.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(b) Disclaimer.</b> Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement and to the extent applicable law permits, Microsoft: <b>(i)</b> provides the Preview ""as-is""; <b>(ii)</b> provides no warranties (express, implied, statutory, or otherwise), including of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose; and <b>(iii)</b> does not guarantee that the Preview will be uninterrupted, available, or error-free, or that loss of Participant’s Customer Data will not occur. Without limiting the above, Microsoft is not liable for any damage to hardware or software or loss of files or data related to use of the Preview."",,""<b>(b) Ansvarsfraskrivelse.</b> Medmindre andet er udtrykkeligt angivet i nærværende aftale, og i det omfang det er tilladt ved gældende lov: <b>(i)</b> leverer Microsoft prøveversionen ""som den er og forefindes""; <b>(ii)</b> giver Microsoft ingen garantier (udtrykkelige, underforståede, lovbestemte eller andre), herunder garantier for salgbarhed eller egnethed til et bestemt formål; og <b>(iii)</b> Microsoft garanterer ikke, at prøveversionen kører uafbrudt, er tilgængelig eller fejlfri, eller at deltagerens kundedata ikke mistes. Uden begrænsning af ovenstående påtager Microsoft sig ikke ansvar for skader på hardware eller software eller tab af filer eller data i forbindelse med brug af prøveversionen."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(c) Ineffective disclaimer.</b> Liability for breach of an implied warranty that cannot, under applicable law, be disclaimed or excluded is, if permitted by applicable law, limited, at breaching party’s election: <b>(i)</b> for goods, to replacing, repairing, or supplying equivalent goods (or paying the cost of the foregoing or refunding the purchase price); and <b>(ii)</b> for services, to supplying (or paying a third party to supply) the services again or refunding the purchase price.",,"<b>(c) Ineffektiv ansvarsfraskrivelse.</b> Ansvar for brud på en underforstået garanti, som i henhold til gældende lov ikke kan fraskrives eller tages forbehold for, er, hvis gældende lov tillader det, begrænset efter den krænkende parts valg: <b>(i)</b> for varer, til erstatning, reparation eller levering af tilsvarende varer (eller betaling af det foregående eller refundering af købsprisen); og <b>(ii)</b> for tjenester, til levering (eller betaling af en tredjepart for levering) af tjenesterne igen eller refundering af købsprisen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 7. Representations and warranties.",,"Sektion 7. Erklæringer og garantier.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Except as otherwise described in this Section 8 or in Section 7(c), each party’s exclusive remedy for claims under this Agreement is to terminate this Agreement or Participant’s participation in the Preview. Each party’s maximum, aggregate, liability arising out of or related to this Agreement (including related to access or use of the Preview) to you and anyone else, to the maximum extent allowed by law, is limited to direct damages incurred in reasonable reliance, in an amount not to exceed $500. Neither party will be liable for any other damages, including indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages, or for lost revenue, lost profits, lost business information, or business interruption, related to this Agreement, even if the at-fault party knew or should have known such damages were possible. This Section 8 does not apply to claims arising from any breach of confidentiality obligations under Section 5 or to obligations under (or breach of) Section 10.",,"Medmindre andet er angivet i sektion 8 eller sektion 7(c), er hver parts eneste beføjelse ved krav under nærværende aftale at bringe nærværende aftale eller deltagerens anvendelse af prøveversionen til ophør. Hver parts maksimale, samlede ansvar i forbindelse med nærværende aftale (inklusive adgang til eller anvendelse af prøveversionen) i forhold til Dem eller andre er, i det videst mulige omfang, der er tilladt af loven, begrænset til den direkte skade, De har pådraget Dem i rimelig tillid, til et beløb på maksimalt $500. Ingen part kan holdes ansvarlig for andre skader, herunder følgeskader, indirekte, særlige, hændelige, pønalt begrundede skader eller skader, hvor erstatning tilfalder den skadelidte, eller for mistet omsætning, mistet indtjening, mistede forretningsoplysninger eller driftsforstyrrelser i forbindelse med nærværende aftale, selv om den skadevoldende part vidste eller burde have vidst, at sådanne skader var mulige. Sektion 8 gælder ikke for krav som følge af et brud på forpligtelserne vedrørende fortrolighed i henhold til sektion 5 eller forpligtelserne i henhold til (eller brud på) sektion 10.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 8. Limited liability.",,"Sektion 8. Begrænset ansvar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(a) Term;</b> termination rights. The term of this Agreement (""Term"") begins on the Effective Date and continues until terminated or until Microsoft terminates the Preview, whichever occurs first. Either party may terminate this Agreement on 30 days’ notice for any or no reason. Microsoft may also terminate or suspend this Agreement, in whole or part, immediately on notice if Participant breaches this Agreement and the breach is one that cannot be cured. Moreover, this Agreement will terminate automatically following notice to Participant of breach if Participant fails to cure the breach within five days of such notice. This Agreement also terminates automatically and without notice with respect to the Preview when it becomes generally publicly available, other than as a pre-release or ""beta"" product or service, or Microsoft ceases to offer the Preview."",,""<b>(a) Varighed;</b> rettigheder i forbindelse med ophør. Varigheden af nærværende aftale (""Varighed"") begynder på ikrafttrædelsesdatoen og fortsætter, indtil aftalen udløber, eller indtil Microsoft bringer prøveversionen til ophør, eller den af disse to hændelser, der indtræffer først. En af parterne kan uden nogen begrundelse bringe nærværende aftale til ophør med 30 dages varsel. Microsoft kan også omgående bringe nærværende aftale til ophør eller suspendere den, helt eller delvist, ved meddelelse, hvis deltageren bryder nærværende aftale, og der ikke kan rådes bod på bruddet. Desuden ophører nærværende aftale automatisk efter meddelelse til den deltager, der har brudt aftalen, hvis deltageren undlader at råde bod på bruddet inden fem dage efter en sådan meddelelse. Nærværende aftale ophører også automatisk og uden varsel, når prøveversionen bliver almindeligt, offentligt tilgængelig, og ikke længere er en foreløbig version eller et ""beta""-produkt eller en ""beta""-tjeneste, eller Microsoft holder op med at tilbyde prøveversionen."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(b) Effect of Termination.</b> On termination or expiration of this Agreement, Participant must stop using the Preview. Sections 1(b), 2(i), 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 will survive such expiration or termination.",,"<b>(b) Virkning af ophør.</b> Ved ophør eller udløb af nærværende aftale skal deltageren holde op med at bruge prøveversionen. Sektion 1(b), 2(i), 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 og 11 gælder fortsat efter et sådant udløb eller ophør.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 9. Term and termination.",,"Sektion 9. Varighed og ophør.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Agreement",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-aftale",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't validate all characters. You can use @, #, $ and alphanumeric characters.",,"Vi kunne ikke validere alle tegn. 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Please check back later.",,"Vi kan desværre ikke vise Bing-kortene lige nu. Kom tilbage senere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your current data set doesn't contain post location data. Consider removing active filters, editing the time frame, or selecting a different search topic.",,"Dit aktuelle datasæt indeholder ingen indlægslokationsdata. 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See the total number of posts and the average number of posts per day.",,"Kontrollér mængden for dit søgeemne eller din søgekategori. 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Please reconfigure Social Insights or contact your system administrator.",,"Denne widget er udfaset. Konfigurer Social indsigt igen, eller kontakt systemadministratoren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Widget not found",,"Widgetten blev ikke fundet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "change",,"ændring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get insights about what people are talking about",,"Få indsigt i, hvad folk taler om",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Share: %{authorsShare}%",,"Del: %{authorsShare}%",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{formatted_count} other |||| %{formatted_count} others",,"%{formatted_count} anden |||| %{formatted_count} andre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See an excerpt for the 5 most recent posts.",,"Se et udtræk for de fem seneste indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open in Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Åbn i Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Line chart. Displays the search and social activity in the selected time frame.",,"Kurvediagram. Viser søgeaktiviteten og den sociale aktivitet i den valgte tidsramme.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social average",,"Socialt gennemsnit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social volume",,"Social volumen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Volume (All Sources)",,"Volumen (alle kilder)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get trend data based on consumer search volumes, scaled from 0 (no volume) to 100 (peak volume).",,"Hent tendensdata, der er baseret på forbrugeres søgevolumener, skaleret fra 0 (ingen volumen) til 100 (største volumen).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bing search trend: %{value}",,"Bing Search-tendens: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See how the volume of activity changed in the selected time frame",,"Se, hvordan aktivitetsvolumenet har ændret sig i den valgte tidsramme",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{volume}% are edited sentiment",,"%{volume}% er redigeret synspunkt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Normalized Value",,"Normaliseret værdi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{posts}% of posts in your data set",,"%{posts}% af indlæg i dit datasæt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{formatted_count} post with tags |||| %{formatted_count} posts with tags",,"%{formatted_count} indlæg med mærker |||| %{formatted_count} indlæg med mærker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Volume: %{count} post |||| Volume: %{count} posts",,"Mængde: %{count} indlæg |||| Mængde: %{count} indlæg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Share: %{post_share}%",,"Del: %{post_share}%",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "List. 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Der indsamles ingen nye indlæg fra denne forfatter i fremtiden, og alle søgeregler for sociale profiler for denne forfatter slettes.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{name}: %{volume}% of posts in your top topics",,"%{name}: %{volume}% af indlæg i dine vigtigste emner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See how the number of posts is trending over time.",,"Se, hvordan tendensen udvikler sig for antallet af indlæg over tid.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "(%{trend} %{icon})",,"(%{trend} %{icon})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Negative trend",,"Negativ tendens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Neutral trend",,"Neutral tendens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Positive trend",,"Positiv tendens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unknown trend",,"Ukendt tendens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Not enough data available to calculate trend",,"Der er ikke nok data til at beregne tendens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Trending Phrases",,"Tendenssætninger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Switch to chart view",,"Skift til diagramvisning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Switch to table view",,"Skift til tabelvisning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get a quick summary of the number of posts, how your search is trending, where your posts are coming from and the current sentiment.",,"Få en hurtig oversigt over antallet af indlæg, hvordan tendensen er for din søgning, hvor dine indlæg kommer fra og det aktuelle synspunkt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Find details about how many posts are showing up, and how the search topic or category you're interested in is trending. 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Se det samlede antal indlæg og det gennemsnitlige antal indlæg pr. dag.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The Buzz will help you keep track of the volume of posts overall on all active sources for your search topic or category.",,"Emnemængde gør det muligt at spore den overordnede indlægsmængde på alle aktive kilder i forhold til dit søgeemne eller din kategori.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See how the sentiment varies among sources. Is Facebook positive while Twitter is neutral? Find out.",,"Se, hvordan synspunktet varierer fra kilde til kilde. Er Facebook positiv, mens Twitter er neutral? Find ud af det.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Find details about the number of posts, the sentiment index and the change in sentiment index of your active sources.",,"Find oplysninger om antallet af indlæg, synspunktsindekset og ændringen i synspunktsindekset for dine aktive kilder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See a chart that compares where the posts are coming from.",,"Se et diagram, der sammenligner, hvor indlæggene kommer fra.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "At a glance, you can see the most active sources associated with your search topic or category.",,"Du kan hurtigt se de meste aktive kilder, der er knyttet til dit søgeemne eller din kategori.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sources share of voice",,"Kilder – deling af synspunkter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See peaks and valleys in the volume of posts for each source separately over time.",,"Se højde- og lavpunkter i antallet af indlæg over tid separat for hver kilde.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "At a glance, you can identify significant peaks in your post volume on specific sources.",,"Du kan hurtigt identificere højdepunkter i indlægsmængden på bestemte kilder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See the top 5 languages with the most posts about your search topic or category.",,"Se de vigtigste fem sprog, der har flest indlæg om dit søgeemne eller din søgekategori.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "At a glance, you can see which languages were used the most.",,"Du kan hurtigt se, hvilke sprog der benyttes mest.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See the top languages with the most posts.",,"Se de vigtigste sprog med de fleste indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Find details about the most active languages that were used in the posts of your search topic or category.",,"Find oplysninger om de mest aktive sprog, der blev brugt i indlæggene om dit søgeemne eller din kategori.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See the top 5 authors who are posting the most about your search topic or category.",,"Se de vigtigste fem forfattere, der har oprettet flest indlæg om dit søgeemne eller din søgekategori.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See which authors are mentioning your search topic or category the most. You'll find details about the author's reach, the number of posts, the author's share of voice, and the trend change.",,"Se, hvilke forfattere der nævner dit søgeemne eller -kategori mest. Du kan finde detaljer om forfatterens rækkevidde, antal indlæg, forfatterens deling af synspunkter og ændringen i tendens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Most active authors",,"De mest aktive forfattere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Find details about the most recent posts in your search topic or category, including the source, an author's reach, and the language of the posts.",,"Find oplysninger om de seneste indlæg om dit søgeemne eller din kategori, herunder kilden, en forfatters rækkevidde og sproget i indlæggene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Correlate sentiment about the search topic with dates and events. See the history for a time frame.",,"Korreler synspunkt om søgeemnet med datoer og hændelser. Se oversigten for en tidsramme.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See when significant changes in sentiment occurred. The black line indicates the sentiment index. The green line indicates the average sentiment index in your time frame.",,"Se, hvornår der skete markante ændringer i synspunktet. Den sorte streg angiver synspunktsindekset. Den grønne streg angiver det gennemsnitlige synspunktsindeks i din tidsramme.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See a chart that compares the positive, negative, or neutral posts.",,"Se et diagram, der sammenligner de positive, negative eller neutrale indlæg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "At a glance, you can see the sentiment of your search topic.",,"Du kan hurtigt se synspunktet for dit søgeemne.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See a bar graph comparing the number of positive and negative posts by day.",,"Se et søjlediagram, der sammenligner antallet af positive og negative indlæg pr. dag.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Find details about the number of posts with positive or negative sentiment in your search topic.",,"Find oplysninger om antallet af indlæg med positivt eller negativt synspunkt i dit søgeemne.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See where the posts are coming from. Quickly check sources like Facebook and Twitter.",,"Se, hvor indlæggene kommer fra. Undersøg hurtigt kilder som f.eks. Facebook og Twitter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get the details about the number of posts, the trend change, and the share of voice of your active sources.",,"Få oplysninger om antallet af indlæg, tendensændringen og delingen af synspunkter for dine aktive kilder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See where your posts are coming from.",,"Se, hvor dine indlæg kommer fra.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "At a glance, you can see the top 5 locations where most of your posts are coming from.",,"Du kan hurtigt se de fem bedste lokationer, hvor de fleste af dine indlæg kommer fra.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Word cloud. Get insights about the most significant phrases.",,"Ordsky. Få indsigt i de mest betydningsfulde sætninger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Top phrases",,"Vigtigste sætninger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Find details about how the post volume of your search topic or category is trending. The Trend change compares the past five time frames to your current time frame.",,"Find oplysninger om, hvordan tendensen er for indlægsmængden i forhold til dit søgeemne eller din kategori. Tendensændringen sammenligner de seneste fem tidsrammer med din aktuelle tidsramme.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See peaks and valleys in the volume of posts for all sources over time.",,"Se højde- og lavpunkter i antallet af indlæg over tid for alle kilder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quickly identify significant peaks in your post volume. The red line indicates the total number of posts. The grey line indicates the average number of posts from the past five time frames.",,"Identificer hurtigt væsentlige højdepunkter i indlægsmængden. Den røde streg angiver det samlede antal indlæg. Den grå streg angiver det gennemsnitlige antal indlæg fra de seneste fem tidsrammer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Insights for Dynamics 365.",,"Social indsigt til Dynamics 365.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Insights",,"Social indsigt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Shows the dialog for configuring Social Insights in Dynamics 365",,"Viser dialogboksen til konfiguration af Social indsigt i Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Insights Configuration",,"Konfiguration af Social indsigt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Configure Social Insights",,"Konfigurer Social indsigt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CR